Local Government TV

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Trump Unhinged

I was unimpressed by the first of what have now been six hearings conducted by the January 6 Select Committee. I was bothered by a prime-time production that, contrary to the hype, offered very little that was meaningful. I also believe Congress, instead of being in recess as it almost always id, should be focused like a laser beam on other serious problems like runaway inflation or Putin's landgrab in Ukraine.  As these hearings have progressed, however, I've concluded they are required viewing for anyone who would like our democratic form of government to stay that way. They have demonstrated precisely what Liz Cheney outlined in her opening statement - a seven-pronged effort by President Donald Trump to overturn an election he knew he had lost. Yesterday's hearing showed him as unhinged and unstable. In a hopeful sign, the witnesses who have made this clear are other Republicans. 

Perhaps there's hope for us after all. 

Yesterday's star Republican was Cassidy Hutchinson, top aide to Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. 

Her testimony makes clear that Trump is a megalomaniac. According to what she said, Trump tossed his lunch against a wall when he heard that AG Bill Barr had told the AP that there was no evidence of voter fraud sufficient to change the election results. She helped a valet clean a wall stained with ketchup. She indicated Trump had done that sort of thing before. 

Hutchinson also stated that Trump was incensed on January 6 because armed protesters were being denied access to his "Stop the Steal" rally, conducted moments before the attempted coup.  "They're not here to hurt me," Hutchinson heard him say. This is evidence that Trump knew that these protesters, who soon would become rioters, were armed. 

Hutchinson also spoke of Trump's desire to go to the capitol himself, which is something Rudy Giuliani bragged about with her some day before. When Trump got into the Presidential limo, the head of his Secret Service detail refused to take him there, even after Trump insisted he is "the American' President." Hutchinson herself was not inside the vehicle, but heard the details of that incident in a room in which the head of that Secret Service detail was present. She noted that he never disputed the account. 

Her testimony on this matter is hearsay, but the secret service agents involved have already testified behind closed doors. They will obviously be testifying again.  Pro-Trump news outlets report they will dispute Hutchinson. I'll wait to hear from them. 

Trump actually tried to grab the steering wheel and even attacked the Secret Service officer charged with the responsibility of keeping the President safe.  

Trump, of course, denies Hutchinson's account and called the committee a "kangaroo court." 

He could testify there himself, but refuses. 


  1. Meadows refused to testify too, after providing some revealing text messages. Plain and simple there was a widespread conspiracy, including several Pennsylvania legislators (one running for governor God help use) to overthrow a legitimate election. We came perilously close despite what former Nixon speechwriter Ben Stein ( a person I respected many years ago for his knowledge) says, to going over the edge. A few key people did what was right to not enable the next step to be taken - which could have led to true chaos in the streets.

  2. Trump's warts have warts

  3. While in law school did you skip the day they taught law? All hearsay evidence from secondhand sources said by a freighted girl. She was mad Mr. Trump did not take her to Florida. You hate Trump with your DTS.

    Trump 2024! It is going to happen.

    1. Fortunately for us, her story coincides with every radio transmission communicated that day and video footage show her being everywhere she claimed to be. She’s also under oath which doesn’t mean much to you fake patriots because consistent committing perjury.

      He may not go to jail because he’s rich and influential, but he’s not going to win another presidential election.

  4. Another witch hunt that will fail just like the Russian lie the 2 impeachment failures and everything else the Dems and fake media tried.

  5. I can't stand the orange dope. But this information is third and fourth hand. There are also two Secret Service agents willing to testify that these stories are untrue. They'll not get a chance to be heard. With just two Rs on the committee who were hand picked by Democrats (i.e. the working definition of kangaroo court), it's no wonder nobody cares and/or the hearings have helped Rs' chances in November. Things just keep getting worse for Dems, and will as long as the economy remains in tatters into the fall. It's the economy stupid. Bernie knows this. It's why he's peddling anything Trump-related, including fourth hand stories. November is going to be as blessed as the these two weeks of glorious SCOTUS decisions have been. Happy days are indeed here again! God bless non-leftist America.

    1. I love how all these trump supporters use the Clinton term, "It's the economy stupid", yet they vote for Republicans whose mantra is, "It's the Supreme Court, stupid".

  6. This is a one sided committee that is full of left-wing lies that is so afraid of Trump that they will do anything to discredit Trump, however, people realize what this committee is a anti Trump democratic lie.

  7. All lies a typical democratic ploy to get Trump. The only credit I give to these left wing Dems, is they keep trying but they are complete failures just like their policies.

