Local Government TV

Monday, March 07, 2022

We Need to Sanction Russian Oil

 Republicans and Democrats are both pushing for a ban on oil imports from Russia. This will drive the cost of gas up at the pumps, but will deprive Putin of resources needed to kill Ukranians. I believe a human life matters more than a cheap gas price. 


  1. I agree, but know for a fact the GOP is going to vote for these sanctions and then turn around and blame the price spike on Biden (hell, they already are). And most voters are not going to understand the connection between the price at the pump and the war in Ukraine.

    1. The price at the pump is Biden fault . When he stopped the keystone pipeline and pulled the leases for drill he put our country in this situation. The only thing I was not aware of is that the desisions made by the far left actually might kill the world as we knew it. We have plenty of oil here . But ask yourself the self the same question. Do you want to see ppl die because someone things a moose might have to walk a different way.

  2. So you would let Ukranians die bc it might look bad for Biden? I listened to a congressional committee on AUMF on Saturday, and nearly every R argued for an oil embargo. I think they would look pretty bad if they condemned Biden for doing what they themselves sought.

  3. It doesn't have to cost more, indeed it can cost significantly less, we just have to go back to the production levels of 24 months ago.

  4. Ukrainians will keep dying, whether we buy Russian oil or not. No sanctions will bring this war to an end. But they could start a world economic collapse.

  5. If Biden would tell his left-wing nuts to sit down, h3ew could open up the pipeline. We have to stop playing games and increase our oil and gas productivity. Sorry

  6. Funny, 1219am, GOP gonna.....
    Today is Monday. March 7, 2022. Lets see if Pelosi brings up for a vote.

  7. And US suppliers can increase production if they want .
    Instead they want to gouge.
    "ExxonMobil CEO Darren Woods responded, "The primary objectives we've had in looking at the portfolio is less about volume and volume targets and more about the quality and profitability of the barrels that we're producing."
    So screw you.

  8. I miss the time, not long ago, when America finally became energy independent. When the word ‘oil’ wasn’t a part of our foreign policy decisions. Now, that’s all changed. We find ourselves having to cozy up to dictators in places like Iran and Venezuela in search of oil. My goodness, what went wrong?

  9. Boycott schmoycott. We're not clean and shouldn't pretend to be. Biden had already made tragic decisions that were causing gas to skyrocket. Prices didn't just start going up when Vlad decided to move. If you listen to Biden's spokesperson, they're unapologetic about their decisions re: pipelines and drilling leases - even in light of WWIII. They think we need more pain to finally believe the wacky environmental religion they've been preaching like a big haired guy in one of those TV mega churches. If you don't think they want higher prices, you're not paying attention. Energy is a global fungible commodity. Not buying someone else's energy means NOTHING unless you're producing enough of your own to better control markets. That's what happened during the Obama and Trump years. Biden decided stop domestic energy expansion within weeks of taking office, and we'll now pay whatever some other bad guys' tell us to pay - and not a penny less. In the meantime, everything old is new again and the United States under Biden is now funding both sides of a war for rich guys (i.e. arms for Ukraine and oil for the Russian war machine). Smart investors know there's money to be made in all markets, right? God bless America. We truly deserve every bad thing that happens to us. If we're not talking about expanding US energy production, we're not serious about anything re: Russia or Ukraine. Buy a windmill, asshole.

  10. Gas is already over 4 bucks a gallon thanks to Biden. Don't use the Ukraine as cover for his incompetence.

  11. Bernie 1:47 reacting to Anon 12:19 --- No one wants dead Ukrainians. 12:19 said he favors an embargo but he's correct that R's will continue their hypocrisy. They will also use an embargo as an excuse to loosen environmental safeguards over US production. And the US will be making deals with the Saudis, who are bombing/killing in Yemen. No perfect answer but yes, turn off the spigot to Russian's biggest economic resource.

  12. It has to be a two way bill. Stop buying oil from Russia and countries like them. And start drilling here. Or at least letting the oil move through our country

  13. Gee, isn't there some way we could ban Russian oil, and somehow replace it with oil closer to home?
    Keystone XL, drill baby drill. Energy independence is not bad for the environment!

  14. The general public has always made sacrifices in times of war, this is no different.

    You want to help out the people of Ukraine? Carpool, bike, walk, telecommute, whatever needs to be done.

