Local Government TV

Thursday, March 03, 2022

How Long Will Zelensky Survive?

Ukranian officials state they've eliminated a Chechen hit squad intent on assassinating President Volodomyr Zelensky. Its hard to know whether this report is true or propaganda, but one thing is very clear. Those who've opposed Vladimir Putin have a funny way of ending up dead. No doubt Zelensky has heard this. His decision to remain in Kyiv has made him an international hero, but I have to wonder how long before he becomes a dead hero. 


  1. Whatever happens to him, I think the better observation is highlighting that Zelensky is on a REAL freedom convoy. As oppose to the crybaby convoy of truckers who are throwing a hissy fit over a minor inconvenience. Your privilege is showing America.

  2. We ask the same question about bloggers but they keep blogging on...

  3. I didn't think the invasion would start until the Olympics closed. I don't think Zelensky makes it through March.

    From a current US domestic policy standpoint, Russian invaders have a right to human services - and possibly to vote - in Ukraine. We should be careful about pointing our bony finger of indignation at things we countenance every day. We're still buying Russian oil and assisting to fund their invasion. Or is it just a "border crossing?" We let them have eastern Ukraine, followed by Crimea, with little more than a strongly worded letter. We're still dirty in Ukraine. It was the wild west for plunder and Biden and his kid were at the trough like so many. We don't have the moral high ground here. We're being rallied for a war we essentially started by turning the other way while our elites were cashing in. We are currently funding it. Dirty dirty dirty.

  4. Putin should be the one getting assassinated! The man is a terrorist plain and simple. Him and his country should be shut off from everything until he is no longer in charge and peaceful leadership is in place. We should immediately stop buying oil from them and everything else that Biden forgets to tell us. As far as Zelensky, he has lived longer than I thought he would. Him and his country has shown the world why you never underestimate someone.

  5. If Zelensky is assassinated, he then becomes a Ukranian martyr. The Russian occupation and nation building effort would be fighting guerillas for decades.

    Putin gambled on Ukraine and at best he can maybe break even, but even that seems like a long shot.

    His military isn't what we thought it was and the sanctions are going to make life in Moscow miserable for its citizens.

  6. I give it 2 weeks

  7. I think about this each time I see him speaking on TV. The man is being hunted. We are going to wake up one day and he's going to be dead. He's a PATRIOT. It's a word that's been sort of watered down in the United States last 6-7 years. THIS is what patriotism looks like. As opposed to these new sort of nationalist / chauvinist cult movements in the US. God Bless Zelensky and Ukraine.

  8. Clock ticking..Putin will not stop til he is dead or leaves the country. The guy is gutsy and this heroic stuff we are witnessing but the odds are overwhelming that he and his country will be ground under foot by the Red Menace.

  9. It has only been a matter of time. The man has a target on his head whether it is public knowledge or not. As you said Putin (Like many other dictators) may not admit it but has a fog of those who oppose them disappearing or dieing.

    Even in this country there are questionable things which occur like Epstein hanging himself in solitary confinement under suicide watch, prosecutors quitting, AG's resigning, people being fired out of the blue and so many other things.

    It is an ugliness of power that has been here and probably will be here forever.

  10. I'm only in my 50s and never thought I would see the day. We learned history so we dont repeat it. But another country in Europe just invaded a sovereign country and we are sitting here basically doing nothing . Does anyone remember how WW2 started. China will be the next Japan and Iran the next Italy. This is a very scary time unless we get so real leadership. Are leaders back then said we had nothing to fear over Hitler and look where it got us. Its 1939 all over again and we are making the same mistakes. This is scary. But good old joe is doing one thing. Making Jimmy Carter look not that bad. Just passed 4.19 gas in Quakertown. Scary.

  11. He is to be admired for no cutting and running like the pathetic President of Afghanistan. Ukrainian resistance would collapse if he left the country. Russian troop morale is in the toilet. Ukraine troops are fighting for their country, and their leader is a bastion of courage. But to answer the question, he will be dead within two weeks. Which will make him a martyr.

  12. At what point do Putin's war crimes land him in front of the Hague?

  13. 27 days. But there will be statues.

  14. How long will Lou Pektor survive?

  15. I'm rooting for the Ukraine and personally hope that Zelensky survives all of this and becomes one of biggest war heroes the world has seen in decades.

  16. He will likely survive to negotiate a deal with Putin. A deal he could have had without war.

  17. U.S. based Russian tycoon put a million-dollar bounty on Putin dead or alive. That should change some odds.

  18. At this point I think, if captured, he will be locked away. The world is watching which makes it harder for outright assassination. Then again, ol' uncle Vlad doesn't make a move with out a plan.
    For those complaining that we have blood on our hands and this is dirty, think about this. If we cut off energy flowing out of Russia, you will remove 10% of global production. Prices will go up, Putin finds other markets and be paid a higher price. So, by cutting off energy exports we would increase the funding for his little excursion in Ukraine.
    Sorry, it's just not that simple. If it was, Putin would just cut off the gas to Europe. He knows when the dust settles they, will still be the closest market. It's playing the long game and not acting on emotion.

