Local Government TV

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Mayor Donchez Tapped For NorCo's Human Resources

Remember Bob Donchez, Bethlehem's soft-spoken Mayor for the last eight years? I thought he'd be in Florida by now. Instead, he's still working. His commute will be a tad bit longer. Instead of a daily drive to City Hall, Bob will be at the Northampton County Courthouse. He's been tapped by Exec Lamont McClure as Deputy Director of Human Resources. His first day on the job is January 18. 

It's safe to day he's qualified.  He served 18 years on Bethlehem City Council and another eight years as the Christmas City's Mayor. He oversaw 579 city employees, conducted regular negotiations with three unions and spent approximately ten hours a week on matters related to personnel. 

As a city council member, Bob served on the Public Safety, Community Policing, Finance, Public Works, Parks & Public Property and Community Development committees. He's also been a member of numerous boards, from Hispanic Center to Lehigh Valley Planning Commission. 

Donchez is a south side boy who grew up with derelicts like Frank Flisser (NorCo's first County Council Clerk) and John Morganelli (now looking down on us from the judicial heavens)

He's the son of a cop who was willing to go against the grain and speak out about some mischief in Bethlehem's police department with a DA named Bernie O'Hare. Bob's dad paid the price. He was demoted for speaking out. He would eventually be proved right and was restored to his rank just before his death. 

Finances were tough for Bob, but he managed to put himself through school and resolved he would try to help others in his public life. 

I've disagreed with Bob at times, but I know he always had the best interests of the City at heart and have high regard for him. I believe he will excel in helping county workers during a time in which inflation has outpaced their salaries. 

McClure, of course, is delighted. “We are fortunate that the Mayor has agreed to bring his extensive toolbox filled with experience to help us manage one of the largest workforces in the Lehigh Valley," he said. 

Now, if I were a good reporter, I would have nailed down the salary. But as you all know, I am flawed.  

I'm pretty sure I don't owe him any money, so I will be happy to see Bob. 


  1. No wonder Lamont attended every PR event in Bethlehem for four years. Insiders. Another public salary and pension for the x-mayor. Bob is a nice guy, but this smells bad. Come on Bob. Bernie, since this is McClure, you will overlook the obvious politics of this move and the salary. Amazing!

  2. Our Government officials at work.--This type of stuff will never change.

  3. I don’t like cronyism in any form. It is a poorly-kept secret that Judge Morganelli helped run Bethlehem with his friend, now I must wonder if he will also have a hand in NorCo HR. McClure is politically savvy enough to know this wouldn’t pass the smell test, but I am beginning to realize it is his fiefdom and we just pay taxes.

  4. It's like watching a never-ending porno. The cast remains the same, with regular switching and swapping. Oh, to be invited to the orgy ...

  5. " Bob is a nice guy, but this smells bad. Come on Bob. Bernie, since this is McClure, you will overlook the obvious politics of this move and the salary. Amazing!"

    Bob has considerable experience as the boss of the city's workforce. He is obviously quite qualified, and is, in fact, superior to most of the people in that office. If anything is political, it's your objection.

  6. If this move wasn't so sad it would be funny. Talk about "good ole boys".

  7. I love Bob

    But good lord, how many public pensions does one man need?

    Pennsylvania needs a consolidated pension system

  8. Bob took no pension for either his years on Council or as Mayor.

  9. He wants that Health care that goes with the salary. Go retire already. How many public jobs does this guy need?

  10. Will having this guy in the system mean more bailouts for Bethlehem with the recent interest in a Northampton County Health Bureau? Who knows what is in the mind of these career politicians? Makes it a little more convenient to whisper in each other's ear.

  11. Gerald "Jerry" seyfried said
    I dont know Bob as well as the political insiders. That being said what I do know of Bob is that he is the kind of guy I would want working in my administration. The position he will be filling is a position where he will be working with the employees as an employee making Northampton County a better place to work. As taxpayers we are getting a good man, an honest man, with an outstanding record in municipal government. As for pension laws, almost all pension laws are enacted by the state legislature or the federal government. The County and the city has very little to say about pensions and how they are handled because both of these municipalities come under the "Home Rule Municipalities Act". Your local "Retirement Boards" can only do what the Legislature and federal government allows them to do. They cannot override state and federal laws.

  12. Must limit the time these people can spend at any government job.

  13. Since when is being a boss make you an expert in HR? When mayor, he had a qualified HR director with specific training in that field. This is just another example of pure political cronyism.

  14. 9:53 you are right but the political class who is charge will never do this--They love their power.

