Local Government TV

Friday, January 07, 2022

NorCo Council Partially Overrides Veto of Elected Official Payhikes

At their final meeting last year, Northampton County Council passed a payhike for themselves ($12,500 in two years), the Controller ($85,000 in two years) and the Exec ($120,000 in four years). Executive Lamont McClure vetoed it, so Council voted last night whether to override the veto. Six votes are needed to override a veto. Council voted on the payhike for each office separately. 

Controller - Only Tara Zrinski and John Brown supported McClure's veto. The veto failed. 

Executive. - Tara Zrinski. John Brown, Tom Giovanni, John Goffredo, Ron Heckman and Kerry Myers all supported the veto. The veto  holds. 

Council. - Tara Zrinski, John Brown and Kevin Lott supported the veto. The veto failed. 

So everyone will get a raise but the Executive. 


  1. Your favorite elected official McClure said it was unnecessary so what's the problem. Unless you feel he is not qualified. Of course council people gave themselves raises.

  2. OMG. This is ingenious. Ha Ha Ha....the joke is on Mr. McClure. He outsmarted himself. Talk about teaching someone a lesson and giving them an education, this is a prime example of government in action. I love it.
    Of Course Council can change their mind further down the road, in the mean time McClure outsmarted himself by thinking Council would okay all the pay raises. Dum Dee Dumm Dumm.

  3. None of them deserve a raise, especially the Executive!

  4. Didn't they pass the budget as amended last year?
    What am i missing here?

  5. I would say it would be fair if the nearest county (Lehigh) has salaries comparable to what this pay hike would have been. No one works for free, everyone should be paid properly for the job they do.

  6. 8:49 AM - That is exactly what they are making. They don't deserve more for what they do or don't do and how they treat the employees and taxpayers. We need much better people running Northampton County.

  7. Didn't they pass the budget as amended last year? Yes
    What am i missing here? These salaries will not go into effect until 2024.

  8. @8:29 - Why are you taking so much glee and viewing this as some burn on McClure? The raise wouldn't be effective for 4 years, when he's already out of office you dumbshit. Seriously stop caring about and commenting on politics you clearly know nothing and are just another partisan imbecile.

  9. Look at Zrinski and Brown in lock step voting! Black is white, up is down, dogs living with cats!

  10. Don't think that is all they are making. There are hundreds of thousands of dollars of expenses and perks they get to take out of the tax payer. Plus all the others that bribe them through their campaign practices, donations and so many other ways. They should have to publish their total benefits from being in office. And I think we should allow the local public to investigate and sue them personally for every falsification they commit. Plus if caught committing falsification they should have to personally pay a fine of 1,000 times what they get caught doing.

  11. Anon 927 beat me to it - the odds of that ever happening again???

  12. We have to remember. These elected officials are no longer council members, but commissioners. A title that requires more remuneration than the Spartan salary formerly given. I prefer that they be retitled “Lords” and given manors and servants and continue to provide no useful function in government. Like their British counterparts. My lord, “ the king calls. Tea at three.”

  13. Gracedale = NO RAISES for the exec or anyone on council. What a slap in the face of those who lost loved ones while these heartless things wouldn't even meet properly. Disgraceful. Give the raises back.

  14. 9:26..........aren't you brave. Mr. McClure is already talking about a 3rd term for Executive. It's no secret. It's all over the Courthouse. This will affect him since his salary has to be raised one year prior to his taking Office. That's the law dumshit. You are obviously an employee high up in McClures cabinet. As a matter of fact you are an obese embarrassment to the word intelligence. Ha Ha Ha. suckass.

  15. I hope the recently departed council people are proud of the dead they left behind at Gracedale. They're gone and we'll never miss them. It's time for what's left of the Gracedale murder squad to be sent packing. Instead, they gave themselves raises and will drink to your grannies death and laugh a little, too. Give those raises back you demonic animals.

  16. McClure outfoxed himself. He wants a third and fourth term and expected da full overturn of his veto. Instead, council gave him what he requested. As to th other raises people speculate that both Cusick and Hefner are eyeing the the controller or County Executive positions. Either way if Hefner and Cusick go back on council they wanted to give themselves a big raise.

  17. Crazy to see john brown back in government and almost as bad a the convicted thief Carl Strye in Nazareth, YIKES!

  18. Comparing Brown to a convicted crook like Strye is unfair, and likely a criticism from a McClure supporter who voted for a guy who ignored the worst nursing home slaughter in Pennsylvania state history. Brown never killed anybody or stole a fortune from a non-profit. You hate him because he saw you for the shiftless leech you likely are.


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