Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Steve Lynch Running For GOP State Committee and County Chair

Failed NorCo Exec candidate Steve Lynch has blocked me from viewing his Facebook rants, but there are several people who keep me posted about his constant attention grabbing.  He's now running both for the GOP State Committee and county party chair. 

He's slamming current party boss Gloria "General Lee" Snover even more than I have. I guess it's her fault that his one and only campaign mailer arrived the day after the election. I thought he was suing the Post Office for his failure, but it appears that no lawyer is willing to take the case. 

Tonight he's conducting a "BIG" meeting at the Nazareth Diner to lay out his strategy to get elected to head the county GOP. 

All Democrats should send him some money to ensure his election as party boss. 

It will be the last time a Republican is elected in NorCo, even in a year that should be shitty for Democrats. 

I hate to break it to you "Patriots," but it is thanks to people like you that Democrats will also win the open US Senate seat and Governorship 


  1. I've been watching Lynch's videos and following his political "activism," which is mostly talking indignantly at his phone while driving, and his absolute narcissism is striking. I have no doubt he believes all the dumb nonsense he rants about, usually the right-wing media cause du jour, despite his insistence that these are all his own well-researched opinions. However, it is all about being a hero in his own mind and being "right." People like Lynch and his cohorts like to call liberals snowflakes, but I've never seen a bigger group of constant whining victims than they are.

    Lynch is just a self-absorbed crybaby perpetual victim who hides his insecurity behind rallying clearly troubled people looking for a purpose behind him. Seriously, read the comments on his posts. It is a rogues' gallery of unhinged ranting by delusional nuts and slavering, pathetic cult of personality bullshit

  2. As for the Senate and Governor seats, if the Democrats win it will be because of Philadelphia. No further explanation required.

  3. I don't like Lynch. But I really like Fetterman roughing up the blacks in his town. That's an old school Democrat. You see a black after dark. That mofo is suspicious and needs some special attention. Fetty is THE MAN! Where's your endorsement, fellow Democrat and admitted racist Bernie? You haven't breathed a peep about this slug who's carrying the party flag at the top of the state. Your racism really IS still there. Actions vs words, Bern.

  4. If Fetty sees a mixed race college basketball standout roaming his town after dark, that player is getting roughed up and may get a gun pulled on him by the state's Democratic Party standard bearer. Guilty until innocent, shooting guard. Not a word from "gramps" or the rest of the unreconstructed Democrat racists.

  5. Anyone who votes for a Democrat is an idiot or mentally retarded--Bernie you are one of them so I know you will not print this.

  6. It would be so fine for the Ds to win the Senate seat and governorship!

  7. The last sentence in this post convinces me that O'Hare is absolutely hitting the bottle (secretly, of course) again...

  8. Brother Steve if elected will restore the gallows at Getters Island as a deterrent to election mischief, Naz Diner better stock up on eggs his crew will be coming straight from Arm Day which calls for 10 egg meat lovers omelets!

  9. BO is absolutely correct. We will see a Democrat fill both the Senate seat and the Governors office. My Republican lobbyist in Harrisburg agree this will be the case. Shapiro, although loathed by his fellow Democrats is a political animal to the core. Mastriano and Barletta are too whakadoodle to win a general.
    Unless we can rid ourselves of these boot licking Trump candidates we will be without a Republican in a statewide office. For some, this will feed right into their victim mentality voter fraud bullshit. Let's try and focus on winning and it won't happen with the likes of Lynch and Snover.

    The rest of you idiots above that infected the Republican party, thanks for nothing.

  10. "anyone who votes for a Democrat is an idiot or mentally retarded" according to 7:27AM

    Anyone who votes Republican is a poor excuse for a human being. They have proven through their actions that they are not patriots. They vote against voting rights for all Americans. They vote against dealing fairly with Americans with disabilities, individuals who are different (gay rights) elderly with medical problems, and the list goes on and on. I would sign my name to this as a person not ashamed to stand up for his rights but I don't want the Northampton County Republicans coming to my house with 20 strong men to change my mind.

