Local Government TV

Monday, July 18, 2022

Zrinski to Auction Original Artwork

Fresh off her State Senate loss, Northampton County Council member Tara Zrinski is hosting a fundraiser to pay legal fees incurred in a frivolous lawsuit contesting the vote tally. She claims she's also raising money to help fund the campaigns of other unspecified women. "The future is female," she explains.

Like Hunter Biden, she will conduct an auction "featuring some of my original artwork."


  1. Please tell us that you're pulling our legs; that this is some kind of bizarre joke. Do I understand correctly that some of my fellow County residents actually voted for her to be a county commissioner?

  2. A dem told me that she has made this an annual event to fund her endless campaigns. Who does the accounting of this money? How many women share the wealth? The amazing thing is the dems continue to hand over their money to this character who has yet to move past county council despite her well-funded attempts. So, this is going to be a big-time politician type yearly money grab. Move over Boscola, there is a new woman in town.

    The dems are so easy to scam.

  3. That looks like Elin degenerates frazzled drip shirt copy right infringment.

  4. Why the hate? I've already purchased on of works called "Save Me." It features a fattened Thanksgiving turkey drawn by making an outline of one's hand and fingers, with the thumb for the head. It's not the Mona Lisa. But it's not bad. We have a responsibility to support the developmentally challenged. Art enables us to do that.

  5. So, did she create a PAC or non-profit to fund candidates and cover her legal bills?

    Is the artwork sale real or a gag?

  6. Hunter Biden?

    Who the Hell is that? I consider myself to be a well informed intellectual and am always listening to NPR and reading the NYT. Can you stick to subjects people have heard about?

  7. OMG, can't she find another state or part of the world to spread her knowledge and artistry. What a lousy role model.

  8. A total nut case. She hates men. Only out for herself. Polarize divide and conquer is her motto. No wonder the world is screwed up.

  9. "So, did she create a PAC or non-profit to fund candidates and cover her legal bills?"

    She has a campaign PAC and raises a lot of money and yes, she really is auctioning off her "artwork."

    I have no problem with anyone who wants to help more women get elected. But I consider "the future is female" statement, along with other slams she has made at men, to be divisive and sexist. She is a misandrist. I voted for her on Council solely bc (1) she is responsive and (2) The GOP candidates refused to answer my questionnaire. I would never vote for her as a state rep or member of the state senate.

    1. Is that drawing above, along side your write up, say "Men Suck" or "Suck Men". Asking for my gay friend who may want to bid on it.

  10. She lost to a 20 something with nearly no experience who sits on the Allentown School Board. She may want to quit politics at this point. ASD board members happily raise property taxes to the maximum extent every year to pay for a floundering district that ought to be shut down. How could she lose this primary???

  11. Her face is a work of art. A Picasso!

  12. What is the attribution of the featured drawing? Where might it be obtained? The message is deep and meaningful. It touches nerves made raw by centuries of oppression from the patriarchy, tire advertisements, and toilet seats left up. It's so elegant in its simplicity. It speaks to me and I am moved. I must have it. Please advise? TIA.

  13. I so want to comment, but I am also at a loss for words. This “art” is something you could find in most elementary schools (primary grades). I also don’t get the “men suck” nonsense. Civility really isn’t hard and something that should be practiced by our “leaders.”

  14. I think most people get this, but I better be clear. Zrinski does intend to auction off her artwork at her next fundraiser, but the sample you see here is not by her. It is an attempt at humor, and I intend to auction it off.

  15. "Is that drawing above, along side your write up, say "Men Suck" or "Suck Men". Asking for my gay friend who may want to bid on it."

    Whatever floats your boat.

  16. That is your artwork? Damn,....boy. You better start off with a GoFundMe page for art lessons!!!

  17. While the idea of someone holding a fundraiser to pay election debt is common, the problem seems to be that a woman is doing it.
    When politicians female and male comes close to the general population mix then her statement might be over the top.
    As to painting seems Dubya started the trend.
    Hunter Biden is not a politician, so that is just an example of him grifting off of a name.
    A better choice might be Palin's kid who is not a politician that got paid 6 figures to give abstinence talks to young girls while having multiple children out of wedlock.
    At least then it would be a female politicians kid.

  18. Tara may buy that artwork from you and use it as her next campaign yard sign design.

  19. She is wearing out the "female only" slogan. Does she realize that when you ostracize any group of people you hurt your chance of winning elections on a large scale. She knows how to rile up the middle age liberal white ladies but turns off even moderate men and women that feel she is playing games to get money. At some point the I am an angry middle age white woman gets old.

  20. "The dems are so easy to scam."

    Tell me more about trump's 'election defense fund' Trump and his allies raised $250m from the emails by persuading loyal followers to donate to a fund that did not exist.

    1. Exactly 8:56. The "Build the Wall" find was a complete hoax. Steven Bannon would already be in jail right now, had he not gotten a pardon. Republicans have tunnel vision.


  21. Sanity is the Future. Critical thinking is a plus. Everyone is welcome.


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