Local Government TV

Thursday, March 17, 2022

NorCo Deputy Sheriffs and Myers Slam Sheriff and McClure Admin

Last night, NorCo Deputy Sheriffs blasted the Lamont McClure administration at a council committee hearing.  Brendan Hetherman, President of the Deputy Sheriffs' Association, gave a lengthy presentation of numerous grievances. Council member Kerry Myers allowed him to go well beyond the five minutes ordinarily afforded to a speaker during courtesy of the floor. Several deputies agreed that he was speaking for them all. Deputies have their own union, and their contract has expired. They are in the middle of negotiating a new deal. Sheriff Richard Johnson responded to many of the complaints, but was unable to address negotiations or personnel matters. County Council, with the glaring exception of Kerry Myers, was respectful to both Deputy Hetherman and the Sheriff. Myers was incensed at the Sheriff because he refused to allow deputies to quell a disturbance outside the courthouse between Trump supporters and opponents following the 2020 Presidential election. 

Myers said he wished that McClure's cabinet, which includes the Sheriff, had to come before Council for re-appointment. "I'd have a hard time taking orders from this guy [Sheriff Johnson]," said Myers. He went on to claim that Johnson should have sent deputies to aid a young black man who was filming Trump supporters outside the courthouse following the Presidential election. They were yelling "Trump! Trump! Trump!" in his face and waving those ubiquitous flags. They were armed with a loudspeaker, but nothing else.  

The chief complaint made by deputies is that, though they are uniformed and armed, they have no law enforcement powers. This is nothing new. They have been told this numerous times and by multiple authorities. The Pa Supreme Court has ruled they can only make arrests for disturbing the peace or a felony committed in their presence.John Morganelli, when he was DA, reached the same conclusion. So has the current DA, Terry Houck. Sheriff Richard Johnson and his predecessor, David Dalrymple, were fully aware that their law enforcement powers are very limited. But deputies are insulted when unable to start their own investigations and make their own arrests. 

Though it's ancient history, the protest outside the rotunda of the courthouse is a sore sport with them. A large number of deputies are usually congregated at the courthouse entrance to search visitors. They could see clearly that there was quite a bit of friction as a Presidential election hung in the balance. 

According to Deputy Hetherman, one protester was punched by another. He claimed Easton police had an officer present, and that officer sought their assistance. The Sheriff, however, refused to allow them to jump into the melee. 

Deputy Hetherman failed to state whether he personally witnessed anyone being struck or is just relying on what he was told second and third hand.    

Sheriff Johnson was there. He was in the rotunda and saw the mob. He saw no assault. He concluded that both the filmographer and flag-waving Trump supporters had the right to do what they were doing. He refused to allow deputies, who have little experience dealing with demonstrations, to intervene. 

I happened to be at a portion of that protest myself. What I witnessed was mostly a shouting match between Joe Welsh, a far left Democrat, and Tom Carroll, a far-right Republican. When I stepped inside the courthouse, several deputies complained that they were prevented from maintaining the peace. I saw no assault. Not even close. 

What I witnessed was raucous democracy. Armed deputies would have only exacerbated the frayed nerves of Trumpers insisting the election had been stolen. Sheriff Johnson, unlike most deputies, has had considerable experience as a police officer in New York. He made the right call. The proof that he was right is that the disturbance ended peacefully. 

Myers, upon hearing the irrelevant detail that the videographer was black, began making KKK analogies  He said Johnson should have sent deputies to protect someone who was never assaulted. He also insisted that Johnson should have listened to his less experienced deputies who were itching to play cop and possibly expose the county to liability.  

Myers went on to claim "I think my life would be in danger" if he followed Johnson's orders. 

"That's an outrageous statement," responded McClure. "No one's life is in danger.... None of the management decisions that were questioned tonight put anyone's life in danger. It's an outrageous statement."  

McClure attempted to continue his response but was shut down by Myers.

"Stop! This is my meeting. I'm in charge. You can walk away frustrated and mad as hell as you do. I'm running this meeting. And as long as I'm the Chairman, I'll conduct it any way I want."

McClure walked out.  

Myers said he was upset because deputy concerns are being unheard. I suspect, however, that he only became upset after learning that the person who was filming Trump supporters happened to be black. 

A few weeks ago, Myers was angry at County Council for tabling the appointment of  a Congresswoman Susan Wild staffer to the Elections Commission. They were concerned that this would create the appearance of a conflict of interest because Wild is seeking re-election. Myers was incensed because the nominee happened to be black, something that most Council members did not know. "If you want to go down that road, be my guest. But be prepared to take the heat for it," he threatened.

Myers, who incessantly plays the race card, appears to be a bigot. 

