Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Zrinski For State Senate?

In the last County Council race, conducted just a few months ago, I was among those who made Tara Zrinski the top vote-getter in Northampton County. I've been her harshest public critic. If truth be told, I've been her only public critic because dailies no longer cover county news. She got my vote because she has been responsive to county residents when they approach her with a problem. She also responded to my county council candidate questionnaire even though she was well aware of my criticism. Her Republican opponents spurned it even  though I was impressed by two of them. She won the county council race rather easily, but her bid for state senate is another matter.

In the county council race, she was one of 10 candidates vying for office. It would be very difficult for five GOP opponents to zero in on her. There was no real opposition research done on any of the candidates. Zrinski was able to waltz into office because of strong backing by Democratic women and environmentalists

A state senate race will be much different. Republicans could prop up a wingnut like Steve Lynch, which would make victory for Zrinski inevitable. But it's more likely they will find someone less bombastic and more reasoned. 

And willing to do opposition research. 

This blog would be a fertile source.  The above video alone, which I obtained from Zrinski's own YouTube channel, would certainly hurt her. She would also be hit hard for some of her more extreme environmental proposals,which included outright lies about Bethlehem Tp and the PennEast pipeline. Speaking of lying, she was sanctioned for "perjury" in a custody disputer. 

None of this bubbled to the surface in her County Council races. It will in her state senate bid. 


  1. Wow! Don't know if you saw her announcement but it was a trip. Knowing she her ego it must be on Facebook or YouTube. She sounded more like leftist neo=Mussolini than senate candidate. She claimed she is doing this for you and me and not for her. She will sacrifice herself for us.

    I cannot believe a qualified Democrat from one the areas in the new district won't step up. You are right, her crazy, zany progressive whiter liberal lady corps have pumped her up but under a microscope she is deeply flawed.

    A Democrat can only hope she is not th only candidate or most common-sense democrats swill vote republican. I was told she got ME ME Gerlach to endorse her for a job. I don't think that will get her Allentown votes in a primary as no one in Lehigh County Allentown knows her. If this is th new standard for candidates, then maybe Trump was not so bad.

    I hope republicans farm your blog since you have done a greats job of exposing this self-serving phony.

  2. State Rep. run was a disaster as she lives in a R dominated district..it was an inevitable loss. Scott Parsons tried this against Scavello and he also failed badly in that senate bid. This part of PA is now blood red and it will stay that way for the time being. Putting the hate genie back in the bottle will take time. Tara's politics are very liberal to say the least and it just ain't gonna be adopted by the current ultra conservative populace here.

  3. So you view Zrinski as a nut job but you still voted for her. Hmmmmm. I think her positives outweigh her negatives and you were right to vote for her for re-election to County Council. while she can be a little flakey at times, she will be better than any Republican that runs for the senate in her district. I may not vote for her if a good democrat gets in the race, but she will have my vote against these lunatic R's that want to take away people's right to vote.

  4. She will be very strong in the primary and the new SD-14 leans Dem. With AG Shapiro at the top of the ticket, this seat should go D. Don't count on Republicans finding a reasonably sane moderate candidate. If Tara (or any Dem) loses, credit Lisa Boscola for swapping West Bethlehem for Bushkill Township in the final map.

  5. I think Tara would be great in a state House seat, Not the Senate seat

  6. "But it's more likely they will find someone less bombastic and more reasoned. "

    Bernie - never knew you were such an optimist!

    Sadly, its pretty much a given that BOTH parties will more than likely put up some extreme version that "excites the base" rather than someone who can realistically look at a problem or problems and apply real world measures and solutions that are needed.

    Instead we'll simply have grand standing mixed with occasional symbolic but worthless resolutions and continued partisan warfare.

  7. The tone and rant of her video speaks for itself. No go. She will be part of the problem not the answer. Big mistake putting her back on county council. Enough said.

  8. Thank you you prick

    Now i have a headache and its throbbing away, where is the free Tylenol?

  9. She's a radical and a court-documented liar.

    Bernie still voted for her. And he deigns to criticize Lynch and Lynch voters? Pot-kettle. Yikes. Save your nuanced, pragmatic bullshit. That's a lie, as well. Which is the more likely reason you were comfortable voting for her. Transparency begins with honesty. You and she are dishonest - and court documented, at that.

  10. Tara boasts about her education but it has obviously not served her well. Anyone who uses a bullhorn to make herself heard obviously believes she is not otherwise heard or listened to. She is right on that as far as I’m concerned. I can just see her taking that bullhorn to Harrisburg. God forbid Josh Shapiro as Governor!

  11. So you view Zrinski as a nut job but you still voted for her. Hmmmmm. I think her positives outweigh her negatives and you were right to vote for her for re-election to County Council. while she can be a little flakey at times, she will be better than any Republican that runs for the senate in her district. I may not vote for her if a good democrat gets in the race, but she will have my vote against these lunatic R's that want to take away people's right to vote.

    Who's right to vote is being taken away? Last time I checked if you are 18 and over and didnt' commit a felony you are eligable to vote. Pennsylvania in 2016 Presidential election had roughly 5.8 million votes. In 2020 it was roughly 6.8 million. I know liberals don't understand data/numbers but looks like more people are voting. I expect a fact check.

  12. My family voted for Zrinski . However we both were disappointed with our personal interaction with her. I was stunned by her reaction when I questioned her use to the word "stray" in describing the bullet holes in our property in an e-mail to us. That term could only be applied if an actual investigation of the crime was done- there wasn't one. I believing I was smelling gas lighting . I made a point of keeping a paper trail when dealing with all Politicos . She did give us the impression she was concerned when she visited our home but in the end we were disappointed. We got the impression that it is her game.

  13. good grief, Charlie Brown

  14. Yeah, great choice, even her other council members don't respect her. She has had no relevant piece of legislation passed. The only reason McClure kisses her ass is she supports whatever he wants, and he doesn't want to offend her fanatical feminist posse. She has even screwed over labor unions th life blood of democrat politics. Chalk one up for the Republicans.

  15. Wholly sh-t!!!! That is a crazy rant!

  16. 3:36. So why did you have to reach out to an elected official to intercede in a law enforcement matter? My guess is that law enforcement decided not to pursue the matter any further. Kudos for an elected official taking the time out of their own personal lives to better understand a constituents concern even if the elected had no authority to make law enforcement to take certain actions. Show ponies would have dodged your request for help.

  17. Jerry Kott observation is extremely accurate. Zrinski is a wolf is sheep's clothing. Her sense of altruism is a mere façade just she has a taste of power. What do you expect when she abandons a son. If she is willing to abandon him, she will be sure enough to abandon and walk away from any constituents.


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