    1. Asking for identification is not against voting rights. I am so tired of that argument. Everyone has some identification and if not can get it easier than a cell phone or debit card. I show my ID each time I vote as a proud Republican American. Republicans are also not anti gay. I have many friends and have attended their weddings. But I don't agree with teaching 2nd graders about gender identity. I could also go on and on but you won't listen because you've already made up your mind. Not all democrats or Republicans are far out most are in the middle . The news makes it like you are either far right or far left and you believe them

  11. As a kid I thought Reagan was the greatest President ever. Watching the Republican party go down this whirlpool of stupidity these past 6 years just makes me sick to my stomach. The embrace of conspiracy theories, the willingness to revise history and look the other way when its convenient has and will cost them generations of voters and they'll deserve it.

  12. What a complete unemployed fool this Lynch guy is
    When is the FBI going to put him in jail for being stupid?

  13. Bernie, you can take solace by reflecting that the cheap shot artists in here are surely Trumpsters, a cult of racist idiots.

  14. I never received that POS mailer from that POS. The only thing worse than Snover as chair would be Lynch. Drive to the bottom of the barrel.

  15. This John Fetterman??????


  16. I keep hearing about the Republicans taking over at the midterms and have come to a simple conclusion — it isn’t going to happen. Nuts like this dope who fly the ridiculous Trump flags are dooming Republicans, which I think is fair. The party refused to stand up to Trump and allowed him to create this cult of personality. I have seen old/young, highly educated people fall for these types and it scares me to bits. Perhaps the Democrats need to retain power so adults are in control.

  17. 9:49 you are a fool and probably voted for Biden and his lefty friends look what they did to the country Boy are you stupid you must like the inflation, the border and everything else the dems are doing to our country.

  18. The worst was his dangerous transphobic comments against swimmer Lia Thomas he posted. What a piece of shit human you are and you’re suppose to be a man of god?

    But I have a question for you Steve, does taking steroids give bodybuilders an unfair advantage in competition? Asking for a friend.

    Funny how your anti-vax rhetoric doesn’t include the illegal “jabs” of anabolic steroid you receive illegally from Mexico.

  19. The democrats that write to this blog have no shame; they have no credibility whatsoever. Just look what the democrats did to our country on every level and ever issue. Best for them to pack their bags and get out of the country because the landslide is coming, and the good American people will show them what we think of them.

  20. I am as loyal as can be with the Republican Party and I would never vote for Lynch nor want to be in the same room as him. But as far as Democrats are concerned, I don’t even consider them human. Typically they serve no purpose in life except to sponge off of others. They have dug this country to the lowest of low. Biden will go down as the worst President ever. Name a sector of the economy, or life, or even recreation and entertainment. and Biden and the Dems destroyed that. Forget the 20 strong men bull crap, heck I’ll sic Will smith on you. Even old blue blood Dems are saying what happened to my party. They have gone so far left that I don’t recognize them.
    Trump is right on 90% of everything he talks about. No I make that 95%.

  21. Not this egotEstical dude again!!

  22. Steve has far less supporters than you or even he believe he does. He’s ruined his chances with his name calling and inability to say a civil word these days about anyone but himself and his chosen US House 7th District supporter!

  23. 9:49 Boy are you stupid keep voting for your dems--more taxes , more inflation, no border, foreign laughing stock gas prices very high more masks and shut downs, the cities are a war zone, schools are dead and will never return and on and on and on....

  24. This blog is a part of the left wing media, it is a fake blog.

  25. @10:06
    You were naive as a kid and as an adult. Regan was the killer of the American middle class. Look into our history and what the middle class had as compared to today. In the late seventies the American middle class had a good life, unions, paid 100% company medical, better vacations, more fun and real pension plans. But thanks to the American ignorance the middle loss their power, hopefully now the pendulum will turn in the other direction since our Republicans friends are running off the rails, greedy and full of hatred.

