Local Government TV

Friday, April 29, 2022

Steve Lynch For NorCo GOP Chair

Steve Lynch has blocked me from his Facebook page, but thanks to a friend, I was able to take a deep dive down his rabbit hole yesterday. As of 10 pm, he had already posted three Facebook live videos. All of them were shot while he's driving. But yesterday was a big day for him. You see, he was on his way to the a Northampton County Republican Committee meeting, where he's running to become Chair. And I sincerely hope he gets it. He's worked hard for it, and I think his position as party boss would have a big impact on county Republicans. 

Among the things I learned from him yesterday are the following: (1) the vaccine is a poison. (2) The federal government is spraying something in the sky, so there's no such thing as climate change. (3) Democrats believe in infanticide. "They believe in murdering children." (4) The pandemic was planned by the government so it can control us. It was a medical scam. The evidence is there and you're an idiot if you don't accept this as gospel. (5) Pa-7 Congressional candidate Kevin Dellicker is a liar. (6) Mail-in voting is unconstitutional, and he will fix the system as party chair. (7) The Democratic party is progressive Communists (8) Facebook is interfering with his live videos and making him sound like Robocop. (9)  The January 6 attempted coup at the capitol was staged, a "plansurrection." "You're a fool if you still want to hold on to your jaded view of what really took place. A desperate fool."

He's got quite a following. One of them is fired Gracedale employee Stacy Soldo, who would like to hang me by my balls for some reason. 

After spending most of the day listening to his videos, followed by a shower, my conclusion is that Lynch is just the man to lead county Republicans for the foreseeable future.   


  1. He's correct on at least #3. Democrat = Babykiller. That's why I can never vote for one (unless you can find me the extremely rare prolife D).

  2. Bernie don't worry about Stacy Soldo hanging you by your balls. She has been told that your balls are in the possession of Lamont McClure, so you are safe. lol

  3. It's about time you point out the radical elements in our local parties. If Lynch doesn't think a human born with penis and testicles can be a menstruating woman, he's just another science denying radical Republican. If Lynch thinks that a fetus at 32 weeks gestation is actually human and he has a problem with vacuuming from a womb in pieces, he's nUtZ.

    Every. Single. Democratic. Party. Committee. Person. (Including Catholic Democrats)

    1. I suggest you get some counseling. Sounds like you need it

  4. I guess selfie vids project the idea that you actually have somewhere to go, or somewhere to be. Maybe his rants appear more logical if they come from a frustrated driver. Or maybe he just drives with nowhere to go.

  5. Democrats do not equal baby killers. Baby killer, is just a word that white people throw around too easily. I’m prolife, but I also know that if we’re going to eliminate abortion our attitude about sex education and birth control would have to evolve drastically, as long as 12 year old girls get their first lesson in sex ed from 15 year old boys, and as long as people can’t afford education and access to birth control.

    1. White people?? That’s racial profiling. Idiot

  6. I've never seen such a self-righteous narcissist. His brand of idiocy really brings out the mentally ill, it seems. The comments on his videos sound like the ravings of Q-anon cultists on week-long meth binges.

  7. I thought the last election this turd swirled to there bottum where he came from? Apparently not. Most of my fellow Republicans voted for Lamont McClure to keep this POS out of office and away from outer children and families. Bernie let's do a contest and see who picks the exact dates this knucklehead gets arrested. This man's brain is like a wiggle ball . Turd Go Away will ya!

  8. No surprise he takes a shot at Kevin Dellicker given his ties to Lisa Scheller. She's the one behind his disastrous campaign for Exec and he's a fixture at her events.

  9. "I guess selfie vids project the idea that you actually have somewhere to go, or somewhere to be. Maybe his rants appear more logical if they come from a frustrated driver. Or maybe he just drives with nowhere to go."

    He is clearly a distracted driver who is going to get into an accident if he keeps it up.

  10. Steve will get the job done, UHURU!

  11. This man has the brain of a Wiffle Ball!

  12. Steve is exactly why the expected Red Wave in November will be a ripple at best. Most voters acknowledge that a large segment of the Republican party is beyond repair and will sit out elections or hold their noses and vote for Dems.

  13. Democrat pro-abortion types are mostly white and keenly aware that abortion culls blacks and Hispanics at a rate 8 times that of whites. Your daddy's Democrats are still alive and well and as racist as ever. Black Lives Matter a lot to white Demorcrats who spend millions trying to kill them. But let's talk about Steve Lynch and not about the admitted, racist, white, pro-abortion Democrats - like Bernie - who sadly breath our air. They are demonic bigots.

  14. "They are demonic bigots."

