Local Government TV

Friday, June 10, 2022

The Good and Bad About Primetime Hearing on Attempted Coup

Last night, a staged Congressional hearing concerning the attempted coup on January 6 was conducted during primetime. Committee members even hired a former ABC news exec to choreograph the whole thing.  We were told we'd be presented with never-before seen video of the insurrection. Breathless broadcasters called it "stunning, " jaw dropping" and "riveting." It was nothing of the sort. The video added very little to the disgraceful behavior already chronicled. Frankly, I am offended that Congress and networks could collude in this way while war is raging in Europe, inflation has us on our heels and there are mass shootings every 15 minutes. Broadcasting this hearing during primetime is a blatantly political attempt to damage the Trump brand. If Congress were really interested in preserving our institutions, they would have conducted this hearing during regular business hours. Having said that, the hearings are very necessary. 

I learned very little from the video, but a lot from Rep. Liz Cheney, whose opening statement was very much like that of a prosecuting attorney. She has laid Trump's seven-point plan to overturn an election he knew he had lost.  Thus plan is as follows:

  1. President Trump engaged in a massive effort to spread false and fraudulent information to the American public claiming the 2020 election was stolen from him.
  2. President Trump corruptly planned to replace the Acting Attorney General, so that the Department of Justice would support his fake election claims.
  3. President Trump corruptly pressured Vice President Pence to refuse to count certified electoral votes in violation of the US Constitution and the law.
  4. President Trump corruptly pressured state election officials, and state legislators, to change election results.
  5. President Trump's legal team and other Trump associates instructed Republicans in multiple states to create false electoral slates and transmit those slates to Congress and the National Archives.
  6. President Trump summoned and assembled a violent mob in Washington and directed them to march on the US Capitol.
  7. As the violence was underway, President Trump ignored multiple pleas for assistance and failed to take immediate action to stop the violence and instruct his supporters to leave the Capitol.

We also know that the AG, Bill Barr, had advised Trump several times that there was no mass election fraud. We know Trump's own daughter, Ivanka, believed Barr. We know that Trump actually condoned remarks suggesting that VP Pence be hanged,.

I'll certainly be looking forward to the additional hearings, which should be conducted during regular business hours. 


  1. Pure political theatre aided and abetted by lame duck Lizard Cheney. Waste of prime time. About as compelling as Biden's whining on Kimmel the night before.

    1. 12:12am is exactly what is wrong with the Republican party these days. They have their own narrative and refuse to believe the truth, or worse, simply don't care.. They believe that violence is justified to push their narrative and are simple minded conspiracy theorists who perpetuate these false narratives. Or, worse, as I stated above...they simply don't care as long as they get their way, they'll lie, cheat and steal for their narrative and call it Patriotism.

    2. Surely a FAUX NEWS watcher?

    3. Lol. Protests for black lives matter, cities burned, part of a city taken over by protesters killing people inside ,the zone, people attacking federal courthouse every night, people attacking cops, in fact murdering them. That's all ok because it fits the liberal agenda.
      The president at the time says march peacefully to the Capitol and let your voices be heard is wrong.

      What about the president today telling people to break the law by going outside judge's homes and protesting. Its against the law. But the president ,his administration, and his party encourages it.
      Maybe some more news reports with a burning building behind the reporter saying " Its peaceful out here".

      Everyone who entered that building should be charged as the same for all the people involved in all the above stated events.

  2. "If Congress were really interested in preserving our institutions, they would have conducted this hearing during regular business hours"

    This is extremely naïve. People can't watch during regular business hours, and nothing happens if people don't watch, because all the status quo incentives push in the direction of not doing anything. Taking the Watergate hearings as an example, it was conducted during business hours (and simulcast on CBS, NBC, and ABC), but then replayed in full in the evening on PBS. 85% of American Households watched some portion of the >300 hours of hearings, and it was also broadcast on many NPR stations so people could tune in on their commutes.

    In the current media environment, you probably aren't going to get more than about 30% of households to tune in, and even that is only true if you broadcast in primetime when people are actually able to watch.