This little drama certainly served as entertainment for the numerous deputy sheriffs at last night;'s meeting. But it detracted from their message. 

Deputy Hetherman had complaints in addition to his belief that the Sheriff should ignore the state supreme court and allow them to prowl highways and byways, making arrests that will eventually be quashed. 

He  also claims there is a manpower shortage. Sheriff Johnson agrees that 30 deputies and two lieutenants have left during his tenure. He has hired 26 deputies, promoted four lieutenants and five sergeants. He said there are eight FT vacancies, but about 28 hopefuls will be taking the physical agility tests next week.. He added that he allowed three full-time deputies to go part-time so that he could still get coverage. 

According to Deputy Hetherman, these temporary manpower shortages have resulted in mandates. This is likely because deputies are being forced to transport state prisoners. According to Sheriff Johnson, the state is expected to resume its own transport soon. This will alleviate the burden on deputies.

Sheriff Johnson said he is current with concealed carry permits and credited two clerks for doing most of the work and keeping the county up to date. Hetherman complained that there should be more deputies instead of clerks. 

Deputy Hetherman also complained that McClure used the Sheriff's office as a "private police force" to deal with failed Exec candidate Steve Lynch. He said the county goes on "high alert" whenever  Lynch is at the courthouse and indicated there was no need to send them to school board meetings after Lynch threatened to remove school directors with 20 strong men,   

Hetherman also admitted he himself is a Lynch supporter and claimed he's been targeted for expressing his beliefs. 

God help us. 

Johnson noted his department is currently working on its fourth accreditation. 

There are supposed to be 56 approved deputy positions. 

Myers owes an apology to Sheriff Johnson. Nobody deserves that kind of abuse. McClure is often accused of being a bully. The only bully I saw was Myers. 

In addition to the concerns raised by deputies, Council was also informed of an alarming shortage of youth care workers at the Juvenile Justice Center by Court Administrator Jermaine Greene. He said they are underpaid and has no time to wait for a pay study that is always discussed but never performed.  I will fill you in ion what he has to say tomorrow. 


  1. Once again covering for your buddy, McClueless. Sheriff lied about the morale of his own employees. He is out of touch or doesn't care because he is a McClueless puppet. Morale is at an all time low. Glad to see Myers having the gonads to stand up to them both.

  2. You don't like it but someone on council finally stood up to McClure. McClure is a well-known bully. He and Dertinger think they are the kings of th county. Myers finally said, enough. McClure usually runs the council meetings and lectures the members. Mr. Myers made clear who is in charge of his meeting.

    You are mad because it was McClure, as he is your guy. Time for an elected Sheriff like the rest of th state.

  3. So, if I followed this episode of Inside the Courthouse correctly, Kerry Myers went off the rails and shouted at the county executive, while whining that a young man was threatened because people were yelling “Trump” at him because he had a camera? In this instance, Myers behaved atrociously and unprofessionally. What a jerk! As for the deputies, get the training necessary to be more than a Barney Fife. Until then, pipe down and do your job. What a bunch of brats.

  4. "Myers was incensed at the Sheriff because he refused to allow deputies to quell a disturbance outside the courthouse between Trump supporters and opponents following the 2020 Presidential election. "

    Who were the opponents? Antifa, BLM,...? Funny. Maybe someone missed all the riots and bullhorns and ..... Maybe the Northampton County Sheriffs Department should tone it down a bit. Physical agility tests to stand at the front door and wand people entering? With a law enforcement background myself, I laugh whenever I need to go into the courthouse. I respect the retired L.E. working there, but some of the younger guys are using the department as a stepping stone to Police Departments.
    NC Sheriff's dept is losing out on potential law experience because they think they are an elite branch.
    Sounds like Easton PD handled the situation properly.

    1. I am confused. What is wrong if they are using the Dept. as a stepping stone to Police Depts.? In some areas across the country you must start as a C.O. or a Sheriff to advance anyway. Either way it is their personal agenda.

  5. Well, we have motive....

  6. Unfortunately you missed the point when it comes to the demonstration outside the courthouse. An Easton Police Officer called for assistance, they were ordered not to assist. Just think about it slowly now. Another law enforcement officer called for help. They were ordered not to help.
    It ain't about playing cop.

  7. Is this the same Kerry who use to be on the Easton School board? All he has is to play the race card when he is confronted by a counter argument he does not like. Meyers has trouble with people who are smarter than him which is most of the population. Somehow Myers idiocy made Heatherman look like a rocket scientist and that is hard to do.

  8. Your comment of the sheriff is an experienced former NYPD "unlike most" deputies is wrong.
    Several deputies are retired LEO's and would not have escalated the Trump rally.
    All a bunch of BS from you
    It's obvious your Monty's little monkey

  9. So Myers wanted the deputies to go out and protect the black boy. Does he not realize most of the sheriffs would have been stop the steal protestors that day has they not had to work.

