Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Rising Gas Prices Have Nothing to Do With Biden

Yesterday, in response to this blog (lol), President Joe Biden announced he was banning all oil imported from Russia. In the comments section, I was deluged with comments insisting that Biden has slowed oil and gas production. He killed the Keystone Pipeline, some say, even though Trump himself acknowledged that its completion would only have a minimal effect on prices at the pump.

While Biden has committed numerous blunders during his first year in office, he is by no means responsible for the rising gasoline prices at the pump.  Yesterday, a White House fact sheet and Biden himself responded to what are obviously partisan attempts to lay the blame at his doorstep.  

"U.S. oil and gas production is approaching record highs, while thousands of drilling permits on federal lands go unused. Federal policies are not limiting the production of oil and gas. To the contrary, the Biden Administration has been clear that in the short-term, supply must keep up with demand, at home and around the world while we make the shift to a secure clean energy future. We are one of the world’s largest producers with a strong domestic oil and gas industry. Natural gas production has never been higher, and crude oil production is expected to hit a new high next year. Oil and gas companies, and the finance firms that back them, should not use Putin’s war as an excuse for excess price increases or padding profits, and, as major energy company leaders have themselves said, they have the resources and incentives they need to further increase production in the United States."

Yo be sure, we could easily produce all the oil we need from our own reserves. Yet, we are a net importer of oil, with about seven per cent coming from Russia. Why have we imported oil when our own reserves could make us self-sufficient? Cost. The cost of extracting those reserves is more expensive than the imported oil. That;s the real reason why the Keystone Pipeline was dead before Biden assumed office. It's why the fracking industry had gone tets up. 

Now that the cost of importing oil is rising, it's clear some of those thousands of drilling permits will get used. This has nothing to do with Biden and everything to do with supply and demand, which is supposed to be a cherished principle of capitalists. 

At the same time, we really need to rethink the way we use energy. The way we use fossil fuel is poisoning our planet. I am also well aware that solar and wind energy are weather-dependent. Nuclear fission can be dangerous. 

As a matter of national security, we should be devoting a great deal of research into nuclear fusion as an energy source. Nuclear fusion is what powers the sun. In the plasma core, four hydrogen atoms fuse into one helium atom. In the process, a massive amount of energy is released.  

If we can harness this kind of energy, it would be clean and there'd be no danger of meltdowns or radioactive waste.  Thus far, the amount of energy needed to create fusion exceeds the energy produced. 

Britain and France have had breakthroughs in harnessing this form of energy. China appears to be closer than anyone. 


  1. I like the five living Presidents that have condemned the Putin invasion. The other is a Putin puppet.

  2. When will you interview the departing Election head from Northampton Co.? Now that is relevant. You won't like what she tells you.

  3. This blog is bullshit Gas prices start to go up soon after he became President and way before the war. All you Biden people do is lie and twist the truth. You and your people are worse than the Russian and Chinese together.

  4. I agree with most of what you've said Bernie, except fusion is never going to be commercially viable. I wish this was wrong but ask any physicist who is not looking for the latest investment cash and they will tell you the truth. Cutting usage with more efficient buildings, etc. is one of many things we can and should be doing to cut endless reliance on a finite and earth destroying resource. Here come the climate change deniers....
    If you think high gas prices are difficult to deal with, wait'til you can't afford property insurance because no one will want to fund constant rebuilding of destroyed homes and buildings that have been ravaged by increasing fires, storms and sea level rise. What we are experiencing now will look like a walk in the park.

  5. Biden and the fake media are as bad as it gets. Biden and his regulations on energy is killing this country it has nothing to do with leases. The prices started to go up as soon as this left-wing idiot took office and all the lies and spinning by you and the fake media will be judge just like the Russian lie about President Trump.

  6. Biden must be impeached as soon as possible.

  7. Everything Biden does turns to S--- and the media backs him -this country is in big trouble.

  8. The pollical class and media are doing everything possible to ruin this nation.

  9. Looks like your buddy was right after all.

    You dont think your TDS is preventing you from seeing this issue clearly, do you Bernie?