    1. Agree 100%, show it when people can watch it. As far as the "other" important issues, we hear about those everyday, all day on the news. An attack instigated by the former President of the United States on the foundation of our democracy, election by the people, is worthy of a special broadcast if for no other reason than to remind us how close we came to a successful coup. What's most stunning to me is that the man who is most responsible walks free and holds power over one of our 2 major political parties.

    2. What she said.

  3. This is an example of democratic leadership They are complete fools and are in reality.They lie and lie even more than politicians usually lie. I believe this will completely do in any credibility that this difunctional party has.

  4. James Carville had a sign in his Clinton campaign office in 1992. It was for the staff to stay focused. The sign, "the economy stupid". Sadly, the democrats have completely abandoned that message. I am far from a Trumper or right wing but with the current state of economic affairs in America, this primetime Trump event is part of why Democrats will be thrown out of office this year. Not that their republican replacements will be any better, but people will vainly hope that someone will show interest in their plight. Americans can't afford gas to go to work to get paid in dollars' worth less than ten-years ago to try and afford food and clothing all at hyper inflated prices. Neither party is in sync with regular Americans at this point in time. They live in their own partisan bubbles and appear to be in it for their own profit and perks of power.

    Unless are institutions get their shit together the future of our institutions is cloudy at best. This "hearing" while meaningful is not foremost in most people's minds at this point.

  5. We are gratified to learn that you will be watching the next few charades, err, hearings. Then we can be sure you won't be roaming the byways of Nazareth tipping over trashcans or peeking in neighbor's windows to uncover more "dirt"....

  6. The Committe is a total joke all people like you Bernie who hate on Trump one of our great presidents of all time.

  7. This panel is a partisan show, why did they not allow any republicans other than never-trumpers. The whole show is tainted and doe the democrat's have any credibility after 3 years of Russia hoax, a real attempt to overthrow an election, and two phony impeachments.

  8. I didn't see Ray Epps last night.

  9. I disagree that the hearings should be broadcast during regular business hours. If anything should be prime time, it is a review and testimony involving an attempted coup by a President who tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power by inciting an insurrection.

    Perhaps, if the Trump loyalists actually watch it, they might realize how wrong they are in believing the election was stolen, how Trump knew he lost the election, and how Trump used his leadership to broadcast lies to a gullible and violent group of people willing to overthrow the government.

    If this is simply an attempt to ruin the Trump brand, then I hope it is successful. He needs to be exposed for the snake oil salesman he is. He has no moral values, and values himself above that of the Constitution.

    January 6th was a dark day in our history. One of the worst I witnessed as it occurred, with Trump failing to act in stopping the violence, despite please from his staff and family to denounce those who stormed the Capital.

    I believe that many Republicans - those middle-of-the-road R's - will be able to judge for themselves just how close we came to having an authoritarian regime, if they are willing to watch and listen to the evidence presented at the hearings.

  10. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter what comes out of these hearings. Fact is, the insurrection took place. It happened. The D's are exploiting those facts for obvious political gain, and the R's are saying it never happened. The Trump fanatics will never change their opinion and will stand by Him no matter what comes out at the hearings. The Trump fanatics are extremely combative and don't want to hear anything negative about Trump. They change the subject and downplay everything and anything you present as fact or evidence. Please don't downplay these hearings. It's our only chance for learning the real truth. The R's will have their chance to respond and once again, they will deny Jan. 6th ever happened.

  11. Another example of poor democratic leadership all Trump haters put on this committee by the all-time worst leader in house history Pelosi. they are trying to get away from the disaster of Biden on all issues-inflation gas prices border crime etc etc.

  12. Bernie you would fit that committee to a Tee you are just like those Trump haters on that so called committee. It is a rigged situation just like the press and media rigged the last one--come to think of it you were part of tahat with your fake blog.

  13. Alot of us are on to the committee and you Bernie.

  14. This is kangaroo court, of course, complete with an ABC News producer and two Republicans, hand-picked by Nancy Pelosi. North Korea does a better job at similar staging. It's important to note that Lynn Cheney, daughter of a war criminal, is in her final months in office. She's something like 50+ points behind in her primary polling and very bitter. She will switch parties shortly, as will the other staged Republican. Mom's are running out of $6 gas trying to feed starving infants amid Biden's formula shortage. We're funding WWIII while our infants starve. The southern border is overrun. Let's have kangaroo court to try to deflect from the most disastrous presidency since Carter.