    The only result of them being allowed to intervene would have been a George Floyd type situation where a deputy ends up kneeling on that neighborhood boys neck and the taxpayers being stuck to pay for the death of another person of color at the hands of the sheriffs.

    Johnston and McClure did the right thing.

  10. Meyers council bio says he was in the Navy’s Ceremonial Guard. So Meyers service consisted of standing around and hold flags at ceremonies in Washington, DC. The Potomac must have been well protected in those days. Just sayin’!

    Can that even be considered real Navy service?

  11. They let a mental midget like Heatherman carry a gun. Wow!

    1. Calling people names behind an anonymous handle really does make you a bitch.

  12. It’s pretty clear when Lynch says 6 months into his administration people would be in handcuffs he had the sheriffs in mind. He was going to use them as his own personal gustapo. Imagine the lawsuits had this happened. I am a Republican who supports the police and Republican candidates, but we dodged a bullet there.

    Now he wants to chair the NCRC. My fellow republicans that read this blog… we will loose elections miserably if this guy picks candidates for our party. He is nuts and not the best of us. He is a wannabe and we need to be sure he stays as noise in the background.

  13. Nothing to worry about folks. The Lynch mob is actively working the case from their FB lair:


    "We the people of Northampton County your sheriff's department is full of brave men and women! They stood up to the little tyrant McClure, dirtinger, and their puppet sheriff tonight! Folks I have a feeling that their workplace environment is about to get worse. I'm going to keep everybody abreast of what gets done to them. If this administration retaliates against the sheriff's deputies who in this county is going to do something about that? Sound off in the comments section below and share this post everywhere to continue to raise awareness for these employees that are getting tormented day in and day out by the corrupt mccounty coward administration. Benjamin A Jacques and I are working on chopping up the meeting into smaller segments so you can see it all but have it broken up by each speaker. You are going to want to watch at a minimum the president of the deputies union, the sheriff, and McCounty coward. Don't forget 6:30 tomorrow is the County council meeting that we are all attending. Bring your speeches that you want to speak to the council on. Discuss Gracedale. Discuss the sheriff's department. Discuss anything you want. Air your grievances against this corrupt Mafia running Northampton county. Together we hold all the power... Sound off and let us know you are coming.

  14. When Lynch says we the people he leaves out the word crazy. “We the (crazy) People of Northampton County”

  15. Sorry Bernie but your buddy exec and the sheriff dont care about the employees and you are one sided on this topic. The sheriff doesnt know the job and isnt getting the job done period

  16. It is obvious when you go to the Courthouse that the staff greeting you at the door are not happy in their jobs and a little less than professional. It may be because morale could be the problem. How many times does this deaf administration need to hear that a pay survey should be done? You yourself have promoted the pay study. It may just take care of some of the morale problems at the Courthouse. It sounds like Mr. Meyers was out of line. Is it because he knows what he is dealing with in the personalities of McClure and Charlie Dirtinger? Nothing in the way of morale is going to get resolved until a pay study is done. It's the first step for the administration to show they are sincere in resolving their labor disputes. Again you yourself cited a county regulation that mandates this be done periodically. Get the pay study done and lets move forward.

  17. Listen to the entire speech by Brendan. The main complaint is how the department is ran, not that the sherif has limited powers. That's what your boys McClure and Johnston turned it into, and yes it's Johnston look it up. That was a decent speech that spelled out a lot of issues and as far as the incident outside the courthouse, the sheriff says nothing was wrong but Brendan says that there were multiple 911 calls coming in asking for help. Just keep supporting your boys and ignore the truth.

  18. Seems to me that you were not at the same meeting as I was. This rally that was referenced to was not after the elections, but after a BLK rally in June of 2020 and I didn't mention that the young man was a man of color Sheriff Johnson actually did.I asked if he was a citizen of the County and did he need to protected. I am quite surprised that you referred to me as a bigot. Because I try to defend all not just Black people. I just wanted to let you know That I come from a multiracial family with many members of mix race. It easy to hide behind your statement when you no nothing about my family. I am married to a white woman. So because I seek the truth and Don't like my it's easier to attack my background then the facts of leaving a person alone in a possible mob setting. But I'm the bigot. I believe that 72% of the people who Voted for would strongly disagree with you

  19. Hey Bernie show me where it says sheriff's should ignore the state? I'm pretty sure Brendan says they swear to uphold the laws of the US and PA. This is a pathetic job at covering up the incident. Everyone should go on YouTube and listen to the speech and then the sheriff's responses it was a poor attempt at deflecting and lying.

