Local Government TV

Monday, January 24, 2022

Thode: Omicron Appears to be on the Wane Here in the LV

Steve Thode has been tracking the COVID-19 data for this blog since the pandemic's inception. In my view, he has done a better job of laying out actual facts (minus editorial asides) than any of the local news outlets.  His latest report tells us that Omicron appears to be declining here in the Lehigh Valley: 

It was a steep climb up the mountain of new COVID cases in Lehigh and Northampton counties. On December 28, 2021, the 7-Day New Case rate for Lehigh/NorCo combined was 5,491. In a mere 15 days, that 7-Day New Case rate peaked at 17,266 on January 12, 2022 - more than tripling.

Now, just 11 days after reaching that peak, the 7-Day New Case rate has dropped to 5,251 - a decline of almost 70%. In other words, we've come down the mountain faster than we went up. It's been an interesting month.


  1. It would be interesting to know what is going on in the area hospitals, in terms of regular and ER beds.

  2. Far too many conflicting data claims have come from the various reporting agencies over the past 2 years. Americans have had enough of this. Nothing much in America is believable these days. My instincts tell me, a decision has been made to move on to another crisis that only more government spending can solve.

  3. 9:so true you can not trust anything in this country government to church and everything in between.

  4. Hospital beds/occupancy tends to trail 2 to 3 weeks behind the caseloads.

  5. And just as Covid wanes, Senile Joe will be sending us our test kits.

    That's democrat efficiency at its finest!

  6. Home testing. Not reported.

  7. 9.03 more government money maybe, but more government control of food and energy is likely the next target.

  8. Omicron infection figures are different in South Dakota than in the Lehigh valley . I used the term “Hurd Immunity”” during my last post here the 18th . Dr F. Didn’t use that term. Misinformation? Yes, . Facebook apparently sent “Data for Good CDC intros” to CDC beginning 26January 2020 . Biden Admin. Shutdown China-COVID investigation? Judicial Watch sues for information.

  9. This blog is afraid of the truth

  10. @ 9:03 - change the channel... and get medical attention for the instincts/voices you are currently experiencing.

  11. Spare me the affected wisdom of the eternal cynic.

  12. "This blog is afraid of the truth"

    Actually, people who attack others without identifying themselves and who spout misinformation are the ones who are afraid of the truth.

  13. @11:13 - I'm not in anyway a Biden fan, but will ask you - What was your opinion of the Trump administration's flawless distribution of test kits and masks? How/when did "Republican voters" become so incredibly dumb and unaware of their own hypocrisy?

  14. Again, though, unless you break down *WHO* (in terms of age and clinical condition vis a vis comorbidities) and *HOW BAD* (in terms of severity, false positive, or asymptomatic), a case count is virtually meaningless.

  15. @7:11 - For a blog post and general guidance I think we can use a case count in our local community and extrapolate the numbers provided using other facts we know about Omicron to get a basic understanding of the ebb and flow of a contagious virus and what additional measures may or may not be needed to protect ourselves and others...


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