Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Gracedale Residents COVID-19 Free

Northampton County released a statement yesterday indicating that, once again, Gracedale is COVID-19 free, at least among residents. One staffer has tested positive and is in isolation. 

At this point, 94% of residents are vaccinated, as well as all healthcare workers.

Visitation is permitted via appointment with the Therapeutic, Recreation and Social Services Department. 


  1. Yeah, that is the county press release. Why not talk to the families, residents and staff to get a more accurate account. Not handpicked players. If management does not open up and be honest things can only get worse. We need help. The election head left and noted the interference and difficult position she was put in. Do you think it is any better out here?

  2. we are in trouble...

  3. After 4 years of the aspirational but end of the day fairly empty rhetoric of Obama then the buffoonery of Trump, I'm cool with some policy wonkiness. Would have liked to see inflation addressed more directly. Happy to see the President denounce "defund the police" directly and that both chambers erupted in cheers. It's clear that it remains only the most out of touch progressive wing of the democrat party who are still clinging to pretty much the worse political policy slogan and accompanying notion in the nations history. Yes, I get it doesn't mean literally defunding the police... but the message was terribly out of touch.

  4. It’s time for us to sell Gracedale. That place takes so much energy out of us. The residents aren’t happy, the antivax staff aren’t happy, the nurses pay sucks, admin sucks and the sheriffs don’t want to be there.

    Get rid of it already McClueless

    1. We are being lied to everyday about our jobs , meanwhile floors continue to close and they are chasing old timers out , people please take your family to another nursing home this place is not in the best interest of these residents . We all have had enough with the lies but you have to lie when your getting good money

  5. CoViD is over. That it ended the day before the State Of The Union speech was a little weird. But it's over and your mask is silly and unnecessary. If you still wear one, you are a science denier at this point, and you no longer have standing in health and science discussions.

  6. Just had a visit to HECKTOWN OAKES yesterday (Wednesday) and masks were mandatory, and they handed them out at the door. If it comes to believing some nut job antivaxer or having faith and confidence in the medical profession and scientist, guess where you come in asshole. That walking rectum who is no longer President made COVID a political issue but I see you survived
    by injecting Clorox into your veins.

  7. If it wasn’t for the walking rectum and buffoon (seriously), many more would have died. There are no words to describe the person presently supposedly running this country and the serious gaffes he presents on a daily basis (wonder if Ukraine knows it is now Iran). Gracedale IS in terrible trouble (I knew 4 years of that administration led by McClure would bring it to its present terrible state of affairs. Yes, please, let’s sell Gracedale or bring in private management. Peoples’ lives and livelihoods have been adversely affected because of political games. It must stop now! How about stepping up, commissioners?

  8. Staff continue to quit. Staff are or were terminated due to not getting vaccine. Not sure how many more can lose. The residents deserve better. Time to hold management accountable. Find out how many people left in last three years....how many hired and left and how many long term staff who left. Those are the ones who should be interviewed to find out why

    1. Is there an actual number of ppl that were actually fired for not getting the shot?? How many RNs MAs, and other staff??? What is the true number because simply didn't get the shot....

    2. Bernie no one will see this now so can you print that at least sixty people gone related to vaccine mandate. That doesn't include those that left before the final date because of it. And it's been on hold in the government to enforce as those know there aren't enough caregivers. I'm not necessarily in agreement not to get the vaccine as a caregiver but the question was asked and should be answered

  9. It's important to separate medical settings from everywhere else. We've been through a trauma and they'll be the last to relax mask wearing. I saw a doctor at LVHC yesterday who laughed at mask mania and repeated what he's told me for two years: they're useless against SARS-type viruses. He's an internationally renowned surgeon who just turned 70. Maybe he's senile and past his prime. Nonetheless, we should be patient with those who are still coming out of their mania re: masks. We don't mistreat the mentally unstable. That's not who we are. Give them time to heal and take off their masks and come back to reality. We should not indulge their sickness. But we should be understanding of their healing process and give them time to rejoin us in sane society.

  10. To the asshole who commented at 7:23AM........I lost several friends and two family members to Covid. You and your doctor are fucked up.

  11. 8:48

    What does that in any way mean as to the efficacy of mask? Please be specific...

  12. If you bothered to watch the video, Jennifer Stewart-King acknowkedged there was a large exodus caused by the vaccine mandate. Good. As far as I am concerned, Gracedale residents need caregivers who actually care. Those who refuse the vaccine obviously do not. As for a precise number, the problem with people like you is you make factuAL assertions but lack the guts to stand behind your words by identifying yourself. I have received outright lies about Gracedale from some of you. Finally, you don't decide what I publish. I do.

  13. Understood. I will reach out to council with factual numbers. Unfortunately in this world when you give your name you are open to attack and in my business I cannot afford that. If we lived in a world where we could speak openly without retaliation more would give their names. I unfortunately know what people are capable of. I've seen the worst in politics and government.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.