  20. Bernie if you would listen to everything you would have heard me state yes our powers are limited by case law and court rulings. The cases that Sheridd Johnston refers to is wire tapping and a sear h warrant. At no time are any of my contingency asking to do investigations. We are simply asking for the ability to do our jobs that we are fully trained and legally allowed to do. As in reference to the demonstration I was there I heard over the radio that a person was assaulted. And that came from the county 911. So with that being communicated to any law enforcement personnel we would respond. If the Sheriff was thinking as law enforcement and not worried about being sued then he could've and should've just sent out a small group of deputies as their favorite word OMNIPRESENCE. If you would like to talk with me I am normally working Monday through Friday 830 to 430.

  21. Thank you, Sheriff Johnson for your professionalism. Some of the guards do not have a clue at the responsibilities of a police officer. All we taxpayers need is a correction officer patrolling our streets. Don't we taxpayers end up paying for the lawsuits now in our municipalities? This bigoted Myers is a legend in his own mind and would have little audience if not playing the race card. He is an embarrassment and is an example of the ignorance of voters. If voting is as precious as we proclaim, why are we so cavalier when we cast our vote? Is this desire to police our streets part of their demands at the bargaining table? They are always complaining that they are overworked and understaffed. One would think they would take their time off from work to decompress.

  22. Kerry is a horrible bigot and human being. We made him that way and he can't be saved. He was victimized by Easton's racism growing up, and it infected him with a lifelong hatred that continues to boil. I wish him and all racists long lives. But I also understand that race relations won't improve until these sad chapters of our race history are distant memories and we can move on to judging souls by content of character.

  23. When the deputy brought up Lynch, I realized his message was tainted and I tuned out.

  24. The last thing you need right now is an elected sheriff who serves no one but the courts and provide security at the courthouse. They are not a police force and can't even arrest someone for jay walking. Since we don't know what they're paid we don't know if they are under paid or over paid. Don't constables do basically the same work as deputy sheriffs. i.e. serve warrants, transport prisoners, serve evictions, etc etc? The constables get paid when they work and are usually paid by the person they are working for at the time. Make the deputy sheriffs the same as constables. Why can't we hire a security outfit to take care of the security at the entrances kind of like what we have at the airports? WHAT THE HELL DO WE NEED WITH ALMOST 60 DEPUTY SHERIFFS AT THE COURTHOUSE?

    1. Agreed, I don't see the need for Deputies, either! So confused why they are expected to protect anyone, from anything!!!

      Let's all remember that, when there is an active shooter!!

    2. These men and women have an accredited policy to run toward the gunfire, to protect any and all county employees and / or visitors within the campus!!!

      They are expected to be Security, only!, As their daily duties!!!

      But if an all out war, occurs, that requires an immediate response, these security guards, are supposed to activate in to the deputies, that have been trained to run toward the gunfire, to quail the assailant (s)!!

      That is comical!! And to much to ask of a Security guard!!

      They don't get paid enough to NOT go home, to their families, and ACTIVATE into Deputies, for a county, that views them as they do!!

      Just UNDERSTAND that!! They are only as human as the rest of the county!!

      And don't have time, for TRAINING!! To be Prepared, for any event, that may ARISE!

      Security guards, are not a trained for rapid response!!

      Especially, if they are under paid, and not in immediate danger!!

  25. Johnson was asked for his opinion and he stated that he believes morale is average. He is certainly entitled to his opinion. I believe he was accurate when asked for facts instead of opinions. I also believe Hetherman was inaccurate in his description of the 2020 protest outside the courthouse. But I won't call him a liar. I know his description of the discipline handed out to a former union VP is inaccurate.

    Myers seemed to suggest that the Sheriff is for some reason subordinate to deputies and must bow to their wishes, even if they violate state law and expose the county to liability. He is the Sheriff, and deputies should follow his guidance on work-related matters. I'd love to see a military function in which the privates think they can tell a general what to do.

    I'll be honest. I think Gracedale workers and COs are underpaid. Looks like juvenile youth workers are overdue for a raise, too. I respect the deputies and have always considered them professional. I'm really not so sure they are underpaid. What this is really about is a new union contract. They are using council to negotiate. Five years ago, this would have worked. This would be a headline story. Not anymore. It will just appear as a blog post that accentuates the rude manner in which Myers, who appears to be a racist, treated the Sheriff.

    I also know for a fact that Hetherman misstated other incidents of which I have personal knowledge. But unlike you, I won't call him a liar. He just got some things wrong.

    If they want a better contract, deputies shouiold know this is a poor way of getting it.

  26. Brendan, I listened to every word. More than once, you said you were embarrassed or frustrated at not being able to prance around and arrest everyone. You complained about not being able to do so at Gracedale and at hospitals. You complained about the drugs found in a courtroom that you were unable to investigate. And you were humiliated that you were unable to go out and bash heads at the Trump protest.