  8. tRumps only defense is insanity, which of course he is!

  9. Ok Bernie. We shall see.
    It's 725am 6/29/2022.

  10. News reports today are indicating that the Secret Service agents in the car that day are prepared to testify and refute what this woman “heard”.

    I don’t like Trump but the crap being thrown at him stopped passing the smell test a long time ago.

    Keep it up. It isn’t Jan. 6th rioters who are going to put this man back in office.

    It’s going to be disingenuous and overtly dishonest liberals who will.

  11. Hearsay......although I'll admit some things are bothersome it is hearsay as you say until we hear from people who were in the car with the president that day. You know the innocent until proven thing.....

  12. For the life of me, I still don't understand why Pence hasn't come forward with his version of events. For a guy with Presidential ambitions of his own, showing continued loyalty and fealty to Trump who clearly did not have his back just doesn't make any sense.

  13. TDS ALERT!!! TDS ALERT!!! My co-worker told my other co-worker that someone told Bernie that someone told someone else that the Secret Service told them that Trump grabbed the steering wheel from all the way in the back of his limo! And also that Trump has really long arms.

  14. The democratic party's J6 hearings and ongoing threat of criminal prosecution of Trump are doing the republican party a big favor by clearing the deck for an "other than Trump" nominee for president. No matter your affiliation, it's a good thing but it's better for the Rs while the Ds continue to self-destruct with their own form of political craziness. Always be careful what you wish for.

  15. Unhinged!? Really, We look at the current president. That is what unhinged does to our country. This woman's testimony was scripted and what, triple or quadruple hearsay on top of that? Not subject to any cross examination? To blow this up into a crime is an exercise in fantasy. Grabbing the steering wheel of the nation. Good god. Did Trump ride shotgun? Did he leap through the partition? I guess if the drama requires it. This is creative fiction writing. An attempt to grab an audience. But to believe it as real. That's an illness.

  16. Sadly all the FOX News viewers out there don't know what's happening, because all they're seeing/hearing is the 1,452nd story on Hunter Biden's laptop, the 567th story on gas prices, probably some story about "The Border" and probably another couple on the liberal war on 4th of July picnics and possible UFO sightings. Their reality is not our reality.

  17. So the democrats are down to using 4th level hearsay as "evidence" against Trump?

    And it only takes hours for those "witnesses" to have their "testimony" contradicted by the people actually involved?

    But you seem to think that Trump should testify in front of that lynch mob?

    It's no wonder that you're no longer an attorney.

  18. I rejected a comment from someone highly critical of the hearings who admits he has failed to watch a second of them.

  19. Wow the democrats have look bad on every issue and every level of government this is just another example.

  20. The landslide is coming, and boy do need it.

  21. "Unhinged!? Really, We look at the current president. That is what unhinged does to our country.

    You could say Biden is missing a step or two. You could make the case that he is increasingly becoming senile. But no, there is zero evidence that he is or ever has been unhinged.

    This woman's testimony was scripted and what, triple or quadruple hearsay on top of that?

    Most of her testimony was first hand. Her testimony about what had happened inside the beast (Presidential SUV) was hearsay. Not triple or quadruple hearsay. Not admissible in court but certainly fodder for a congressional hearing.

    Not subject to any cross examination?

    Fair point. But whose fault is that?

    To blow this up into a crime is an exercise in fantasy.

    I have not accused him of a crime. ... Yet. The evidence yesterday shows he was aware the soon-to-be rioters were armed. That does go towards intent, but a criminal prosecution is highly unlikely.

    Grabbing the steering wheel of the nation. Good god. Did Trump ride shotgun? Did he leap through the partition? I guess if the drama requires it. This is creative fiction writing. An attempt to grab an audience. But to believe it as real. That's an illness."

    Trump was inside an armored Chevy Suburban SUV, the SUV version of the Beast. There is no partition. Trump is 6'3". What Hutchinson described is physically possible.

  22. Below is a link to CNN reporter Gabby Orr's twitter page. Hutchinson is claiming her source for the alleged steering wheel incident was Tony Ornato. Ornato is saying he will go under oath an say it never happened. When the time comes will you write a post saying the sources to these alleged stories claim they never talked about this and will do it under oath. I found this in a 2 minute google search. Keep falling for this crap. Again I bring the receipts using left wing outlets.


