Local Government TV

Monday, April 25, 2022

A Tale of Two Housing Authorities

Last summer, several residents complained to Northampton County Council about conditions at the Oliver Border House in Nazareth. That's a four story building with 75 1-BR apartments for persons who are over 62 yo or who are disabled. It's in a quiet corner of a quiet borough, just a stone's throw from Holy Family Church. There's a bus stop right outside the door. There's even a cemetery right across the street so that when the end comes, you don't have far to go. But there's a problem. Northampton County does have a housing authority, but it is an independent agency. Moreover, the home was being managed by the Lehigh County Housing Authority (LCHA).   

In 2014, Northampton County Housing Authority (NCHA) ceded management of its senior housing program to its counterpart in Lehigh County as a result of federal cuts. Its unclear why these federal cuts had no impact on Lehigh's operation.  Northampton County Housing Authority would continue to exist, but Lehigh would run the show. 

In response to these complaints, Northampton County Council invited LCHA to respond to resident accusations of mismanagement. Executive Lamont McClure also stated that it was time to reassert control over its public housing. 

LCHA apparently considers itself above criticism. Executive Director Christina Feiertag did respond to Northampton County Council, but refused to appear in person. In a letter, she reminded everyone that NCHA was under severe financial pressure and had solicited proposals from other housing authorities. Lehigh was selected and resolved NCHA'a fiscal woes. She stated Lehigh is "passionate about its mission and is proud of what it has accomplished."

While claiming it is passionate, LCHA suddenly decided to end its agreement with Northampton, and before Northampton could restore own management. LCHA did so on August 2 with no warning or discussion with anyone in Northampton County. According to NCHA board member Becky Bartlett, this was an indication that the transition would be bumpy. She only received a copy of the termination letter on August 31, and this was after being forced to formally request a copy. 

NCHA was only able to start planning for the transition on September 27, but Lehigh has been uncooperative. Despite HUD's recommendation that someone from Lehigh should serve on the transition committee, Feirtag waited until November 15 to do so. She appointed a Clerk Typist II. 

Despite her so-called passion, Feirtag has refused to cooperate in any way with the transition. 

Frustrated, Bartlett has now resigned from NCHA. She adised NorCo Council of her decision last week. Executive Lamont McClure recommended Scott Parsons to replace her, and he was confirmed by County Council.

In the meantime, the clock is ticking and there soon will be no management at all at Oliver Border House.

So much for passion.    


  1. Something about this post doesn't pass the smell test.

    The "transition" is constantly being referred to as if to put some sort of obligation on Lehigh, but to me "terminated" means immediate. So there would be no "transition".

    The post also mentions that NCHA didn't receive a copy of the termination letter until August 31, which "was after being forced to formally request a copy". That tells me that NCHA had knowledge of the termination before that date, otherwise they wouldn't have known to request a "formal" termination letter.

    The fact that it took another month (until September 27) for NCHA to start planning for the "transition" seems to again be on NCHA, since they had from the time they became aware of the termination (again, likely well before August 31) to start planning for the "transition" that only they seem to be expecting.

    To me, it seems obvious that this has been in NorCo's court for at least 8 months (if not longer), and those involved are trying to pass the buck. That's just bad government.

  2. Bernie,

    A lingering question that many in Lehigh County continue to wonder is LCHA actually a government managed department or is it an independent agency that operates under its own
    rules or lack thereof.

  3. I expected more from my government.

    No sane person, ever

  4. 7:56 am -

    I think you've provided the answer in your question.

    The 'A' in LCHA stands for Authority, which means it is separate from County government. It likely has its own board and its Executive Director is chosen by that board.

    The only typical link to the county is that the County Commissioners usually appoint members to the various authorities, but I think that's as far as any real control goes (beyond the nuclear option of the county eliminating the Authority).

    With that out of the way, I'm still having a difficult time understanding how any of this is Lehigh's issue given that the agreement was apparently terminated last summer.

    According to the post, the Northampton County executive "stated that it was time to reassert control over its public housing" some time ago and was apparently given that control in August (over 8 months ago). So I think the blame for any ongoing problems rests squarely on his shoulders.

