Local Government TV

Thursday, April 07, 2022

We Should Be More Involved in Ukraine Conflict

Under former President Trump, this nation selfishly pursued an "America First" policy that sewed the seeds for Putin's invasion of Ukraine. He fomented what former LV Congressman Charlie Dent decried as the "three-headed monster" of isolationism, nativism and protectionism. We turned our back on the rest of the world, alienating long-time allies, while courting autocrats. The Republican party has morphed into a modern equivalent of the Know Nothing party of the 1850s, led by Q-Anon demagogues. It is Trump, not Biden, who pledged to withdraw troops from Afghanistan without bothering to discuss it with the government in place. In fact, he actually ordered the withdrawal of US troops from Germany, a move that Biden stopped after being sworn into office. He also wanted to pull out of NATO. His blunders only encouraged Putin to take advantage of what he thought was a weakened NATO. Ironically, his invasion had the opposite effect. But other than providing assistance, NATO has been leery to get more involved. We've shied away from a no fly zone and even rejected a swap of planes with Poland that would eventually beef up Ukraine's air force. Given the butchery in Bucha and elsewhere, we need to be more involved. 

The wanton murder of Ukranian noncombants should come as no surprise to anyone who has read about Russia;s antics in Syria and Chechnya. No one can effectively deny that there have been widespread war crimes by Russian troops. Yet there are those who say that, as disturbing as these murders have been, we just have no strategic interest in this conflict. I disagree, 

We all know that this conflict has sharply escalated the prices and possibly supplies of fossil fuel on a global level. More importantly, the war is going to disrupt global food supplies. We like to call ourselves the breadbasket of the world. But it is actually Russia and Ukraine who supply most of the globe's cereal crops and vegetable oil. So it's clear that the conflict could easily cause a collapse in the global economy. 

I have little doubt that NATO, including the US, will get involved militarily if Putin begins using chemical weapons or attacks military hardware heading from NATO country Poland to Ukraine. But if we allow this conflict to drag out, there will be a worldwide depression and more conflicts will erupt elsewhere. 

We all know the UN, as President Zelenskyy has observed is useless. Russia can simply veto any move it dislikes  What NATO should do is give Russia an ultimatum to enter into a ceasefire and negotiate an agreement or be subjected to both a no-fly zone and naval blockade.

Given what I've seen of Russia's military, I think Ukranians can take care of themselves on the ground. They have asked for help in the air. We need to make clear to Russia that we will do so unless they end the conflict. 


  1. Well, Bernie, you can sign up today, Ukraine is accepting volunteers, I would council any young people to stay out of this european conflict, if the EU want to fight the Russians they should go for it. Why is it always that we are willing to send other peoples kids to police the world.

  2. This article is complete garbage all left wing lies Bernie you are worse than the Russians. If Trump was President, there would be no war just like during his term in office. People like you are destroying our country with your fake news. Trump would be President if it was not for the rigged Election by the media and social media which you are a part off. Fraud was also involved all over the country including Lehigh County where people were people were voting up to 20 times each. We are now suffering big time under Biden because of people like you.

  3. Everybody with any brains knows Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if Trump was President.

  4. Biden will be impeached in January, He really is not our President, the election was rigged, and the fraud is starting to come out.

  5. Total left wing lies, you make Trump look good. You are just like Biden a corrupt loser who will go down as the worst President in History.

  6. Corruption in Lehigh County people turning in ballots by the hundreds the results gave us this war. Also inflation high gas prices the border and you voted for the corrupt Biden

  7. My browser keeps directing to CNN instead of your blog, Bernie. Hackers?
    Look into it.

  8. Wow, now you see just how effective relentless propaganda will convince everyone that a new war is such a necessity.

  9. The war we should be fighting we are not --that is the border war started by Biden and his anti-America friends. 100000 plus die because of drugs and criminals and Biden does nothing.

  10. America First should be America's policy. How about we protect our borders? Take care of our poor?

  11. Your father must be rolling over in his grave when he sees what you print.

  12. This article is all lies.

  13. One problem with aircraft swaps is whether the Ukrainians have the logistics to keep them flying. Do they have the mechanics, spare parts, fuel etc.
    Amount of ordnance is another bottleneck.
    Shipping 100 tons of aircraft needs vs how many crates of AT weapons or just ammo?
    It is not as easy as it sounds.