  15. And most voters are not going to understand the connection between the price at the pump and the war in Ukraine.

    So lets have some facts besides talking points which is said at 12:19AM. Was there a war in Ukraine in 2021 when the price went up month after month? That is mis/disinformation and not sure why it's allowed to stay up. Stop watching MSNBC,CNN,ABC,CBS,NBC,Washington Compost, New York Slimes and lastly the Morning Call.


  16. Pretty simplistic view that buying Russian energy is directly killing Ukrainians. You should update your social media to "It's complicated"
    I don't believe the American public has the stomach for such sanctions. If you want that trucker convoy parked in Hagerstown to get back on the road again, sanction Russian oil. Considering they have collected over a million in donations, they will be able to afford the diesel.
    We cannot or are unwilling to ramp up production, hence the courting of Maduro and overtures of easing sanctions.
    Oversimplifying issues is the play of populists. Be wary of becoming what you hate.

  17. Yes, we need to stick it to the ruskies, we don't need oil now that we have hot air and solar. We should give them planes and have nato give them air support. The russians are a weak inconsequential nation that needs to be made an example of. They need to know that we can determine the fate of any nation on earth.

  18. Bernie - "Republicans would look pretty bad if the condemned Biden for doing what they themselves sought." This statement in itself is the reason why many politicians are considered putrid scum. It does not matter which side they are on they often do it and talk for it and then blame the other for what they themselves did. Or they block it then they condemn the other side that they did not get it done. I have watched this happen over and over again. And we the people allow them to get away with it over and over again and even reward it.

    To use a polarized example. Trump wanted to have Hilary hanged for her emails but yet he took boxes of classified materials. And hilary wants trump strung up for talking the boxes of classified materials. We should apply the rules equally adn both should be banished to hard times prison for life.

    I bet your posters can come up with thousands of times where politicians have done this on both sides.

  19. @1;47 yes they would let many dies for their own rhetoric until the same qualities were to be applied to them then they would want to change the rules.

  20. Biden hurt us--we wre way before this when he stopped the pipeline and drilling in our country we were energy independent under President Trump.

  21. While I’m all for making Putin pay a price for this, there’s very little the US can do unilaterally. Although a bit dated, I don’t think the data here have changed much.


    The basic problem is that Europe has irresponsibly ignored its own practical energy sources for a headlong rush into renewable insanity. They proudly point to the occasional day when a huge percentage of their energy is produced by renewables while depending on Russia for their energy the vast majority of other days in any given year. Note that the graph I’ve linked to only shows crude oil. Natural gas is an entirely different issue, and literally has life or death consequences in the winter months.

    As they say, energy, and especially oil, is fungible. Europe has basically “funged” itself, and they’re dragging us along.

    Unfortunately, the Biden administration seems to be viewing this as an “opportunity” to drag us down the renewable hole as well.

  22. This is a false choice put forth to cover democrat incompetence. As others have noted, gas prices were skyrocketing long before the Ukraine and the threat of an embargo on Russian oil became a problem.

    To embargo Russian oil without doing EVERYTHING to increase domestic production is national suicide.

    Democrats can't have it both ways.

    If we're going to sanction Russian oil to keep them from being enriched by their oil sales, it certainly doesn't make sense to enrich Iran and Venezuela (as Biden and the democrats are now doing).

    Even if you're living in Fantasyland and don't think that Iran and Venezuela are a problem, why would you cut off Russian oil to keep them from being enriched without increasing domestic production to enrich the US instead?

    It doesn't make sense and is why the Democrats need to be thrown out of office as soon as any of them are up for re-election.

  23. Agreed..no further discussion required.

  24. Fuck Putin and all of the 2022 tRump Republicans! Bomb Moscow!

  25. Sanctions are a new form of equality. Ukrainians are suffering as a result of U.S. foreign policy. Now the rest of the world will get to share in that suffering.

  26. @7:46 you are narrow minded. The pipeline has almost nothing to do with the price of fuel at the pumps. It is purely a knee jerk reaction that oil companies have been allowed to get away with for multiple years. Oil takes approximately 45 days to get through the process. Therefore any changes in prices at the pump occurring in less then 45 days such as the $1 jump in the past week or so is purely the decisions of the refinery ownership and the petroleum sellers.

    Anyone who thinks a president has a direct impact on the cost of fuel is a moron.

  27. Anon 8:25 said:

    "The general public has always made sacrifices in times of war, this is no different.

    You want to help out the people of Ukraine? Carpool, bike, walk, telecommute, whatever needs to be done."