  10. Fuel prices are bearing down on commuters that run anything that gets less lan 25 MPG For every 30 gallons used their cost is up about -$82.00 more than a year ago. I was out yesterday and people seem to not understand the relationship between driving aggressively and increasing personal costs. Say you drive 30 miles to work at 70-75 mph pushing the car in fast lane vs cruising at 55 for the duration of a trip . So what’s the difference? Well increased fuel economy that would be noticeable and less stressful driving, yes at 55 you travel
    4,850 feet a minute and at 70 your moving 6,174 feet per minute. So you gain arriving perhaps 7.5 minutes earlier than the slower speed ,so what ? It’s your money.

  11. I hope all the people who voted for Biden and his left-wing Dems are Happy because he is doing a much better job than Trump.

  12. Couldn't get passed your first 100 words.

  13. try
    "I now am genuinely optimistic that SPARC can achieve net positive energy, based on the demonstrated performance of the magnets."

  14. Now stop, Bernie. You can’t shift the blame for everything and think President Biden is just a victim of circumstance. Gas prices have been escalating for months, so yes, some of the blame lies in the Oval Office. I’m tired of hearing the blame for everything being either the pandemic or, now, Putin. I loathe Trump, but everything was blamed on him, so you can’t blame one and excuse another. I am disheartened by this administration, especially its second-in-command. I have such fear for the future of this country.

  15. We're never building another nuclear plant in any of our lifetimes. Why do you reformed liberal environmental dopes not get this? You used to be nuts. But there are still a majority of you who are still nuts and think anything "nuclear" or "radiation" is like trying to "misgender" a disgustingly obese guy with a five o clock shadow wearing a dress purporting to be a health official. Read his lipsticked lips for all the lefties who haven't finally buckled like you: no new nuclear plants - ever. Lol. You guys are ridiculous. Ride yer bike and pipe down on the hypocrisy.

  16. Bernie no wonder you lost your license to practice law--you should be ashamed of yourself printing such garbage.

  17. On day one of his office he stopped the pipelines, gas in Pa. is not being used because thee pipelines were never approved. He froze all new permits on federal land, He and Kerry have pressured banks not to provide financing to fossil fuel companies.

    Leases do not mean that there is actually oil there, just the right to explore. Misinformation.

    Obama and Biden openly stated that it would be necessary to cause the price of fossil fuels to increase dramatically to make green energy appear competitive. Never had a viable plan for a replacement.

    All the spinning by the democrats will not make the price go down. Only by more production and that requires long term incentives, not a quick fix in an election year.

  18. Biden, Butigeg and Granholm are unlikely to even know what nuclear fission is, yet alone increase its development, especially since it has the word nuclear in it.

    This crisis will be addressed with subsidies for drivers or new stimulus spending, and likely a government takeover of the energy business. Can you imagine all those bureaucrats handling our oil production.

    It will also be an excuse to subsidize favored green energy business.

    I have little faith that the present administration will do anything other than use it an opportunity to increase their power.

  19. The next oil crisis will concern refining, U.S. refineries are closing because of increased regulation and the inability to obtain approval. It is being replaced by importing refined products. We are becoming more dependent on the rest of world, even were we have the ability to be self sufficient.

    As for LNG, there are now ocean rigs being built for China and Malaysia that extract gas and turn it into LNG on site and then load directly on tankers. These rigs cost a Billion each and are are being made overseas by U.S. oil infrastructure companies. Some of which have moved their companies out of this country.

    The U.S. is commiting economic suicide.

  20. But I have a big pick up truck that gets 17 MPG that has all these flags on it and I'm angry at Joe Biden! It's all his fault - he's a big mean man and life was so much better when the President was Donald Trump! I love Trump, I miss him so much. I miss his scent, his musk...

  21. Prices have everything to do with Biden. If you don't think they want pain at the pump to push their environmental agenda, you haven't been paying attention To. The. Words. They. Actually. Speak. They want this. They've said it repeatedly. They want Venezuelan and Iranian oil as a bridge to Chinese solar. Awesome! They also want fellow travelers like Bernie to jump into the fray and defend them. Read your sources today. He and their usual lapdogs all wrote yesterday, or are writing today, this same column/post, right on cue. Don't take energy advice from a lefty with no prospects who rides a bike. Get rid of the environmental zealots who think the cure for you is a $70,000 car that plugs into a coal-fired grid. Prices will come back down. It's easier than you think.