  14. How about this? Instead of America acting exclusively as NATO, and having our soldiers shot out of the sky and killed on the ground, why not insist the other member nations of NATO (who are closer) be the ones to ramp-up direct attacks on Russia through No-Fly Zones and Naval attacks?

    Plenty of non-American firepower is already available over there to call Putin’s bluff. If that limited NATO aggression doesn’t lead to World War 3, and Russia pulls back in defeat, fine. Funding NATO is one thing, supplying weapons another. But, there is NOT sufficient interest in our country to take the biggest hit with loss of life to save a corrupt nation like Ukraine. America need not be the only World Policeman.

  15. Sure Ukraine would have helped us if we needed it--come to think of it They did help Biden with money.

  16. Berni you should be proud you helped put Biden in office.

  17. Lies and more lies from you.

  18. Who could have imagined that they would wake up this morning and read the combined content of Slate, Vox, and The Atlantic articles compressed into one of O'Hare's TDS inspired blogs?

  19. This is another irrational post, with the usual revisionist history trying to blame Trump for Biden's failures.

    For the US to enforce a "no-fly" zone in the Ukraine, we'd have to take out Russian air defense stations inside of Russia. Do you really want the US to give Russia an ultimatum that if ignored (by Russia) will force us to start WW3?

    If so, please put your grandson on any US military flights trying to enforce the no-fly zone. I'll keep mine at home.

  20. It's not Trump's fault and your pathetic attempt to deflect from the failures of our Oberlin College Faculty Lounge State Department is proof of the compromised mental state in which Trump left you. Putin invaded under Obama, paused under Trump, and continued under Obama II (aka Biden). Soviets know what American patsies look like. Ask Jimmy Carter who let them traipse all over the planet. It stopped when a Republican was elected. The pattern repeats and repeats. You want war. Your party used to be against it. I mean REALLY against it. You've been changed. Trump's ownership of your mind and soul is complete. I'm a disaffected R who turned I and would never vote for Trump. But your pretzel logic here is ridiculous. We have to move past Trump-reactionism at some point. The one-note sonnet must end. He got four years and was tossed. Trump wasn't taken advantage of like Biden and Carter. That's an inconvenient fact. You also know Biden isn't in complete control of his mental faculties. We're in trouble and you're still flailing at the one-term last guy.

  21. Bernie you are a traitor to our country-you should leave the country we will be better off getting rid of people like you.

  22. What if did get involved as you suggest and then China got involved as an ally to Russia and the whole conflict became global? Putin and Xi scare me, I'd rather we participated in action against Russia as part of a North American/European Alliance or through continued financial assistance and sanctions.

  23. I stopped reading after reading the words Charlie Dent

  24. you wok people are bad for the country all you do is spread lies

  25. While the atrocities we are seeing are atrocious, what makes this conflict one from which we must jump from the sidelines? The US and other nations didn’t involve itself in other conflicts within the region, choosing a diplomatic approach. I am not willing to see our country put boots on the ground for a war that is not ours to fight.

  26. Bernie you must stop this blog you and some of your woke friends must be stopped.

  27. WOW! The vitriol is heavy indeed today. You are correct Bernie and to H with the pundits and their idol worship of one DJT. Murder is murder no matter how you slice it and we need to be a world leader once again in the face of the calamity ongoing in Ukraine. The ripple effect is already turning into a tsunami of global proportions. no one is safe from this insane dictator/Stalin wannabe! Blame is of no use now. We can figure that out later but at the moment..we need to act swiftly to crush this evil man and restore some semblance of world order. Appeasement is NOT..an option!

  28. Put the Blogger's on the front line!

  29. This is a european issue. Let Europe handle this. I am tired of the US playing world cop. 20 years of adventuring in the middle east is enough for me.

  30. Hey, France, Germany, Great Britain . . . . now’s the time to lead the charge. Others, too. Solve that thing that is on YOUR doorstep. America has its own problems now. We’re going broke and our borders are wide open.