    Here are my questions. Were you in the rotunda and did you witness someone being punched? I do not believe that happened and I was there. And the Sheriff was in the rotunda and saw no assault.

    You work for a paramilitary organization. You are there to follow the Sheriff, not tell him his job.

    1. I responded to a call for help that day. Over the radio we were informed of a person being assaulted. Did some one actually get hit I couldn't tell you. You make us sound as if we are whining we are simpley stating things that have occurred and that now we are being handcuffed to say from performing our duties. I know you will take this and spin it so this administration looks good and we look bad. But that's your freedom of speech to do so. Even with your views I know me and my co workers will still maintain complete professionalism when you walk in the rotunda and talk with who ever may be posted there.
      As for the contract yes ours has expired and this is in by no way a ploy to have council interfere with negotiations. We are represented by an attorney who is handling that issue for us.
      This was an act of us wanting to inform the public of what is actually going on inside our department. The administration keeps a lot of material from the public and even you Bernie.

  27. "Seems to me that you were not at the same meeting as I was. This rally that was referenced to was not after the elections, but after a BLK rally in June of 2020 and I didn't mention that the young man was a man of color "

    Incorrect. It was the rally after Trump lost. I remembered how the sheriffs grumbled at not being able to go out and crack heads. You only heard what you wanted to hear. The young man was from the neighborhood and was filming the Trumpers.

    Here's what I know. You were sitting there quietly until you were discovered that the person who was filming was black. Then you got all high and mighty and claimed his life was at stake. That is sheer nonsense. You, who are supposedly a veteran, actually advocated that deputies should refuse to follow legal orders from a superior officer. That in itself is outrageous but you made things worse by claiming the Sheriff would put your life in danger.

    You are the same Council member who threatened colleagues when they refused to install a conflicted nominee for the elections commission solely bc she was black. You failed to recognize that there was a problem and tried to bully your way into getting her appointed even though it would have undermined public confidence.

    Your white wife is irrelevant to this discussion as is my black grandson. A bigot is still a bigot and you, sir, are a bigot. I think we all are, including me, and should be striving to understanding as opposed to creating more division. You create more division.

    Aside from the bigotry, your treatment of the sworn Sheriff on Northampton County, who was confirmed unanimously, is disgusting. No one deserved that kind of treatment.

    You apparently think you have a right to be a bully and a racist bc 72% of the people voted for you in a district council race in which Democrats were enraged at Trump's antics. That is what elected you. I also remember a race in which you failed to make it out of the primary.

    What you really need to do is apologize to Sheriff Johnson for your mistreatment.

  28. "Brendan Hetherman said...
    I responded to a call for help that day. Over the radio we were informed of a person being assaulted. Did some one actually get hit I couldn't tell you. "

    Yet at last night's meeting, you represented that someone had, in fact, been punched. You also represented, incorrectly, that a police officer was there and called for help. Neither representation is true.

    1. I'll allow you to think that Bernie have a good day

  29. "It is obvious when you go to the Courthouse that the staff greeting you at the door are not happy in their jobs and a little less than professional. It may be because morale could be the problem"

    The problem is that all the Indians want to be Chiefs.

    1. It seems that all the Indians just want a chief that supports them.

  30. If the Sheriff's want arrest powers (As they should) they need to change such at the PA Supreme Court or deal with the legislators to change the law. You would think Sheriff's have unlimited police powers but that is not the case...State Constable actually have more powers (statutory powers of arrest) then Sheriff's do. They (Sheriff's association) has tried for years to get their arrest powers from the state but for some reason there has been major push back.

  31. Sheriff's can arrest for any breach of the peace in their presence. It does not have to be a felony. Maybe you guys commenting should reach out to pccd or even another department. It all depends on the DA of the county and what he will allow. Regardless of powers, the fact that warrants aren't being served means that the public is at risk and the justice system is being ignored.

  32. Bernie , you didn’t post my thought about Sheriff. If you go back before this invasion of Ukrainians you will see that I said he can’t afford this war . He’s going to be outclassed with draftees , so my judgment was the only one early and on spot. Except that I didn’t think he would invade , I was wrong. What was wrong what I said about Sheriff here?

  33. Peter I posted everything you submitted.

  34. "It seems that all the Indians just want a chief that supports them."

    I'd rather have a chief who follows the law.

  35. You will bash anyone who opposes your great friend McClure. You have attacked the county council for it and other county people. He is only as good as all the money he got from the republican tax increase and Covid $$. He throws money around for votes but nothing to help th county needs. He has told people county employees are republicans. Too bad a real candidate did not oppose him he would have been gone. Mr. Myers had every right to stop McClure from taking over th meeting. You leave that fact out.