  22. In my opinion, the real thing poisoning the planet are people like O'Hare, who mouth every word laid down by liberal elites as if from G-d hisself.,

  23. I truly believe any ‘Fact Sheet’ out of this White House needs to be taken with a great deal of skepticism. Why? Because we have reached a point in our culture where LYING is common and done with no remorse. We have a pandemic of lying going on. The end justifies the means.

  24. Bernie, your basis is a White House press release????? Come on you're better than this.

    The truth, as always, is in the middle. You are correct on some of your points (i.e., cost and need for nuclear power). However, Biden's actions (i.e., embrace of the New Green Deal) have also played a role in where we are with energy production.

    Fact is, energy independence is a national security issue and we need to act on it now.

  25. Sure, Biden was not responsible - you must think we are Fu----g idiots.

  26. When looking at “energy independence,” it’s important to note the difference between crude oil, oil and oil products, and total energy. The US is (or was) a net exporter of the latter two and s slight importer of the first (about 3% of its needs).


    It’s also important to note trends. Just think where we’d be if crude production in the Gulf hadn’t ramped up about five years ago.

    I’m sure Bernie wouldn’t have done this, but I wonder how many of “the President doesn’t control gas price” crowd happily stuck “When Bush became President gas was $x.xx a gallon” bumper stickers on their cars about 20 years ago.

    Also, just three months ago, according to some, Biden was all-powerful with regard to gas prices.


  27. Biden does have the power to restrain oil company profits in the short term! Rationing is also an option in the short term. Oil company profits need not be maintained during a wartime environment. Capitalists are wrong sometimes..and this is one such example of when said capitalism needs to stand down and do what is good for the country as a whole..not just their rich stockholders.

  28. No, rising gas prices have EVERYTHING to do with Biden and the democrat energy policy.

    You asked "Why have we imported oil when our own reserves could make us self-sufficient?" and correctly concluded that the problem was "Cost. The cost of extracting those reserves is more expensive than the imported oil." Later, when talking about existing drilling leases, you correctly state that "The cost of extracting those reserves is more expensive than the imported oil."

    The problem is that (as promised) Biden and the democrats held to their anti-energy policies and issued a moratorium on NEW leases on Biden's FIRST day in office. That's why gas prices started climbing once Biden was elected and continued to rise well before the Ukraine invasion. Democrats made oil and gas more expensive on Day 1.

    You're right, the Keystone Pipeline was dead before Biden assumed office. That's because he was very clear about his oil and gas policies that he implemented (again) on his FIRST day in office. While the pipeline would have taken some time to complete, it would have kept prices low in the future if coupled with a rational policy on oil and gas.

    What was killed immediately on the Pipeline deal were 11,000 good-paying construction jobs, 8,000 of which would have been good-paying UNION jobs. Again, Biden and the democrats aren't friends to Americans, and don't care if you have a job or can afford to heat your home. Ideology comes first with them.

    The "solution" that you, Biden and the democrats put forth is an over-reliance on technologies (wind, solar, nuclear fusion) that aren't ready to meet the energy needs of America. It's exactly the same over-reliance and policies that were used in Europe, which have made them dependent on Russia for their oil and caused the current problem.

    But socialists never learn and always think the problem is with WHO is implementing the policies instead of the policies themselves. So democrats socialists in the Biden administration believe they will get a different result doing the same thing. I believe that others have identified that as the definition of insanity.

    While I'm sure the White House and your democrat cronies appreciate you parroting (and printing) democrat talking points, I think the vast majority of people know EXACTLY who the problem is, and will begin removing them from office in November.

  29. Bernie, what always impresses me the most about this blog is how quickly the commenting section is able to pivot from being infectious disease & immunology experts, over to international relations experts, then flip to constitutional scholars, then switch to global economists with special expertise in petroleum industries.

