Local Government TV

Monday, April 18, 2022

Ron is Back!

Most people invite me to stay away. Far away. But there are two people who always invite me to visit with them on holidays. One of them is the great (just ask him) Ron Angle. I met him yesterday at Nazareth Diner. You may remember him as that dirty bastard who wanted to sell Gracedale. That's true. I was in on it with him. You may also consider him the guardian of taxpayer dollars. He was that, too. The reason I love Ron so much has nothing to do with politics. he and I are on opposite sides, though we both hate bad government. Ron has been a great friend to me despite our differences. He's the greatest storyteller I've had the honor to know. He is what the Irish call a seanchaĆ­. I can listen to him for hours. Some of his stories are even partially true. He really captures the humor of the slate belt better than anyone I've ever met. I've told Ron many times that I wanted to write up a collection of his stories, from his days as a repo man to his days on county council. He's led a very colorful life. This summer I plan to get it done. 


  1. Ron is one of very few politicians over my lifetime for whom I really enjoyed voting. Most votes are hold-your-nose affairs. Voting for Ron felt good, like flipping the bird to a bad system. I didn't like everything about him. He used to piss off everyone, but mostly the bad guys, many of whom are currently running things ... like shit. Government needs him now, more than it did back then.

  2. Ron was a good man because he was not a politician, he was like Trump For the people not some political philosophy.

  3. Nice. Finger on the trigger.

    1. ...of an un-drawn crossbow. Those strings have been known to pull themselves back spontaneously.

  4. I had the pleasure of attending a meeting with Ron a few years back. There were two groups at the meeting, one angry at him the other at the Twp. He whipped both groups up in a froth, turned them loose at the supervisors and by the end of the meeting both groups were eating out of his hand. Most amazing thing I have ever seen. That's when he gave me the infamous line about not golfing and this was his hobby.
    Glad to hear the old curmudgeon is still kicking.

  5. Bernie, Maybe I missed it? But who is the 2nd person that invites you around the holidays?

  6. The highlight in my mind was when he “got out the drill”,the sucking teachers didn’t want anybody look n at their records. They didn’t know he bought it at a yard sale and probably didn’t work, Hhhheeee! He was best . I too enjoyed voting for him,

  7. We need a lot more people like Ron to turn this country around because we are headed for a major disaster.

  8. And I'll bet if you asked him if he'd run for office again his response is "oh hell no" (or something more colorful. Between the Qs on the right & the Woke left, it just isn't worth it in the current environment. Glad to hear he's still kicking. Watching him on County council (and our post meeting chats afterwards) was always a pleasure. I still remember FF looking like he'd rather be writing a suicide note than be taking minutes. Poor soul.

  9. Ron Angle was a faithful attendee at The Whitetail Deer Classic. His early attendance along with his purchase of a $100.00 ticket for the event made him a regular and a favorite with the sportsmen's event. Because of early sponsors like Ron, the event, today, has raised over two million dollars. Two thirds of that money goes to kids. The bow he is holding was one of he prizes. Thanks Ron. It's because of guys like you that made that event the success it is.
    Jerry Seyfried

  10. Someone (hope it wasn’t you) must have really provoked Ron during that photo shoot. Like every responsible gun handler, I am sure he knows you never put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to shoot something!


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