  15. Have to laugh at the folks who are upset by this. Bob is clearly qualified and we are fortunate to have him as a public servant. Whatever his salary i'm sure it's insufficient for his qualifications and the experience he brings to the position. Good luck to him, nice choice Mr. McClure.

  16. Long live the King!

  17. No way is Bob qualified for this role. He was a mayor and before that he was a legislative aide to Brennan and before that a history teacher. He has no background in HR.

  18. Qualified for what? Does he have a degree in human relations? Labor law? Any training in that field whatsoever? A member of SHRM? What are the written qualifications for the county's HR director? Why not make him a county solicitor? Guess HR is not regarded as a specialty profession. It is insulting to those with years of training and experience in the field. Pure political cronyism.

  19. 10:53--you must be part of the political class to say something so stupid.

  20. Bob is getting no healthcare. Sorry.

  21. "Must limit the time these people can spend at any government job."

    I can see term-limiting an elected official, but you need people to make the wheels run smoothly. If you limit the time someone can spend in a low-paying government job, you are effectively making it far less likely that you will get the service you need. You want to limit a cop to five years? A corrections officer? 911? A CYF caseworker? A probation officer? Get real.

  22. My issue with this is not only the inside job, but the assertion that Mr. Donchez is “well qualified” for the job. While I have served on many boards that would oversee, and sometimes help rewrite the HR manual, I would never purport to be qualified in that area. It is a shame that someone with an HR degree and/or experience in the field didn’t receive consideration. If Mr. McClure is going to take care of his political friends, a seasoned and well-qualified HR person would advise against showing such blatant favoritism.

  23. The south side "derelicts" had me chuckling...nice! He also had an open-door policy once a month for citizens to come in and chat with him one on one as mayor.

  24. HR. Human resources. Actually a degree and quite a specialty to know all of the regulations etc associated with it. However. HR in the county always did its own thing bowing to the union bosses and not really following much HR law. I always thought a lawyer would do that position best

  25. Mr. O'Hare, you know that these jobs are purely patronage handouts for the county Executive. You are right the mayor may not get any county healthcare, but he doesn't need it. He is in his 70's and has it. He was a teacher for decades and has great lifetime pensions and healthcare. He was a Chief of Staff for State Reps for years and they have great pensions and lifetime healthcare. He serves on city government for years and in his time, he got city lifetime healthcare and pension benefits. So, this is another public pension he will work on? What would that be not counting social security something like four or five public pensions?

    Your syrupy story was nice, but you are doing it with a strong sense of personal blinders on. You know you would blast this if it were someone like John Brown or others doing this. McClure mocks underpaid staff yet can do this. He doesn't need a high paid political hack to talk to staff, they talk all the time and get threatened all th time. You think they will talk to another McClure crony? Please! Why do you think people loath government officials? It's this insider one hand washes the other nonsense that has eroded public trust. Greed is greed.

  26. Usually when an out of office politician needs work they end up at the Bridge Commission.

  27. Blogger Bernie O'Hare said...

    Bob took no pension for either his years on Council or as Mayor

    OK than Bernie.
    1 What is his yearly pension after retiring as teacher?
    2 How much did he make in the TOTAL 8 YEARS as mayor? (No pension, I know)
    3 And now, what is his salary at N.C.? (I know its in the paper but put with these other questions.
    And funny how everyone complains about taking a job from someone who needs it but we won't hear that argument here.

  28. "My issue with this is not only the inside job, but the assertion that Mr. Donchez is “well qualified” for the job. While I have served on many boards that would oversee, and sometimes help rewrite the HR manual, I would never purport to be qualified in that area. ".

    That's because you're not. Sitting on a board is nothing like being the Mayor of Bethlehem for eight years and dealing with their numerous HR issues. He made the calls. Not all were right, in my view. But he made them and certainly knows what he's doing. I've seen a so-called expert in that fieldwho is mostly known for buying a $700 popcorn machine.

  29. "1 What is his yearly pension after retiring as teacher?
    2 How much did he make in the TOTAL 8 YEARS as mayor? (No pension, I know)
    3 And now, what is his salary at N.C.? (I know its in the paper but put with these other questions.
    And funny how everyone complains about taking a job from someone who needs it but we won't hear that argument here."

    You are simply ridiculous. First, the complaint was that Bob was already getting a pension from the City. He's not. Then the complaint was that he's getting healthcare. He's not. Now you want to know how much he gets from his teacher's pension.

    There's a claim of cronyism although it's abundantly clear that Bob is well-qualified as a deputy director.

    This is just animosity. Not sure if it is aimed at Bob or Lamont or both.

    If you want to know Bob's teacher pension, file a RTK.

