Local Government TV

Friday, July 29, 2022

Wild-Scheller Race Will Be Close

Incumbent Congress member Susan Wild,is seeking re-election to a seat she first won in 2018. She was re-elected in a close race against business owner Lisa Scheller in 2020. Scheller is facing Wild again. Usually, once a Congress member is re-elected once, it gets easier. But that's not the case for Wild. Her congressional district was redrawn and now includes a small portion of Carbon County, which is more conservative than the rest of the district. 

The Cook Political Report rates her race as "lean Republican," while Sabato's Crystal Ball calls it a "toss-up." 


  1. Wild will and should win. She is a responsive representative and is everywhere. She is pragmatic but willing to fight hard on issues she is passionate about. Overall, she's been a great rep. She's one of the few politician's I'll knock doors for.

  2. Wild is another, "The future is female" advocate. She is not very responsive and ignores anyone that can't do something for her. Some democrat men are offended by her anti-male actions and superior attitude end will not support her. Time for her to get off her high horse.

  3. I don't know how conservatives square their rhetoric on the threats posed by China with Lisa Scheller's business operations and interests involving that country.

    I don't agree with Scheller's views on nearly anything and will be voting Wild, but she seems like a decent person in general. I appreciate and respect her openness about addiction and efforts in the recovery community. It shows empathy in a way that a lot of MAGA-style Republicans lack and often see as weakness.

  4. Anon - 12:10 She’s not pragmatic, but a “socialist “ that parks her next to Communist. She may not get re-elected . Democrats are in trouble now in midterm. The middle class is hit the hardest as they go to work for paychecks. Bottom feeders are always feed the same,and don’t have to be anywhere, and those that make $188,000 or MORE a year will survive by just cutting back on BMWs and getting a Ford. Retired people like me are feeling the strain of inflation and fuel costs for both vehicles and household. Food costs by us are offset by eating less I can prove it—- I’m down under my Marine Corps boot camp discharge weight 51 years ago in fact —Meanwhile the Secretary of Transportation says Get an electric vehicle. Oh ya? He’s a Expert too , he’s been rear ended a few times .

  5. Susan Wild has been a hardcore Nancy Pelosi supporter despite her efforts to claim otherwise. It was reported Wild voted 100% with Nancy Pelosi. If true, Wild appears not to care what half her constituents back home think about issues. Everyone screams they prefer their Representative to be bi-partisan. As a fiscal Conservative, I have no plans to vote for Susan Wild. Government spending way out of control.

  6. she's nothing but a Nancy Pelosi puppet

    good riddance

  7. "She is pragmatic but willing to fight hard on issues she is passionate about."
    Yep. Not my issues though.

  8. I’ve been told Susan Wild is a nice person. But she is supportive of the radical agendas and policies that have landed this country in its current crisis.

    She is at the far left tip of the radical wing of her party, and therefore not representative of the moderate liberals and moderate conservatives that dominate her district.

    She’s not one of us. She’s a Pelosi. A Schiff. An AOC.

    Her voting record puts her in their laps and not on our porches.

    Susan Wild must go

  9. As a Republican, I'm not comfortable with her footprint in China. Not a fan of Wild who somehow wasn't aware of the issues in Allentown. I'll pass on both.

  10. Gerrymandering is a reprehensible process, whichever party does it.

  11. Susan Wild has proven herself as an excellent representative for the Lehigh Valley and a brave survivor of the January 6th attack on the Capital. She’s the daughter of an Air Force veteran and grew up with responsibilities. Scheller has had everything handed to her including a successful family business. Scheller developed the business and now employs more Chinese than Americans. I think I know who I’m voting for.

  12. @7:35AM "she's nothing but a Nancy Pelosi puppet"

    And Scheller will be what? Some pillar of moderation and bipartisanship? Or will she be a GOP puppet that you're cool with because of your "Yay team!" spirit?