  15. This SHOW by the Trump haters mostly lies and also a lot of missing facts point to fact that after the landslide Biden and Harris must be impeached for the sake of our country.

  16. If there truly was election fraud and the Republicans did nothing wrong, why did several of them seek pardons from Trump after January 6th. They knew they were part of a coup to steal an election, but they simply didn't care. They should be tried for treason, as should Trump.

    1. Hahaha you’re so delusional

  17. I was going to watch this but took the more cerebral and thought provoking route by watching re-runs of Alaskan Bush People instead.

  18. Trump is a threat to our Democracy. He would be fine with a handful of global dictators, including himself. He is anything but law and order. God bless law enforcement who stand up against Maga extremism.

  19. All that marketing and they missed a trick.


  20. The traitors were seeking "pardons", why? They knew they were wrong in attempting to change the votes of the people. Make America Great Again by jailing all those responsible for this attempted coup and the many crimes they committed leading up the Jan 6th.

  21. Political theater my ass. I’m going to give you an example how propaganda is manufactured. Instead in focusing on the dozens of aides that warned Trump that he should do something, FOX news reported that prime time hearings “flopped” because they think, the networks are doing this to make money. No FOX, it’s to give us full disclosure to the truth.

    Also, Tucker Carlson show ran no commercials because it was competing directly with the hearings. This tells me that FOX producers and executives knew That if people changed the channel, they wouldn’t come back and they would lose control of the propaganda narrative.

    FOX news is PARTICIPATING in the cover up, and your indoctrinated if you don’t see that.

  22. Our democracy is in serious jeopardy and anyone who wants their vote to count should pay attention. Especially here in PA, where Mastriano is still touting the big lie and would have sent Trump's fake electors in to steal OUR votes.

    Trump knew he lost, and he knew his claims of election fraud were baseless. He was basically a recruiter for domestic terrorists the proud boys. He colluded with extremist groups the proud boys and the oath keepers to violently attack the Capitol. They intended to kill our elected representatives and Trump not only condoned but also encouraged it. Police Officers were killed.

    It's terrifying, and it's still happening. We need Congress to address the everyday issues affecting our country, of course, but it's got to be pretty hard to get things done when you need to reach a consensus with people who tried to have you killed and would do so again if given the chance.

  23. Shows us all the people Trump makes crazy and they never get him they try and try but they always fail.

  24. the greatest American farce happend in November of that year and is continuing still til this day. America is on the biggest decline since the great depression. This is all planned by the puppet masters controlling the world and is by design to implode normalcy to cover the criminality of there dark lusts.

  25. I thought Attorney General Bill Barr's statements were damning.

    The fact that Trump has shown no remorse, regrets, or empathy is not surprising. But the fact that he is now doubling down and calling J6 "the greatest movement" in US history is pretty revealing.

    The country is at a crossroads: Democracy vs. Autocracy

  26. Can you spell P O L I T I C A L S H A M?

  27. You probably won't post this because it doesn't fit your narrative but I expect a full retraction on point 6. Of course I bring the receipt with a left wing fact check that proves you wrong. I await your retraction. Sidenote, where is the post about the maniac attempting to kill a supreme court justice? You are a lawyer so thought it would be big news to you and deserve a post.


  28. Dems are trying to take the public away from their economic diaster, will not work.

  29. Thank you, 1:06 a.m.
    In a related observation, everyone who says Trump is guilty has testified under oath.
    Everyone who says Trump is the target of a "political" witch hunt refuses to testify.

  30. Pathic prime time TV by a bunch of real losers.

  31. I feel the crowd had a right to voice their unhappiness. However, storming the Captial in that way negated all they had hoped to acheive.

    As far as watching this. Never happen. It is so obvious, on both fronts, that this is all a gimmick to sway the November midterms. I am sick of politics on both sides. It is all false. Actions speak louder than words, and I see minimal action on the part of Biden or Harris, or anyone else for that matter. I am not sure we even have a VP anymore.

