Local Government TV

Monday, June 20, 2022

General Order No. 3

Bethlehem's newest City Council member is Dr. Wandalyn Enix, a Professor Emeritus at Montclair State.  She explained Juneteenth at City Council's most recent meeting. 

She indicated that the history of Africans in the Americas predates 1619, and that they were "not necessarily" slaves. She noted a robust population in both Texas and Florida. 

After the United States banned the importation of slaves, she indicated that stockmen were hired to impregnate black women. In addition, there was an illegal importation of slaves from Africa into Texas, 

These slaves were unaware they had been set free by Lincoln's 1863 Emancipation Proclamation. 

On June 19, 1865, accompanied by the US Colored Troops, General George Granger issued General Order 3, which is as follows: "The people are informed that in accordance with a Proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property, between former masters and slaves, and the connection heretofore existing between them, become that between employer and hired labor. The freed are advised to remain at their present homes, and work for wages. They are informed that they will not be allowed to collect at military posts; and that they will not be supported in idleness either there or elsewhere."

According to Dr. Enix, ths was originally known as Emancipation Day, and is now known as Juneteenth.


  1. It sure appears to be flimsiest reason for a national holiday, but it seems we must continually recognize this population. Will this really satisfy their need for acceptance, respect and recognition?

    1. 5:38. I can't wait to read your comments after Cinco De Mayo becomes a National Holiday. You're head will explode, but you'll insist that you're not racist because you work African Americans and Latinos, but don't have a problem with them, [because they're not the rioting, looting, drug dealing type]. The 1950's called. They want your mentality back.

  2. This is such an important day in our history, it's surprising it took so long to recognize.
    Grant and Republicans had a lot of cleaning up to do in The South. Fast forward 50 years to the inauguration of Woodrow Wilson who re-segregated the federal bureaucracy (we really should talk about those remaining monuments to him), and you see how intrenched racism was, and what Grant was up against. It would go on for over 100 years and continues today. This is a day of victory and celebration for Americans of all colors because our country confirmed on that day it was committed continuing on a very difficult but righteous path, one we're still on today.

    1. No, it didn't. That was already done by Lincoln and Grant. Just because some blacks in a certain part of the country didn't hear about it until June 19th, does not make that day a national holiday.

  3. Two frigging holidays and a month honoring 15% of the population. And they are still feel underappreciated. Where is a day honoring Hispanics, the fastest growing population in our country, and arguably the hardest-working. And I dont mean Cinco de Mayo.Why not a Susan Anthony holiday? She represents over 50% of our population. Mainstream media goes nuts over Pride Month, celebrating another small sliver of our population. There is a Month of Women that noone really knows about. What about a White Pride month? Oops. Racist. We who are white and male do not deserve any recognition. We are the evil oppressors in this WOKE culture.

  4. "It sure appears to be flimsiest reason for a national holiday, but it seems we must continually recognize this population."

    I realize Bernie has a policy against as hominem attacks, so I'll try to word this creatively.

    Wow, this statement makes you sound like a huge dick.

  5. "It sure appears to be flimsiest reason for a national holiday, but it seems we must continually recognize this population. Will this really satisfy their need for acceptance, respect and recognition?"

    It's a shame this is being portrayed as a black holiday of sorts, thanks to whoring politicians and so-called journalists who spend every day sowing the seeds of racial division. This is an American holiday related to the Union victory in The Civil War and the North's promise - via Lincoln and reinforced by Grant, both white Republicans - that ownership of fellow human beings would not stand in the United States. Juneteenth is not about blacks. It's about the humanity of all citizens of the United States. I don't like President's Day and MLK Jr Day or the concept of celebrating any individual. Juneteenth is an important milestone for our country's most important idea, however. We should feel as much pride about it as we do on Independence Day. Our divided country is missing an opportunity to celebrate our better angels.

  6. The difference between posts #1 and #2 reflects the great divide within our nation. #1 uses the term”flimisiest” while #2 explains the importance of the day.
    Sad situation.

  7. I still think Juneteenth sounds belittling. Must be a better term.

  8. These comments are hilarious. There too many angry people out there.

  9. Anonymous 10:32. I'm not sure how old you are, but you may just live long enough to become a racial minority in America. If the obituaries (in which 90% plus are white) also showed births, you would see that upwards of 75% of births are minority or mixed race babies. If you were around in the future when whites are only 15% of the population in America, you might enjoy/appreciate a special day set aside to recognize the value of your ethnic history and/or cultural institutions.