  36. Ok Bernie , just as a point of reference I would work a Navy Brig at 19-20 years old ,it was a Marine Corps Red line Brig and nobody ever wants to return there. Red line brig make NorCos prison a country club. As I went thought Constable Training with the PCCD ,the same entity that certifies sheriff deputies, I figure that ant Law Enforcement selectees should spend 6-8 weekend in the county prisons of their venue as new people. That way they get a taste of what their going to deal with and they can do practical handcuffing under controlled conditions within the prison . Also they would get a feel for social issues and human dynamics of both LEs and Prisoners . Thank Bernie.

  37. Maybe my post did go though, ok ,restart , - this Sheriff Johnson , apparently used his judgment in dealing with protest at court house. He’s been in venues that are greater in population than our county. He probably also knows 10% of his hires are dragging their feet ,he also knows about liability for violation of civil rights . 4 th and 14th A. Next, after a deputy was hired and ‘found out ‘ they don’t have extended arrest powers , did they take off, quite , move away ,because they can’t ‘arrests somebody’ ? No. Now, —President Judge put the boots to Constable transports , the county could hire them legally to augment your sheriff staff in a heart beat. They are trained by same PCCD as Sheriff but much more exposure to knuckleheads on the street than sheriff department. This Sheriff kleptocracy liability down do to his actions during protest and understanding human nature. He is a asset not a liability.

  38. Meyers and Lynch are equally abhorrent mammals. They have one feeling-focus and use it for all decisions. Shut up, the both of you. Please.

  39. The deputy sheriffs of Northampton County are paid extremely well for what they do. The Sheriff is nominated by the County Executive but it is ultimately the Judges who appoint this position; therefore the Sheriff is merely a puppet for the Courts. As long as he is staffing courts to keep the court docket moving along, he is doing his job. Other states utilize sheriffs for their core enforcement of the law, but PA has city and municipal officers for this function. Combine this with the lack of an elected Sheriff in Northampton County, the deputies are really no more than armed security officers for the courts and Courthouse. Not to diminish any of these officers, but that is what their role is in Northampton County and they should accept it. The private sector pays very well these days. To quote "The Rock" - "Know your role".

  40. The sad part about this whole situation is that you are missing the main point. The COs are coming to county council with issues. The sheriff's are coming to county council with issues. The juvenile justice system ( Greene) is coming to council with major issues. Where there is smoke there is fire. Lamont and chucky are turning their back to the employees of this county. The heads of all those departments are appointed so they aren't gonna go against Lamont or chuck. They will be gone in a week . Ask Amy , chucky little girl. But she found out how they lie and cheat and away she went. It is time county council actually took a look into how employees are treated in this county. They have oversight. This county is amazing at covering things up, I mean major things. But maybe time for something to change. Trashing the deputies, the COs ,case workers. But Lamont and chucky take care of there buddies. Maybe stop focousing on the trees because your missing the forest. This county government is a mess. The only head of a department that stood up to Lamont and chuck was the DA. Because he is elected by the citizens.

  41. I wonder how many of these deputy sheriffs were around years ago when former sheriff Brian Kunkle was giving then illegal medical exams. No wonder they have a chip on their shoulder.
    Why dont they just start wearing brown uniforms with Republican armbands and goose-step around Eastons Centre Square.

  42. "I am confused. What is wrong if they are using the Dept. as a stepping stone to Police Depts.? "

    I'm unaware that anyone said this is wrong.

    1. I responded to anonymous at 6 AM.

  43. Myers has the brain �� of a small bird. Look at him and ask yourself who tied his shoes this morning. The man is a empty cavity above the shoulders

  44. March 17 11:18 PM
    Northampton County Deputy Sheriffs are NOT suppose to be an elite SEAL team that engages in war time activities. You are security for the Courthouse and Courts. The firearms training you receive adequately qualifies you for this duty under the accreditation policy obtained by your department. If you want to be an elite, highly trained operative, join one of the branches of the service. Or have you tried and failed the physical qualifications required.
    Sheriff Johnson only needs to answer to those who hired him, and if they believe he is doing a good job, all your complaints are sour grapes. No one is preventing you from seeking employment elsewhere, but the deputies know they have a "cushy" job for what they are being paid.
    Heatherman's complaints about being short staffed to serve warrants and PFA's is nonsense. Local law enforcement welcomes the opportunity to assist in these situations, just get on your radio and reach out to them. I am sure 99% of law enforcement is willing to assist a fellow brother.
    By referencing that a 60 manned department is not sufficient to withstand a siege at the Courthouse is an insult to the deputies. They all have been trained for their security role and both the Executive and Courts are satisfied with the protection provided.
    Stop trying to be something you are not. Again, "KNOW YOUR ROLE JABRONI." "IF YOU SMELLLLLLL, WHAT THE ROCK, IS COOKING."