  31. Bernie you must go away and stop your shit reports.

  32. Lol, these Trumpers lack the ability to read. At no time did I advocate that we send in ground forces. Nor has Ukraine sought such assistance.?i am suggesting an ultimatum to Russia to stop or suffer the consequences of a NATO no fly zone and naval blockade.

  33. 5:11
    Please let me know what drug concoctions you are taking to have this FU opinion. I know what they say about opinions but you are just an ass. Get a life and please don’t vote.

  34. Isolationism isn't always a bad thing when you have to work with the likes of some of the countries in NATO and UN. The tragedies in this part of the world started before Trump walked down that walkway to declare his candidacy. Send Biden's son and Clinton's daughter and Obamas daughter over to sort it out. They, along with Trump have been shameful. I decry the butchery in Ukraine but also others just as bad have occurred in recent history and go on today. Just haven't got this kind of press.

  35. You just advocated a no fly zone, which means shooting at russia, and a naval blockade, more shooting at russia, hence WW3. This war and sanctions may very well bring down the economies of the western world, before they bring down Russia's. Russia considers this war a fight for their existence, we consider a it a way for our proxies to damage russia. They may very well believe they can survive a nuclear war. Can We?

  36. You want war with your ultimatums to Russia--all the people above you are bad news. I never thought you had a brain.

  37. No Fly Zone is an act of war. What is the next step after that escalation.

    Why aren't we concerning ourselves with what's going on in Yemen? Or any of the conflicts in Africa that are constantly taking place?

    Labeling everyone that disagrees with you as "Trumpers" is just as effective as your asinine plan to further involve us in this war.

    America is broke and divided. Further engagement in this war will only make us poorer and more divided. It doesn't surprise me that you don't recognize that fact but maybe you should be a little bit more self aware and a little less outspoken on things you clearly don't have a firm grasp on.

  38. As always, you again are on the right side of this one Bernie. You are one of the most intelligent moxie guys I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Don't pay attention to these Trumpers.
    My neighbor and I had a discussion that turned nasty in a hurry. He threatened me with bodily harm so I insulted him and said "your MAMA". He tried to grab me and slipped and fell while I escaped to the house. I watched him rant and rave from the bedroom window and he kept yelling "I see you and I'm going to get you". So I dropped my drawers and shot the moon at the idiot right from the bedroom window and he yelled back to me "I'll get you too Donald Trump".

  39. Trump threatened to leave NATO if deadbeat countries like Germany failed to contribute 2% GDP to its defence costs. The US had done more than uts fair share of station ingredients troops and weapons, at OUR taxpayers expense to defend European democracies. Trump's tactics worked. It forced deadbeat countries to begin paying their fair share of NATO defence costs. You like to cherry pick talking points while ignoring the facts.

  40. Not a big Trump fan, but the seeds were sowed under the Obama administration. It was Obama who laughed at Mitt Romney and mocked him "the 80's called, they want their foreign policy back." It was Obama's secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, who ran around with the "reset button" touting the "russian reset."

    Russia took the Crimea when Obama was president. I don't think it's a coincidence that Putin invaded when Biden was president, that Iran fired missiles at our consulate in Iraq, that North Korea is shooting missiles again. Biden is weak, and the despots know it.

    Trump is a horrible person, and he's a loud mouthed asshole, but he was also unpredictable, and that worked to his advantage when dealing with despots.

    The border, crime, inflation, energy prices, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Iran, and North Korea. Biden hasn't just been a disappointment, he's been a disaster! He's not a moderate like I thought. The people he has chosen to important committees and boards, like Saule Omarova, a marxist he tried to put on the banking regulatory committee, show his true political colors.

  41. I have no doubt if Trump were President he'd be withholding aid to Ukraine until he got a fake report on Hunter Biden. Under that slimeball Trump, we'd probably be providing Putin weapons.

    Bernie, you are correct. Putin figured NATO and the West would never be as united as they have become. He also underestimated the will and skill of the Ukrainians.

    Give the Ukrainians 50 jets flown by their pilots and they'll push Russia back to their own borders in a month.

  42. Assigning blame and predicting outcomes if and when is beyond stupid and solves absolutely nothing.

    The stupidity masquerading around here is breathtaking. We're so lucky to have so many Foreign Relations experts reading Bernie's blog and willing to share their deep knowledge on European politics, economics, psychology and American influence.