  10. If it was called "Emancipation Day" this astroturfed holiday would at least not also be an insult to the English language. As it stands it's a joke, and all but the woke brigade see it as such. My family is instead making lemonade out of these lemons by celebrating the anniversary that communist traitors Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were hung by the neck until dead.

  11. " we must continually recognize this population"

    Not too bigoted, are we? Juneteenth is not a celebration of a race, but humanity. No human being should be enslaved by another.

    1. Personally, I think it’s great to recognize a bunch of Republicans coming to tell a large number of enslaved African American slaves that they’ve been lied to by a bunch of rich Democrats and letting them go free in accordance with the proclamation of our first Republican President, who’s election set the tone for Democrats whining and committing illegal acts when they don’t get their way.

  12. We all have our irks, I suppose. I remember when Washington's Birthday became Presidents Day. The bad ones, as well as the good ones were all honored, whether they deserved it, or not.
    If any President deserves a day to himself, it is Washington. The man returned the Continental Army back to Congress. The troops would have followed him, if he decided to make himself a King. Unlike the moron who lost in 2020, Washington put the Constitution above his own personal interests.
    As for Juneteenth, I think the biggest problem for those who complain about it is, it's a reminder of the stain on our history, much of it supported by pre Civil War judges on SCOTUS, Presidents, and Legislators at the time.

  13. Celebration of humanity? Hardehar. There has been slavery for thousands of years and involving all races. This specific date is for a specific population. No one condones slavery. But it is still going on everywhere. Including African nations. We don't need constant reminders of our sins a a nation.

  14. 4:52

    The Rosenbergs were electrocuted.

  15. How about Julyteenth. That will be the day County employees get emancipated from McClureism tactics making us work for slave wages. Hail a new holiday, JULYTEENTH.

  16. annon 5:38, Dude are you serious? This is definitely a gas lighter.lol

  17. Its all about respect, everyone craves it and it has to be earned. Most cities have a minority majority, they have the power and opportunity to make their cities places of pride and places deserving of respect.

    They could start by policing their own neighborhoods and driving out the criminals, then encourage black owned businesses to service these communities. Grow black wealth from the inside out, not by whining that they cant get ahead because of white racism. Tell the white population they don't need them and they will prosper by their own initiative and hard work.

    Then they will have self respect and earn the respect of the rest of the country. It has to come from their effort, not some new socialist program or preference that just contributes to them not having the respect they want.

    It is just a fact of human nature and any society. Of course I am sure this idea will also be considered racist.

  18. Our country doesn't need two independence days. Having two independence days only serves to further divide us. We also don't need new federal and state holidays. Those shiftless employees who cost taxpayers 90 cents to administer a dollar of spending already have it too easy compared to the real world and real jobs. It's why taxpayers can't have nice things and despise the fact that government employees get to breathe our air. Uncomfortable truth. But truth.

  19. The slave trade is wrong whomever is doing it ...And it is true that you even had African-Americans as slave owners,, And the slave trade is even occurring in the world today at various places. Yes, you had a population of African Americans in the Americas before 1619 because the Portuguese and Spanish did the carrying before others got into the act ... But in Allentown it was a whacky week at its City Hall Plaza ,,,, First on June 12th we saw the Juneteenth Flag raised 8 days before the national Holiday ... Then we saw the replacement of the Old American Flag with a Brand new American Flag on June 14 , Flag Day ... Then on the Juneteenth National Holiday we had the LBGT Pride flag raised...That flag which replaced the Juneteenth flag will remain up until the end of the month because June is LBGT month.... I am glad that the American flag remained flying during this period because if the city chooses to fly any other flag for a day or more the American flag must remain flying ... So with the flying of these other flags the Pennsylvania and the City's own flag remain on the ground.... Concerning flag poles I wish the City would spend the money to bring back a flag pole of some size to Andre Reed Park the former Irving Street Park ... If the city believes it cannot afford to do so then some non-profit group whether associated with some veterans group or some other interest should take on that project with the City's approval and assistance in bringing it about.

  20. 9:55. Your argument would be so much stronger if any of the current Republican leadership bore any moral similarities with Lincoln, the first Republican President. Instead Congress is holding hearings to expose facts on how the last Republican President inspired the public to interrupt the passage of power and destroy public property, leading to police deaths. Tell me more about “Democrats whining and committing illegal acts when they don’t get their way.”

  21. 9:55 The Republican party was a completely different animal back then. Lincoln's Republican party would be shunned by what the party has become. As for the Dems, the southern Democrats back then would be horrified by the inclusive, diverse party that Dems have become.

  22. 7:37 quickly proved 7:30 to be spot on. Whites who bitch about the new holiday don't like it because it is oriented to Blacks and is a reminder of our nation's shameful period of history.


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