Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Boscola Will Be Challenged by Merhottein

Last week, I told you that long-time State Senator Lisa Boscola could be facing Bethlehem Tp Comm'r John Merhottein in her quest for re-election. Yesterday, Merhottein made it official and announced his candidacy. Below is the statement he released. 

Supported by his family, friends and neighbors, John Merhottein announced that he filed over 1,200 signatures in Harrisburg and is officially a candidate for the State Senate in Pennsylvania’s 18th District. Merhottein, a Bethlehem Township Commissioner, U.S. Marine veteran and youth sports coach, is seeking the Republican nomination in the May Primary Election. The Senate district includes portions of Lehigh and Northampton counties.


“My decision to run for the State Senate was not taken lightly. However, as I spoke to residents across the district, it was clear that people are looking for a change and a new direction,” said Merhottein. “Throughout my career, I have prioritized service to country, our community, and local families. I see this as a continuation of my efforts to help make our community a better place to live, work and raise a family.”


Merhottein is a longtime resident of Bethlehem Township in Northampton County who understands the opportunities and challenges our region faces. As a Bethlehem Township Commissioner, he is working to ensure township police have the tools and training they need to do their jobs and keep residents safe. Merhottein will be a strong leader in the State Senate, proactively fighting the crime and drug epidemic that threatens the future of far too many citizens.


“I support our police and first responders who bravely put their lives on the line every day to protect and serve our communities,” Merhottein said. “I am tired of picking up the newspaper on a daily basis and seeing how crime and drugs are ravaging our communities.  Working with law enforcement and community leaders across the Lehigh Valley, I am prepared to continue my work because current trends prove public safety must never be taken for granted.”


Asked what issues his campaign would focus on, Merhottein stressed: fighting crime and drugs to protect families, giving parents more control of their children’s education, bringing fiscal discipline to Harrisburg to protect taxpayers, and supporting policies to help working families and seniors during these times of skyrocketing costs of gas, groceries, and other household needs.


“Too many people are hurting in today’s economy. At the same time, too many of the politicians in Harrisburg are part of the problem, not part of the solution,” said Merhottein. “I was raised in a working-class family, and I know that many families and seniors cannot afford to pay more at a time when inflation is at a 40 year high. Now more than ever, government needs a new direction to better serve taxpayers and families.”


Merhottein pointed to his own record as Commissioner as proof that he knows how to reduce debt and control spending, as well as find innovative ways to bring community members together to meet the challenges we face.  Through strong fiscal discipline and commonsense leadership, he is leading efforts to reduce township debt – cutting it by $6.7 million dollars or nearly in half in just 4 years.  Working in a bi-partisan manner, the board has worked to control taxes, including this year’s budget, during a time other communities across the region were seeing significant tax increases.


“As a Commissioner, I’ve made the tough decisions to reduce township debt and control spending because I know local residents already pay enough of their hard-earned money toward taxes,” Merhottein said. “I also understand that residents deserve quality services. That is why I worked with fellow commissioners to bring a satellite branch of the Bethlehem Public Library to our township. I am running for State Senate to bring my commonsense leadership and new ideas to Harrisburg to help local families and senior while protecting taxpayers.”


John proudly served our country in operations Desert Storm and Desert Shield as a United States Marine, where he earned the National Defense Service Medal & Kuwait Liberation Medal.  John also was awarded the Sea Service Deployment Ribbon, Two Meritorious Masts, and the Good Conduct Medal during his service.


Upon returning from his service in Iraq, John went back to school and earned a certificate in computer programming during a time when this field was quickly changing. He has worked in the Information Technology field for more than 20 years as a Computer Programmer and EDI Analyst helping regional companies grow and better serve their customers and clients. John understands the importance of effective job training and re-training programs for local workers and as State Senator, he will support these important programs.


“Government doesn’t create jobs, but it can ensure our state is competitive when it comes to attracting employers and supporting the job-creating industries of tomorrow,” said Merhottein. “But right now, taxes on job creators in Pennsylvania continue to be among the highest in the nation and the regulatory structure is among the most burdensome. After the pandemic and the mandated shutdowns on many small businesses and restaurants, these employers and workers need help and as State Senator, I will work to get government out of the way so entrepreneurs and small businesses can do what they do best: create jobs and grow our economy.”


Echoing the views of many who live in the Lehigh Valley, Merhottein said he is also running because this job should be about, “Public service, not self-service.”  He pledged to lead by example on reform and never forget who he answers to: the hard working men and women who call the Lehigh Valley home.


“It is not surprising that so many citizens have lost confidence in our elected officials when they vote themselves pay raises and increase their own pensions while the people they represent struggle to make ends meet,” Merhottein said.  “I will lead on reform by maintaining an open and transparent office, so you know how your tax dollars are spent.  I will not take the costly per diems, and you can trust that I will never vote to increase my own pay.”


John and his wife, Michelle, are raising their son, John Joesph (JJ) in Bethlehem Township where he attends Notre Dame Elementary school in Bethlehem.  Merhottein is active in the community and volunteers his time coaching JJ’s baseball and basketball teams as part of the Freemansburg Bethlehem Township Athletic Association & Bethlehem Township Athletic Association.  



  1. Classic Republican nonsense. Say you'll bring in jobs by cutting taxes, then pretend the budget shortfall can be made up by vague promises to cut spending, while saying you are sticking up for the working people that depend on the government services and infrastructure that will actually be cut. Hasn't worked for the past 40 years, why would it work now?