  26. You're right!!!!! Joe Biden isn't a very good President but I voted for him because if I didn't vote for Biden my other choice was that lying son of a bitch Donald Trump. Trump is a poor excuse for a human being and should have been castrated early on in life so his genes couldn't be passed to a new generation. The election wasn't stolen from him. He lost by six million votes. Hillary Clinton beat him by three million votes. He is a jerk and will go down in history as the worst president ever. Good riddance.

  27. Donald Trump is all for Donald Trump and he belongs in Jail for what he did to our Country. Hopefully that is forthcoming.

  28. The matter of voting irregularities across the nation during the 2020 is real. In addition to unrest over spending and inflation, voters will surely consider the integrity of recent elections, now having sufficient evidence of fraud in at least 5 states, including Pennsylvania. The mail-in ballot process was key. All of this makes the voice of people, like Steve Lynch, a factor in future elections.

  29. As much as I can't stand this disgusting individual, call his bluff and elect him. Let's see how much of a leader he actually is. It would be great to see him fail miserably and see his 'followers' move along to the next moron that leads by streaming FB live videos. Seriously what planet does this clown live on. Who really thinks like this? Another one of his posts has people commenting that cancer was cured 40 yrs ago but 'they' are withholding the cure to control the population. Insanity. Lynch and the mob need their heads examined.

    "So you're excited and thankful that illegal and unconstitutional mandates were lifted...
    Just so you know,
    You're the reason they were enforced and followed for the last 2 plus years!
    You fought for nothing and now thank your slave masters for the breadcrumbs of freedom from their table...
    Nation of 🐑🐑🐑
    This cabal now knows you will comply to anything and they are going to fully exploit you and the mental weakness that has infested mankind!
    We tried to warn you... They are just getting started!"

  30. @8:17 - Show me the facts? Your cult leader lost fair and square so quit whining! Steve Lynch is a dotard!

  31. trump lost Pennsylvania
    trump lost Wisconsin
    trump lost Michigan
    trump lost Georgia
    trump lost Nevada
    trump lost Arizona

    trump lost...

  32. Trump in 2024 After Biden we do not need another politician.

  33. @8:17
    Wipe the KoolAid off your chin. You'll stain the pillow you bought from Mike Lindell.
    Promo Code: NUTJOB

  34. Trump said hang Hillary for what she did. I am not fully negative on that thought process. But at the same time let his word determine his and his families future as he used multiple personal devices for conduct of our governmental business and that he also took numerous boxes of classified (??) materials to Mara Lago. Let his punishment be that he wished upon others.

    Now to turn this back to our buddy Lunch. Let the same 20 strong men show up and physically remove him from the county and possibly the state never to be allowed to return.

    I am tired of these bull crap hypocrite arsses

  35. @8"17 So to put it bluntly do recommend immediate incarceration of the Republicans who falsely posed as electors. Incarceration of the republican senators who vote twice in separate states, Incarceration of the politicians who used wrong addresses. And so on. Let's start with them

    And by the way what is you evidence of irregularities other the the spew of the orange umpalumpa, fck NEWS, or FCKer Carlson.

    And if you really do have factual Then why haven't you ponied up to Rudy to have a news conference.

  36. @8:17 it is actually people like you who believe in idols like lynch who makes there voice mean anything. If Steve Lynch says something and not one listens, cares or believe does he pathetic self matter?

  37. @8:17AM

    "The matter of voting irregularities across the nation during the 2020 is real."

    In your mind.

    Otherwise there was no evidence of any widespread voter fraud beyond a few minor instances of individuals voting more than once in different locations and some folks voting for their dead spouses and/or relatives. Many of those instances were also well documented as happening with Republican voters.

    Get a life and stop spouting your wing nut conspiracy bullshit.