    It truly is amazing that you have such a learned group of readers who are always willing to share their deep levels of knowledge on these incredibly complicated subjects with everyone else here.

    Also amazing - how often every one of these topics can always ultimately be traced back to something the President or one of the political parties is doing/not doing.

  30. While we're talking about gas prices, can I ask if anyone knows what the purpose of the Russian oil embargo is?

    Is it to force Putin out of the Ukraine? If so, I can get behind that.

    Is it to bankrupt Putin? Again, I could support that.

    But what Biden hasn't put forth is the outcome that we can measure the success of his decision by.

    This isn't something new for Biden or politicians (particularly Democrat politicians), but it would be nice to know as he inches us closer to armed conflict with Russian and asks us to suffer economically for his decision on Russian oil.

  31. Biden Derangement Syndrome is real, and many of our flaggot friends and neighbors need to get help.

  32. Just keep drinking the juice and towing the line. First if it's not a problem why did they pull the leases. Two yes there are thousands of leases out there at aren't producing oil for many reasons. Didn't find oil ,the oil ran dry, The oil is to dirty , yes it's a thing look in WTI and crude. Learn something before you just speak about what grandpa joe says from his teleprompter. Also leases have been bought by environmentalists so ppl can't drill them . These leases aren't for a couple of months they are for YEARS... some 25 some 50..So when a company takes a risk to explore for oil.( that's what they do explore) it might be a bust and they are stuck with that land. And the keystone pipeline was in full production mood being built till good old joe signed a executive order to stop it . Fracking stopped because grand pa put so many restrictions on it ,it became unprofitable. So I understand you want to tow the line and think ppl can ride a bike back and forth to work. Hey this is still the same old America for a little longer where you can say that. Until the cancel police get you. Then you will be done. Just maybe get facts then what grand pa and his team say. Good luck

  33. I agree in part. I agree that presidents have limited power to move the needle on gas prices. One way they can is with policy. Uncertainty will cause business to become defensive and go into preservation mode or flight or fight if you wish. We tend to see this under democrat leadership as they move away from the working man and towards environmental issues.

    We will not move past fossil fuels until we find an alternative energy source for base load. simple as that. Gov Wolf had his bubble burst by a solar executive recently. When asked if we could transition to renewables in 5 years the answer was no. 10? no 15? no. It all goes back to base load. Even the solar industry understands that. Will they say it out loud? probably not. The only viable option we currently have is nuclear. Unless you take into account the carbon footprint of mining and refining uranium. Or what do we do with spent fuel rods that are currently being stored "temporarily" at the plants.

    Don't count on fusion in your lifetime.

  34. Can't use ANY of those 9000 leases unless the permits to drill on those leases are issued, which the Biden administration refuses to allow the DoE to issue.

  35. Bernie - We do need to get off the fossil fuel teat, of course this can't happen overnight and we need all forms of energy until then. Fusion is not the answer either, at least not for a very-long time. We developed and proved another type of fission reactor (Molten Salt Reactor) that was far more fuel efficient (far less and lower grade radioactive waste) and also passively safe (no back-up power or cooling water required) in the late 60s / early 70s at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Political and military-industrial forces steered us in the direction of solid-fueled, water cooled-reactors that we have been using for 50 years. Wind and Solar have their place, but they are intermittent power sources and cannot replace the immense base load needs met by nuclear, gas & coal fired plants. Environmentalists have even changed their tune about nuclear. There's a fantastic documentary "Pandora's Promise" available for streaming on most platforms that provides a lot of information on the direction we should have or at least should be be taking.

  36. I'll concede he has little to do with the price increase (it's the global market that is the problem) but this works both ways...he cannot take credit when prices come down...but he will

  37. I am dumber for reading this. If Biden has nothing to do with cost of gas then why when the price went down a couple of cents he took credit? But when it skyrockets its not his fault. Price of meat went up not his fault it was "Big Meat". gas goes up its Putin's fault. I love using left leaning articles to prove democrats don't know anything. Next thing you will tell us is Trump got peed on in a bed in Russia. Oh wait....