  2. She is a career politician. Time for a change.

  3. State Senator Lisa Boscola is a tremendous advocate for the entire District. This challenger is from Bethlehem Twps. In Bethlehem's Twp own budget, they call out $2.3M in Capital spending less $808K in grants. These grants are a RETURN OF OUR TAX DOLLARS TO THE COMMUNITY CHAMPIONED BY SEN LISA BOSCOLA. Bethlehem Twp would not be able to undertake these projects without a tax increase. Sen Boscoala has served the entire district well.

    When it comes to public safety, in 2021 alone, Senator Boscola championed:
    $85,120 for the Bethlehem Township Volunteer Fire Co. Emergency Medical Services.

    $67,447 – Bethlehem Township to purchase a 2020 F-150 Police Responder with K-9 upgrades and equipment for the Bethlehem Township Police Department.

    These two examples from the challenger's own municipality demonstrate how Senator Boscola has advocated for Public Safety in every corner of the District.

    Thank you for everything you do Sen. Boscola.

  4. The Democratic candidate is a politician who has been in too long, she belongs to the political class who only take care of themselves we need term limits because the people are too stupid and keep voting these types of people back in and look what they did to the country.

  5. This guy has an impressive record of service and Lisa's been around for too long. She drank through the early part of her career - all the while collecting a paycheck from taxpayers. She only dried out after taxpayers funded that, as well. She's supposed to make amends for her drunken wrongdoing, but has never offered to pay me or any taxpayer back for stealing her check during her blurry, drunken years. She's piled up lots of taxpayer dough and will have a very comfortable retirement. She's been neither honest, nor ethical. It's time for her to finally make amends to the taxpayers she's wronged. I wish her the best in recovery. But please go away and never come back. You've contributed zero to the state.

  6. The comments are already filled with Boscola talking points. I guess the senator is worried...

  7. Our nation is in such a mess right now because of people who hung around too long in office. This is true locally, too. After a term, or two, staying IN office becomes the real goal for them. They get careless with the responsibilities we entrusted to them. Glad-handing and gifts without regard to the actual cost of those favors takes over. In other words, “Who do I need to take care of” in order to keep my position. Image is everything.

    It is now more important than ever to get a fresh group of people in place. A message must be sent. Vote OUT incumbents who have already served 1-2 terms.

  8. 5:46 Get rid of her now.

  9. A vote for Lisa is a vote for sanity. Don't you people understand that if you are a representative for a long time you get the best committees that help the area you are from?
    Lisa has done nothing but fought for everyone in her district no matter how they try to Gerrymander her out
    This Marine commissioner is a flash in the pan, What has he done?

  10. @ 5:46 AM - Every Senator brings money into the district. I wonder with the Republican controlled Senate if he would even bring in more money. Obviously with the "homework" you did looks like you have a horse in the race.

  11. Bethlehem Township management VS Hanover Township management is like night and day! Hanover is a well oiled fiscal machine where Bethlehem is floundering under unqualified staff in every department. Fiscal platform is bullshit!

  12. @8:42 What did Lisa do before she was elected 30 years ago? I'm sure she was a "flash in the pan" all those years ago.

  13. 8:42 she will end up being another Pelosi--you fool--politicians are no good-term limits a must because people think like you and look what we have corrupt and rich political class who could care less about you.

  14. 8:42 You must love the political class and yet theym screw in so many ways.

  15. 28 years is more than enough time in Harrisburg. Lisa will have an enormous pension and lifetime benefits. It's time for change.

  16. Being a representative for a long time guarantees a good pension and healthcare. It does not guarantee anything else, including "best committees" made up of other career politicians. It doesn't even guarantee that said career representatives have to do a good job! As evidenced by our political scenery now.

    Time for change.

    As for "what has he done"? Did you even read the article?

  17. Don't you people understand listen to 8:42--we understand the lifetime politicians has ruined this country and people like you who does not understand keep voting these people back into office and no they do not do a lot for us working class people.

  18. "This Marine commissioner is a flash in the pan, What has he done?"

    He didn't steal a check from taxpayers while boozing through Harrisburg for years. That alone gets my vote. Representatives are not supposed to be glued to seats for life. Lisa's had a nice run. It's time to cash out and sail off to a cushy lobbying job. Don't cry for the old girl. She's already doing better than we stupid poors are.

  19. Is John a trumpster?

  20. It is appalling that people are so willing to denigrate someone they don’t even know. This tells us a lot about the person and indicates they are only interested in partisan politics and not in the character of the candidate. John Merhottein is a man of amazing intellect and character, not to mention a patriot, having served in the Marine Corps. He is also devoted to his family. For those who are still capable of seeing beyond a party, I urge you to consider what the Democrat party stands for these days - open borders; defund the police; high taxes; foreign oil rather than our own reserves and a bigger bureaucracy. Please do your own homework before you vote - don’t just vote for “more of the same” as America cannot afford that kind of voting any longer. We need to know exactly who we are voting for and what they will bring to our cities, states and federal government.

  21. @2:59 Cindy, you either admit the truth that Donald Trump intended for Jan 6th to happen and he attempted to overthrow the US Government or you are saying Donald Trump didn’t make one call, lift one finger, to secure his own Capitol. Either scenario he’s the worst President we’ve ever had. This is the new republican party!

  22. Seems to me like "career politician" is just another way of saying "has been popularly elected many times". Doesn't seem like necessarily a bad thing unless there are actual policy issues you all have.

  23. When I first read the press release, I thought he was talking about Pat Browne. The guy who slips stuff into legislation in the midnight hour to prevent the public from seeing how much tax revenue from virtual and paper companies gets funneled to developers in the NIZ.


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