  45. March 17 11:18 PM
    Northampton County Deputy Sheriffs are NOT suppose to be an elite SEAL team that engages in war time activities. You are security for the Courthouse and Courts. The firearms training you receive adequately qualifies you for this duty under the accreditation policy obtained by your department. If you want to be an elite, highly trained operative, join one of the branches of the service. Or have you tried and failed the physical qualifications required.
    Sheriff Johnson only needs to answer to those who hired him, and if they believe he is doing a good job, all your complaints are sour grapes. No one is preventing you from seeking employment elsewhere, but the deputies know they have a "cushy" job for what they are being paid.
    Heatherman's complaints about being short staffed to serve warrants and PFA's is nonsense. Local law enforcement welcomes the opportunity to assist in these situations, just get on your radio and reach out to them. I am sure 99% of law enforcement is willing to assist a fellow brother.
    By referencing that a 60 manned department is not sufficient to withstand a siege at the Courthouse is an insult to the deputies. They all have been trained for their security role and both the Executive and Courts are satisfied with the protection provided.
    Stop trying to be something you are not. Again, "KNOW YOUR ROLE JABRONI." "IF YOU SMELLLLLLL, WHAT THE ROCK, IS COOKING."

    1. You nailed it!!!

      The Sheriff is DEFINITELY only RESPONSIBLE to who hired him!!

      But the Deputies that were hired, before him, signed up for a pay topped out, in eight years!!! And it would be GREAT, if what they SIGNED up for, is what they were being paid!!
      What was offered has not been obtainable!!
      It's simple, Don't hire people under false pretenses, and EXPECT, a different morale, no one likes to be lied to!!

      Especially, when the top dogs, are getting RAISES, after working in their position for 4 years!!

      If you are doing the job you signed up for, effectively, and not being paid ACCORDINGLY!!

      Why are you, still expected to PERFORM!!??

      The Deputies don't owe the county, anything, when, they are still being paid at the starting rate!

      Obviously NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, feels like they can hire people, under false pretenses, and EVERYONE remains happy!!

      Deputies that are hired, SHOULDN'T have to be thankful, they have a job! As everyone in the county has a job to do, and are being paid for it!!

      What separates the people, who are RECIEVING their raises, from the ones, who needs to jump through hoops, to get theirs!!

      These Deputies do their job, however, anyone feels about them!!

      Pay them for the job they applied for!!

      And CONSIDER, following the contract the county made with them!!!

      AND their MORALE, would be JUST fine!!

      They signed up, to be A TARGET!!



      The rest of the stuff, MENTIONED, is MINUSCULE!!

      Mc Clure pushes PAPER! and gets his RAISE!!


      NORTHAMPTON COUNTY and it's constitution (Home Charter rule), is actually an embarrassment, to 2022!!

      Everything can be amended!

      No one is driving a horse and carriage to work!!

      But Northampton County is still hiding behind a document, that does nothing for the people, that live in or work, in it's County, today!!!


      You are elected for a PURPOSE!!
      FIX IT!

  46. Oh, so we’re only going to allow posters that defame the Sheriffs Department Bernie, and block individuals that are attempting to make a counter argument?

    Seems legit.

    Have the day you deserve Bernie.

  47. I refuse to publish comments that violate my comments policy. Also, comments complaining about this will also be deleted. I have refused to publish several along those lines.

    Now you can go and prance around in your 1 of 20 t-shirt.

  48. The Sheriff's are short staffed as they have taken on more duties lately. I want to offer some advice and easy help with court professionals with the same training to do what they do...Northampton County Constables!! The Constables have ALWAYS backed and supported the Sheriff's in Northampton County...they now have more time since transports are being handled by the Sheriff's, a job the Constables used to do and which took a great deal of time each day...since there is short staffing possibly due to this (central court transports and security) I am sure the Constables are more then willing to take some of the work load that the Sheriff's are short staffed to complete. (Constables in the past have helped the Sheriffs with domestic cases and continue to do so). This would allow the Sheriffs to do other things within the court house, save on new hires, and give this work and allow the constables to do what they normally do on the streets (Constables can do ALL of the same court duties a Sheriff can by law, but the exception with constables is that they can do so statewide, Constables are even trained by the same state training division, PCCD). I would suggest the county executive, court administration or the Sheriff reach out to the constable association to discuss this if they need some help.

