Local Government TV

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Is This Racist?

Andy Roman was a Lehigh County Comm'r for eight years before making the mistake of running for Sheriff against Ron Rossi. He lost that race, but served on a school board. Most recently, he was elected as a Whitehall Tp Comm'r. Hopefully, he's less nutty at their meetings than he's been on social media. On Facebook, he's a rabid anti-vaxer who calls the Covid-19 outbreak a plandemic. He also believes there was election fraud in the 2020 Presidential. Now he's posted a picture of Hillary Clinton with an Afro and darkened skin, and asks, "Our next Supreme Court Justice?" 

I get the attempted humor here. He's implying that Clinton is so desperate for power that she'll alter her race so she fits Joe Biden's requirements for the job. But is this also racist? I thought not, but then I remembered that I have some racist tendencies myself. If not racist, I think we can all agree that no elected official should use his Facebook page to post messages that make us wonder. Roman should be representing all Whitehall Tp residents, not just white males.

People wonder why I despise Donald Trump so much. Before he was elected, only fringe people posted the things I see on Roman's Facebook page. Now it's the norm. 


  1. Wow! Andy Roman now that is a blast from the past. He got elected to the county commissioners and like many local officials thought the next step WAS governor or senator. Of course, like many he fell flat on his face. His Northampton County counterpart is this Zirinski woman. She wins a county race and is running for everything since. Now she will run for the new state senate seat in Allentown. I have to believe there is a minority candidate that will jump at the chance to represent Allentown. I don't think they need a white middle class liberal lady taking care of them. Another Andy Roman syndrome.

  2. Trump was the best elected person we ever had in government He was not a politician as a result you the political class and the deep state hate him because he told you the truth and on top of that he was not corrupt like all the polical class is.

  3. The only thing that is racist is stating that the candidate must be a black woman. Thats the most racist/sexist thing you could do. Only 6% of our population is eligible....the other 94%? Not qualified because they are the wrong race and sex. We are going backwards on the subject of race because the democratic party is embracing identity politics.

  4. In other words; the sheep were quietly grazing until a few got hold of the loco weed and decided to make that loud mouth orange wool buck the commandant. Ever since, their testicles became larger, their voices stronger. And it's scaring the shit out of social media crowd and the DC crowd of swamp dwellers.

  5. it is clear that the fringe today, may be mainstream tomorrow, I remember when gay, trans were all fringe, now mainstream. Same goes for Marxist apologists, once fringe, now mainstream, especially in democrat circles.

  6. It literally displays a black face Hillary reminiscent of a minstrel show character that depicted black Americans as dim-witted, lazy, buffoonish. Of course it’s fucking racist Bernie, c’mon.

    Would the commissioner find it funny if black folk were to make a meme making fun of the stupid white couple that jumped from the twin towers to their deaths in 9/11?

    How about making a meme of an American soldier with his head blown off, is that funny?

    Because that’s the kind of trauma we’re dealing with here, Bernie.

  7. You don't get to call this racist unless you first acknowledge the outrageous racism of limiting a nominee pick to a certain race or sex. Please Google MLK re: the content of one's character, etc. If this Roman knucklehead is racist for bad parody, wtf is Biden?

    1. Go fuck yourself. Racism is not defined by white Christian conservatives, it’s defined by marginalized people of color. Wanting to nominate a black female judge exercises immense power to issue decisions that affect and bind ALL Americans, not just white Christian conservatives.

      And stop using MLK as a reference point unless you or your grandparents marched with him. We’re not going to allow you to white-wash his legacy, and cherry pick quotes that suit your underlying racist narrative.

  8. Are pictures and any form of humor, that have a basis in reality, now racist. I have yet to understand why Aunt Jemima was cancelled, i liked Aunt Jemima, it was about pancakes and wholesome food. At one time it would have been considered inclusive. They should have replace Jemima with a portly white women, then we would have likely seen more outrage.