    On another note, the quick grandstanding by these politicians on the back of a tragedy, Buffalo, Uvalde, makes me SICK. It is like these politicians can't wait for a way to get their name in the media. The whole lot of them need to go. From the top down....

    1. Truer words have never spoken

  32. That show tells us why a landslide is necessary to get these people out of office.

  33. People need to hear what the Select Committee has to say. If that disrupts your prime-time viewing, that's too bad.

  34. I agree that last night’s session looked suspiciously like an over-hyped TV show, but I’m thankful that these seditionists and insurrectionists are being exposed on national television for the dangerous creeps they really are. Liz Cheney will be drummed out of what is still called the Republican Party for her courage and authentic patriotism, but I think she should be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom ( or the Nobel Peace Prize) for upholding her oath and protecting American democracy from the likes of Donald Trump, Scott Perry, Doug Mastriano and their ilk.
    I’m looking forward to the next hearing.

    1. I hope you appreciate your privilege to feel this strongly about an event that didn't affect your quality of life in the slightest. I'd bet you make more than $250k a year. The rest of us will be voting on pocketbook issues because we're living paycheck to paycheck.

  35. Interesting that women, like Liz Cheney, muster up more courage than her male House members. I hope more women come out to vote this November.

    1. They will and they'll be voting against baby formula shortages, against $7/gal gas, against double digit inflation of grocery costs. They'll be voting, just not the same way you do.

  36. Republican Cheneys = war criminal family = new Democratic Party heroes = Peak 2022.

    This is why I'm an Independent who hates both parties.

  37. I hear people compare these hearings to the Watergate hearings. I think it’s important to remember that no one died in the Watergate break-in. Police and participants died in January 6th. Those who conspired and participated in that violence must be held accountable.

  38. BTW, if anyone needs further proof of the BS that are the "Proud Boys", here is a quote from their Afro-Cuban leader of the January 6 attempted coup:
    “The true minority in this world ARE whites. White children are less than 3% of the worlds [sic] population. I think since white majority countries are on a pathway to extinction we should correctly refer to non whites by their true names. Worldwide majority.” – A Telegram channel associated with the Proud Boys, Sept. 7, 2020

    They say they are a white supremacist group but one of their leaders is Enrique Tarrio??? These groups are BS artists who are simply angry men (no women allowed here) who sow HATE period.

  39. Inflation killing us and they start this nonsense again-Get over it the people were not after our democracy they were after the politicians who for decades lie, all kinds of fraud, do not care one bit about the people make themselves millionaires, kill many military by sending to stupid wars or operation like Afghanistan one example. the assault was against the political class and boy do they deserve.

  40. To even conduct such a sham presentation of twisted claims by those who are terrified of Trump returning to office is nothing more than biased campaigning. We are only being given one side. You are watching a circus act, an illusion.

    I have already concluded about a year ago, Trump is not to blame for what went down that day. There is plenty of evidence to show this. it’s just that today’s America, radical partisans will never offer up the actual facts for public consideration. Our nation is being overthrown and both propaganda and censorship are very real problems to overcome. YES, a dangerous and scary time in America.

  41. Thank God for 352 cable channels, Netflix and Amazon Prime. Plenty of options to watching the kangaroo court farce on the left-leaning legacy networks.

  42. Worst show by Trump haters in a long time They tried 2 impeachments both failed tried Hillery Russian connection with Trump - failed seems to be a pattern. This too will fail. They are just trying to hide Biden and his failed policies on every issue. They sure can't hide like Biden did in the campaign.

  43. Overnight ratings indicate committee members' families didn't even watch. This is a huge victory for the GOP. It's only serving to energize rightwing social media and the Republican base. And they get another whole week to make more hay on this? I'd call it an unforced error by Dems. But with this "economy stupid," they had to throw a Hail Mary to try to change the subject. November is going to be an unmitigated bloodbath.

  44. Gas prices Inflation Border breech Retirement account going you know were--Cut me a Break you Trump haters. Get with it and help the American people. No wonder they tried to get the politicians on Jan. 6.-The political class has failed the American people.

  45. 8:13 this is a liberal left blog Bernie operates just like the committee only Trump>s hater allowed by the way this blog is really a fake liberal blog.

