Local Government TV

Monday, December 06, 2021

LV Covid Cases at Highest Point Since January

Steve Thode has been tracking the Covid numbers for us since the beginning of the pandemic. He reports that new cases are at their highest level here in the Lehigh Valley since January.  His report is based on numbers supplied by the counties. 

As of today (December 5). Lehigh County has reported 1,771 new COVID cases the last seven days; Northampton County has reported 1,684 new COVID cases the last seven days; and, combined, Lehigh and Northampton counties have reported 3,455 new COVID cases the last seven days.

That's the highest 7-day total for Lehigh County since January 19; the highest 7-day total for Northampton County since January 13; and, the highest combined 7-day total for Lehigh and Northampton counties since January 15.

In the past week, the 7-day new case rate has jumped almost 49% in Northampton County, and more than 35% in Lehigh County.

In the last three days alone, Northampton County has reported 1,066 new cases while Lehigh County has reported 904 new cases.

What's happening in the LV is consistent with what we are seeing nationwide, where there are now 100,000 daily new cases. 


  1. The report is very informational and should serve as a warning to those who aren't vaccinated. Unfortunately, the report does not include how many deaths have occurred in that time. We will never get through this pandemic unless there are mandatory vaccinations. You might say that there is some good in these numbers. That is These Trumpers are killing each other by spreading the virus and that will mean less Trumpers to vote for the "walking rectum" in the next Presidential election.
    Thanks for keeping us informed Bernie.

    1. Once again not all unvaccinated are what you call Trumpers. As for wishing death on people I pray for your soul

  2. I see very few if any people wearing masks at the grocery stores. I go to almost no other places. It appears to me people are rolling the dice on this.

  3. Could it be that the Darvinian process is starting to apply to those who have been to stupid to take it seriously.

  4. As the result of Thanksgiving period activity and congregation in bars and family gatherings. People are too lax ,their not washing stuff down and cross contamination could be abundant at a restaurant, or club . Crazy number of people as usual here on College Hill during football game,all in the Tavern. Geez . Incubation period is running , newly infected people average showing symptoms in 5.6 days and Delta variant is now the most common with higher level of viral particles. Now the bad news. KLM flight had 60 positive passengers after tested 13 had Omicron variant and they were all previously infected with the Delta. Tomorrow is the 14 day mark of new Omicron existence. Good day.

  5. Yeah, and out of all the Pa counties leading in vaccinations,where does Lehigh County stand?? Worthless shot.

  6. Already vaccinated people are being infected despite having taking the injections.

  7. OMG! Woe are we!Time to double mask and shut the economy down! Biden's nanny-gate government will take care of us.

  8. The mRNA Vaccines essentially shout "heads up" to the immune system. Would you rather have a heads up when a line drive is heading your way or have it hit you and knock you out?

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Already vaccinated people are being infected despite having taking the injections.

    Yeah, but they are not Dying are they? Get the shot you stupid antiVaxer troll

  10. @8:25 - Being vaccinated DOES NOT make you immune to COVID and NOBODY has ever said it did (Or if they did, they're an uninformed idiot).

    What it does is boost your body's ability to fight off the infection and reduce the severity of a possible breakthrough and the chance that you would need to be hospitalized because of it.

  11. I'm curious as to the percentage of new cases that lead to hospitalization? Of those, how many were vaccinated?

    Appreciate the analysis but it's only part of the story.

  12. Bernie,
    Unfortunately this is good news for the educated community. Perhaps it’s just nature’s way to thin out the heard of Homo sapiens.
    Hopefully, those unvaccinated deniers wise up and start to see the light of common sense and science. How stupid can these Americans be?

  13. I attended a committee meeting last week where all parties are college educated, most attended some grad school. At the end of the meeting an attendee, a high school teacher, let it be known that he wasn’t vaccinated, “because my daughter had COVID and we all had it last summer, so we’re all immune.” I chose not to challenge his belief publicly, even though it may be factually false. I wanted to ask if his doctor had informed him that he was immune. In the future I will ask if we’re all vaccinated before we start business. I have a right to know if someone sitting less than six feet away from me, without a mask, is unvaccinated. Get vaccinated- so we can get back to business.

  14. 1. How do Cases correlate to actual morbidity and mortality?

