Local Government TV

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Why I Refuse to Attend Steve Lynch's Latest Dog-and-Pony Show

Last year, before Steve Lynch his NorCo Exec campaign, I reached out to him. I warned him that we are o on opposite poles ideologically, but I wanted to give him an opportunity to talk about his race and the county. He was genial and agreed he would call me in a few days to chat. Instead, he blocked me  from his Facebook page. He later would block me from even his campaign page. The only reason I was able to inform you about some of his rants is that astonished readers would send them to me. Some of my readers now are telling me that Lynch called me out on Monday, daring me to attend a news conference he's scheduled for today. He also apparently taunted a reporter from Lehigh Valley Live.

I hate to break it to you, but that's hardly the way to pay attention. Last night, I was informed this news conference would be at Gracedale today at 1 pm, apparently to stand up for county employees and residents "who have been decimated by this corrupt McClure administration." 

I won't be there. 

There is no county institution that receives more scrutiny than Gracedale. It is subjected to oversight by an Administrator, the Executive, County Council, and Advisory Board, the state Department of Health and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. County Council holds monthly hearings on Gracedale. with the latest one being last week and reported on by this blog. 

We are all aware it is understaffed and has been for some time. We are well aware that the nursing care provided is below the state minimum, and that the home is actually reducing census so it can meet care standards with a reduced staff. We also all know that Gracedale also lost staff as a result of the vaccine mandate imposed by the feds. This will reduce the home';s ability to break even, so as I suggested last week, it is time to evaluate the long-term viability of the home. It is simply unable to compete with very high wages paid to nurses in the private sector.

If Lynch had something to say, he could address County Council during courtesy of the floor. There are four Republicans on Council, so there'd be no whitewashing of any problems. But he'd rather hold a dog-and-pony show on the Gracedale campus and accomplish nothing. 

Lynch has called McClure corrupt and has claimed the election was fraudulent. He was going to get a lawyer to sue everyone, even the post office. He's done nothing other than rant while driving.

Beverly Hernandez is herself a former Gracedale employee and is active in Republican party politics. She describes Lynch as "an angry man with a spirit of rebellion dominating him" who targets "anyone who stands in his march towards fame and power." She notes his use of "goons who surround him like a personal secret service ... ."

In short, he's a demagogue. 

Having said this, I'd be tempted to attend his presser except for one thing.  At his last news conference, which was also held at Gracedale, he refused to take questions. 

He wants to expose Gracedale but hates it when he himself is scrutinized. 


  1. I was only joking when I said declare war on Russia and they would invade Gracedale and thus settle the Gracedale Problem. Now we have Lynch and he will bring in "20 strong men and remove all the troublemakers" at Gracedale and all the school boards in the County too. Who was that little Russian comedian who used to say "America, wadda Kuntry"

  2. As a Republican I am so GLAD I VOTED for Lamont McClure! Lynch is walking soap scum just stuck to the bowl of conspiracy

  3. I won’t be there either, Bernie, but the situation at Gracedale is dire and it’s standard of care at this point is appalling to say the least. Do you really think it’s Stewart-King who “won’t take new admits”? Hmm. After two citations for staffing in October, 2021, I highly doubt it. Steve wasn’t a good candidate overall but I do believe he cares about Gracedale. Those who can make changes there have ignored it for four years. Sad!

  4. Correction: He's a wanna be demagogue.

  5. When Lynch first ran for office I was concerned about how much his nonsense might represent what is becoming the mainline GOP. The more I learn about him, the less concerned I've become.

    I don't think he is smart or competent enough to win office and, if anything, he is alienating even more people as his rhetoric becomes more unhinged.

    Lynch is a narcissist who fancies himself as a populist hero in his own mind. The reality is that he's a walking right-wing facebook meme whose achieved his full potential as "angry guy who records videos of himself yelling in a truck."

  6. Lynch is nuts. But in fairness, Lamont rarely takes questions and essentially hid in his plush crib during the pandemic. I remember when he used to take a check for being a council member, despite one of the worst attendance records in county history. The two guys have more in common than you'll admit.

