Local Government TV

Thursday, February 24, 2022

We Owe Vladimir Putin Our Thanks

On the campaign trail and in his early days as President, Joe Biden stressed the need for all of us - Democrat and Republican - to come together. Unfortunately, we were too polarized for that to happen. So when Russian began massing troops along the Ukraine border, right wing pundits claimed it was nothing more than a "wag the dog" attempt by Biden to raise his falling poll numbers. With only a few exceptions, those voices are muted now. Instead of screaming that Biden has manufactured a crisis, AM talk radio is encouraging truckers to disrupt our economy. They are now strangely silent about Ukraine. 

Fortunately, most Democrats and Republicans now see that Biden was truthful. Vladimir Putin has managed to accomplish what no one else has been able to achieve. He's managed to push Democrats and Republicans together. As a bonus, he's managed to unite our European allies. 

Thanks, Vlad.  


  1. We will see how long that lasts, wishful thinking.

  2. Many Republicans still are doing their best to use this issue to undermine Biden. I remember a time when we gave our President the benefit of the doubt in such matters--mostly, anyway. LBJ and Nixon rather screwed that up.

  3. I’ve read other opinions that believe Putin is making his move BECAUSE of Biden. That the Biden administration is weak and disorganized, that Biden has now turned America back into an energy dependent nation after previously being energy independent.
    I agree with these interpretations.

    You might believe Biden will receive support from all of this. I do not. Americans are seeing their savings accounts wither away, already too high gasoline prices going even higher, etc. Of course, no one here will be pleased to see more American soldiers die if that happens. The Afghanistan bungling is still fresh in mind.

  4. Biden was truthful? I thought he said while campaigning that Putin would not try anything with him in office because he knew Joe would stand up to him......

  5. Biden's weakness has set the table for Putin's aggression. Halting the Keystone XL pipeline and handcuffing oil exploration resulted in a huge increase in our energy exports from Russia. Then the Afghanistan debacle. Plus cuts in the defence budget. Uncle Joe is a senile fool and Putin ate his lunch. The invasion would never had happened under Trump. There was a vacuum in our foreign policy and Vlad was happy to fill it.

  6. Wow. I will never get the 30seconds back it took to read this garbage. Did you ever think the unprepared Afghanistan withdrawal had anything to do with this? It made our country look so weak. Or that Biden told him he would be OK with a minor incursion. Biden's words not mine.

  7. I read this just after venturing to check out the FAUX network to see Graham saying Russia would have never dared to enter Ukraine if the Orange Huckster was still in office. He must have forgotten how tRump was, and still is, Putin's sock puppet . The move definitely united NATO. Will it unite the majority of U.S. citizens? After what I've seen over the past 5 years, who knows? I wouldn't be surprised if the secessionist in chief would try to convince his cult that it would be wonderful to have Vlad and his troops come over here to make sure our elections are secure as he still heaps praise on him even now.

  8. The House Republicans issued a statement that Biden is "weak." Trump praises Putin's actions.

    Do we really want to side with the Communists?

  9. The House Republicans issued a statement that Biden is "weak." Trump praises Putin's actions.

    Do we really want to side with the Communists?

  10. I'm glad the Biden Administration got this right. Otherwise it might have been a "large" incursion.

    1. It is very a very 'minor' incursion.

  11. Sure Biden was right. Trump was wrong.

  12. There is very little to like about Putin.

  13. Fuck Putin and the current republican party! When you are reminded by tRump flags and derogatory window/bumper stickers as of late, we're not unified by any means!

  14. Biden has accomplished another assist for Putin. He and Barry enabled Trump's best buddy to invade Georgia, annex Crimea, and kill 10,000 in Eastern Ukraine during the Barry & Joe Show. And now that Trump gave his OK during his "shadow presidency", the Big Show is on to shock and awe the world with Slow Joe's Stupidity. Next up: $10/gallon gas and $7/pound chicken. USA! USA!

  15. Hey 10:48... You know we get over half our oil from Canada, Eh? Our next big importer?... Mexico.

  16. tRump and his Allie’s @Faux News are a disgrace.

  17. I'm assuming that you're on vacation in Disney World, since you obviously filed this post from Fantasyland.

    Europe is now at war as a direct result of failed democrat foreign policy.

    Putin is more powerful now because of failed democrat domestic policy, which cut US oil production and made the US and Europe more dependent on foreign oil sources like Russia. Biden even gave Putin the green light to walk into the Ukraine by stating that a "minor incursion" would be met with little to no US resistance.

    Americans have paid dearly for democrat blunders over the last two years. Those unfortunate enough to live in democrat-run states were locked down while their economies suffered and business were lost. Children lost years of education and development that will never be replaced. And democrat overspending has led to runaway inflation that raises the cost of everything.

    In short, Biden and the democrats have stolen our time, our money and our children's futures. And now they've set Europe on fire, tanking our stock market and raising energy prices even further.

    If Joe Biden has united Americans on anything, it's that he and the rest of his democrat minions need to be shown the door as quickly as possible. November can't get here soon enough.

  18. Ukraine has been used for the personal advantage of the Clintons, Obama, and the Bidens. The Durham investigation releases so far have PROVEN this through sworn statements and documents given to a Grand Jury. I feel certain this dynamic is in play here, too. Of course, your regular news sources could be censoring and distorting this. So, start looking elsewhere for more on this.