    8:25 - Thank you for your honesty. You are exactly the type of person that the democrat party loves. You're able to parrot the democrat party line, which uses every crisis (many of their own making) to promote their (and apparently your) agenda.

    There is nothing rational about putting an embargo on Russian oil, and then buying more from (Russian-allied) Venezuela or (Russian allied) Iran. The bottom line is that democrat party doesn't want cheap gasoline, since they don't want you driving. They want you locked inside and under their control, in the same way they used the Covid crisis.

    Americans don't need to sacrifice to hurt Putin and Russia. They need competent leadership in this country that would flood the world market with US petroleum, dropping the price for Americans and the West, while crushing Putin at the same time.

    Democrat politicians and their supporters are not our friends, and do not care about what we want. They want political power, and they're using the situation in the Ukraine to try to cover the inevitable outcome of their failed policies.

    Don't fall for it.

  28. Hey all you Keystone supporters. The oil that was to be moved through it was to be exported. Look it up. They were going to take oil in from overseas and then ship our oil out on the empty tankers.

    It would have absolutely no impact on our cost of gas.

    If it is so important why not put a refinery on our northern border especially since Chicago and many other cities up there are prime users of many petroleum products.

  29. @9:11 You say we were energy independent under Trump. What kind of shit are you sniffing. Ah yes Trumps ass and Fox News Farts. Trump put a multi year increase in Russian oil imports start late in 2019 that we are only recently able to get out of. NOTE: the jump in the fall of 2019. As usual you like many have believe the lies you have been fed without checking the facts.


    2016 12,251 12,640 10,206 15,266 13,483 14,547 16,697 15,454 12,618 15,220 12,562 10,342
    2017 11,192 9,262 11,734 9,231 12,425 15,100 11,112 13,888 13,499 11,000 11,522 12,046
    2018 11,951 8,304 11,044 7,302 15,216 13,170 14,072 15,959 15,567 8,405 7,611 8,409
    2019 10,661 6,336 11,252 16,982 17,469 16,019 15,387 19,129 14,571 20,921 19,470 21,589
    2020 18,637 17,806 20,008 12,233 10,850 16,540 17,460 17,107 15,811 20,466 17,904 12,898
    2021 20,104 12,691 22,938 20,641 26,171 25,427 23,595 24,637 18,887 19,679 17,855 12,569

    This may be an interestinghttps://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/feb/28/maria-bartiromo/us-did-not-double-oil-imports-russia-last-year/ read for those that care:

  30. 11:25 So the calculus doesn't change? Good luck building a new refinery, FERC just made the approval process for pipelines more stringent. Perfect timing, boys.

  31. @11:23 - It's nice to watch FOX News and have all your talking points over simplified and spoon fed to you by Papa Tucker and Mama Laura every night isn't it?

    "Flood the world market with US petroleum" LMAO... Yes, the US does have ample reserve in the Artic and off shore - but you've left out the cost of extracting it - THAT is why we import so much oil. Then there's the cost of refining it into gasoline.

    Biden/Trump, it would not have mattered a bit in the cost at the pump today. But go ahead and wave your pom poms for your favorite President of all time if it makes you feel better, I don't give a shit.

  32. It appears there are many in here that are ignorant to the facts.
    Currently there are 9000 leases not being used to drill for oil.
    The keystone pipe-line was under construction and wouldn't be completed for at least 5 years
    At which time they would pump Canadian tar sands to ship to China
    They stopped drilling operations on federal land in historic areas
    So the companies couldn't drill through Lincolns' head on Mount Rushmore
    And just a reminder prices are up due to the refineries not going back to prepandemic production levels
    And finally putin started this. He is a genius and some say it was a savvy move.

  33. Whatever happens, certain deadbeats will insist on blaming Pres. Biden.

  34. Wow, the right wing media machine is churning out the BS and the right wingers here are slurping it up. Why don't you EVER want to blame who is the real cause here? The oil companies are sitting on 9,000 oil permits to drill on. The Keystone pipeline even if it was re-started tomorrow wouldn't be ready for 3 years. Oil companies have us by the balls and they LOVE seeing the political finger pointing which is never at them. They are GOUGING us and most of you are looking at them as our saviors...no wonder they keep it up. Also, let's not forget that little angel in the Middle East MBS (Mohammad Bin Salman) crown prince of Saudi Arabia. He could turn on the spigot but is holding the reins on the OPEC nations. Yeah, he's the guy that chopped a reporter from the Washington Post to pieces and got rid of the body...yeah, that guy.