  38. Bernie. I bet you can identify over half of the posts written by people who sign it ANONYMOUS just by the way or manner in which they write. Everyone writing style could be compared to a fingerprint. Distinct heck you look at all my posts and you could figure out it’s me. It seems you have a couple people that just rail on President Trump.and say the most disrespectful things. I believe that the way a person writes is easy to see their education level and as I read the negative Trump posts I see nothing more than an elementary school educated person one who contributes nothing to society. That they are typically a sponge with no purpose in life except to tell everyone how miserable they really are.

  39. 9:45 - For more info, see. True the Vote, or 2000 Mules. Very comprehensive.

  40. True the Vote is a Houston-based vote-monitoring initiative committed to stopping voter fraud with a "horrendous record of filing inaccurate voter registration challenges."[1] Many believe that the organization's activities are aimed at voter suppression and a right-wing agenda to further a new administration. TTV trains volunteers to monitor elections and report incidents of voter fraud. It also holds local rallies to promote "voter ID" laws, which it staunchly supports.[2] TTV has been accused of voter intimidation[3] and advancing hysterical claims about the pervasiveness of voter fraud.[4] TTV's current president is Catherine Englebrecht, who is also the founder of the King Street Patriots, a Tea Party 501(c)(4) group based in Texas.[5]


  41. Seems like they are partisan and directly fictitiously lying to self justify their effort to the fools that believe them.

    Questions about whether True the Vote is really a "charity" refraining from political activity (necessary to be considered a 501(c)3 nonprofit) arise as early as its partisan roots. [17] A 2010 video announcing True the Vote's launch begins with right-wing activist David Horowitz telling the camera that "Republicans have to win by at least three percent in order to win an election," since Democrats are likely to case fraudulent votes. Further, True the Vote's activities largely consist of training Tea Partiers [20] to act as "poll watchers," some of whom have been accused of voter intimidation. [17]

    True the Vote - Stop Voter Fraud
    At the time of True the Vote's "poll watching" activities in Harris County, Texas during the November 2010 elections the organization was described as a "project" of the Houston-based Tea Party group the King Street Patriots. As a result of a 2010 lawsuit filed against the King Street Patriots by the state Democratic Party, a Texas judge ruled that the organization was an unregistered PAC rather than the nonprofit corporation that it claimed, and that it unlawfully provided in-kind donations to the state Republican Party. [21] The judge's ruling was based in part on True the Vote's voter intimidation practices and the parent organization's close ties to the state Republican Party.

    In fact, in 2012, True the Vote contributed $5000 to the Republican State Leadership Committee.[2] This overtly political statement would legally, according to tax lawyers specializing in election law, disqualify a nonprofit from 501(c)3 tax-exempt status. [22] Additionally, the coordinator of Code Red USA has identified True the Vote as a partner in the nation-wide effort to flood the polling places with conservative observers. [23] In 2012, Democratic House Representative, Elijah E. Cummings, sent a letter to Catherine Engelbrecht requesting information about the data used by True the Vote to challenge voter registrations, the training provided to volunteers, and the method of choosing voter jurisdictions to monitor. [1] This request was made to investigate serious allegations of True the Vote's political agenda and possible criminal conspiracy to deny legitimate voters their constitutional rights.

  42. @12:42 So do you believe that the politicians from Arizona who knowing and admittedly acted as electors when they were not should be harshly punished. So you believe then that Trump who told people in Georgia they needed find votes to help him overturn the election should be prosecuted for election tampering per the law. Do you believe the senators and representatives who voted in multiple states or used the wrong address should be punished immediately and harshly for what is legally voter fraud?

  43. @2:15 so are you taking about putting this clown in jail?

    April 22, 2022
    2:20 PM EDT

    Former Trump aide Meadows registered to vote in three states simultaneously -WashPost


    Sounds like multiple counts of voter Fraud! and also therefore under Amendment 14 he should be ban from being a politician forever as isn't election fraud trying to subvert the constitution?


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.