    Gabby Orr
    Tony Ornato is denying that he told Cassidy Hutchinson Trump grabbed the steering wheel in presidential vehicle on 1/6 or lunged at a fellow agent, a USSS official tells
    . CNN confirms that Ornato & Enger are prepared to testify that neither incident occurred.

  23. "The democratic party's J6 hearings and ongoing threat of criminal prosecution of Trump are doing the republican party a big favor by clearing the deck for an "other than Trump" nominee for president"

    That may be a political consequence, but it is still highly important that the country be aware the lengths Trump went to in order to cling onto power. This extends undermining the confidence of the American people in the integrity of our electoral process to inciting an armed mob to rush the capitol. We deserve better at the helm of our nation.

  24. Watch the interview with Kari Lake that she slams fox news!

  25. 8:06 am: For someone deriding Fox News viewers, you seem to have a good handle on the stories covered.

  26. "Below is a link to CNN reporter Gabby Orr's twitter page. Hutchinson is claiming her source for the alleged steering wheel incident was Tony Ornato. Ornato is saying he will go under oath an say it never happened. When the time comes will you write a post saying the sources to these alleged stories claim they never talked about this and will do it under oath. I found this in a 2 minute google search. Keep falling for this crap. Again I bring the receipts using left wing outlets."

    You are rebutting hearsay with more hearsay. I'll point out two things. First, these two agents have already testified behind closed doors. Presumably, they were asked about Trump's desire to go to the capitol. Second, the secret service agents themselves can and certainly will be testifying again. I certainly am interested in what they have to say.

    As for Hutchinson's credibility, she was a Trump supporter and a Republican. Several former Trump aides have vouched for her credibility, and I found her credible myself. I do tend to believe she is telling the truth as she sees it.

  27. The hearsay involving the alleged incident in the SUV is the least concerning portion of her testimony. Straining out a gnat to swallow a camel?

  28. The goal here is to tarnish the Citrus Cesar and make him out to be a bad bad man. Those who already despise the Orange Meanie rock to and fro in their echo chamber to the Gregorian chant of "orange man bad". Those who love the MAGA King love him that much more every time his name is mentioned. That their mortal enemies hate him enough to have these hearings makes their love for the MAGA man that much stronger.

    In trying to tarnish the tangerine tyrant with the hearings they are only keeping his name in the news cycle which will feed his ego and quite possibly do the polar opposite of the goal of destroying him and propel him back into office. He does after all pack a sizable crowd.

    Oraaaaaannnnngeeee maaaaaaaaannnn baaaaaaaaddddd....

  29. Thrice removed hearsay is legal comedy. This is Peak J6 Committee. A guy who claims to have edited his law review would normally understand this. This doesn't speak well about the institution that passed you along. Hearsay was discussed in your very first law school class. Drinking that morning were we?

  30. As an American taxpayer, I am embarrassed by how low the behavior of our Members of Congress has fallen. So, this is what we pay them for? A ridiculous political skit played out over several days. Full of unproven hearsay, carefully edited video to deceive. A fawning news media that glosses over the useless stupidity of it all. If these clowns are this desperate to keep Trump from running again, there MUST be a backstory behind everyone of them. A fear of disclosure, perhaps?

    Nah, just a deflection from how much damage has been done to American families in less than 2 years. Won’t work!

  31. You are rebutting hearsay with more hearsay. I'll point out two things. First, these two agents have already testified behind closed doors. Presumably, they were asked about Trump's desire to go to the capitol. Second, the secret service agents themselves can and certainly will be testifying again. I certainly am interested in what they have to say.

    So CNN is now hearsay? I thought they are the bastion of news and to be believed by the left. so we don't believe CNN anymore?

  32. "You are rebutting hearsay ..."

    Yes. This.

    Nothing burger finished. Thanks for playing kids. We have some lovely parting gifts for you. Good night everybody!

  33. It's all hearsay and second hand smoke. Trump has a bad temper and temperament...............oh boy there's a news flash LOL. The committee would have done itself a big favor if it had a more balanced makeup. Nobody is paying attention to this because after all the Russia hearings and Mueller these people have lost all credibility. I am not a Trump supporter and just wish he would go away, but I call it what it is, a partisan political dog and pony show because they don't want him running again.