  43. The first step in problem-solving is to ADMIT you have a problem! I believe the majority of America recognizes this, and will freely admit, the Federal Administration now in place under Joe Biden has been a huge and damaging failure. The ill effects this incompetent group has already brought to our nation will take many years to fix. Having corrupt and feckless Members of Congress operating under big media cover makes the job even more difficult.

    Donald Trump didn’t take us to this sorry place. Admit this, if only to yourself.

  44. "i am suggesting an ultimatum to Russia..."

    How cute. Like a Syrian line in the sand? Paper tiger statements are just that. Biden won't be taken seriously because Obama threatened and failed to deliver. That Syrian line wasn't good for Trump or Biden. We keep electing bad presidents and, at the same time, have given the executive branch too much power.

  45. 11:09 you deserve what you got

  46. Bernie is now receiving monies from Legacy Corporate to regurgitate propaganda that was signed into law by Obama. What about the dead Ukrainians white bands on there arms marking them as Russian sympathisers, this could be more propaganda.
    I see we have all become strategists and 5star general's now.

  47. Warring diverts money from what is really important - the planet. Ukraine is not a national security problem for the US. Plastic and pollution are. Fighting over scraps of barren land is meaningless in a world with rising sea levels and dirty air. Ukrainians and the world need to stay focused: reduce reuse and recycle. Save your country: win the battle. Save your planet: win the war.

  48. the people on this blog who defend Biden and his policies must like paying much more for good and services than when Trump was president I hope the Texas governor sends all those illegal immigrants to Washington D C and Delaware. Let them deal with the illegals.

  49. 40% of the people like Biden -Hard to believe so many stupid people live in this country.

  50. Stop the blame game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Action is called for...NOW! Wake up from your dreams and face reality for a change. We are in the midst of a world wide crisis for cripes sake. Shove your political views where the sun don't shine and let's get our butts in gear to defeat this hell bent dictator..once and for all. If this isn't war already..I missed that day in History class. We all need to do our part..whatever it takes!

  51. Its too bad we cannot have mandatory birth control for Republicans. It would help cut down on too many mean, evil vicious, vile rotten mutants who hate their country.

  52. I usually agree with the Bern man. But this right here, I feel like I've read a CNN article. And that I do not like.

  53. You're certainly correct on this Bernie, though I (and really most experts I see) do NOT endorse a no-fly zone. We CAN & should send Ukraine the advanced anti-aircraft systems to create their OWN no-fly zone. Wow, your insightful post sure has brought out the brain-dead Trump cult members tonight, kinda like frogs crossing the road when it rains. I'd love to see the cardboard Trumpy-boy shrines these folks probably have in their houses.

  54. @ 5:11 you are a moron. Trump was Putin's butt buddy who would get on his knees to do anything Putin wanted because he felt like it made him important when in reality it made him just his whipping boy.

  55. @5:26 because under Trump he would have had bigger targets like most of Europe because Trump wanted him to succeed and Trump wanted to destroy America so he could be Putin junior in the united states.

  56. @ 5:29 you should be impeached from the united states go to Russia where you will be treated so farily.

  57. @6:02 Trumps America first policy was take from the poor and line his pockets.

  58. @7:13 so you believe the lying sack of crap julianni? I guess you would believe the joker or the penguin too!

  59. @ 8:34 what you posted is a threat and your IP has been traced adn they will be coming for you from the feds

  60. All who complain about Germany need to go back and read the world war 2 accord which limited Germany's expenditures on military assets and which has never been rescinded. Trump's utilizing Germany as an example is just another one of his smoke and mirror bullshit. It is like him saying no wonder the wheel chaired handicap person was too pathetic to escape the house fire.

  61. Screw it all carpet bomb 5 miles on both sides of the Ukrainian Russia border from now until we stop running out of bombs. How is that for decisive action.

  62. It is not really war until you stop sharing everything across borders. And we are only about 30% there. Cut all communications channels, internet, banking, supplies, etc. and cut anyone's finances who can be traced to Russia. OOP Trump would lose most of his assets, Flynn would loos much of his money adn many others would the same way.

