Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Dems Drop Congressional Staffer for NorCo Elections Comm'n

In Northampton County, the Elections Commission consists of five members. Three are members of the party receiving the most votes in the most recent general election, with the remaining two coming from the party receiving the second highest number of votes. The names are submitted by party bosses. Each party is supposed to submit five names. They are confirmed by County Council for a two-year term.  Candidates and elected officials (even elected party officials) are banned from serving. But what about someone who is employed by an elected official seeking re-election? That's what happened two weeks ago when Council was asked to confirm someone who works for U.S. Rep. Susan Wild. 

Though the Home Rule Charter's prohibition only applies to candidates or elected officials, it's pretty obvious that the appointment of someone who works for a candidate seeking re-election would undermine public confidence in the integrity of our elections system. Council member Kerry Myers wanted to go ahead and appoint this person anyway because she is black. Insisting on a conflicted person just because of one's race is itself racist.

Myers acually threatened recrimination against Council members who refuse to endorse this nominee. "If you want to go down that road, be my guest. But be prepared to take the heat for it," he barked.

He did succeed in intimidationg fellow Council members Kevin Lott and Ron Heckman, but the remaining Council members tabled the nomination.

Guess what? last week, County Council unanimously confirmed another naminee who happens to be black and female, but who does not work for Congressman Susan Wild.

Was that so hard?

Whether it is the Supreme Courtor the Elections Comm'n, the first question should always be whetehr the nominee is qualified, not her race.


  1. I am disappointed in Mr. Myers. I like him, but as you described this situation, I think he chose the wrong road.

  2. Munsey and McClure should never have allowed that poor young lady to be put in that position. They created a situation that could have been avoided.

  3. Sounds like “Doe “ Biden ,it’s the same track. I humbly submit,, the same should go for any any public election with Evan minor leadership responsibilities. A pre-test should be given and graded and a background check should be public information for any voter to see.prior to Election Day. The voters are lucky here, we can at least read THIS BLOG.

  4. And why didn't Susan Wild personally get involved in denying this potential conflict?
    Good bye Susan. Election can't get here fast enough.

  5. What every Council person must realize is, WE ELECTED THEM TO SERVE THE CHARTER OF NORTHAMPTON COUNTY". Everything else will fall in place.

  6. 5:33, while I have no problem with nominating a highly qualified person who happens to be black and female, that should be a secondary consideration.

  7. Or HIS race. Dems and their box-checking are always entertaining. I recommend Mr. Meyers investigate the writings and speeches of a great American named Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King. He was a hero who preached against the kind of racism that Mr. Meyers practices. We need to teach history to our citizens, or we have failed them, as happened with Mr. Meyers. A modern tragedy.

  8. Word on street is the staffer never told Susan Wild or anyone she was being nominated.

  9. @5:57 "And why didn't Susan Wild personally get involved in denying this potential conflict?
    Good bye Susan. Election can't get here fast enough."

    Well if GOP wants to nominate some Trump Humping, anti Mask/anti Vax/anti science, election denying chud who gets the MAGA idiots moist n tingly they'll suffer the same disappointment they had with Lynch last November in the general election.

  10. There are PLENTY of black women who are eminently qualified for the Supreme Court. so get off your high horse.

  11. "There are PLENTY of black women who are eminently qualified for the Supreme Court. so get off your high horse."

    Absolutely, and that is why there should be no mention of race or gender. It should be irrelevant. I understand why there's a need for more women and minorities in government and the judicial system, but that should come AFTER making sure the person in question is eminently qualified. I think focusing on race and gender actually degrades the nominee.

  12. "I am disappointed in Mr. Myers. I like him, but as you described this situation, I think he chose the wrong road."

    I usually agree with him and believe he has the right approach in most cases. But when a Council member makes threats to his colleagues like Myers did, I consider that highly offensive. He needs to think a bit more before opening his rather large mouth and also should stop using vulgarities during Council meetings. We get it. Myers wants to act like he's tough, but when he starts cursing, he just looks stupid.


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