Local Government TV

Thursday, January 06, 2022

Omicron Hits Gracedale

Northampton Country officials are reporting that, as of January 4, there are two COVID-19 among Gracedale residents. They have been moved to an isolated ward set up in the eqarly stages of the pandemic. In addition, 22 staff members have tested positive for the virus and are currently in quarantine. 

Though visitation is strongly discouraged, compassionate care visits may be scheduled through Therapeutic Recreation and the Social Services Department. Visitors are requested to wear N-95 or K-95 masks while in the facility.
According to the county, 92% of residents have been vaccinated with 71% also having received the booster; 87% of healthcare workers are vaccinated. Gracedale continues to offer vaccination clinics as well as booster shots against the virus.
“Staffing a nursing home in this environment is extremely difficult,” says Lamont McClure. “When you throw in the Omicron variant on top of that it makes it nearly impossible. We encourage everyone to get fully vaccinated and boosted. It will save lives.”
“Every step we take as healthcare professionals and visitors in the fight against COVID-19, helps to keep our residents and staff safe,” says Jennifer Stewart-King. “Vaccinations don’t just protect you, they protect others as well.”
Employees and residents of Gracedale began receiving vaccinations against COVID-19 in December 2020.

According to the Associated Press,  the Omicron surge differs from previous surges in that it has infected far more healthcare workers, creating staff shortages. Moreover, many people who appear at the hospital for something else learn they have COVID-19 as well. This indicates that the disease may be milder in those who've already been vaccinated. 

Locally, the virus has decimated a college basketball team. DeSales MBB tests players routinely. All players and coaches are vaccinated. On Sunday and today, 11 of the 18-man squad tested positive along with Scott Coval's two assistants. The team traveled to FDU-Florham with just seven players and only two starters. Short on men, the team managed to rack up 102 points in its most dominating win in what is a 13-1 season so far. 


  1. Those who constantly bleat about "opening up" usually fail to consider that there may well be a difference between what they propose and what is feasible as a matter of reasonably containing the virus, and that omission is what's manifesting itself.

    Of course, nursing home residents are essentially trapped--but, then again, they're also in a situation where they can be more readily isolated than the rest of us.

    We're being overwhelmed primarily because not enough people are getting vaccinated and then, in light of that, collectively we're not not masking and staying more to ourselves. In particular, I simply don't understand people who still eat in restaurants or attend large events. It's a matter of citizenship, really.

    1. You do realize the restaurant industry would completely fail due to people not eating in such places? You also realize that an enormous amount of people would not only lose their jobs but would also lose their cars, insurance, health insurance, homes, etc.? It has been two years now! People want to and shall be allowed to live their lives! If you were President it would not a matter of citizenship because there would be no citizens around.

  2. I refuse to publish comments from a vaccinated and boosted hypocrite who is urging others not to get it.

    1. Did Tucker Carlson try to post something?

  3. Yes, it's been two years. And if everyone had just gotten vaxxed, it'd be over by now.

    1. Proof? The vaccinated are still vulnerable.

  4. The scary part will be the next month as the hospitals and all healthcare systems will be stressed like never before. I don't want to see businesses hurt but we all need to do our part to try to stay safe and well and limit activities for just a little while longer. Everyone is fried after almost two years of this but we can't give up at the hopeful end. We need to come together now more than ever.

    1. Agreed. But we were told 'just a little longer' by the CDC and Fauci how many times?

  5. @4:58 - Our family has done a lot of take out the past 2 years and have stayed very local with our choices to try and help. Like a lot of people, my first jobs were in restaurants, I know multiple owners and many in the industry, which is brutally unforgiving even in non pandemic years.

    I get that you want to move on and "live your life" but that philosophy, while helping out the cook, dishwasher, hostess, waiter, bus boys, and owner/manager, is also putting them at risk, not to mention others in the restaurant, and then further downstream, the healthcare workers that are needed to treat them.

  6. How hypocritical is the right?

    Well, let me count the ways…

    The biggest blowhard in the county, Steve Lynch gets his pharmaceutical grade anabolic steroids from Mexico and has NEVER questioned the ingredients in those, but he warns YOU to question the ingredients of a life saving vaccines that has proven to be effective in saving lives.

    But let me let you in on a bigger secret…

    Steve Lynch is vaccinated against the covid-19 virus.

    He’s been playing you this whole time! Fools!


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