  35. "Hey all you Keystone supporters. The oil that was to be moved through it was to be exported. Look it up. They were going to take oil in from overseas and then ship our oil out on the empty tankers. FACT CHECK: TRUE

    It would have absolutely no impact on our cost of gas. FACT CHECK: FALSE

    If it is so important why not put a refinery on our northern border especially since Chicago and many other cities up there are prime users of many petroleum products. FACT CHECK: GREAT QUESTION; ASK AN ENVIRONMENTALIST"

    This is the same, stunted view of global commodities markets that many share, I suspect. A popular advertising tagine comes to mind ... "That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works." The more we make, the more of the market we get to control. Right now, we have the global market in economic ignorance completely cornered.

  36. March 7, 2022 at 11:37 AM

    I’ve seen that meme several times recently. I guess you guys all get your talking points from the same place. “Oh look, numbers showing we imported oil from Russia. That means we were never energy independent.”

    Well guess what. Those seemingly random numbers you cut and pasted without context are in thousands or barrels per month. US crude consumption is about 19,000 thousand barrels per DAY. So those Russian oil imports are about 3% of US consumption. I suspect most of that went to Hawaii for logistic reasons. The US for now is a net EXPORTER of energy. EXPORTER.

    And yes, Keystone is several years from being functional. That's what happens when you keep shutting down construction. It seems to me that when it was shut down during the Obama administration, that was several years ago. And just because it might have been (emphasis on might, since there's a lot of stuff being thrown around her) destined for China during "peacetime" doesn't mean that's where it would have to end up in times of crisis.

  37. 1:34 -

    You are correct, there is a lot of ignorance about the facts, and you've proven that well.

    Oil is a commodity, and its price is based on current demand, current availability/capacity, as well as estimates of FUTURE demand and availability/capacity.

    Many of the leases you mention are either low return or in difficult to drill areas. And the number you cite is irrelevant. The reality is that more are needed. But Biden and his democrat administration has restricted the supply of new leases, thus decreasing future options (and increasing the futures portion of the price) and forcing companies to drill in more difficult-to-extract areas under current leases (also increasing price). These are the major drivers that were pushing gas prices to high levels well before Russia invaded the Ukraine, and are the direct result of Biden/democrat energy policy.

    Even if the Keystone Pipeline would have taken Canadian oil to China, guess what? The Chinese would have had less demand from other sources of oil, which would have decreased prices worldwide.

    We all know nobody was suggesting drilling through Lincoln's head on Mt. Rushmore, so spare me the hysterics.

    As far as refineries not going back to pre-pandemic levels, why would they when the current Biden/democrat administration is doing everything they can to demonize them and make it more expensive for them to acquire the oil needed to refine more?

    Again, this isn't difficult. If you want to embargo Russian oil so you don't enrich the Russians, why wouldn't you do everything you can to increase domestic production and enrich our country? That's what the democrats are fighting right now, and it's disgusting!

  38. Agree 4:11. Support Ukraine. Support democracy and freedom. No Russian oil. As Elon musk says. Drill baby drill. We can and should be independent. Them work on all of the other things we are dependent on evil countries for like our medications and car parts etc.

  39. Now this is totally outlandish but!

    Let's allow the pipeline through the Lehigh Valley (Northampton and Lehigh Counties) first. Do it now start bulldozing houses tomorrow. Draw a straight line instead of the gerrymander.
    Just not mine. And who cares if oil is spilled we are on public water. Close of Bethlehem Water Supply from on the other side of Blue mountain. They don't need it. Pipe it to Philadelphia while we are at it.

    The Lehigh Valley will be able to shoulder the burden for any environmental impact that occurs even though it get absolutely nothing for the pipeline passing through it.

    For all those who are volunteering the Keystone pipeline are you volunteering your house and business to be bulldozed first?

  40. 11:37 There is a a source link to the numbers and they come from. Yes they are in the barrel levels you content. but they are by day so they do represent a larger number then you are portraying.

    And the point being made in those numbers was that they went up under Trump.

  41. We were energy independent until Biden got power-If Trump was in office there would be no problem--most of the dems who read this blog do not know that President Trump told Putin that if he goes into Ukraine. Putin will never see flowers again in red square. And that is why Putin made no moves when Trump was in office.

