Local Government TV

Monday, February 14, 2022

Ukraine: Will Russia Invade Tuesday?

According to the AP, 130,000 Russian troops are poised at the border of eastern Ukraine, ready to strike as soon as Tuesday. Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky has downplayed the possibility of invasion, but when that number of trrops mass on its border, he should probably pay attentioon. The Wall Street Journal notes that the precursor to an invasion - cyberattacks - has already begun. Portions of eastern Ukraine have been under the control of pro-Russian separatists since 2014.


  1. No. US Intelligence hasn't been accurate since WMDs. Russia has zero interest or incentive to re-annex the basket case that is the Ukraine.

  2. Russian Navy in Black Sea closer ,circling like Turkey Buzzards . Are the Olympics over yet? I hope I’m not wrong . NO,

  3. Russia will not as the cost will be too high.
    Putin needs to rattle a saber for the homeboys and after some posturing go home.

  4. No, I do not expect Russia to invade Tuesday. Those two nations can find a way out of that situation. If there is combat there at some point, we need to stay out of it.

    America has problems now with an invasion across our own southern border. A mess with far more direct impact on our lives. Then, too, our difficulties with China. We are stretched to thin to take on clean-up duties outside the failing nation right here!

  5. They'll wait until the Olympics end. That's Sunday in China; Saturday in the west, with the 14-hour time difference. They and their Chinese friends don't want embarrassing push back on western TV. I don't expect much "invasion." It'll be more like a big noisy military parade. The Ukrainian government will probably be arrested and disappeared and executed. Not much violence beyond that. Their TV will get boring and everyone will start whispering again. Life will go on in the era of our new global cops, Russia and China. We won't have much to do but observe their dangerous antics.

  6. Why is the elites so concerned about Russians crossing a border? I've been told borders are just arbitrary lines draw on a map. Our elites won't defend our southern border but will send our boys to die for someone else's? Our current sad leadership is a joke. smh

  7. Europe's problem...not ours. Bidens wagging the dog on this one.

  8. They are not going to invade, trust me. If Putin wanted to invade he would’ve done it by now. He’s posturing and pretending that he’s a tough guy and he’s just loving the attention he’s getting. In another week or two he’ll start pulling some of the forces back and live to fight another day.

  9. Russia will invade the Ukraine right after Bethlehem invades Freemansburg. Putin has really bitten off more than he can chew on this issue. He is hoping to walk away from this issue with something and he is going to be disappointed. A Russian invasion could result in financial destruction of the Soviet Union and bankruptcy for Putin and his very close communist associates. He will attempt to get out of this with his billions intact and will need a miracle to save face. He has exposed himself as the bully he is and other than China, no country is standing by him. Germany is a little weak but still with the NATO Allies. He would be a stupid stupid man to go ahead with an invasion.

  10. He'll just do a "minor incursion."

    He's already gotten permission for that.

  11. Putin will not invade. The Biden administration is pushing war on purpose to raise the hype. Then when nothing happens the guy that has the highest inflation in 40 years and stared at his watch as dead American soldiers passed by him will take credit for it to try and raise his abysmal poll numbers. It's the only win he can try to get to raise these numbers. Bernie, I will wait for you article on the breaking news from Durham investigation. As a lawyer I am sure you care about civil liberties. Then the follow up article on what Mueller,Weissman, Rhee, Zebley were looking at for 2 years and wasted 38 million in taxpayer money.

  12. Russia will invade within a week. The mighty Ukrainian national guard will roll over like a golden retriever. Then the government will flee into exile and Russian troops will have a parade in Kiev. Only Hunter Biden can stop the carnage.

  13. Does not matter we have Biden and his groupies all his voters will be proud how he handles Putin. Ha Ha Ha what has Biden done for the good of America. come on you left wing idiots.

  14. I agree it would be foolish on Putin's part to go thru with an invasion as the consequences and backlash would far outweigh whatever security gains he thinks it will solve.

    I am fascinated by the postings here shrugging it all off as "Europe's problem" and one individual who is completely fixated on the US Mexican border...

    As for Europe's problem, it quickly becomes our problem, when you account for the fact that US import/exports with the EU is over $500B. China is $452B. It's in our economic best interest to make sure shit stays sane in Europe.