  19. Reading this post was upsetting. Such a negative. Reality maybe. Maybe not. But we should be positive and touting his patriotism and offering prayers for a long life of freedom

  20. Putin’s threat could several ways. Sniper fire under 500 meters . Bombardment by an flying object ,but a forward observer is needed ,or being fed in his meal a red frog the size of this + . Or an RPG attack on his car . But all require a strange person in viscidity,and his security personnel would pick up on that person. I say Putin is brought up to charges and held and his own personal will help after what’s happening to their economy and boats ,bank accounts.

  21. THEATER pure and simple Putin has single handedly defeated the covid monster. Now we are seeing WAR theater like desert storm on CNN years ago. The theifs that had allready plundered the areas petrol production are in charge on American soil now our children will die for Americas theivery.
    At the pump today 15 gals 80 bucks til summer it will be 150?

  22. Would somebody on this blog let me know the difference from Putin and Trump? Honestly

  23. Zelensky is a jew and student of history who lost relatives in a holocaust. He understands why resistance is important. His family history is one of first hand knowledge of what happens with corrupt and brutal authoritarian dictators try to impose their will. He won't abandon Ukraine. Sadly, that means he will become a martyr.

    Putin is calculating. One of the sites in Ukraine he bombed was a holocaust site. Babyn Yar. He wants to erase history.

  24. "know the difference from Putin and Trump?"

    One started several wars, one ended several and started zero, you partisan asshole. Putin took no land while Trump was president. Inconvenient history. I support any presidents (e.g. Carter, Trump, Biden) who don't start wars. Comparing Putin to any US president shows what special kind of partisan retard you are. Good grief. Can't wait for the zealots from both sides to jump off a bridge in service to the rest of us. They are the cancer that is eating us from within.

  25. Ukraine populace fights on in a resistance, losing the cities, but not the countryside. Zelensky survives, given asylum in the US, or UK.

  26. March 3, 2022 at 9:02 PM

    "Would somebody on this blog let me know the difference from Putin and Trump? Honestly"

    You mean like one's President for life and the other's not? You mean like one invaded another country and the other didn't? You mean like one's shutting down opposition media and the other was endlessly criticized by it, even by "state media?"

    Although it's true that PDS doesn't yet appear to be a term.


  27. Hopefully Zelensky will survive this criminal action. While I may rant that perhaps the U.S. would be better off had Reagan not deregulated the gas prices so that gas and oil companies can now price gouge us for any excuse, I am glad I only have to pay extra dollars at the pump and store to fight putin than with my life as Zelensky and Ukraine patriots must now do.

  28. 9:02 you are one sick idiot.

  29. @5;31 Putin played the game and won for the time being. Trump on the other hand was, is, and always has been a wanna be. Putin lived in the role Trump always wished he was in the role and envied those that are. Putin made and stole his money where as Trump continuously loses money and grifts from bigger losers then himself. Putin speaks his mind regardless where as trump will wobble on any topic and will waffle to whoever he thinks he can garner the most money or worship from. Putin ran a country for years whether we agree with the way he did it or not where as Trump set a country down the path of self destruction. Putin had a group of people whether we agree with them or not who respected with him. Trump has no one that respects him only those that pander to him and his lies. So although on the surface they appear to be very similar they are vastly different.

  30. 9:02, you're never gonna see Trump with his shirt off.

  31. Well... if Chechnya is known for anything it's their Russian nationalism. I doubt anyone from Chechnya would take that risk for Putin.

  32. What needs to be done for the World and the Ukrainian is, Putin’s staff has to arrange his arrest. Lock him up . The Russian population is suffering because of his bravado. Mother’s will never see their .sos again because they have mobile cremation trucks. . The guy Putin is a rabid dog.

  33. 9:02, one is a leader, both are crooks, one is a fool.

    Both of them need to be banished for the good of the world.

  34. IF this is true Rubio & Daines should be stripped from all access to any confidential, secret, top secret and above security items. They should also be stripped of any and all provide security. They should have an immediate security investigation into their full life, family and friends. This is almost the lowest political scum bag. If any money can be traced from Russia to them no matter the route they should also be put away for life and ban form anything ever relating to the government or any business which works directly or indirectly with the government or anyone that does business with the government. I would think their friends and family should also face the same consequences if Russian money can be traced to them as well.

    They just proved they are too stupid to be trusted.


    GOP Sens. Rubio, Daines face backlash for sharing photos of Zelensky on social media after being asked to protect his safety


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