    2. What is the clinical / demographic breakdown of these cases?

    3. How many of the cases have led to hospitalization, and what is the clinical / demographic breakdown of those hospitalizations?

  15. 9:01 - Of course, some of the breakthrough cases have led to death. It would be impossible to prove otherwise.

    What we’ve had is a response by injection that had no long-term history before being introduced. We now know, any benefit from these injections is short-term and not the permanent fix most expected. We also know, those injected have had their natural immune system modified. The long-term understanding of that change is also unknown.

    I HAD the injections and the follow-up booster. Whatever formula went into me is there to stay. That’s the risk I chose to take. But, as a 70 year old, it probably was the best choice. I could have been wrong, though. THIS is the reason this type of injection should never be forced on everyone.

  16. I am appalled by people who rush out to get vaccinated and then condemn it.

  17. The unvaxxed are letting down their fellow citizens.

  18. No one is being forced to get vaccinated. Neither is anyone being forced to bathe.

    But we can shun you for either.

  19. Vaccines, masking, and proof of vaccination requirements aren't working. Solution: vaccines, masking, and proof of vaccination requirements.

  20. The number of politician that secretly got vaccinated and then speak out about it (And I will not dignify there pathetic descriptions) are probably far greater then we think. Even some of the most outspoken ones against the virus and the vaccine have gotten it.

  21. We're going to be inconvenienced for many more months, maybe even years, becausem especially, idiots won't get vaccinated.

  22. Anon 10:43 said:

    "I have a right to know if someone sitting less than six feet away from me, without a mask, is unvaccinated. Get vaccinated- so we can get back to business."

    Uh, no you don't. You have the right to take any precaution you feel necessary to feel safe. That ends at you imposing your beliefs and anxieties on others.

    Also, curious where you live and who you work for. I live near Allentown and most everyone I know has been "back to business" for almost a year-and-a-half.

  23. The graphine is a none living object in the vaccine that is killing people.

  24. .....I say....let the chips fall. If you choose to not get vaccinated, then don’t bitch or ask for extra help if you get deathly ill. You want the choice, you make your choice, you live or die with your choice. Enough with trying to be dignified about answering those who won’t.

  25. I do not wish death to any anti-vaxxer.

    I however ask that if you do contract Covid-19, that you stay out of our hospitals, and save our precious ICU beds for the people who truly need them.

    Just stay home and pray instead.

  26. The vast majority of idiots not getting the vaccine are Trumpers and/or Republicans. How stupid can these idiots be? Stay away from me and if you die from Covid that is OK with me because it will help the Dems on election day. And just wait until later this year. Thanks to Trump the Supreme Court is now the legal arm of the Republican Party. They are expected to outlaw abortion. This country will really explode and my reply will be to complain to all your friends who voted for Trump. I do not get it: The Trumpers/Republicans are doing all they can to block vaccines and at the same time they want to tell women that they have to have a forced pregnancy. Republicans: what a shit show.

  27. "I do not wish death to any anti-vaxxer."

    Nor do I. Wishing for the illness or death of another person is among the blackest of sins.

  28. I, for one, am sick of you self-righteous vaccine proponents spewing your venom and misinformation at those who, after careful research and thought, have decided to refuse this so-called "vaccine". If you had done any independent research, rather than regurgitating all the bullshit that you're being fed by your benevolent government, disingenuous media and big pharma, you'd understand that the covid risk is minimal, while the vaccine is potentially deadly for vast segments of the population. You'd also know that people who have been vaccinated are the real spreaders of the covid virus to the non-vaccinated. You'd also know that this "vaccine" is not a real vaccine but rather an experimental gene "therapy" without adequate trial testing. I wonder that anyone would trust a vaccine as being safe when the manufacturers insist on complete immunity for any harm it causes?

    Thousands of physicians and virologists have issued critical warnings about the dangers of this vaccine; and all are being censored by the media, big tech and my favorite prevaricator, Tony Fauci. Hospitals and doctors across the country are telling us how safe and effective the vaccine is, largely because (1) they know only what they're being told by big pharma and (2) hospitals and doctors receive generous stipends for prescribing this poison, along with remdesivir and ventilators. You have to wonder why a government would take such draconian measures to force its population to submit to medical intervention against their will; as always, follow the money.

