Local Government TV

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Why I Failed to Post Today

 I do most of my writing at night, and did so as usual last night. But there are times when I mistakenly save my story as a draft instead of publishing it. That was my mistake last night, and I failed to check my blog this morning because I was rushed. Sorry for the error.  


  1. Time to take a break

  2. yeah, uh huh, likely story.
    who's the woman? C'mon, you can tell us. It would take a woman to make you forget your blog. Fess up. This is too big to keep under wraps. Bernie has a woman important enough to make him forget his blog. Now this is a real story.

  3. A well deserved Break!

  4. Glad you're OK. Folks go off radar for a while and one starts to worry these days.

  5. I thought that the Ridge Street Stunner got to you. Glad you're safe.

  6. Considering the year Biden and the democrats had--you deserve the break

  7. Where is the story? You mistakenly saved it as a draft. So why not publish it already?

  8. Our company has decided to have liberal mental health days too.

  9. 6:43, it will post at midnight. If I publish now, most readers will miss it.

  10. Don't let it happen again!......or your fired......LOL

  11. Disappointing! We pay a lot of money to read this website Bernie and... Oh wait nevermind...

  12. Was a little worried that damm omicron had you down, thank God you had yours shots but they don't work for oldhiemers.


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