  34. To me the sad thing is how not-shocking yesterday’s hearing was. We know that Trump had/has behavior problems that would get a second grader a time-out. His infantile name-calling is similar to a kid’s, “no, you are!” His decades of abusing and berated close associates is legendary. That he would deface a White House wall with his burger and fries is disgusting on its own. To think that the President of the United States lacks that kind of impulse control should be equally as disgusting, but after years of lies, name-calling, yelling, lack of focus, finger pointing, and mis-representation it’s just another infantile tantrum. DeSantis (both Yale and Harvard) has the right idea, move away from Trump. After 4 years as President Trump still didn’t understand how the US government works. He kept acting like the mob boss because he understands how mobs work. He directed the mob on January 6th. The Republican Congress would do best to move away from Trump, or go down in history as the party that defended him.

  35. I think this is a fair hearing and the warm embrace featured here is just another Trumpian camera angle thing by Getty Images intended to make the hearing look like a kangaroo court. These witnesses are absolutely not a set up. Stop with the crazy Republican stuff.


  36. The excuses and heads in the sand here are shameful.

    McCarthy had a chance to put Republicans on the committee, he foolishly put two individuals on his list that were PART OF THE INVESTIGATION, then when Pelosi unsurprisingly said, nah, pick another 2, he pulled all of the Trump Cheerleading team, so crying about that fact now seems pretty weak. Of course the reason he pulled all of them was an attempt to water down the J6 Committee and hope it would minimize any political damage. There would never be any damage to the base, but he woefully underestimated the fact that there are moderates and independents out there that do not fully buy into Republican talking points, and that is where the damage is being done.

    Republicans will still get their 40% share of votes in future elections, but are getting slaughtered in the margins with swing voters.

  37. I just can't wait till Bernie writes a post I disagree with. Because I swear, I am going to throw my lunch (or breakfast, or dinner, or snack, or beer) against the wall. However, I will neglect to provide visual evidence to prove it. Are the walls closing in, yet? Let's go Brandon!

  38. Reaction to yesterday's testimony of Ms. Hutchinson and last week's testimony from those in the Attorney General's office leads me to only one conclusion. A larger percentage than I would have hoped are never going to believe Trump did anything even remotely wrong and they would vote for him again without a moment's hesitation. I fear for the country.

  39. I see plenty of folks on here trying to twist themselves into a pretzel defending trump by focusing on one small piece of her testimony that can and should be viewed with skepticism.
    There is plenty of meat on the bones of her testimony that commenters here are ignoring. No amount of facts will sway you from supporting someone who is as hateful and vindictive as yourselves.

  40. My question is: If you wholeheartedly believe that what Trumps staff were doing nothing wrong in January 6, then why did almost all of them ask for pardons?

  41. All hearsay. These hearings are a waste of time and taxpayer dollars.

  42. To everyone crying "Hearsay!" - That term doesn't mean it didn't happen and does not lessen the implications it has on Trump in a potential criminal investigation and/or charge. Hearsay is not some blanket legal disqualifier or fool proof discrediting of a witnesses statement. There are a multitude of exceptions to the term in court.

    Hutchinson says she heard Trump tell others before the Jan 6th speech that he knew people in the crowd had weapons on them, that he knew they weren't there to hurt him and to remove the security measures to allow them into the area. That is not hearsay.

    The story about him attempting to grab the steering wheel of the SUV and choking the Secret Service Agent is potentially hearsay because it did not happen in front of her, but could be corroborated or dispelled via other testimony, but... It is insignificant in the grand scheme as it simply just paints another well repeated picture of Trumps mindset around Jan 6th and by itself is not worthy of criminal charges.

    Hutchinson testified before the committee under oath (those saying otherwise or having different stories have chosen not to at this point), she is a credible witness being the Admin to Trump's Chief of Staff, which places her in regular and close proximity to the President. Yesterday's testimony didn't sink Trump, but it certainly damaged him and wishing it didn't doesn't change that fact no matter how loudly one yells "Hearsay!".

  43. Pardon from what it was a personal attach on the no-good politicians who do not represent most of America.

  44. I think we’ve all learned that Trump will crash and burn the Republican Party before he’ll give up. Also, he’ll never say he’s not running again because that would stop his access to the money that his supporters keep sending to him. He made the Presidency his cash machine (and his family’s cash machine). I wonder how much his poor supporters sent him yesterday alone.

  45. This past weekend my youngest son handed me money from his most recent paycheck because he knows our household is struggling. I couldn’t take it from him and walked away so he couldn’t see me tearing up.

    Do you think I give a crap about this stupid hearing?

    1. 12:12pm: Well then, get another job (or 3) and grab some strong boot straps and pull yourself up.

      -Signed the Current Republican Party

  46. @10:35

    I think you’re applying the words hateful and vindictive to the wrong group of people.

