Local Government TV

Friday, March 18, 2022

Lynch Supporters Assail McClure Over Deputies and Gracedale

I've seen lots of low moments over the years in the course of covering Northampton County Council. This was especially true when Ron Angle and Charles Dertinger were on board.  Although the verbal abuse that Kerry Myers unleashed on Sheriff Rich Johnson pales in comparison to evenings in which Council members nearly came to blows, his behavior on Wednesday night was nevertheless the worst I've seen on Council in many years. Myers called it a "good meeting," but it was a disgrace that actually detracted from whatever message deputy sheriffs were trying to send. But Myers should be happy to know that his abuse was music to the ears of failed Exec candidate Steve Lynch and his minions. They appeared in force at last night's County Council meeting to praise Gracedale workers whose refusal to get vaccinated has resulted in residents sitting for hours in their own excrement. They also lavished praise on deputies who wanted to break up a pro-Trump demonstration outside the courthouse and bash in a head or two. They were prevented from doing so by a wiser and more professional Sheriff. 

There were eight speakers. The first of these was Benjy Jacques, a rabid Lynch supporter. He is trying to profit off disgruntled deputy sheriffs by selling a T-shirt stating "We the People Stand With Northampton County Sheriff Deputies." $30 a pop. He was followed by Gracedale workers who seemed to think Gracedale should shut down instead of firing them over their refusal to get a COVID-19 vaccine. This mandate came, not from McClure, but the federal government.Had Gracedale refused to comply, it would lose all reimbursement from the feds and would have to close down. These anti-vaxers claimed that all the county cared about was the money.  Without that federal money, there'd be no nursing home. Those residents would get no care at all.  

One fired LPN, Shawanda Munola, said she had no sympathy for pregnant nurses who were struggling to keep up. But she insisted she had the right to refuse a vaccination. "My body, my choice,"  she said. 

I have to wonder how many residents her body and her choice killed. 

Steve Lynch, showman that he is, made sure he was the final speaker. Now, in addition to the Elections Officer and County Exec, he is calling Sheriff Richard Johnson a liar.  He claimed his motives were apolitical,  and then took a shot at McClure for refusing to debate him. 

Steve Lynch can find a liar by looking in a mirror. I'm sure he has plenty of them.  

When it washis turn to speak, McClure refused to respondto the Lynch mob.


  1. We sure could use a Ron Angle in there again. A ferocious fiscal watchdog, keeping an eye on our precious taxpayer dollars. Where is he, anyway? Aren't you friends with him, Bernie? Couldn't you persuade him that we need him in county government now more than ever?

  2. Glad the truth is coming out regarding the county operations. Sadly, you and the media just print McClure press releases. It is clear to all by now that McClure is no competent manager. The abundance of county dollars is the only thing that has carried him and even that he has mismanaged.

    Between yesterday and today the totality of his incompetence is obvious. The court may be forced to have the judge's order him to pay people and hire more for vital county service. All the real county functions are in critical stages, and he is still handing out his campaign checks to businesses while county service goes to hell.

  3. This why we like lynch he is not a politician and he goes after the real scum in our society.

  4. Bash in a head or two? That’s like me saying Bernie O’Hare drove his car through an orphanage after a few to many at the OBT. No better than the rest of them.

  5. Lori having a superspreader event yesterday in council chambers was crazy. She even had a Gracedale resident there. She is such a train wreck as council president. Sad!

  6. Lori should have had her meeting in courtroom #1. Ask any public health official. She allowed the Lynch mob to place in danger a Gracedale resident and all the members of county council.

  7. So, a bunch of FIRED ex employees know what is good for gracedale and the county ala Lynch

    we are doomed

  8. What a circus! I think we have to start putting lithium in our public water supplies as we have some really crazy folks on both sides of the podium.

  9. Mob rule? Democracy in shambles across the nation and we get to see what that de-evolution looks like right here..up close! Not a McClure or Dertinger fan but the election is final until the next one comes along. The counties responsibilities are not that complicated and we need to just hold our officials accountable for their actions at all times. This high drama crap is not needed and is unwelcome as we all need to be civil and work out our mutual issues in an adult manner.