  49. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  50. Malik your comment must be deleted

  51. March 18 11:35 PM
    Appears you have a solution to your issues and you do not even know it.
    If the grievance and unfair labor fillings are not being ruled in your favor since mediation has been tipping itself to the side of management, it may be time to allow your membership to vote on disbanding your union. Then you will receive your raises like all other exempt employees.
    The problem with the Sheriffs Department is it continually hires retired law enforcement officers who are only looking to pad their pensions by doing the least work possible, ie: sitting on a chair "guarding" the employee entrance, sitting in court watching trials, sitting at Gracedale, sitting at the Human Service Building, sitting in mediation court - I think you can see the common denominator.
    This is what the Sheriff requires of them and I believe they do it well. There have been no Courthouse security breaches or prisoner escapes that I am aware of.
    Vote out the Union and receive the monetary rewards due to you, and save what you are paying in Union dues in the process.

    1. Sheriff Deputies...YA LISTENING!!

      It shouldn't have to go to this extent!!

      But if taking this "LASHING!!",
      After trying to stand FIRM, is gonna allow Deputies, to flourish, as MOST county employees!! HECK, GO FOR IT!!

      The MONSTER, is too big and connected!!

      Because GAS and CHICKEN costs the same for ALL COUNTY EMPLOYEES!!!!

      No matter what the GRIPES OR GRIEFS are....

      They are TRULY IRRELEVANT!

      If you can't AFFORD, to eat, before driving to, "COMMONWEALTH PLANTATION!"

  52. Just watched Court and Correction meeting on video.
    If he wants to be taken seriously, Heatherman should have lost the sunglasses before speaking; he represents the deputy sheriff union as its president and looked like a buffoon.
    I do sympathize with him, but he is fighting an uphill battle.
    The deputy sheriff union had a fantastic first contract due to the leadership of the Union at that time. Once ex-Allentown retired officers got elected to the offices of the Union, things went downhill for the deputies themselves. Coupled with then egotistic Sheriff Miller who made back door deals with your once fellow brothers (one Lt. position in particular), a worthless Chief who forgot where he came from, and so many accredited policies that got overlooked because the Courts were involved ( President Judge telling an inmate when he was to be transferred to a state prison, deputies allowing incarcerated felons to use the public restrooms uncuffed because a judge did not want to take a recess, and judges not allowing deputies to leave their courtroom because they were to valuable for their safety when in closed chambers).
    Sheriff Johnson can be stubborn, and I believe he has the best interest of the department in his actions. He is NOT a YES MAN like the aforementioned Sheriff, but he ultimately realizes who his boss is.

  53. Just watched Court and Correction meeting on video.
    If he wants to be taken seriously, Heatherman should have lost the sunglasses before speaking; he represents the deputy sheriff union as its president and looked like a buffoon.
    I do sympathize with him, but he is fighting an uphill battle.
    The deputy sheriff union had a fantastic first contract due to the leadership of the Union at that time. Once ex-Allentown retired officers got elected to the offices of the Union, things went downhill for the deputies themselves. Coupled with then egotistic Sheriff Miller who made back door deals with your once fellow brothers (one Lt. position in particular), a worthless Chief who forgot where he came from, and so many accredited policies that got overlooked because the Courts were involved ( President Judge telling an inmate when he was to be transferred to a state prison, deputies allowing incarcerated felons to use the public restrooms uncuffed because a judge did not want to take a recess, and judges not allowing deputies to leave their courtroom because they were to valuable for their safety when in closed chambers).
    Sheriff Johnson can be stubborn, and I believe he has the best interest of the department in his actions. He is NOT a YES MAN like the aforementioned Sheriff, but he ultimately realizes who his boss is.

  54. Sheriff Johnson is certainly no YES man. Randy Miller laid him off a few years back precisely bc he questioned things. Only he did it the right way. Rich got his job back as a LT thanks to Dave Dalrymple.. Both Rich and Dave are class acts.

  55. The Sheriff is the Chief Law enforcement officer of his bailiwick. Meaning this county. This county may have neutered that, but years ago the Pennsylvania State Police brought complaints about what Pennsylvania Sheriffs authority. Al, had been out on drug related issues if I remember correctly for example. When Brian Kunkel was hired , he started wheeling around with “full bird eagles “ on collar as if he was an 06 grade Col. or U.S.Navy Captain, then broke out the rubber gloves. He wouldn’t has made a wort on an 06s butt. This was the — HIRING program based on his family giving away campaign funds to the elected official that won the election. People forget institution memory. Any problems they have (and their not they only ) government entity at tax payers expense that did this, the Bridge Commission, is another, at times City’s like Easton ,Bethlehem and Allentown, have made hires that were simply not functional. Hires that simply are not able , or willing. This Sheriff is not there because he’s a political hack,OR needs a job. He could work anyplace. So until impartial hires are made in all departments, only then would changes begin. Nepotism and political people don’t fly passenger aircraft , Get It?


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