  38. "I am dumber for reading this. "

    You were already pretty dumb, lol

  39. Interesting article Bernie however, I will respectfully disagree in part. While I do agree on the Keystone Pipeline line, it will not have a impactful result in prices. However, what does affect all commodities, be it oil, orange juice, wheat, soy, etc. is future availability. Biden's actions of limiting new wells, added regulations and statements that he wants to phase out fossil fuels all have chilling effects on investors. No investor is going to put their money at risk. Until a consistent energy policy is in place and investors are comfortable with the future return on investment, these swings are going to continue. Politicians need to keep their personal ideologies at bay and let the markets work. I get the desire to move greener, but it should be done by introducing a better product to compete, not destroy what is already available without regard to the American public and the world. If it is better, investors and the public will support it. I would even go as far as saying, the Government could and should incentivize research in items that affect the larger good, but should not do it by destroying current industries.

  40. Bernie you are one big disgrace and coward--You are afraid to print the real true facts-also you are afraid to get Putin and kill him -you said that last week well now he is bombing children's hospitals 'you are one disguising anti-American left wing radical.

  41. "Can't use ANY of those 9000 leases unless the permits to drill on those leases are issued, which the Biden administration refuses to allow the DoE to issue."

    If that is so, then explain why the oil industry claims it is using more onshore and offshore drilling leases than at any time in the past. It also explains that simply having a lease does not mean there is oil. It has to do a great deal of development on a leased site before it starts drilling.


    The number of leases granted in Biden's first year is ahead of Trump's first year by 34%. https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/new-data-biden-slays-trumps-first-year-drilling-permitting-by-34-2022-01-21/

    You are entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts.

  42. "Don't count on fusion in your lifetime."

    I count on fusion within about 20 years, and hopefully by us and not China.

  43. "Bernie you are one big disgrace and coward--You are afraid to print the real true facts-also you are afraid to get Putin and kill him -you said that last week well now he is bombing children's hospitals 'you are one disguising anti-American left wing radical."

    First, all facts are necessarily true. Using the phrase "true facts" is a redundancy. Second, this blog makes very clear that any person suggesting an act off violence directed at another will be deleted. I am no fan of Putin. I would oppose a targeted killing of Putin unless we were at war. Such an attempt would be construed as such, and it would be idiotic to give Russia an excuse to use a failed attempt as justification for the atrocities that would surely follow. Any additional comments along this line will be deleted. Go prance around with your militia.

  44. If you think Biden (or any President) is responsible for what you pay at the pump - you are a stone cold moron.

    I don't particularly like the guy, but pinning the increase on Biden is beyond stupid. Gas was at historic lows in 2020/2021 because there wasn't much demand. As the COVID threat has retreated, people are moving about the world more freely once again and guess what they need? Gas.

  45. All the sanctions and oil restrictions are to punish Putin and Russia. They will not stop the war in Ukraine. They will damage the economies of the western world and force Russia and China to become self sufficient from the western economies. At the same time the western economies will still be dependent on China and Russia.

    A real complicated dilema.

  46. The ignorance in these comments is terrifying. It seems a lot of republicans would rather see Biden fail then admit that climate change is a real threat and our dependency on fossil fuels makes us less secure in the world. FYI - The Green New Deal didn't pass! Imagine coming here to comment on something you know little to nothing about, purely to stick it to the dems...takes a "special" kind of person.

    In related news, I've been driving a PHEV for over a year now and have only had to fill my tank a handful of times. It's been great

  47. Your post is demonstrably false. But more interesting than your predictable nonsense, is the fantastic week being had by Raytheon, Northrup Grumman, Lockheed Martin and the usual defense contractor suspects. If you're sufficiently invested in the war machine guys, you don't have to sweat high gas prices. Let's make money the old fashioned way: with war! It's no wonder the moneyed interests in the GOP hated Trump and sided with his competitor. War is back in style and happy days are here again.