  19. Lefty apologists for Clueless Joe have to resort to obscenities in their anti-Republican rants. Stay classy, snow flakes!

  20. As I see it Putin irrational behavior/vendetta will cost him dearly with the people of Russia. The least bloodiest way to cripple a country is to destroy it's finances. Rich powerful people know where their toast is buttered. Without them a leader is neutered. Such will be the fate for Putin over the coming days.

    Russian people themselves are not to blame for what is happening. This is all on Putin. He is not only creating suffering in the regions of Europe but within his country. People will not tolerate this as we'll see within the coming days.

    Imagine Putin played nicely with the European countries. Everyone would have been far better off economically in Russia as well also be viewed as partners rather then adversaries. That's why Putin will fail. His obsessive behavior will cost him dearly.

  21. Those who tear down our President at a time of genuine military crisis also are tearing down our country. Reasonable criticism is one thing, but such as that old "Biden is senile" claptrap is reprehensible.

  22. 41% of the people approve of Biden--mental illness sure affect a lot of Americans.

  23. It's great how the idiot at Fox News mocked Biden for saying that Russian likely would invade and then blamed the invasion on him. Their knowledge of the situation is an absolute joke.

  24. Trump would have sent aid to Russia.

  25. The only thing I wish that Biden would have done would have furthered his sanctions by making it mandatory that anyone who took money from a Russian source in the past 5 years would be investigated, subpoenaed, search warrants issued and potentially arrested for supporting them.

    Hmmmmm who would get caught in this net. The trump organization, trump, his kids, and Michael Flynn as starters along with numerous others most likely.

    The set up on Ukraine started years earlier.

  26. Putin had Trump in his pocket. Trump loves guys like this, autocrats. He aspires to be one. Trump and his crony Republicans are showing where their loyalties lie once again and it is not with democracy. To them this is about raw power...for them.

  27. Why are we still purchasing Russian oil? Is one permitted to ask that question at the risk of being seen as unpatriotic for questioning the current administration? I swear on my children I'd ask this question of any administration in the current dilemma. Why are we still purchasing Russian oil? Seems like it would more patriotic to stop.

    In the mean time, watch out when the tribes agree. It's usually a precursor to sending our kids to die for some rich fukkers' portfolio. The transition from our Military Industrial Complex to the new Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex petered out when vaxxes flopped. It's back to war and military spending. Gotta feed the beast.

  28. The Trump flags now make it easy to identify those who don't support democracy, but support Putin. They should start flying the Russian flag next to their Trump banners.

    1. This is a ridiculous statement. Must you draw trump into this horrible action by Putin. His own people oppose his actions. Being a Republican does not ever mean we don't support democracy. That's just rhetoric and quite frankly garbage

  29. I can't figure out how Trump was in bed with Russia, Hillary?
    Nord Stream 2? Nope. Biden allowed though. Until Invasion. Then did what Trump did.
    North Korea shooting rockets? Um? Nope.
    Um, low gas prices, low inflation, southern border..... on and on and on and.....

  30. I don’t think so. Let’s see. How are these sanctions suppose to work? Gas will cost me more. My retirement funds just declined15% in value. Everything I bought this week cost 15% more than last week. Now, I have to go invest in a survival kit of food to overcome any near nuclear confrontation. And, they said on the news that the sanctions will definitely turn behavior. What’s that supposed to mean? Buy an airplane ticket to Peru? Wake up! Our patience has worn thin. No one, Republican or Democrat, is cheering.

  31. Biden is a weak old doddering fool...and Putin knows it. Taiwan is next...
    Our Military is more worried about pronouns and feelings than fighting anyway.

  32. @6:41. Do you commit to saving us from your stupidity forever if you are proven wrong? If not shut up because you have believed a narrow common narrative that only the most ignorant in this society still believes. Trump has literally been in bed with Russians and he was Putin's butt buddy. Putin knew that he had trump by the short hairs and thus did nothing because trump was nothing other then a plant to destroy our democracy.

  33. @ 6:41 Do you forget that Trump withheld military aid to Ukraine. Regularly bad mouthed the Ukrainian leadership, and even went as far as to suggest it would not be bad if someone else like his hero "Putin" were in charger there.

    He further fought against NATO and most of our allies while idolizing Putin Xi and Kim Jun Un. He invited them to meet with him so he could honor them with his presence while avoiding anyone who were our allies. And even went as far as to call our service men who fought people like them to be failure and losers.

    He is a traitorous letch who should have all his assets seized and be dismissed to one of his idols countries.

    And out of curiosity I would like to know what was in the files he secreted away from the white house. It would not surprise me if he had been relaying key US Topic Secret info to the same idols in a grift to garner money for his own self power. Remember neither him his wife or any of his kids were granted any security clearance until he forcibly made it happen.

    The closest thing he should have been allowed to any US secret playing in the toilet at the white house.

  34. So bernie, after looking at the above posts, do you still believe that there is now unity?

  35. I wondered if Hunter is getting his paychecks? Now that a war in on around that gas company, they may had other priorities. Then the “Big Guy” wants to send millions to aid Kyivs military, too late , no way in . Anything you send now will end up in Russian hands.


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