    You sheep need to stop your self-righteous bleating and do some research. If you want to take the jab in spite of what you learn, that's your business; but please spare us the false narrative that the unvaxxed are the spreaders. By blindly accepting what you've been fed, you have in fact become the spreaders. And if your vaccine doesn't protect you, how is MY vaccine going to protect you? The information on the extent of how we're being lied to is everywhere if you look for it. Here's a good place to start, although I suspect most won't have the industry or interest to learn the truth, but instead prefer to die in their own darkness:


    1. Blah blah hogwash. Lucky for you, research has already been done, through trials and controlled studies, and guess what they found? Yup, that it’s safe. And millions upon millions of people WORLDWIDE have gotten some level of the vaccine and the overwhelming conclusion is that it’s effective and saves lives. I don’t listen to government politicians like you do, I take the research they cite and actually READ the many articles and studies published by real scientist on respected journals.

      As far as your British independent confirmation bias article you cite, you do know that the Indy is a tabloid no?

      You try to sound so smart, but you’re just a tool at the end.

    2. @7:48

      Oh no not the world renowned research journal, The Independent!!


  29. Unfortunately recent studies clearly show both vaccinated and unvaccinated carry same viral load if exposed and both can pass the virus along to others. So the argument is mute about passing along in a group...we all do. Vaccinated or not. What is possible is the unvaccinated are helping the virus continue to mutate. Being in a group with anyone right now is a risk. And the same risk whether vac or not. The risk is that is the unvaccinated get covid. They are much more likely to be hospitalized

  30. "The graphine is a none living object in the vaccine that is killing people."

    This is misinformation. First, it is graphene oxide, not graphine. This compound is in none of the vaccines. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-grapheneoxide-vaccine/fact-check-covid-19-vaccines-do-not-contain-graphene-oxide-idUSL1N2OZ14F

    Please do your research before promoting lies.

  31. Now wait a minute. Those who have been fully vaccinated, regularly wear masks, and take other precautions are STILL being infected and can pass their virus to others. These are facts! So, sitting in a meeting with vaxed and non-vaxed still has the potential to infect you . . . even though you were already vaxed!

    This thing is NOT under our control yet. So, do what YOU believe appropriate and don’t call down anyone else who chooses to take a different approach. Millions of unvaxed people have not yet been infected or have defeated it with their own immune system. So far, their choice worked, did it not?

  32. Sounds like the members of the Lehigh Valley Tea Party are once again trying to spread false information. You idiots are parasites. Go play with your Donald Trump blow-up doll. You are grim reapers.

  33. As per usual, the statistics don't include those that are vax'd and tested positive, or those that were false positives.

    This is a seasonal virus, in that the warmer areas ie southern states numbers are now low. People in warmer climates are now outaide more often. The northeast, and other colder areas see their spikes as people are inside more often.

    Time to stop focusing on positive teats and focus on treatments. This virus isn't going anywhere.

    Those that are vax'd can still get and transmit. Enough of the vax'd unvax'd debate. It is a fact that natural immunity is greater than what the vax provides.

    Btw I am vax'd. Save your antivaxxer bs for someone else.

  34. To 8:37 - Typical libtard response from some numbnuts who knows nothing about the subject and won't do his own research. Enjoy what you reap, sheep.

  35. @ 3:16. If you are carrying and you infect me. I think I have the right to destroy you and your family for your pathetic stupidity of life. Especially if you are the loser who blames everyone else for your problems like it is apparent of you.

  36. @7:48. May your own decisions provide you with the results that so many are hoping for you. You choices are your choices. May they results in your pleasure of the ful and total impacts of the virus running around. And hopefully your pathetic life does not destroy the rest of your family while you are at it.

  37. @ 7:48 did you research the crack pot who wrote the stuff you are bowing to as gospel. He has a bunch of acronyms acronyms after his name that I have not been able to identify. But they sound impressive. Apparently he writes articles and blogs and grifts money from people across the globe. And when you dig into his resources he references many questionable sources. Do your self a favor and do a little digging.

  38. @ 8:25 I may not like the concept you proposed but this is one of the most clear headed and obvious statements. You made me rethink some of my thoughts. WOW! I am a proponent of vaccines and masks but you do provide a very good observation and thought process.