  42. 1.34
    " forcing companies to drill in more difficult-to-extract areas under current leases (also increasing price). These are the major drivers that were pushing gas prices to high levels "
    "made clear that the administration also wanted domestic producers to do their part to add oil to the market, especially given high profits, which Granholm said the companies had used to engage in shareholder buybacks."
    "Granholm said energy companies had not rehired people who were let go because of the pandemic, had not turned on rigs and failed to take advantage of permits at their disposal."
    Oil companies are patriotically screwing over the consumer

  43. How anyone defends Biden only the Lord knows why.

  44. 4:11 yeah supply and demand. I get it. But supply is CONTROLLED BY THE OPEC CARTEL (of which Russia is a member btw).
    The number I cite is "irrelevant" says you, why?? Because you say so. So oil corporations are our friends now right? They are one of the most profitable industries in the country and most HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED as well. OUR TAXES subsidize that industry and you're fine with them whining so they can price gouge us too?? Logic escapes you.

  45. CORRECTION: my bad, Russia is not part of OPEC but does hold veto power over it.

  46. 4.11
    "Biden has done nothing to halt oil leasing. In fact, the Biden administration has outpaced Trump in issuing drilling permits on public lands and water in its first year, according to federal data analyzed by the Center for Biological Diversity. His administration set a record for the largest offshore lease sale ever in the Gulf of Mexico last year"
    "the president has done nothing to prevent the vast amount of gas production that occurs on private lands or halt existing oil leases on federal lands"
    "The US also became the world’s largest exporter of liquified natural gas (LNG) for the first time in 2021."

  47. The USA was NEVER energy-independent under Trump. For example, in 2019, the US imported over half of the oil it needed from Canada, while Russian imports totaled only 6%.

    The price of oil is set globally. Biden has no direct control over the price of oil.

  48. "The USA was NEVER energy-independent under Trump. For example, in 2019, the US imported over half of the oil it needed from Canada, while Russian imports totaled only 6%."

    More talking points and out of context factoids. You are quoting only imports. A lot of oil was also exported and a lot of domestically produced oil was consumed within the US.


  49. 5:33PM

    "... but they are by day so they do represent a larger number then you are portraying."

    Not sure where you're getting that those are daily numbers. It looks pretty clear to me that the Russian import numbers are monthly. And if they were daily, they'd amount to close to 100% of US consumption. I don't think even the most serious sufferer of TDS would believe that, but I could be wrong.

    "And the point being made in those numbers was that they went up under Trump."

    Russian imports during the Trump administration were generally flat throughout his administration with some increase in late 2019 and imports moderated in 2020. Still a tiny amount of US oil needs. If you make $1000/wk on your job but won $40 yesterday on a basketball pool, does that mean you're dependent on gambling for your income?

    And look at what happened to Russian imports in 2021.

  50. Bernie, this is 12:19. I just want to clarify that I absolutely support sanctions on Russian oil. I also think, unfortunately, a lot of voters won't do their homework and will fall for the line that gas prices are Biden's fault. You can see this already happening in your comments section.

    Under most circumstances, there is very little a president can do about gas prices. Oil is traded on a global market, and thus increased domestic production does not necessarily result in reduced prices. We are, in fact, already a net exporter of oil. Price fluctuations are still susceptible to global events because it is traded on a global market.

    Sanctions are one of the few exceptions, where action by the government does matter, because sanctions will cut off the market from a solid chunk of global oil supply. It is good that both parties appear to be willing to take this step, but I don't expect one of the parties to have the restraint to refrain from using this issue as a political attack when the mid-terms roll around.

    The administration's messaging on this needs to be crystal clear on why gas prices are related to the Ukraine conflict, and that both parties support the sanctions.

  51. I'd also like to stress to everyone that increasing domestic production now won't make much of a dent in prices. This is partly because it won't come close to replacing the Russian share of production, and partly because it won't hit the market fast enough to reduce prices while the sanctions are in place.

  52. This administration came into power basically saying look, we're going to leave oil in the ground, and our goal is to eliminate the fossil fuel industry. That's basically what their policies have been. Now there's a crisis and they are begging the energy industry to invest capital and infrastructure to pump more, and the industry is saying look, you want to use us temporarily and then pull the rug out from under us once the crisis is past. The energy industry has been vilified by Democrats for 30 years, now they want them to bail them out. Who in their right mind running a business would invest more after being told by the same people that they are gong to put you out of business?