    We have seen attacks on sports teams with native american symbols or names, It was an acknowledgment of their fierce competitiveness, not an insult.

    It is time for everyone to just ignore these imbeciles, oh, is that derogatory to the handicapped, and tell them all to just shut up.

  9. I don’t think it’s racist at all. I realize you tend to see racism in most everything. But, this image is satire, much like many political cartoons we see every day in print. It’s an attempt at humor. You know, creating a phony image to represent a person who is generally known to be phony. An editorial cartoonist always highlights the most outstanding feature of each subject.

    Yes, you are obsessed with bashing President Trump. Time to let that go. It just doesn’t work now that we’ve come to live with his alternative.

  10. Social media should have relegated these folks to the scrap heap of history. Either we've just become numb, or unable to drink from the crazy fire hose. My personal opinion is we now live in a world where we can express our worst impulses without fear of retribution. We need and interlock device for humanity. God help us all.

  11. Actually, I agree, but you have to admit the fro and darkened skin makes her look better. Thanks for the laugh

  12. You mean she's not black? Between her accent (at times) and being married to "the first black president," are you sure it's a joke?

    And speaking of things that should scare us, remember the days when we might have seen something like this on SNL? Now it's racist. Of course, those were the days when liberals were happily prancing around in blackface.

  13. "People wonder why I despise Donald Trump so much. Before he was elected, only fringe people posted the things I see on Roman's Facebook page. Now it's the norm."

    No... the population is finally awakening and becoming aware to the power hungry structures that are ruining our country and trampling on our freedoms. They do it with impunity and no one is ever held accountable.

    Wake up Bernie...Break free of the Matrix!

  14. You hate Trump because he was successful. You can only identify with failures like yourself.

    1. Most successful grifter to walk the planet, everything else he touched is a failure!

  15. His Facebook page shows what a nut he is. He just reposts a lot of crazy stuff and tries to sell you life insurance in between the crazy stuff. I’m surprised his anti-vax stuff is allowed to stay up since so much of it is mis-information that has been shown to be false. I think there’s something funny about life insurance and anti-vax stuff on the same page.

  16. Its a poor, hackish, attempt at satire and is while the image itself isn't racist, the message it sends is.

    I am sure we're going to see all sorts of comments here downplaying it and pretzel twisting the reasoning behind what the image represents - and that is the important piece to all of this.

    There are plenty of harmless apps out there that can take a picture or video of someone and modify their appearance which are good for a light hearted laugh. Someone posts a picture of Bernie with a darker complexion, an afro, corn rows, a doo rag and gold chains and calls him a "Rapper" or "Hip Hop Artist". Does it play on stereotypes? Yes, but the "humor" is found in the absurdity of Bernie being something he is not.

    Certain elements of our society do take a degree of pleasure in pointing out differences and minimizing others who don't look like them. They blame those "others" for their own shortcomings and inadequacies in life. A lot of these people are attracted to the Republican party and feel that they have shared values with the rest of the party.

    Their enemy is Biden, who wants to nominate an African American Woman to SCOTUS. Their boogeyman for the past 25 years has been Hillary Clinton. Putting her in black face and sharing it on social media to make fun of the fact that a Democratic President wants to put a specific demographic on SCOTUS is pointing out the difference in skin color and demeaning both African Americans and women.

    That it happens in this country isn't surprising - there are a lot of stupid and unaware of it people out there. That its now almost celebrated and proudly shared among individuals who are supposed to represent an entire political party, let alone entire communities they're elected to serve is disgraceful.

    Tolerating it, excusing it, even being uncomfortable with it and doing nothing about it because there are other issues you agree with, is condoning it.

  17. ” You don't get to call this racist unless you first acknowledge the outrageous racism of limiting a nominee pick to a certain race or sex. Please Google MLK re: the content of one's character, etc. If this Roman knucklehead is racist for bad parody, wtf is Biden?”