    I noticed yesterday that Steve Lynch likes to refer to Democrats as demons in his Facebook Lives. Surprised to see someone else using that infrequently used word.

    It's certainly true that minority females seek abortions at a much higher rate than white women. They are the women most impacted by abortion restrictions, not you. Theuir contention is that these restrictions are racist. https://apnews.com/article/abortion-us-supreme-court-business-health-race-and-ethnicity-3fff455cce7ef0d8694f5371f805ea18

    Its funny how you nuts object strenuously to a Facemask on the basis of freedom, yet are all for the state dictating what women may or may not do with their bodies.

    1. The issue is what they do to the bodies now growing inside them.

  15. Let this jerk, adopt a few kids or shut the F' up, then he will be trying to teach kids about sex ed and responsibility. Go figure.

    1. He already has kids you moron

  16. As a past supporter of Steve, I can tell you since he lost his election the guy has taken a nose dive and his anger and despair are coming out in full force. He is alienating his own people with his rage, and it’s not good for the party. Steve isn’t a viable candidate and his time is past. Bye bye Steve, and onto bigger and more reasonable elected officials.

  17. For a second I thought that was Macho Man Randy Savage.................

  18. 10:36 am is exactly right. The Republican Party has been hijacked my people enamored with a charlatan. It is downright scary to see how one person can manipulate and brainwash so many. I thought those days ended in 1945.

  19. Maybe you should get a real job. Oh wait!! You can’t because you are a disbarred lawyer. Yet, you criticize someone you say was fired. You believe anything

  20. I cannot believe people buy into all this. Including the crap you post. You are a former disgraced lawyer. Get a real job and start making a positive impact to society. Maybe you and Steve should get couples therapy. You both need it.

  21. I cannot believe people buy into this stuff. Including the crap you post. You are a former disgraced lawyer who was barred. You have no credibility. Why would anybody listen to either of you? Why don’t you get a real job and make a positive impact on society? You and Steve should try couples therapy together. Both of you certainly need it.

  22. I agree: this would be the best thing for the local GOP. Steve Lynch is there to guide them . . .

  23. Lynch and his mob are parrots and walking contradictions. Steve "I hate elites and they are trying to control us" to this morning praising a tweet by Elon Musk as "a savage troll" because he made a snarky reply to an AOC tweet. I guess when you've got 20 strong men behind you, you know the definition of savage but can't see the irony of your posts. Q is alive and well in them. "Something big is going to happen, everyone needs to wake up and be ready".... said how many times in the past 5 years with no arrival of the big storm? You'd think they'd all be a little disappointed at this point.

    And then there's the militia guy from Pittsburgh that Lynch has connected with, who wants to solve all of our problems by killing people. And the crazy gym owner in south Jersey, who actually did kill someone while he was DUI when he was 20. Now he's running for Congress, and just got pulled over for suspected DUI again two weeks ago and refused a breathalyzer, who Lynch clearly idolizes. Maybe that's why he does all of his FB lives from his car - so he can kill someone being completely distracted and join the club.

    Birds of a feather....

    1. You are the epitome of a nut job! Geez

  24. 8:44 the Alpha Variant Ian Smith passed his sobriety test and refused a breath test because they are notoriously unreliable and he routinely is pestered by Murphy's jack booted secret state police over his brave defiance of the unconstitutional lock down.

    Sheeple lemmings like you will always shave each morning, wear ties, and tow the liberal elites line while savage studs like Lynch and Ian get swole sporting dashing beards working for themselves, Uhuru!

  25. Too bad the party leaders let Lynch run. McClure was toast with a batter candidate. Employees hate the guy and his insider j0b handouts. Patronage should be his middle name. Some regular dems find his attitude obnoxious.

  26. Looks like Tricia Mezzacappa filed a lawsuit about prison conditions at Lehigh on 4/19/22.

  27. I had the pleasure to meet Steve yesterday as he was going door to door. He presented in a clean very well dressed manner. He was receptive and respectful. This is why you should judge people for yourself. I found none of these negative things Bernie talks of. I did fins someone who is tired of Inflation, high energy prices, market conditions and border issues. All of which I agree. Joe Biden has low approval rating and is the cause of many of these issues. So am I a bad person because I agree with him?

    1. I too, have met him and he does not come off as a lunatic Bernie portrays him to be.

  28. When you see the video he shot while he was driving home yesterday, you'll change your mind. He's totally unhinged, and that has nothing to do with issues. Had you disagreed with him, you'd find a totally different person. Conservatism is one thing, and loony conspiracy theories are another. He goes with the latter. I will have two stories tomorrow concerning Lynch and his mob.

  29. His own videos say otherwise. He is clearly unhinged. He is exactly as I describe him.


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