    1. Bernie is who Bernie has always been. A curmudgeonly old geezer with his heart in the right place even if his hot headedness occasionally guides him astray. Rumour has it he was one of the most handsome gentlemen in the LV once upon a time.

  46. 10:19 - I’m an Independent, too. But, it’s not necessary to hate both parties. There was a time when they legislated responsibly and believed in keeping America strong and, of course, legitimate. Those virtues have been frittered away.

    Better to hate INCUMBENTS of both parties. These are the people driving the bus. Either by their actions, or lack of actions, it is people now IN office that are destroying this nation. We need to replace as many of them as we can. At this point, it’s all about cleaning house.

    Thankfully, Pat Toomey decided not to run again, and in my case Susan Wild needs to be shown the exit. I am hopeful a huge number of others around the country are pushed out with her.

  47. 10:19, I am a Democrat, and we all still hate Cheney. We appreciate that she has mustered the bare minimum amount of integrity on this one issue, but she is still absolutely awful. So you can stop pretending this is the reason you have chosen to disqualify yourself from participating in any primary elections in Pennsylvania, a closed primary state.

  48. The Democrats are SH...ING their pants if Trump runs again. Gotta get him convicted of something.
    Would have been better to hire a porn star or hooker to work their magic. Sure Hunter has a few numbers

  49. This is what our elected officials are doing and what's important to them. The inflation reading came in above expectations this morning at 8.6%, AGAIN. Consumer sentiment reading has plummeted. We have 5 buck gas, a wide open border, runaway crime and mass shootings. Their job is to address these things. Instead we get a partisan dog and pony show to score cheap political points. It's disgraceful, people are hurting out there.

    Funny, these same people didn't seem to care when a sitting US president had to be rushed to an underground bunker beneath the White House because their base of voters was rioting and looting their way across the country. Both sides need to come to grips with the extremes in their base!

  50. @ 5:23AM: The democrat base is threatening supreme court justices and their children. We have a sitting Vice President who set up a bail fund to bail out violent protesters who did billions in property damage. This tribalism is amazing LOL. If you think it's just republicans that have a monopoly on violence to advance a cause, they basically learned it from the 50 year history of the democrat play book. Just look at this liberal group Ruth Sent Us, threatening children for Gods sake. Disgraceful!

    January 6th was disgraceful, but so was all the other crap that went on. They almost breeched the white house and fat Jerry Nadler thought it was great! It seems to me it's ok when your side does it, but when the other side does it they should be hung for treason LOL. Neither side is right, and violence should never be tolerated!

  51. All our problems and this is what we get a prime-time dud.

  52. Al Capone is a bootlegger.
    Yeah but prohibition.
    Let's not arrest him.

  53. well, sadly we all will soon have more important things to be mindful of, like keeping warm in winter and having food to eat. We can bet that the assault on anything Trump will continue even as the country self destructs.

  54. I am ashamed that I voted for Donald Trump. I apologize for doing such and helping create the country in which we now live. The events on 1-6 were disgraceful, but watching the unsanitized version play out last night sickened me. For fun, I watched about 10-minutes of Fox and was outraged, but not surprised, that excuses were being made. Our country is being run by extremists and I’m darned scared.

    1. I think you forgot the /s for the sarcasm tag

  55. It will be interesting hearing what the members of the committee have to say in January of 2025 just before Trump or DeSantis are sworn in and the left does their own 1/6. It's a certainty to happen. It will certainly be more destructive than the Viking Helmet Dude Rebellion of 2021. If they're consistent, maybe I'll give this whole thing some consideration in retrospect. Wouldn't bet on it, though.

  56. Imagine the privilege you white folk must have believing that storming a government building you weren’t invited to enter, is “not a big deal.”

    The difference between the BLM protest, that was the result of a REAL CRIME and were 90 percent peaceful, is that the January 6 insurrection was predicated upon LIES. There was no crime that happened and there was no voter fraud. Trump lied to people and you dumbfucks believed it.

    You can say all you want that hearings are a kangaroo court, but your reaction to the hearing without even listening to the evidence is another example that you’ve been indoctrinated and are in a cult.