    Subpoena all their financial records and let the financial tracing show the reality. If they are not hiding anything then quit hiding shit.

    Put it to rest one way or other.

  63. All of these cries of “fake news” assume that this is a matter of bias in the American left, but then why do even other countries’ independent news sources agree with the “leftist” media?

    Only two news sources I know of are spinning the war as a local matter that the world should not concern itself with: Fox and Russia Today.

  64. Simple question. Is the Ukraine situation one that justifies the killing of American men and women of our military? My answer is NO!

    The best solution here is for Ukraine to cede control of its two eastern regions to Russia. Both regions have made it clear they prefer to break off from Ukraine.

  65. Ok, Vlad. You Trumpers are something.

  66. 10:22 a threat--Boy are you a woke asshole

  67. It would be more instructive if this blog and anyone commenting - left or right or center - would first describe what victory in Ukraine looks like. That's been an American shortcoming throughout our 245 years. Before jumping right in, all should understand what the desired result will look like. All wars become proxy wars, if they weren't born as such. We're involved already. Before proceeding, we should workshop outcomes, which amid nuclear arsenals, are as serious as things can be. Are we OK with Russia getting eastern Ukraine, south and eastern Ukraine, the northern fringe along the Belarussian border, or do we want every breathing Russian back in Russia?

  68. @9:28 Utilizing your logic we should let Texas go, Florida go to someone else and parts of Washington state go somewhere else then. Cede control of those regions as some in those areas expressed an interest in departing the United states.

    And then I think we should put full and complete immigration bans on them. Like many of hose in those areas are demanding. Let their wish be their law.

  69. @10:57 I guess then we should call you a racist, chauvinistic, women depressing, pedophile supporting, thievery condoning, grifters pawn, bible thumper who says they believe but only when it applies to them. And cries as soon as they are not the center of their delusional world.

    Do us a favor a look at all the things you support and then turn them around an just imagine (and I say imagine because most in you mind set do not have the mental capacity to do this) turn the exact same thing you whine about and see how and what you would do if someone treated you and your family the way you want to treat others. You would probably cry and cry and cry.

    If everything in the world is so horrible around you perhaps the problem is not the world around you it is just probably you.

  70. @11:55 you have a very good point.
    You can't change history so my view would be that Russia goes back to within its borders and does not annex Crimea or any other parts. That we trace all of Russia finances which flow out of and into Russia publicly identifying any and all companies and individuals who are neck deep with their money. That we ban any and all foreign money flowing to US politician or government employee in any way and punish any politician harshly who accepts it.

    I personally think the Russian problem is actually a bigger problem then just the physical horrific war results which have occurred.

  71. 7:42 PM - I’m not a resident of Florida, Texas, or Washington. As a Pennsylvanian, I have no right to control what those state governments and residents choose to do. That’s their business, not mine. If one of those states (or any other state) decides to break away from the United States, I would fully support their decision.

    The beauty of state sovereignty is that each state is (or should be) free to choose how it is governed. If a Pennsylvanian decides another state works better for me, he/she can leave and take up residence elsewhere. You must have noticed, hundreds of thousands have decided to leave places like California, New York, New Jersey, etc. already.

    The eastern regions of Ukraine that adjoin Russia have made it quite clear they want to get away from the corrupt government of Ukraine. They consider themselves Russian and speak that language. Russia has stated it will treat those areas as independent states and defend their right to exist free from Ukraine. The solution to end the killing will come from this matter, I believe.

  72. 7:42 PM

    Gotta love strained analogies.

    Playing along, isn't that the "logic" the Obama administration used WRT Crimea?

    And as someone above said, we don't know what "victory" will look like. Ultimately, Ukraine may very well negotiate an agreement ceding Russia some sort of control over its eastern region and the Biden administration will sign off on it. I guess "logic" would say Biden just gave up Massachusetts.

  73. wow, insanely high proportion of utterly deranged comments on this one.

  74. Holy shit, we're doomed. The whole lot of you people are severely underemployed. I'm clutching my pearls wondering why you policy wonks are not employed by the most prestigious think tanks in the world. Do something useful and go mow your yard. At least the neighborhood would appreciate the effort.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.