    Unless Lisa Scheller has the balls to denounce J6 and any association with Trump and his treasonous lies, she isn't worthy of anyone's vote beyond the standard FOXNews watching robots that pass as Republicans these days.

    Good riddance indeed.

  13. I'm undecided right now. This is a very important congressional race and a tough one for me, as I'm not nuts about either candidate. I'm leaning Scheller right now only because I'm not very enthusiastic about the direction of the country right now and I agree it's time for a new direction in Congress. The Democrats are becoming more liberal/less centrist, too focused on issues that appeal to young people and less focused on issues that appeal to the middle class. I can see a pending red wave this Fall.

  14. Horrible options. But Wild voted for all the pain were currently receiving in order to satisfy her California environmentalist donors. Her votes reflect a lack of concern for her constituents, who are suffering because of her. She should lose her job for helping create this depression.

  15. Wild voted in lockstep with Pelosi. Now she's trying to tell us she's a moderate? Josh Gottheimer in NJ is a moderate, she's a far left liberal. Scheller got herself tied up with that knucklehead what's his face, a shame because she seems like a genuine nice person. As far as China, LOL half of congress has investments in China, just ask Hunter and Joe.

  16. @12:09/12:11

    I don't disagree with either of you, but my main hang up is that Republicans had control until 2018 and it was a shit show then too, arguably worse than the current dumpster fire and we voted them out. I really don't hear or see any ideas or policies being put forth from the GOP beyond a simple "We're not them!" and I'm not really inclined to reward them for nothing but being patient and waiting for it to be their turn behind the wheel again where they'll just F things up in the opposite direction...

    They're all cowards who hide behind talking points that please their base voters, but all they do is the bidding of their corporate donors.

  17. Democrats are surely doing a good job look at inflation, gas prices, the border, foreign affairs, we must keep voting for democrats surely, they will lead us to the promise land.

    1. Inflation, gas prices, foreign affairs all driven by a world wide pandemic which lingers on due to people who refuse to take steps to end it.

  18. Like what’s going on in this country?

    The economy?
    Mass illegal immigration?
    World standing?

    Susan Wilds voting record is supportive of ALL of it.

    She needs to be voted out of DC and sent back to Allentown where she can continue to advise other corrupt politicians.

    She must go.

  19. J6 bad .... blah ... blah.... it's the economy, stupid. And it stinks out loud since Uncle Touchy took office.

  20. Wild must support Pelosi she needs the money

  21. @ July 29, 2022 at 7:49 AM

    "She’s not one of us. She’s a Pelosi. A Schiff. An AOC."

    You cannot simultaneously be a Pelosi and an AOC. They aren't even on the same wavelength.

  22. I see people asking how often Susan Wild votes with Biden. Here is the facts,data,numbers in which republicans do instead of CNN/MSNBC talking points. She votes with Biden 100% of the time. Pelosi is also 100% of the time. Bernie why no post on how Susan spoke about tax paying people in Carbon County. Link below and await your post.




  23. 3:26 - well said! any advise on my investment portfolio? you sound like a smart feller, thanks for the well thought analysis.

  24. Why is it that you have more MAGA comments than real reasonable ones? Congratulations, it is a real compliment that the nut cases come out of the woodwork.

  25. Wild moved from the Allentown criminal enterprise backing the indicted mayor to the polosi crime family. She just backs recovery because Sheller owns and opperate her own recovery opperation from her own resources. Monkey see monkey do government grants vs private resources the public will decide if the election is not compromised again.

  26. Sheller rails against green new deal and alternative energy. Is she caving to Big Oil over sustainable energy? A while back, didn't her company recieve a grant or tax incentives for a 200KWh solar array boasting investment in renewable energy? Seems like double speak.

  27. Why did Susan Wild stop emailing me her weekly "I am the only politician who does anything" emails after I questioned her on several issues she voted for? Am I not a constituent? PS I still get her email through two other email addresses. So I know its not a fluke.