  47. @7:56 Pence will not come forward unless he is a real surprise because he would have to testify under oath that would end him, trump and lots of other people in politics. Him and his families future are on the linen in many forms.

  48. @7:57 We understand you are the same loser that instead of adding value to a discussion act like a spaz and post your self absorbed gibberish. So instead of wasting our time crawl back into the hole you came out of. If you cannot post anything with substance i guess you are nothing more then a leach on society with all the time of a welfare baby.

  49. To all of you. I think they should turn this into a criminal case and get search warrants for all the video feeds, phone, burner phones and everything else that went on for that day and all the days pre the event. Then they should drop the hammer on anyone that showed intent. They should put each and every one of them on the stand and make them testify under oath and then let them plead the fifth like Flynn and then dig deeper into each of their lives and all they had been associated it. Make their finances public record, make their phone records public record. Then start whisking them all away to Gitmo. Then once done with the main group start digging into al the financial supporter and verbal supporters and see who is directly connected into the conspiracy.

    Time to cut the ulcer from the tree. And it would be mostly Republicans but there most likely would be Democrats and others as well.

  50. I heard from somebody who heard from somebody who heard from another somebody that somebody else overheard a tale about Bernie wearing womens' underthings when biking. Let's roll with this blockbuster! Comments please .......

  51. Let's think about this. It appears that Many in congress are trying to save their asses on both side. I believe that many Republicans are quietly working behind the scenes to help hang Trump out to try. It seems that many of them may be really concerned that if something like what Trump did happens again it will be the end of their cushy lives and potentially their actual lives. Yes this J6 may be a show but it is their desperate attempt on both sides to start to heal a divided country that is closer to people killing each other then anyone will admit. Heck there are already documented cases in the 4 or 5 years where people have gone out with intentional plan to physically harm or kill ones from what they perceived as the other side.

    My gut tells me that things were far worse and far more desperate then we will ever know in our life time. And I think Trump just was executing what others put in play and were pushing from well before he ever became president. He is the patsy which is being called on the carpet for lots of bad actors. It does not give him a pass but it is an excuse. The poor man was too stupid to realize he was being played by others for something he wholly supported and tried to execute.

  52. Repukelicans love hearsay when it rolls off their demagogue's tongue. One of tRUMP's more common quips about his enemies? "A lot of people are saying...:"

  53. Since Clarence Thomas is busy dissecting the 14th amendment, I wonder why didn’t he call into question Loving Vs. Virginia, the interracial marriage case that would have made his union with his wack job wife Ginni illegal?

  54. "I love how all these trump supporters use the Clinton term, "It's the economy stupid", yet they vote for Republicans whose mantra is, "It's the Supreme Court, stupid"."

    Good point. It's both. I didn't like Trump. But I gladly voted for him vs Hillary and Biden. His economy was terrific and after he promised me a conservative SCOTUS nomination, he gave me three. Roe is gone. 2A is as strong as ever. Freedom from government is upheld. It's simply been a week for great celebration. He's a shit, personally. But he's the best president of my lifetime - bar none. And he - like Jimmy Carter - started ZERO wars. Bill Clinton was banging his fat interns while being awesome at the presidency. Moral guys usually make bad POTUSs. Trump for better or worse, is the most consequential political figure of our time. I'd jump at the chance to vote for him again. The guy got stuff done..

    1. Not a big Trump fan but that is how I feel also. Trump is a horrible person but most of his policies were good. I used to be a democrat, but 60% of Dems think socialism is ok. 55% of the party wouldn’t fight for their country if we got invaded. I would like to see Joe Manchin make a third party bid.

    2. How much tRump-aid do you have stocked up? Still sending him money? Your in a cult yunno...

  55. The J6 committee is not a court of law, but even in a court--and the Trumplings will get there, I think--there are many exceptions to the hearsay rule. They include admissions by co-conspirators. And the contrived claims of "executive privilege" will not serve to block testimony there.

  56. How is the committee supposed to have first-hand accounts when most of those people refuse to testify? You go with the best information that you've got. This is corruption, plain and simple.

  57. So what was trumpie going to do at the Capital?
    Congress does not work for him--so he was going to force Congress to change the results?
    After everyone who told him he had no legal recourse?
    So trump was willing to overthrow the government of the US by force.
    time to "lock him up"

  58. Until those two folks go under oath and testify (trump grabbing at the wheel)they have the same credibility as trump showing his tax returns.
    Besides they can also explain why Pence would not get in a car?