  57. The sins of the donald are pretty much known.
    The acts of sedition by his supporters in Congress and others will be the icing upon the cake.
    Lock them up and make examples of people who tried to overturn a free and fair election.
    True republicans should be more than willing to get rid of the bad actors in their party.
    Until they do the republican party deserve the scorn of the citizens, perhaps in the future conservatives will avoid promoting a carnival barker for high office

  58. Bernie. It would be nice if you can add a thumbs or a thumbs down after every post. There are some doosies posted here. It would give you/us a little more feedback as to how people feel about the issues you write about. MZ

  59. 2:44. Here is you blanket and bottle. I’ll sing you a song or read you a bedtime story and tomorrow morning everything will be better.

  60. What I can't understand is why the large nber of peaceful protesters that day are ignored. They came as we are a free country who may peacefully protest as they did. Unfortunately just like the crazy violence we see all around us and the prior year to Jan 6 there are crazy people and crazy people went into the people house. I don't condone the actions of those and they should and are being held accountable. But make no mistake. They did so on their own. This was not an organized group with a plan to truly overthrow our government. These were people with issues. And to answer those who feel trump is the cause of where we are today I say look to Obama. He started the division in our country and the Democrats continue it today. Trump simply showed us we have very different thoughts in this country as to the definition of freedom and democracy

  61. Trump did not start the big divide Obama did.

    1. Wrong- another deflection. The Republicans started the divide with Reagan and continued it with their impeachment of Bill Clinton and their assassination of Hillary from being First Lady and moving forward.

  62. 2:44PM-your ashamed you voted for Trump how do you think I feel I voted for Biden.

  63. It's harrowing that people are still stunting for the Big Lie. Trump knows it's a lie. Fox won't air the select committee's hearings bc they are not a news organization (which they freely admit) but a partisan propaganda machine. And comments here reveal no sign of intelligent life in the republican party

  64. Too much hate going on here. Time to hold posts until cooler heads prevail

  65. IF they wanted to turn this into something for real they should have started a true investigation. Got warrants and demanded all of the records and all of the phones and all of the computers for all of those who were around and supported Trump. And everyone one of them that showed support and an intend to illegally overturn the election should have been arrested an put in jail. The list of false people who submitted like they were electors should immediately be jailed. Those that paid for the insurrection should be jail and forfeit all their money belongings, and companies like a common drug dealer. Those that supported trump and had ties should be arrested an tried for treason. Trump should be tried for treason. as he literally has been in bed with communism for years and then turns around and denies it. ON top of that they then should start drilling down into all levels of those who embrace, support and enable them and root them out. I would suspect there are a number of them in this blog that should also be put in jail. I think there needs to be some severe life altering punishment that comes out of this for many individuals and groups. To the point that i for the most part minimizes them or to use something Republicans sure hate it cancels them from our society and the future because with them still in it, the end of our democracy is problem more likely.

  66. Tucker Carlson is quoted as this” “LEADERS WILL SPEND 90 MINUTES GIVING MORAL LECTURE.” “OUR LEADERS ARE FOCUSING ON JAN. 6 WHILE IGNORING THE REAL THREATS.” I partially agree with him in that they should also focus on him, Hannity, Fox NEWS, and some many others like them as part of the team to try and destroy our democracy. They should bring all of them to trial and document all interactions they had directly. It may be a witch hunt but dig deeply into their lives Do a full and absolute complete security check dig deep into their phone records, their emails, their texts, their meetings and everything else and either eliminate them or end their communist rants against the united states.

  67. This was NOT an insurrection. Even the corrupt FBI admitted that months ago. Also that Trump was not part of some conspiracy to cause such an incident to happen. Someone else said “Who does an insurrection without firearms or explosives?” This was a rowdy and destructive crowd similar to what we already saw many times across the nation for a year before.

    Maybe during the next phony hearing they will show White House security from inside the Rotunda opening the front doors and waving for people to come in. That video was posted several times on the internet. I watched it live as it was broadcast by some independent reporter on a non-network media. There were independent streams being done everywhere!