  39. I read some of the linked antivaxer. Not all bc he does on forever and seems to look for excuses to condemn everything. I fund this link is very persuasive evidence that some people suffer from a serious case of confirmation bias.

  40. I have done hours and hours reading about this Covid situation. I’m not familiar with the reliability of the source 7:48 cited. But, the SAME findings have been reported in several other sources I’ve read.

    In my opinion, 7:48 has offered an accurate assessment held by MANY, including me. See, that’s the way education is supposed to work. Thorough research and analysis. Not everyone will agree, naturally. SO WHAT?

    Each of us needs to follow our own path. What others choose to do is THEIR privilege. It’s much too easy to just call names, automatically criticize those with an assessment unlike your own. Pretty childish, too, I think.

  41. The people in the comments section is what happens when you send everyone to trade school.

    If you don’t understand fundamental scientific research principals, you should have no opinion about ANYTHING.

    If you don’t want to take the vaccine for whatever reason, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF and don’t spread misinformation.

    There’s a lot of marked graves all across the country of people who “did their own research”.

    Just be quiet.

  42. 7:48 - My wife who works in clinical research, more specifically, in "gene therapy" just laughed her ass off at your post. She runs clinical trials from phase I - Phase III to submission to the FDA for approval. So excuse me if I take the word of someone that has 21 years of experience in the process of development and approval of drugs/vaccines, and now "gene Therapy" over your thorough independent research.

    I always am amazed that she never bites when someone like yourself claims to know the truth. She just smiles and lets it pass. Doesn't even answer the question of what she does for work out of fear of zealots like yourself.

    Good luck out there carrying that cross.

  43. @12:15 I wonder if your wife would also laugh her ass off at the heart attacks, strokes, myocarditis, blood clots and permanent tremors caused by the vaccine? I know a nurse who has witnessed all of these in people shortly after taking the shot. You don't hear about these reactions in the media, only from "zealots" like her.

    1. I know a guy, that knows a girl, that is friends with my cousin, who knows a dog walker, that’s friends with a woman I know, that know a nurse, who’s patient has a blood clot.

      Shut up.

      Unless you’re willing to show us an article from from a legitimate medical journal, your claims that the vaccine causes these symptoms are not valid.

      But you know what CAN and usually does cause all those symptoms? Catching Covid-19.

      Get vaccinated and stop perpetuating false information about vaccines.

  44. Unless the poster’s wife worked directly with each of these hurried vaccines, I can’t put full confidence in how she could disprove the points made by 7:48. Doubtful 3-4 unique manufacturers of the Covid response product would rely on this single expert, no matter how talented she is. Anyway, will everyone just make their OWN decision and leave everyone else alone about theirs? YOU don’t need unknown posters to validate what you chose to do. Be thankful for your decision-making and move along.

  45. I'm calling bullshit. The adverse events you mention being witnessed by a nurse are limited to thousands of events, and in most cases in the hundreds. There have been about half a million doses of the various covid vaccines administered in the US. These events are extremely rare, much more rare than contracting the virus and developing long haul symptoms or death.
    Thanks for playing.

  46. The metric "Cases!!!" is often used to enflame rather than inform.

    It wells one nothing about the clinical / demographic categorization of those included in the count. It correlates almost to at all to mortality and serious (requiring hospitalization) morbidity.

    It does, however, garner far more attention than a count of those who die or get more than flu-like symptoms for a few days.

  47. What we are all forgetting about the vaccine is that this vaccine has been pushed through. Normally vaccines take years adn years and years to be fully vetted. And even when they are fully vetted have you ever bothered to listen to the commercials of read the side effects of almost any medication. And people take those every day with no remorse. Unless you are one of the lucky few in America who are not taking any medication prescription, over the counter or other take the time to read the paperwork with whatever you happen to be utilizing. It is really freaking scary but do you hear people whine and complain. NOPE!. Anti-vaxers should stop taking everything and anything and at the same time they should probably stop eating most processed foods. There are repercussions and side effects to almost everything you do.

  48. So why is Pennsylvania in the top worst six states for covid today?

  49. 3:11 - what is the process and timeframe for "vetting" a vaccine?

    I agree with everything besides that. You must remember, that as a whole, we're all a bunch of hypocrites. It's our nature.


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