  10. I refuse to publish comments that violate my comments policy. Also, comments complaining about this will also be deleted. I have refused to publish several along those lines.

  11. @3:44 - Who is we? Maybe its a small sub section of under educated whiny white boys who enjoy Lynch, but be absolutely sure, MOST of the rest of us think he's a spastic moron and his followers are a bunch of Flaggats (AKA - Dorks who like waving flags with other dudes names on them).

    Until the Republican party purges these dipshit drama queens like Lynch, MTG, Gaetz, Cawthorne, Gosar, etc., from their ranks they can shout Let's Go Brandon all day long, but it won't mean dick at the polls come November.

  12. I WISH Lynch could be arrested for hate speech.

  13. Contrary to right-wing blather, employees ARE absolutely free to not have the vaccine. It's just that employERs are free to not employ the unvaccinated. See how freedom works?

  14. My toilet brush has less germs than Lynch and the scum he travels with. Let the lunch bags get jobs. All loosers

  15. Lynch is the Republican Enema.

  16. It's time for the Lehigh Valley Tea Party to support another fool.

  17. Come November Dems are done hopefully for good

    1. You should consider moving to a country with one party rule government. I think you'd be much happier there. China or North Korea would welcome you with open arms.

  18. @3:37 you actually have it wrong. Lynch is the POSTER CHILD for Republicans. He represents what so many of them believe regardless of if they say it or admit it themselves.

    And actually if the Democrats aren't careful the antithesis of his type could become their poster child all too easily.

  19. Read McClure’s Opinion piece or let’s call it a deflection piece in the paper. Sounds like he is setting the county up to be prepared to lose Gracedale blaming the PA Governor..If he truly wants to keep Gracedale’s doors open, he must first admit there is a staffing problem, then actually discuss raising the bar on pay for the workers...why spend 450,000 on a study, when the operational assessment should have been done BEFORE he disposed of the Gracedale management team that was keeping the 4-5 star rating and census up . His current Gracedale admin has been in a tailspin with one excuse after another for years trying to fog their failures..throwing money for a study? Put that money into a professional nursing home management operation that can navigate Federal and State requirements and meet the needs of Gracedale, then get rid of the well paid administration overlords and stop Gracedsle from turning into the Titanic

  20. Let us give credit where credit is due. Stoffa wanted to sell Gracedale when we could have bailed out with our heads above water. McClure with no financial data at his finger tips said keep Gracedale. The facility is just half of what it once was and has now become an embarrassment and a money pit, so what does McClueless have to say now? Now he wants to get rid of Gracedale. He points his fingers at everyone and everything for the mismanagement of the facility that serves as a residence for those who can't care for themselves. Shame on him. He is at the helm of this sinking misguided ship. Gracedale is a needed facility in our community and everything should be done to improve the care and staffing to meet State and Federal Regulations before any decision is made to dump it. McClueless wants all of this to go away. It isn't going to happen without some serious debate and community input. Other Counties are making a go of it. Turn it over to his next in line Mr. Charlie Dirtinger. He has the lifesavers.

  21. 10:54, John Stoffa may very well have been right,. I agreed with him but also believe that the people spoke in the referendum. I also changed my thinking bc the Gracedale staff and volunteers really blew me away with the love showered on residents. I have to wonder how many are still there.

    McClure’s point is that Gracedale will no longer be viable if the required amount of nursing care per patient per day is increased from 2.7 to 4.1. I think it’s very likely that is going to happen along with a change requiring no more than two residents per room. I also doubt that reimbursement rates will increase enough to pay for care. So it’s really time now to think about transferring operations elsewhere. I would not sell the facility. The government center can move to Gracedale and let the courts and DA have the empty space. County Council can meet at Gracedale with a simple change moving the county deat there.

  22. McClure is cowardly. His running from questions regarding his deadly mismanagement of Gracedale is perfectly in keeping with his entire public career. Sorry old people and families. Sorry worthless employees. Eff you all.

  23. Gotta' love when someone anonymously attacks another as a coward, but is too afraid to ID himself.


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