Local Government TV

Friday, April 22, 2022

NorCo Wraps Up Small Business Grant Program

Last night, Northampton County approved the final set of grants to small businesses adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Sixty Northampton County businesses (you can see them here) were awarded $715,370.25 in grants of up to $15,000. The vote was 8-0, with Council member Ron Heckman absent.

This round of grants marks the end of the small business grant program initiated by Northampton County with money received under both the CARES and American Rescue Plan Acts. Executive Lamont McClure advised Council that, "absent some sea change that I don't foresee," he will ask them to devote remaining federal funds of about $30 million to other projects. This includes a major investment in Gracedale, enhanced 911, and affordable housing projects. 

This small business grant program was administered by the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce, which kicked in $200,000 of its own funds. All told, the program benefited 1,943 Northampton County businesses with a total of $25,564,931.78. 

Some of these business owners appeared at recent Council meetings to express their appreciation in person.  They also sent emails and letters thanking the County, and McClure read some of them, They called it a "business lifesaver," and a "Godsend,"  Though rarely emotional, McClure was clearly moved by those letters and emails. 

McClure also ticked off how much money was received by businesses in each of the county's 37 municipalities. It went to businesses in blue, purple and red bastions.

McClure also expressed his deep appreciation to Tony Iannelli, the CEO at the Chamber. He credited the Chamber and its staff with making sure that businesses were able to apply. Only 45% of these grants went to Chamber businesses. 

"Lamont took my whole speech," cracked Iannelli. "It was Lamont's idea." He went on to say that the Chamber also provided small grants totaling $250,000 before Northampton County got involved.  

"You made a lot of people happy and saved a lot of families and businesses." 


  1. " McClure was clearly moved by those letters and emails"

    The skilled lawyer is good at bullshot and the only thing that moves him is how this will help him get a third term. Instead of reading these letters from his future voters maybe he should read some letters from employees. The guy is a fraud, and you are his enabler.

  2. Yes this is good politics. It is one of those rare situations in which good politics and good government intersect.

  3. Struggle with continuing these programs for so long. No question they were needed at first in response to the gov't shutdown. The problem is now businesses many of which barely survived the shutdown are now facing 30%+ increases in costs due to inflation. WIth no end in site. That inflation was caused in large part by... massive government injections of cash into the economy. Commodity prices, war exacerbated but the massive juicing of the economy by government is the main culprit of the inflation we see now. This is a view shared by a majority of economists. Stimulus was much needed and a feel good story at first in response to the shutdown. But it continued into 2022. A business gets a 10k grant check from the county now pays 13k+ for materials that last year cost 10k. So, the need continues and the government keeps juicing cash flow. Macro view the situation stays stagnant or worse. It'll be tough to break this cycle. And unpopular.

  4. Another lavish vacation for local business owners paid for the CARES act, administered by our very own political hack, Lamont McClure.

  5. Another good interaction for government and business would be when the government rescinds the tax cuts Trump gave to the wealthy taxpayers and businesses. They need to pay their fare share for the good of the country and lower inflation.

  6. The problem with McClure is he is another Donald Trump. He tells you one thing and does another. He will do anything to further and enhance his image. He will screw anyone who gets in his way. You know this Bernie and yet you defend him. He and Charlie Dirtinger are hated throughout the Courthouse. He won't have Lynch to run against next time. The R's are organizing and McClueless will go down.

  7. If a grant were awarded to individual residents, then business owners would be covered anyway. I find it fascinating that these republican business owners who slam the welfare class and socialism are more than happy to be part of a governmental WELFARE SOCIALIST money giveaway. hypocrisy rules. When it comes to money all is fair and McClure loves it

  8. Anon 622pm, total federal tax revenues were $3.32 trillion in 2017, $3.33 trillion in 2018, $3.46 trillion in 2019, $3.42 trillion in 2020, and $4.05 trillion in 2021.

    Tax revenues went up, not down.

    The 'cuts' were not cuts in taxes paid, but in the marginal rates along with eliminating deductions (i.e., the state/local tax deduction) that resulted in an increase in tax revenue to the Federal Government.

    57% of US households paid no federal tax in 2021. 57%.

    So let's please stop talking about paying "fair share" and start talking about the poor spending decisions being made by republicans and democrats alike.

  9. A law office, delivery people, and a lawncare company each got a nice chunk of change. Interesting choice of beneficiaries.


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