    US-Mexico border "crisis" is overhyped, and why anyone in the Lehigh Valley would care about it to the point of raising the topic on everyone of Bernie's posts is showing an unhealthy level of fixation. Get help.

  15. 9.08 the Soviet Union no longer exists, nor is Russia a communist country. The most dyhard communists now inhabit the faculty lounges of most U.S. universities.

  16. Russia probably has several plans, say, A.B.C, Invasion is not the A plan. Putin and Russia have now gotten the world's attention, listed their grievances and proposed solutions. It has actually laid bare the empty policy of the U.S. A policy that does not take into account the effects of this policy on Ukraine and Western Europe.

    As long as negotiations are going on, they will attempt a diplomatic solution in the best interests of Ukraine, Russia and Western Europe. If there is no progress through negotiations, then there will be policies that will be very expensive and damaging to Ukraine and the EU.

    Plan C may be an invasion and partition of Ukraine into Western and Eastern Ukraine. The worst case result for Ukraine. This may take until next year to finally reach a conclusion.

  17. I think the average American is easily trained and are very adept at regurgitating talking points. If you think the southern border "invasion" is a big deal and Ukraine is something to be dismissed, please explore other hobbies.

  18. We are in good hands with Biden and the Dems--they learned from Hilliary

  19. He wants concessions in Europe and more especially Ukraine to have more control over his oil and gas distribution networks. But he does not actually want to invade. He wants the positive economic impacts of his pipelines without Ukraine taking a cut out of the margins. To make a tongue in cheek statement "Concessions or controlling the flow through Ukraine give him a better pipeline to more cash!" It is more about money then anything else.

    Take a look at this National Geographic map and it tells a lot.


    It is the same reason he is so intertwined in Belarus. The difference is that has a deeper reach into Belarus because of the leader ship however there have still be problems in the past. The 2000s saw a number of economic disputes between Belarus and its primary economic partner, Russia. The first one was the 2004 Russia–Belarus energy dispute when Russian energy giant Gazprom ceased the import of gas into Belarus because of price disagreements. The 2007 Russia–Belarus energy dispute centered on accusations by Gazprom that Belarus was siphoning oil off of the Druzhba pipeline that runs through Belarus. Two years later the so-called Milk War, a trade dispute, started when Russia wanted Belarus to recognize the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia and through a series of events ended up banning the import of dairy products from Belarus.

  20. Putin has said he has no intention of invasion. Does anyone think this is a way to divert attention and make Biden look good and up his points by looking strong and stopping to the so called invasion?

  21. Ha Ha Ha.....Bethlehem invades Freemansburg. You are one sick bastard

  22. I’m just glad to see the “truth about so many things”. being ripped out into the open. What we find now should scare the crap out of everyone living in America, but it won’t. Too many are relying on Mainstream Media to teach them. Other than sports scores, calendar of events listings and the like. trustworthy facts are just not there. Keep your eye on Canada (if you know how). We’re next in line.

  23. I've done a lot of my own research and have avoided mainstream news sources in order to avoid being tainted by any agenda driven narratives. I've read a lot of English language blogs based in Ukraine and have watched at least a dozen You Tube videos on this topic.

    Here is what I know...

    Biden and Putin are working together with a cabal of families with ties to the Freemasons and a race of ancient aliens dating back to the Aztec and Mayan Indian cultures whose technology allows them to cloak their appearances as human forms. These "cloaks" were developed 600 years ago to blend with the predominant native cultures of Central America. What is happening on the US-Mexican border is more than illegal aliens, they're actually real aliens!!!

    Anyway, Biden needs these aliens inside the country in order to create more voters for his RaDiKaL lEFt WiNg agenda which wants to take away our guns and force abortions on children while keeping us all masked!

    Meanwhile, Biden has paid off Putin to invade Ukraine so that he can capture and destroy Hunter Biden's laptop which contains the actual election results from 2020 that show Trump won in 48 states and that all of the purported fraud and tax evasion "evidence" was planted by Hillary!

    The lid is going to blow off of this massive conspiracy in a few days because Mark Zuckerberg, Ted Nugent and John F Kennedy Jr are planning a secret surprise press conference for this Friday somewhere in The Villages in Florida.

    You heard it hear furst.

  24. Well, if you want to dive deep. Germany is loath to get involved given their history. However, if you want to scare the shshit out of Russia. Tell them Nato is disbanding in favor of a newly militarized Germany. It's his decision.


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