Local Government TV

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Lynch Wants All 22,000 Mail-in Ballots

As anyone who follows Northampton County politics knows, Executive Lamont McClure has been elected to a second term.  On November 2, he attracted 38,477 votes while challenger Steve Lynch attracted 29,984. This was by no means a landslide, but the margin of victory was an endorsement of centrist government over the extremism that Lynch represents. "We the People" went with McClure. But it should come as no surprise that Lynch is unwilling to go gentle into that good night. He's raging and raging against the dying of the spotlight. He liked the attention he got, especially when he threatened to bring 20 strong men to go after Northampton Area School Board directors. He's hoping it continues, and what better way than by descending upon the elections office to inspect and copy mail-in ballots? 

In a recent Facebook Filibuster (I am blocked, but you might be able to see it here), Lynch claims to have a lawyer who has told him he has the right to inspect and copy the 22,000 mail-in ballots cast.  He's calling on all Lynch Lackeys to meet him at the courthouse today at 9 am. They are to bring portable copy machines or scanners so he can make copies of the 22,000 mail-in ballots. He insists they show all kinds of fraud. He adds that McClure, Administrator Charles Dertinger, and Voter Registrar Amy Cozze are in some sort of cabal of corruption. Never mind that McClure actually tried to kill a well-deserved pay raise for Cozze.

What Lynch knows, and what he failed to tell his myrmidons, us that he has no right to inspect or copy mail-in ballots. Solicitor Rich Santee stated this at an Elections Commission meeting attended by Lynch. Maybe Lynch was wearing his mask over his ears. But Lynch has also been told this in person by several elections officials on several occasions. 

What he is entitled to is a list of those voters who requested ballots, those who received them and those who returned them. That list has been available since election day. 

What sore loser Lynch is really trying to do is draw attention to himself. 

It;s one thing for him to broadcast Facebook Live videos while careening along Route 22. It's quite another for him to interfere with county operations. If he tries to play bully at the courthouse, things will end badly for him.   

Just like they did on January 6. 


  1. Lynch is nuts that is the reason McClure won. Also please don't implicate Ms.Cozze with anything done by Dertinger. He is a thorn in her side and tries to constantly interfere with her job in elections.

  2. So, let him have the lists, more transparency is always good.

  3. When he first started campaigning for county executive I thought Lynch was a dangerous demagogue. Now, after a few months of seeing his videos and the absolute nonsense he posts, I think he might be the dumbest person to ever seek county office.

  4. You're starting to sound like the a-holes on that Jan 6th commission telling people how the "investigation" WILL turn out. The threat of Orange Man once again upsetting the elite apple cart and rendering it disabled for the next 3 or 4 election cycles absolutely terrifies you.

  5. Northampton School District alone has suffered enough from this mob mentality.

  6. Everything here must be as originally initiated by the voter. I.E. requesting the ballot, where did you buy the stamps to mail in the ballot (the stamps may be a forgery by an enemy of the state such as Russia trying to buy the election) the envelopes should be checked to see if there is DNA of an animal (some animals are highly intelligent you know and would like to overthrow our government because they aren't getting enough puppy treats), check the license plates of the rural mail carriers to make sure the ballots weren't transported to the Courthouse by an illegal trafficker of forged mail-in ballots, then take a look at the drop boxes and find out why they are really called drop boxes (I have a feeling they are called drop boxes because these units are programmed to read ballots (via ultra sound and xray) to reject all votes that are cast for Republicans, Weigh each drop box to make sure the scales of a fair election aren't unbalanced after all, we must assure a fair election.
    Thank you for considering these very serious suggestions.
    Hokie Joe

  7. Can't imagine one is allowed to photocopy voter records without some kind of court order?

  8. Lynch is basically a disposable tool for the right wing. Lynch's only use is to keep the "culture whine" going. Masks, CRT, vaxxing surprised he has not jumped on the banning of books as that is thing now. He seems to adopt whatever the current outrage of the right wing.
    T o be fair he does what his master's tell him to do and he gets to grift the rubes so that is his payoff.

  9. His actions may eliminate any future candidate chances.

  10. Lynch still earns regular coverage here whenever he wants it. No such thing as bad publicity ...

  11. Lynch is just a waste bag period. A goofball wack job. He has no integrity nor intelligence to be elected pooper scooper! Republicans For McClure! Save this county of human waste like Mr Steroids.... Mr. Lynch back to under the garbage can you slipped out from under. Why doesn't Lynch go down to Mar Lago with his mentor organgeman

  12. Charger him $10 per ballot payable up front by him personally. Not some political fund. Secondly allow him 1 minute per ballot for review. Only he can review them as he is the one paying. If anyone else is in the room they also need to pay $10 per ballot. None can be taken out of the review area. Non may be photo copied. For a deeper review charge him $100 to $500 per ballot depending on who else gets involved. Strip search him daily to make sure he does not remove any ballots. For any destruction, disfigurement, or alteration of a ballot in any way it should be considered attempted voter fraud with a mandatory 1 year in jail per ballot.

    Allow him to do the inspection in a complete glass enclosed space with multiple cameras on it.

    Oh yes and dictate that if he or anyone else he ever communicates with contacts any of those that were named on the ballot it is considered tampering with and election and thereby constitutes 1 year in jail for him and the people who were working with him.

    Make these the rules and if goes by them let him do them if not do not touch them.

  13. I, for one, would like to witness a few dozen "patriots" using their "portable" photocopiers somewhere in the courthouse at the same time. Good times!

  14. So tRump and lynch are the only 2 republicans who lost in November?

  15. Your guy won, Bernie, so why would you care what Mr. Lynch does or says? It should be of no interest to you unless he’s right.

  16. Anyone think to investigate how Lynch was able to afford a brand new Chevy pickup immediately after he started campaigning and raising money? Also he went to middle school and high school in Moorestown NJ. He's not from Philly like he claims.

  17. What an azz clown that guy is. Geez! He needs to seek the help of a head shrinker.

  18. Its easy to spend the day making copies when you dont work.

  19. Even if he gets copies of the ballots, he'll just claim they're fake. There's no winning with a nut.

  20. @3:45 PM This has nothing to do with Bernie's "guy". Lynch was a major candidate in the county, so this is news. Period. Because the "other guy" is a radical sore loser and acting like it deserves coverage. There is no chance he is "right", so there is no fear of that being the case. He was soundly defeated.

    "Your guy won, Bernie, so why would you care what Mr. Lynch does or says? It should be of no interest to you unless he’s right.

    December 30, 2021 at 3:45 PM"

  21. Win with humility, lose with grace. It’s a pee wee lesson Mr. Lynch.

  22. I find it hard to believe that voters would have elected Lamont McClure again given the mess he has made of Gracedale. Either there were election issues or the voters were hoodwinked into thinking that all is well with Gracedale. It is not! Ask anyone who works there or who used to work there. I would hate to think that so many voters turned a blind eye to the employees and residents of Gracedale so calling Mr. Lynch a “nut job” because he tried bring Gracedale issues to light is pathetic.

  23. They voted for Mclure for the same reason that they voted for Biden in 2020 and voted for Trump in 2016. It is simply that at the time of the election the people they voted for were the lesser of the two evils.

  24. Never interfere with your enemy while they are in the process of destroying themselves. All it will take is one Patriot and one punisher. McClure, Rudas and the rest of the spineless cowards better know their shit show is about to come full circle.


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