  30. When Bob worked for the state, he declined a pension there, too. He is very principled, but I like him anyway.

  31. She was far from an expert and even less professional. Union friend and no class and no support for staff. Except maybe the popcorn

  32. Donchez for County Executive! DiLuzio for Sheriff!

  33. I understand he turned down a real job at the County for this position. He was going to collect the fees for the users at the Gerald Gerry Seyfried Bear swamp archery range. Maybe that was just a rumor. I heard Heckman wanted that job. The only qualification is you must be a straight shooter. No pun intended.

  34. Bernie interesting you didn't mention this would be Bob Donchez's 4th taxpayer funded pension. I hope he doesn't take any pointers from the current Bethlehem HR Director. I heard she is getting sued for multiple wrongful terminations.

  35. So - any hopes that one might have had about a fresh set of eyes looking at the HR mess at Gracedale were just squashed with this announcement. If you don’t understand it, you can’t fix it and it will continue to be broken until something far worse than just already documented resident neglect occurs at Gracedale.

  36. Good, bad, pension, pay, expert or not does not matter. At face value it looks like a political favor. Wouldn't someone on the back nine of their career want a board or volunteer position? It does come across as greedy taking the position no matter how many pensions he may have declined. I'm sure its paying better than warehouse work!

  37. Hope you are ok Bernie! No post today.

  38. I'm fine, thanks. I set the wrong time on my story, lol. Saved it to draft and did not realize it until I received your comment.

  39. See you are censoring comments top protect your fellow good ole boy network. Unfortunate for th people being an insider is so important..

  40. I deleted a comment that accused Bob of getting pensions bc this has already been addressed. Learn to read.

  41. Although I worked with Bob on some issues at Bethlehem & he is a great guy, this is a slap in the face to HR professionals in the Lehigh Valley & another example of politics over using resources to hire the best candidate. I know many certified & experienced professionals that would have added much needed expertise to Norco's HR Department. Again, politics & the boy's network wins out!

    Gene Auman, SHRM-SCP (retired)

  42. The good old boy network is alive and well at 669 Washington St. Some things never change.

  43. Bernie I have all the respect for you that you deserve. One thing I have to tell you is you have no idea about Bob. Bob was told from day one everything he was to do. He has no HR background, and this lie about giving 10 hours a week to personnel issues make me laugh. Heck our HR person is not qualified for the job. She is so proud every time she fires someone, she actually brags what number she is at and many of the firings were a back stab move to help someone in her inner click. Bob had no clue what was going on. Everyone here at the City knows Bob never made his own decisions. Morganelli made many decisions for Bob and I hope you realize that is who set up the job for him in the County.

  44. 4:23, makes great points. You hate these points Bernie, but they are there just the same. People at the county are not stupid, we know how it works. Neither the director nor the new asst Dir of HR are really HR professionals. Both have deep political connections. McClure is just another Politian taking care of his own. Poor employees. Time to have real rather than appointed political flunkies running the County workforce HR office.

  45. Look at what he had for an HR director at the city, NUFF SAID!

  46. 100% correct 4:49 She also had absolutely no HR experience. She took care of Brong and Brong took care of her. She thinks being a HR director is measured by how many long time city employees she could get rid of. Not a clue as how to actually recognize and select quality, talented candidates. Just take care of all the political paybacks for NBB.

  47. Hey Bernie, I finally had time to go back and read all of your amazing posts. This is one that I have to post and give my two cents on.

    When Donchez was running for Mayor of Bethlehem, he came to our FOP meeting and asked for the City of Bethlehem Police Officers endorsement. He spoke about how his father was a former cop and he supported the police.

    After getting elected, in 8 years he had done nothing positive for our Department. Come contract times he wouldn't budge on the slightness pay increase or any other small positive steps to make the lives a little better for the people who protect the citizens of this great city.

    When Amy Zanelli announced her candidacy for MDJ, without out delay he immediately endorsed her without question. When he was called out and asked why he endorsed her knowing that Zanelli's integrity and character had come into question running against someone with an unblemished background, work ethic, a retired City of Bethlehem Police Officer, and proven history of a positive relationship with the citizens of Bethlehem. He turned his back and went silent. At least when City Council Brian Callahan was questioned why he endorsed a character like Zanelli, he immediately responded quote unquote, "It's all about the money". Can't ask anything more than an honest answer. We all saw what happened to Callahan in the primary.

    I knew there was a reason and something was brewing. I told my friends and family this. I was right, Donchez was to become Norco HR. It did not take long to announce this after the new year. Lord knows he needed a job when he finished his Mayoral term. Just remember it was Reynolds time to become mayor, not that he was qualified. Another reason why I believe want comes around goes around. Crazy how politics has become. I scratch your back your scratch mine.


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