  48. By reading your blog, I found the answer to our problems at Gracedale. If Northampton County Declares war on Russia, we will get invaded and Putin will blow up Gracedale. Problem solved. You probably think this is crazy, but no more so than some of these other nut jobs contributing to your blog.
    Thank you Bernie for allowing people to vent their anger and displeasure on your Blog. Obviously many of them aren't rendering opinions based on facts but for the most part they believe their responses. You say it the way it is. Keep up the good work. No one has more readers of their blog.

  49. As much as I respect the love reading LVR daily, this was a hard article for me. As a Democrat who voted for Biden the moderate, I'm disappointed in his performance. I feel he is just a puppet for the more liberal members of his staff and his political allies in Congress. Watching Jen Psaki on the news the other night, she seems actually glad about the rising cost of gas. I'm hearing stories daily about working class people struggling to pay their other bills because they have to commute to work and pay such high fuel costs. I really think Biden would like to take action to lower gas prices but he is either lacking in leadership skills or is too beholden to the liberals he is surrounded by. Should be an interesting election this Fall.

  50. This article is ridiculous--media, and the left is anti-American

  51. @ 8:25 AM - You are!

  52. @2:10

    More people would say FOX News and the current dipshits who call themselves "Republicans" are anti-American.

    If you can't live with or accept that you are in a country that has 300 million people who look and think differently that you do, have different wants, needs, goals and dreams than you do, I suggest you move to Russia.

  53. People blaming Biden. But this isn't a Biden mistake it's a feature. The democrats have been pushing "green" for decades. From CNBC, "On his first day in office, Biden restored the climate cost estimate to roughly $51 per ton of carbon dioxide emissions, following the Trump administration decision to cut the number to roughly $7 or less per ton and account only for the impacts in the U.S. rather than across the world." Just the other day Pete Bootyjuice in a Marie Antionette moment says, let them drive electric. Biden has also alienated the Saudis and he halted new oil and gas leases last month. The democrat agenda has never been one to invite people to follow their worldview. Forced medical experimentation, forced isolation, forced left-thinking. The government will eventually assign electric vehicles.

  54. Pricing is based upon futures. Futures pricing reflects investor sentiment toward the future, always informed by history - and based upon a variety of factors. Biden shut down a pipeline on his first day in office. He ran on environmental policy that promised to restrict leases on federal lands. Whether you agree or not with these policy initiatives, futures traders are brutally impartial referees. They made their call very early in the Biden administration that supplies of traditional fossil fuels would be squeezed vs demand in order to advance greener environmental policies. Traders continue to make their calls today as we pivot to perilous Venezuelan and Iranian oil agreements. Our prices are the result. Many in the Biden administration think this is wonderful. Al Gore has been back in front of cameras this week. Why are they running away from this and why are you attempting to defend what they firmly believe is a greater good for our planet?

  55. "I've been driving a PHEV for over a year now and have only had to fill my tank a handful of times. It's been great"

    Tell that to the 9-year olds in Third World countries who mined the shit that made the battery you charge with electricity you take from a coal-fired power plant for your taxpayer subsidized virtue billboard. But you're cool. F those little slave bastards. they're probably dark colored and unsightly and will never vote Democratic in a US election.

  56. I had the same thought as a comedian I saw state last night making it none the less true. It is hard to believe that we are not being gouged at the pump when it takes at least 2 weeks for the gas to get here. In other words the price is going up not because of the actual cost for the gas which is currently in the tanks at the gas stations but the public perception which the gas and oil companies play on. My prediction: The current "gas shortage" results in record breaking profits for oil companies just as they did during the Gulf War.

  57. @:51 you are left wing socialist who is more aligned with the Russians than America. More people like you left wing people you are stupid dumb and a buffoon.

  58. So I was out and about some today and had a brief thought. Although my gas tank is 3/4 filled, for a split second I said to myself "maybe I ought to top it off." Happy to say I resisted the urge.

    But to paraphrase Barack Obama, "the Seventies called and they want their gas crisis back."

  59. Fox news is the number 1 watched news by a long shot - fair and balanced not like 90% of the media. Lets see who wins the midterms 2:51

  60. 12:57 you are the moron if you did not see prices go up when the idiot took over.