  28. Co-naan the BreadarianJuly 30, 2022 at 10:40 AM

    Wild: 55% of vote, easily. Allentown city voters will give her enough if they have at least a 10-15% turnout.

  29. MAGA people are the smart ones look at the Trump years great for our country now the liberal years with Biden and that left wing cabinet.

  30. Susan Wild will win and so will John Fetterman for PA Senate.

  31. I will give wild credit for knowing how to market her name. Constant emails. Constant expensive mailings. All telling us all the things she is doing. I give her credit for communicating. That's where it ends for me. I have written to her multiple times about things that are important to me and I get the standard letter on the subject. I never ever received a response addressing my concerns. It's wilds way or the highway. I've also never asked for the emails and honestly asked her to stop sending them as what she is doing is not representative of my beliefs. I unfortunately keep getting the weekly wild emails. And some of what she's done really isn't as she makes it sound. The latest is her involvement in companies and union "busting". Companies should be able to make employees aware of the consequences of unions without being hurt financially . There's enough rules associated with what management can do and not do when unions are attempting to enter their workforce. No need for more penalties against companies because they prefer to talk with employees directly.

  32. This guy: "you sound like a smart feller, thanks for the well thought analysis."

    Also this guy: "we're not in recession and things are going swell because ...... because ..... because .... ORANGE MAN BAD! RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA! VACCINES WORK!"

    There's no bottom to the proudly displayed idiocy. And yes, comrade, it's the economy and you're just stupid.

  33. 11:19 - I'll go out on a limb here and say that both are terrible. You MAGA folks are dangerous with violent tendencies. The liberals can be stopped by simply unplugging their tesla. I do believe the Biden administration is a rudderless ship and will be out in 4.

    Now is when you rail about antifa and the rioting and looting of the cities. Problem is it was liberal on liberal looting in the CITIES where you MAGA folks don't live. Oh and I'm pretty sure the looting faction of the liberals don't vote a whole lot.

  34. When did Suzy wild regain her sight, hearing, and ability to speak after being struck blind, deaf, and dumb during Chicago Eddy Pawlwoski's serial felony crime wave?

  35. @3:26 Thank for coming out and blaming the orange tard. He is for sure mister touchy, mister grabby, mister assaulter over and over and over again. It makes you wonder how any women worked anywhere within his arms reach when he admittedly said he could grab any of them, touch any of them wherever he wanted and do almost anything he wanted to do to them because just because they were around him it was ok because he was famous. Then he blamed them for whatever he did to them.

    Makes me wonder what Conway, Huckabee, and Hicks let him get away with to maintain there roles. And other like Greene, Boebert, are doing to be on his good side.

  36. Susan Wild is largely responsible for everything currently going on in this country.

    If you are happy with the way things are, she’s an easy yes vote.

    If not, you must help vote her out.

  37. @6;13 I guess SW is far more impressive then I ever gave her credit for being largely responsible for everything currently going on in this country. WOW I know many in the Lehigh Valley claim to be supreme powers but I guess I have misjudged.

  38. @4:56 her is an interesting read for your point. I have found information saying he has been accused publicly as many as 43 times.


    Heck his own wife accused him of RAPE!


    He has been tied with Epstein and accused of Child Rape on several occasions although none of it was resolved and guess will never be with Epstein's mysterious suicide.


    Also applying some of the statistics I found that 4 in 5 to 9 in 10 women do not report assault or rape. His numbers could be between 160 and 475 additional women he has assaulted or more which have not made it public. And if you were to take all the women at the beauty pageants who he just walked in on and kissed or other thing those number could dramatically increase even further.

  39. 3:26, 10:08 - I'm pretty sure you made my point, again. Keep parroting a term coined by James Carville, an advisor for Clinton in 1992. Against better judgment, I'm kind of enjoying the fact that you are wetting your pants over this. I'm a life long republican that worships no man. You keep watching Fox and let them spoon feed you the threats they want you to believe in. I wouldn't trust you to pick a parking spot.


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