    Paul Muschick of the Morning Call has an opinion piece coming out in which his says Trump was responsible for what happened. Why? Because Trump at one time stated “You have to fight like hell.”. Imagine someone saying those words! Geez, we’ve all heard that statement millions of times in sports. Trump’s actual remarks at the rally that morning were imploring the crowd to let your representatives hear your protest, but do it legally and peacefully!

    1. 1:52 is the dumbest take. You have to suspend all realty and reject all facts to land at "it wasn't an insurrection" wtf is wrong with people smh

  68. Did zirinski win the primary?

  69. It's the economy, stupid. And a guy who shits his drawers made it worse than Jimmy Carter in just 19 months. I don't think of Trump anymore. He's gone. I'd vote for him again in a hot second because everything went to shit the second he left. But he's gone and November is just five short months away with 18% annualized inflation, $5 gas, millions of additional CoViD deaths, despite being given vaccines and therapeutics, children dying for lack of baby formula, begging for Saudis to Pleeeeeeease give us more energy when we were energy independent 19 months ago.

    Yeah, it's the economy stupid. Only the stupid would vote for more of the last 19 months.

    Holding these hearings in lieu of doing anything , ANYTHING to fix the economy is stupid.

  70. @ 10:28 pm, The NSA already has.

  71. The Item 7 on your list of Cheney is a real beaut. The outdoor speech Trump gave was from the far end of the open space across from the capital building. Nearly a mile from where the crowd was gathered on the capital steps. That group was in place long before Trump even gave his speech. He actually started 45 minutes later than the posted time. There was NO way Trump could even see what was going on over there, let alone communicate a command to halt and go home. Some of us watched the entire day live on video as it played out. Maybe Nancy Pelosi could have stepped out of the building taken charge. She was right there.

    1. That's right. The proud boys and oath keepers were there for a coordinated riot. We want to know who they communicated with on and before Jan 6. A number of them say they were there at the request of trump. Stand back, stand by.

  72. Chris E (Nazareth, Pa)June 11, 2022 at 9:08 AM

    It’s important to get this sh,t into the public record. But it does nothing to change anyone’s mind. It should be relegated to normal business and be shown on c-span like the rest of the boring congressional stuff. I would really love to move on from having trump in our lives. But that won’t happen until he dies (which, btw, why does it seem like that will never happen? The guy weighs a million pounds and is a hundred years old. But it seems like he’ll live forever).

  73. Bernie I love the picture of the granny inssurectionist in the capitol I'm sure she beat up many capitol police to make her way in with her walker? The no go questioning of the drunken speaker of the house polosi tells the hole truth and nothing but the truth, CRIMINAL INCOMPETENCE!

  74. Jan 6 personal attack on the political class who cheat, lie and far from a good job for the American people not an attack on our country because these politicians are anti-American for the most part.

  75. 117 million people watched the Super Bowl this year. On one network.

    This holllywood style production grabbed 20 million broadcasting on all of them except FOX.

    The average viewership for a single NFL game is 17 million. On one network.

    Whether you love or hate Trump, the current attempt to destroy him won’t work, and the attempts have become redundant and silly.

    It’s a head fake designed to deflect from the current administrations incompetence, and proves once again media complicity in political assassination and defamation.

    It’s sad. It’s pathetic. Redundant. Boring and disingenuous.

  76. @6:49 no they have not or most of them would have been swinging from a tree or whisked away into some forgotten location. They are part of the terrorist regime of republicans trying to make this country a dictatorships and should be eliminated from any public view.

  77. @4:36 may life catch up with you and all your wishes come true till the day you actually realize what you wish for will destroy you, your family, and your friends. You are a Russian bot I am assuming because you have nothing valuable to say.

  78. On Breitbart today, a letter from Washington, D.C. Mayor Bowser shows she turned down President Trump’s offer to send a special force of 10,000 National Guard troops to help control the large crowd expected on January 6 in her city. Now, why would Trump make such an offer if he was planning to take over the Capitol Building and Congress? That would make no sense.

  79. @8:41 The president has a live feed into congress and many areas thereof so he most definitely watching and cheering on the group which breached the capital.