  61. We elected the wrong guy and many foretold of these consequences, when they weren't being shouted down, called nazis, or being banned from social media. This is the 1978iest year since 1978. I'm ready to vote. I can't wait to vote. Carter ..... I mean Biden has really hurt the average American family, particularly those at lower income levels who bear the brunt of inflation most acutely and won't be able to afford a fabulously expensive electric car any time soon.

  62. Sure Biden does not control gas prices, he does not control the border, nothing to do with crime, Afghanistan was not his problem, inflation was caused by Trump, but he did defeat covid

  63. 3.01
    "futures traders are brutally impartial referees. They made their call"
    Wall Street wants to make a buck on people dying.
    Try restricting future trades to companies that have refining capability or storage for crude.
    Why reward pure profit vultures over war?
    There is an old saying--When the Fox hears the rabbit squeal he comes running--but not to help.
    Stop the Gouge

  64. 2.57
    "The democrat agenda has never been one to invite people to follow their worldview"
    Curious how Europe seems to share President Biden's worldview.
    How many world leaders thought Putin was "brilliant"?

  65. The US imports oil, but it is not a NET importer of oil. In 2020, the US became a net exporter of petroleum, which is to say we export more than we import.

    I do not know what this news outlet you linked to is, Bernie, but it has misunderstood what the word "net" means.


  66. Many of people need to be swinging from a tree in a noose for high treason not only against the American public but the world as a whole. Until there are real hearings against subjects in question America is only doing the toilet bowl swirl spiraling into the depths of HELL.

  67. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jA3ee1Ni2-w

  68. The border, inflation, Afghanistan, record murder rates, Russia, none of this is Bidens fault. There's nothing to see here, move along now.

  69. Our present administration in Washington is simply indefensible. Too much damage has already been done, with plenty of time remaining for more. This is crisis.

  70. Good thread. From what I've read, none of this is Biden's fault. Good talk. See you in November.

  71. "I like the five living Presidents that have condemned the Putin invasion. The other is a Putin puppet."

    Do you mean the Putin puppet who told Europeans they were fools to rely on Russian gas?

    1. No the Putin puppet who negotiated with Russia and Saudis to lower oil production to limit supply during the pandemic and broing prices back up so that US producers could make a profit.

  72. Didn't realize puppets negotiated.

  73. @8:21 "Many of people need to be swinging from a tree in a noose for high treason not only against the American public but the world as a whole. Until there are real hearings against subjects in question America is only doing the toilet bowl swirl spiraling into the depths of HELL."

    Gonna need a lot of rope for Trump, Junior, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Eastman, Gosar, MTG, Boebert, Gaetz... I know I'm probably forgetting a few, but those are good starters don't ya think 8:21?

  74. COLD FUSION could've saved us

  75. Bernie I personally spoke with a top executive from ExxonMobil so what I'm about to say is direct and from the horses mouth. 1.Joe Biden set the tone to rid us of fossil fuels he ripped up Trumps energy plan which was no red tape explore and drill. We have 200 million years of oil in the Anwar Providence that Biden stopped day one they were ready to drill.Stopping the Keystone XL pipeline was more of a signal then anything. A bad one! That pipeline could be done in 8months from now IF they wanted to. The 9k leases that Biden speaks of most have no oil, have oil that's to deep to be worth it and some are under litigation. So 9k leases is a falsehood they want you to believe. If I demonized you would you be nice and say oh well let me come help you. We are now faced with the oil companies not trusting Biden even if he went back on his policy. We are all for alternatives but you can't flip a switch and make it happen. Also the Avg. Price of an EV is 60k not affordable at this point. So yes the Biden Administration is at fault for the prices. Energy independence is a national security issue. And Biden gets a failure. Again take some time to speak with oil companies as a journalist and it's easy they don't hide what's going on.

  76. @ March 9, 2022 at 12:57 PM

    "Gas was at historic lows in 2020/2021 because there wasn't much demand"

    What about prior to the pandemic shutdowns? In all of 2019, the average retail price of gasoline in the US ranged from around $2.50 - $2.80 a gallon. Hardly the > $3.25 per gallon that we've been seeing for larger part of this administration being in office. Something was keeping the gas prices in check pre-pandemic...


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