  53. 7:20 -

    Biden issued a moratorium on NEW leases immediately upon taking office in 2021. His anti-oil policies have directly caused to increases in energy prices - at the pump, to heat your home, and on everything you buy.

    Your number is irrelevant not only because it represents past leases in areas where it is difficult and expensive to extract the oil, but also because MORE leases are needed.

    Biden needs to lift his moratorium; reopen ANWAR; and get out of the way.

    Most of all, you still haven't answered the fundamental question about an embargo on Russian oil:

    If you want to embargo Russian oil so you don't enrich the Russians, why wouldn't you do everything you can to increase domestic production and enrich our country?

    Biden and the democrats are pushing an agenda that's bad for America. They want higher gas prices, and don't care how much it costs you - either at the pump or in almost EVERYTHING you buy.

    They all need to be removed from office as soon as possible.

  54. Maybe you don't know what ANWR stands for. It's the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. You are proposing permanently destroying a piece of land that we have rightly designated as a protected and remarkable part of the natural world in order to keep from paying like 30cents/gal more for gas for a few weeks?

    And again, you aren't really grasping that oil is traded on a global market and it takes time between when an oil rig is installed and the gas from it actually hits the market.

  55. You can’t blame Pres. Biden for increased oil prices. Gas and oil move, pipeline or not. It’s still moving. And I can tell you- I’m in the biz, oil and natural gas production in the US increased in Q4 of 21 and it continues. So don’t blame Biden. The oil and gas may be produced in the US, but the companies producing are international. We live in a global marketplace. When was the last time you bought socks made in the US?

  56. 6:39 RE: climate policy

    The reason Russia has so much leverage is because the west has been dragging our feet on alternative energies for decades. The US is already the world's top oil and gas producer, but somehow the fossil fuel industry, republicans and Joe Manchen think we should increase drilling? That would have no effect on current prices, new rigs can take years to come online.

    Biden's policy has always been to move away from fossil fuels and toward renewable energy. Not only is it dire for the climate but it makes us vulnerable to bad actors, like Putin. When Biden took office it was already clear that Putin was moving on Ukraine. So, the administration worked really hard to restore the US' relationship with our allies while also focusing on alternative energies as a long-term security strategy. We need to start thinking about moving away from fossil fuels as a matter of energy security. Even if you aren't convinced that climate change is a "thing", surely you can agree on that?

    The fossil fuel industry would do well to realize that the world is moving toward renewables and begin to embrace it, like most of the car industry has. Many fossil fuel hubs could be alternative energy hubs if the industry would take a portion of their ridiculously high profits or the money they spend on corporate lobbying and put it toward adjusting their existing business to the changing needs of the entire world.

  57. 9.34
    Sems trumpie banned oil exploration

    " signed a memorandum instructing the interior secretary to prohibit drilling in the waters off both Florida coasts, and off the coasts of Georgia and South Carolina for a period of 10 years
    Guess he had an anti-oil agenda

  58. 10:49 you must be out of your mind--His first day in office he started the price increases with all the green new deal stuff no such problems when Trump was in office --no border problems, no inflation, the world was a much safer place with President Trump. And that is a fact. the only problem was the fake media and the left-wing radicals and the Dems who went along the media and socialist Dems. We need a non-politicians like Trump because your politicians will continue to make things worse.

  59. 4:08 The offshore drilling scenario under Trump is more complex. He opened up all off shore drilling in 2018 and then made himself look like a hero for a cause when he was the villain who started the problem.




  60. SO how many of you would support a pipeline right through Lehigh and Northampton Counties?

  61. You’ve got it exactly right, 6:05 PM. The amount of brainwashed people in America is stunning. The stuff being spouted here is directly from the pages of the Morning Call and other controlled media. The difference between the condition of our daily lives during the previous administration and this current group in control is stark. I felt much happier and secure about my future before this group was put into place.

    We are truly living in some Twilight Zone episode. A total breakdown of logic and common sense.

  62. 6:05 you are 100% correct the quicker we get rid of Biden and his left radicals the better it will be for the American people. I hope it is not too late any leaders in this country will see it is necessary to impeach this guy and Harris right away in January. We cannot stand any more time with this fool, he is killing the middle class faster than the depression of the 1930's.

  63. How comes when Biden became president everything went to hell.

  64. 2:17 because he is an old man fool take in by the left-wing socialists.


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