    I actually did say that last mitingbhid pick to a black female was itself racist, so I guess I do get to call this pic racist.

    But I don’t. Poor humor, yes. Racist, no. But I am more concerned about the other things Andy says.

    1. It’s not racist Bernie and you need to educate yourself and have deep conversations with people of color because they do t think it’s racist at all. Choosing a black, female judge gives legitimacy to the concerns of a specific unrepresented demographic. What is wrong with you people.

  18. Most people don't even know Andy Roman and he is instantly considered racist, I think it is funny and if Hillary could pull it off, she would try to qualify in any way possible. I bet she had an afro in her college days, many of her female friends had flat tops, which at the time was a fringe idea, but not today.

  19. i think governor Justice of W. Virginia had the right response to all these attempts to label their political enemies. He displayed the hind end of his female bulldog and told them to kiss its hinny. This should become the standard answer to all these crazies.

  20. Im a a resident of Whitehall and can confirm that Andy and his entire family, from his wife to all his adult children, are a bunch of wacked-out, conspiracy theorist that spread dangerous medical disinformation.

  21. I see it as demeaning and condescending. But that is the norm with this perpetual campaigner politician. He tried to smear the honorable Sherriff Rossi when running against him. Whitehall should expect the same.

  22. I would like to see Bernie compare Biden to Trump on all policies -one by one and the results of these policies.Also I would like to understand the 39% of the people who still approve Biden.

  23. I had no idea who Andy Roman was. I stay as far away from Facebook as I can. Never registered. and have no plan to visit his Facebook page. Not even now that you have alerted me there is such a place. You are actually drawing more viewers to his site now. A site featuring ideas you find offensive and not in the public interest. Spreading the word this guy even has a Facebook page is, in effect, PROMOTING what is found there! You are EXPANDING his viewership and he’s probably thanking you right now!

  24. Its a clean sweep for the awards for gayest, dumbest, drunkest and off topic post today! Congratulations to @3:55AM!

    "Trump was the best elected person we ever had in government He was not a politician as a result you the political class and the deep state hate him because he told you the truth and on top of that he was not corrupt like all the polical class is."

  25. Speaking of things we should be worried about, blackface is so passe.

    We now know from some very smart people that true white privilege is shown by choice of emoji.


    I guess I'll have to give some thought as to what color middle finger emoji I should use to comment on that bit of NPR "journalism."

  26. 11:09 you must be one those left wing idiots who is as stupid as they come -People like you are the reason we are being overrun at the border and our cities are war zones. Because of your kind after November we must impeach this idiot you put into office before it is to late. You left wing idiots should leave this country and we will gladly pay your way because you are anti-American anyway.

    1. We are not being overrun at the border, that is Fox News diatribe created to garner fear and distract you from the bigger issue of economy inequality. We are not anti-American, we’re anti-FASCISM. And white evangelical nationalist like yourself are the real threat to American democracy.

  27. 11:00 the truth is hard to swallow by people like you.

  28. 9.35, guess what, the supreme court is to rule on what is the law and constitution, not to rule in favor of some continually changing special interest. You need to go back to civics class. This thinking is why we are in constant chaos.

  29. How hard would it have been for President Biden to simply say, "It is my intention to scour the country for the best, most-qualified candidate I can find", and THEN put forth a candidate of whatever race or creed? I mean, at least President Trump knew to say that before limiting his choices to Federalist Society faves. This is a self-inflicted wound for Biden.

  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I would like to see Bernie compare Biden to Trump on all policies -one by one and the results of these policies. Also I would like to understand the 39% of the people who still approve Biden.

    February 10, 2022 at 10:39 AM

    Just off the top of my head: (1) He has restored a sense of normalcy to the presidency. (2) He doesn't fawn over dictators. (3) He isn't a bigot. (4) He's had some success in improving infrastructure and looks to have more. (5) He's promoted covid vaccines. (6) He supports NATO. (7) He's tried to address poverty. (8) He doesn't make me cringe every time he opens his mouth. (9) He hasn't led any insurrections against the government. (10) His Dept. of Justice isn't corrupt.