  59. Since Clarence Thomas wants to take us back in time why not go way back to the time of slavery. Then Uncle Clarence can work on a plantation and be forced to give up his white wife.

  60. Many of the mutants who kissed Trump's ass are going to be arrested. They have to be worried. When they get busted they won't hesitate to roll over and sell Trump out to save their own skin. When all this ends up in court it is going to look like the Nuremberg trials all over again.

  61. Reading all of these comments, all I can muster is Trump was right...he can literally shoot someone on 5th Ave and not lose support.

    I feel badly for the families and spouses of die hard trump supporters. God help us all.

  62. 1:55 PM

    YOU ARE AN AWESOME IDIOT. What did he get done? Please let me know?

  63. This committee is the worse one-sided group of people in the history of our country. they are a bunch of losers and corrupt idiots who are enemies of this country. Would you want to any of these idiots to run your life in any way? If you do you have issues.

  64. All this BS about hearsay appears to be parrots of a Huffington post article quote none other then Jim Jordan. Read the article as it puts it in context utilizing direct examples. And even the lack of brains, thought resistant losers who believe anything that comes out of Jim Jordan's mouth might actually understand. It is a real shame that so many people cannot take the time to do more then parrot the monetary words spewed at them by someone who should never be allowed anywhere in government and should have actually be put away in a jail.

    Attorney Gives Rep. Jim Jordan A Scathing Personal Lesson In Hearsay


  65. @1:55 you must be part of the 1% who thinks their shit does not stink because tRUMP sure F'd you and everyone else that is not of the 1%. The conservative course is following in his footsteps of undoing freedom for all. Soon if you are not a born again Christian or a Holier then thou Catholic you will be nothing more then lackey in this country. And you best be willing to put up half of all your possessions and only put your inheritance toward the church or you will be disavowed. And don't screw up or it will cost you double to pay for your forgiveness. So all of you who are not one of those best step up and do something about it.

    And this is not hearsay, I remember when I was a kid my aunt and uncle took me with them to church and the priest stopped them at the door. He noted that they had not been contributing their fair share to the Catholic Church. My aunt inquisitively ask well how much does the church think we should give. The priest said 50% matter of factly. And he was not joking.

  66. "Trump for better or worse, is the most consequential political figure of our time. I'd jump at the chance to vote for him again. The guy got stuff done."

    Good one. Best joke on the board! ROFLMAO.

  67. This is where Trump would have put us. He was heading us toward a third world country so jsut change the country name in the article below.

    Sri Lanka Under Virtual Lockdown With Fuel Supplies Halted for Private Cars

  68. When you have so much hate in your heart for one person, you will believe any lie you hear about them. That is what has been doing on for the past five years.

  69. Back in time is where we need to go, when men were men and fathers and women were women and mothers. You expect people to celebrate people who cant figure out what sex they are? get serious.

    1. 8:33am: I pretty sure that back in college, your son gave me a blowjob or two after a party. Nowadays, he's a closeted homo, a staunch Catholic, with 6 children, in a loveless marriage. He still contacts me regularly to get off, though. Nice parenting. We laugh about it all the time.

  70. Trump has been hated in my family since he threatened us when he was building casinos in AC and caused issues with relatives. He is nothing more then a pathetic thug that was bestowed money by a corrupt mob man called daddy. He should have been jailed over and over again for so many things and all of you supporters would hate the day he ever decided to do something with you. He will turn on you, screw, you , lie to you, take you money, and make you the one to be the fool all the time smiling and enjoying himself. He is one of the few people I would totally enjoy pissing on their graves.

  71. @8:33 So what your want to be is a slave owning wife beating shit bag. So like a typical trump lover to me. Perhaps you should considering cutting your own balls off to save the world the opportunity of you ever reproducing.

    Or is that why you are probably also against abortion because you know if your parents had it to do all over again knowing the way you turned out they would have chosen that option.

  72. Alan Dershowitz is ripping, I mean ripping this committee. He says that any lawyer who puts on a hearsay witness without corroborating with the original eyewitness would be in deep doo doo. He ripped Jamie Raskin, a former student of his, said he must have been absent for most of his class LOL.

    1. Alan Dipshits was OJ Simpson's attorney after he was on every cable news station saying how guilty he was, then changed his mind once the "Dream Team" hired him. He says whatever the person paying him wants him to say.

      Further, Judge Judy has often said in interviews that Dipshits is one of her biggest critics and sends her correspondence all the time about her rulings and that she doesn't follow the law. He's confirmed this many times, too.

      D'oh! Can't have it both ways.


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