  7. this is addressed to 12:31AM
    The comedienne you refer to was known as Yakov Smirnoff. He is not Russian but a Ukranian Comedienne and had a great show in Branson Missouri as well as New England. Never let a day go by that you don't learn something new on BERNIE'S BLOG.
    Hokie Joe

  8. How many times will the nut case talk to himself on this blog today?

  9. Threatens school boards but home schools his kids.
    Anti vax but his wife is a nurse and he clearly has no problem with pumping himself full of steroids.
    Acts like he's former military but never served.
    Does his 'research' but can only rant on FB live videos from his truck (which may have been purchased with campaign funds).
    Complains about Biden and Democrats, then live streams the SOTU from his basement.
    The list of ironies goes on and on and on with this clown.

    This guy is the quintessential useful idiot. He wonders why he didn't get legal support from his party? Because he's a loser. Lost for Scheller, lost for himself, and will again and again and again. He hasn't changed a bit since high school. Still unemployed, still acting the bully.

    1. But, have you seen his latest selfie? Or selfies? HAHAHAHAHA

  10. The best at exercising. Stick with what you know.

  11. How is he allowed to hold this “press conference” on county property?

    Lamont should have the sheriffs department push him and his followers alongside 248, preferably into oncoming traffic.

    Get a job already dumbass.

  12. I received this comment late last night: "OMG! Bernie have you seen Lynch's latest Facebook video?!! It's F@#$ing Crazy Town! He reads a Facebook post of Lee Snover who Accuses him of Witch Craft and being from the pit of Hell. He responds by Rebuking her in the name of Jesus, accusing her of Witch Craft and Being a follower of her father, the Devil. He continues on ranting about other NCRC candidates and leaders who "bear false witness" against him and other while in a church. The NCRC has completely devolved to a battle of the Nutbags. I'm waiting for them to start speaking in tongues while handling snakes and flopping around on the ground as the power of Christ compels them. WTF"

    I am blocked by Lynch and Snover both,. I thought that Snover had stopped using Facebook. Does anyone know anything about this claim?

  13. 11:18, The Gracedale campus is owned by the public and has been used in the past for politics. So long as they do not enter the building and violate pandemic protocols or interfere with the nursing home, the Lynch mob can bray away.

  14. What a loon this guy is and he completely emulates the far right wing nuts who populate way too much space in PA and across the nation. Scary..but democracy is our way of life.

  15. Just watched the replay of his pep rally. The highlight (after pushing a woman away who was in an electric wheelchair and sank down in the wet grass)..... "I move furniture".... Go back to moving furniture if that's what you think you are good at you clown.

  16. Steve Lynch is a Brownstain in the underwear of the Republican party. Bad gas when he speaks and a smear of human waste in the planet

  17. Malcontents rally..using old people as props! Shame on them.

  18. What part of, Gracedale is mandated by Federal regulation to have 100% of its employees fully vaccinated, does Steve and his cuck friends don’t understand?

    Like you can’t be this stupid guys, seriously what the actual fuck

    1. Please watch your language- no need for profanity in a civil discussion.

  19. Unfortunately the message to be heard isn't about Lunch or those fired for not getting vaccine. It should be about the residents and their care. Or lack thereof in this case. I don't advocate using residents however the residents want to speak and certainly have a right to speak to the care in their home.

  20. Counted the crowd at the lynch rally and got a total of 14 people.
    One cute white dog.
    So if that is the biggest draw he can gather--?

  21. That’s a look? A cap, a long beard, a hoodie, lookin’ like January 6th. Consistent with the thug party look. It only inspires a certain type of fringe voter.

    1. That is what we call a wannabe 'Patriot' !

  22. This is why despite poor polling and high unfavorables for Dems and Biden, Republicans will not make the presumed huge gains they're expecting. When you have turds like Lynch in the punch bowl, people are going to stay away from it.

  23. It is like the caddie shack pool section. All it takes is one perceived babe ruth bar to be in the pool and everyone else stays out of it.

  24. I’m surprised this man and his 10 hard guys aren’t on way to join up with Canadian Sniper that made a shot (at 1.5 miles ) ago. The Ukrainian President in at the capital city awaiting Russian invasion, Bernie, there is a lesson to be learned about the leadership of this President of the Ukrainian people. There is a lesson that will one way or other that will echo though world conventions for our lifetime. A stand up comic ,Jewish guy ,willing to risk it all personally,but don’t ask his people anymore than he gives. Not so funny now ,is he?


    He couldnt get elected dog catcher

  26. (In Jesus Christ Superstar chorus): HE IS DAAAANNNNNNNGEROUSSSSSSSS!


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