  31. This country is heading for a major meltdown this summer. At some point Trump is going to be charged with multiple crimes causing Trump supporters go wild with civil unrest. Then at some point the Supreme Court is going to outlaw abortion. Then all the suburban housewives are going to really hit the roof. And speaking of abortion, I wonder how many Jewish folks out there wish Hitler's mother had an abortion.

  32. The racists posting comments they don't even realize are racist comments. Brilliant, Bernie.

  33. 4:36 PM Sure Biden is good for the country--look at inflation \, the border The cities and crime to name a few you are a stupid left wing idiot--the country is in a freefall and you and 39% of the people still back Biden --in 3 years we will not have a country.

  34. There is no way to compare Biden to Trump Biden is a complete failure Trump had this country going in the right direction on every issue it was truly America first. The only way the Dems could worse is by Nominating Hillary, and do not dismiss that idea -39% of the people still back these people.

  35. The charges of being a racist, or attributing one’s failure to the racism of others, etc. has been so overused it no longer registers with me. That tactic has been so marginalized, it’s now merely background noise. There has to be a new kind of baseless slam to toss around. Until, that is, its own Sell By date arrives.

  36. Let me help everyone in this post out. Yes. It's Racist.

    If you can't figure out why. You're part of the problem.

  37. 4:38--normalcy to the presidency you must be on crack?

  38. Andy Roman said he will go after the people responsible for the missing tax money in Whitehall, hopefully he will. the Harakal administration is full of scandals and nobody is doing anything about any of the scandals.

  39. This is a fake blog that is afraid of the truth Trump would be proud that a person like you would hate him.

  40. Bernie will you report on the scandal worse than Watergate that was spying on Trump before he was President and after he President or will you again vote for Hilliary.

  41. 11:05 you know --you must be a left wing radical who hates our country --or an idiot.

  42. @6:29 @4:33 @1:26 @5:52 - I feel sorry for your families and those that think you are friends. You all probably are in the 1% at the ends of the spectrum both politically and mentally. The probably have to spoon feed you thoughts because you are not smart enough to generate your own opinion on anything. You believe posting your spew on a blog like this make s you feel big time when you are actually piss ants in the way of society. You are the type of morons who were bullies in high school and failure in any part of future life. Like I recently told a used to be friend of mine do society a favor and allow us to read you name in the paper. You think everything is so bad, put up, up or just get the F out!

    It is truly a shame that society continues to support Fups, failures and fools like you all.

  43. @5:52 well it only makes sense that a man who was rumored to like to be pissed on would also be so self depredating to enjoy people hating him too. That is the only was he has survived in his own skin.

  44. "@5:52 well it only makes sense that a man who was rumored to like to be pissed on ..."

    I don't like Trump exactly and mostly because he drove the adults away from political conversation and left us with the likes of this poster, who trades in a long-debunked lie; one that's about to get some Hillary staffers indicted, per this weekend's revelations from Durham. Dollar for dollar and indictment for indictment, Durham is the best bargain the country's ever received in a special counsel. Government still does some things very well.

  45. Yes, you are racist for not seeing that the portrayal of a white person in blackface is not racist.

  46. Of course it is racist. However, Andy is not the sharpest tool in the shed so maybe he didn't realize it as racist.

  47. How many "racists" can dance on the head of a pin?

    Decent people of good will know racism when they see it. It is intimidation. It is making accommodation and hiring decisions solely on the basis of color. It is needles insults.

    Leftists, however, demand we search for "hidden" racism so that *everything* can be called "racist" when convenient to them. Thus, "racist" has ceased to be a word and is now just a noise made by leftists and opportunists (but I repeat myself) when they have nothing intelligent to add to the discussion.


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