    Now whether he is choosing to actually accept that control - and the responsibility that comes with it - or push it off to his own separate county authority is another question altogether.

  5. Want to solve this problem just let ABE take it over—— problem solved. He will run it better than any government body,

  6. None of this makes sense. Every County in the state has a Housing authority and Northampton County is the only County that couldn't financially manage their Housing units???? Under Brown, wasn't there an architectural firm that managed the Housing facilities and provide the upkeep? A major John Brown screw up. What does Charlie Dirtinger do all day. Why can't he be involved in straightening out this mess? What does Dirtenger do anyway?

  7. To all of the above, first as per the contract Lchs has to give 9 months notice to LCHA of their plan to terminate. At the August meeting they were informed by LCHA, that would be terminating the contract as of May 1st, and the employees who worked at the 3 NCHA buildings, where sent letters that their jobs would be terminated as of May 1 2022. NCHA was verbally notified at the Aug 2 meeting. As Bernie stated they were never formally notified by LCHA, whom is also in charge of Valley Housing Authority whom is the management Company that manages the three NCHA properties. Which MS Freight is the Executive executive for and thence the executive director of LCHA, The blame is not on NCHA. Since day one, LCHA has blocked every request NCHA has made , be it certain papers I have listened to meetings where MS Trait org argued with Becky Bartley over who was responsible for what.Yet, LCHA is actually in control until May 1. They are continually blocking NCHA at every turn. NCHA has been consistently working on trying to replace LCHA since Last July, you can't blame them for LCHA non compliiance.

    1. MS Fretieg not Freight and Executive director. I apologize for spell check

  8. Also, at the March meeting LCHA offered to stay on on a month to month basis for $5000. A month until NCHA finds a replacement. Now you tell me, LCHA is not at fault. NCHA is not the problem here but LCHA and VHDC. (Valley Housing Development Corp.)

  9. In the mean time, after blaming several different county agencies, several administrators as well as the county executive, I have one question. Who is currently managing the facility and who is paying the bills? Who has authority to sign checks, etc????

    1. Valley Housing Development Corp. Is managing if you can call it that. Only personnel here one day a week. And Maintence maybe several hors most days. Yet they want $5000 a month. LCHA is paying the bills.

  10. Can someone explain how this disaster is not 100% McClure's fault, due to his inaction after learning of the problem and making his statement about reasserting NorCo control. Given what he knew and when he knew it, this looks like a stunning dereliction of duty. And where are the council members? They woke from their CoVid naps, renamed themselves for no known reason, and promptly went back to sleep. NorCo has the absolute worst elected officials in any state. Prove me wrong.

    1. Its not McClure fault because he made sure that the housing authority and he himself started working to try and get LCHA to transition. It is not his fault if LCHA is being stubborn and non compliment to NCHA requests . This is totally the fault of LCHA as a tenant of OBH, myself and other tenants have sat in at the bird meetings since July and have been witness to the animosity of LCHA toward the members of NCHA

    2. What did they rename themselves? And how can you make absurd statements about something that you know nothing about. Mr. McClure and the authority and members of council started working on this from day one. So maybe you should get your facts straight before playing the blame game. No dereliction here.

  11. I received a comment indicating that LCHA offered to continue to manage NC properties on a month-to-month basis until NCHA is able to install its own management. If that is so, I see no real problem here.

  12. For some reason, that comment failed to publish.

  13. This is the deal where Zrinski wanted another cause and threw the grenade and then disappeared when the work had to be done. Lehigh County was clear. This is on Northampton time for McClure or Chuck to man up and git er done. Less speeches more work.

  14. Another blunder by McClueless and his Administration!

  15. 8:39, and where is she since?

  16. Once she brought bus to council. They contacted the necessary agency. NCHA. She does check in periodically to see how things are going and attended a couple virtual NCHA meetings

  17. All of those records should be subpoenaed and financials should be traced to any and all organizations which a politician or a politicians family have received any money from the authority. And then it all should be clawed back at a 100 times penalty.


  18. Feiertag refused to cooperate and to appear in person?? Terminate her employment so she doesn’t have to do her job since she doesn’t want to do it in the first place!

  19. If Feiertag is so “passionate” of not doing her job, then the LCHA should give her what she wants and terminate her employment.


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