Local Government TV

Thursday, January 20, 2022

NorCo's John Brown Floated as GOP Lt Governor Candidate

Not long ago, I told you that as many as three current members of Northampton County Council were considering a bid for the state house. Two of them were just re-elected in November. It now appears that a fourth Council member who was just elected in November is considering a bid for Lieutenant Governor.

Former Executive John Brown, who finished fifth in the NorCo Council race, finished last in a straw poll conducted by the Central Pa GOP. He garnered one vote.


  1. Not surprising. When is Zirinski announcing? She is a fraud who runs for county office while wanting to get out of county office and get a sweet state rep. position. Also, when is Mclure going to decide between Lt. Gov or state senate after Boscola. Word is he has discussed running for congress two years after Wild gets her clock cleaned in this year election. So which on is it Lamont?

  2. Hilarious!!!!!!!!!! Who the H would even cast a lone vote for that imbecile! Brownstain for LG? HA!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. *Anybody* but Brian Simms the deviant child abuser who offered money to anyone who would put the names and addresses on the Web of teenaged girls who had protested an abortion clinic for the purposes of terrorizing them and their families. That degenerate cannot be allowed to win.

  4. Well, we as a nation elected Trump, who was about the worst president in history. Then we elected Biden, who is on track to be even worse.

    Why not Brown at the State level? At least that would get him out of NorCo and into a position where he can't do any more damage.

    I'm in.

    1. Trump was a flaming heap of dog manure, and Biden can’t get anything passed because of you guessed it, politicians. How can one person, that dipshit self-serving Manshin, hold enough power to prevent the build back better plan that will literally help millions of families? Something’s gotta give! We need dismantle congress and build it back from the ground up.

    2. Where do you think the money comes from for these programs like build back better. We are increasing our debt every minute on what we owe already?

  5. He couldn't even run Bangor as Mayor, failed as County Executive and never had a real job
    this is called failing upward or just simply the New Republican Party

  6. God help us all if McClure runs for higher office. On second thought, Northampton County would be rid of his antics and Dertinger.

  7. You fellows just don't know a good man when you see one.

  8. This is the type of people our system breeds--no wonder we are in the shape we are.

  9. It is not called failing upward. It is called the Peter Principle (the principle that members of a hierarchy are promoted until they reach the level at which they are no longer competent)

  10. 2:11, I completely agree with Manchin.

    1. He is actually a reasonable man. Grateful he is there

  11. Never thought I'd say you're full of scheise. Sorry,the s should have been capitalized. It's a noun. Manchin is as self serving as it gets.

  12. The little guy is in over his head.

  13. 2:11 and Bernie -you are both wrong. All Manchin wants is show him the proof of how the bill will be paid for and they can't or won't which is why he's not for it as well as every Republican in the Senate. Its diffently not a bi-partisan bill and more a spend spend spend that will cost the middle class. You can say what you want about Trump but this asshole of a president is far worse than him. Just look at the current economy as one example.

    1. Just curious, did you complain when the Republicans and trump gave 1.9 trillion to the 1% and big business?

  14. 2:11 All Manchin wants is show him the proof of how the bill will be paid for and they can't or won't which is why he's not for it as well as every Republican in the Senate. Its diffently not a bi-partisan bill and more a spend spend spend that will cost the middle class. You can say what you want about Trump but this asshole of a president is far worse than him. Just look at the current economy as one example.

  15. I do and don't agree with Manchin. Keeping the fillibuster is the best thing to do now with political temperatures runnings so hot. What I don't understand is why Machin, Sinema, Romney, Murkowski and other "moderates" in the Senate can't collectively get themselves together and find some basic common ground legislation passed.

    Great that Manchin stood firm, now do something with it!

  16. I thought this was about John Brown? How the hell does that have anything to do with Joe Manchin and the filibuster?

  17. Just another swirl in the toilet

  18. The bigger the failure the further you get promoted in politics because those that are stealing from the government know the more pathetic the person in charge the easier it is for them to steal.

  19. @3:11 are you lost in who you are talking too?


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