  80. 8.41
    " NO way Trump could even see what was going on over there,"
    He did not have to see.
    The idea that the "proud boys and 3% folks acted without trump and his inner circle not knowing is just laughable.
    The attackers would have been reported to several people in trump's orbit and they could simply tell him.
    Matter of fact the Secret Service could have just dragged him aside because they were concerned for his safety.
    Remember one of the speakers that day was wearing body armor to a "peaceful rally".
    As to Pelosi where was Mitch McConnell he was the head of the Senate security--unless he knew he was not a target?

  81. So we elect our officials to represent us and they spend a good deal of their time in office investigating each other. It's been going on for years. There is something really wrong with that. Perhaps independent investigations so our elected officials can do what we elected them to do.

  82. Bernie, I've seen video of a purported FBI agent (I believe his name was mentioned in this long thread but I can't find the damn thing), dressed in Trump gear, and ordering people into the building. I've also seen the familiar video of the horn-hat guy being welcomed into the Senate chamber, asked if he had any injuries he needed addressed, and gently cautioned to not be disrespectful of this "like ... sacred place."

    Who is the purported FBI agent and what was going on, Bernie? Were there people on the inside? Why haven't any indside security guys (perhaps Trump sympathizers) been charged?. It's pretty weird.

  83. 3:26 all I ever see you spew is racist hate. You are part of the problem. Just admit you hate white people. Some therapy would do you wonders. I suggest you seek help

  84. 1. President Trump engaged in a massive effort to spread false and fraudulent information to the American public claiming the 2020 election was stolen from him.

    Assumes prior to 1/6/21 that substantially all questionable votes in swing states had been investigated and dispelled.

    If the Democrats wanted to assure there was a fair election, why didn’t they agree to explore Trump’s allegations of improprieties as opposed to rejecting Trump’s claims out-of-hand?

    2. President Trump corruptly planned to replace the Acting Attorney General, so that the Department of Justice would support his fake election claims.

    See above and below. As the chief executive, he has the sole discretion to remove the AG for any reason.

    3. President Trump corruptly pressured Vice President Pence to refuse to count certified electoral votes in violation of the US Constitution and the law.

    See above and below. Arguably, 3 U.S. Code § 15 is unclear as to the VP’s authority, besides ruling on any objections (which were lodged pursuant to the Act as have been done by Democrat legislators after past election losses). Since 1/6, Congress has considered amending this Act to clarify that the VP’s actions are ministerial.

    4. President Trump corruptly pressured state election officials, and state legislators, to change election results.

    See above and below. Use of “corruptly pressured” is an assumption with no basis in the established facts that existed on or before 1/6.

    5. President Trump's legal team and other Trump associates instructed Republicans in multiple states to create false electoral slates and transmit those slates to Congress and the National Archives.

    See above and below. Arguably, these instructions were aggressive. However, if you assume there were irregularities, improprieties, and outright fraud that would have changed the reported election result, this tact was one option to stay certifying the election until there was a reasonable investigation to determine whether there was any validity to the general claim that the election was possibly “stolen.”

    6. President Trump summoned and assembled a violent mob in Washington and directed them to march on the US Capitol.

    Those who gathered and participated in the peaceful rally that day (before anyone entered the Capitol) attended in support of President Trump as they had done multiple times throughout his campaign.

    7. As the violence was underway, President Trump ignored multiple pleas for assistance and failed to take immediate action to stop the violence and instruct his supporters to leave the Capitol.

    It’s unclear what “‘immediate’ action,” if any, Trump could have initiated to “stop the violence.” Immediately go on television? Who would have heard or seen him during the melee? Travel with a Secret Service entourage to the Capital with a bullhorn? Would that have stopped the violence?

    Moreover, others have pointed out that all of Trump’s legal actions filed in state and federal court were dismissed. Most, if not all, we’re dismissed on procedural grounds. Any evidence of voter irregularities, improprieties, and fraud could not have been investigated, collected, and presented to any court in such a short period of time without the full and expeditious cooperation of the Democrat party.

    1. Geezus! 6:39, Nice Faux News talking points. You're so far down the rabbit hole, there's little hope you'll believe the truth. This is what's wrong with The Republican party these days. They're fact-free. Most know it. They don't care.

    2. 6:39- Trump loves the poorly educated.

  85. Ad hominem is all you got bro?


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