Local Government TV

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Is Biden Losing It?

I had Christmas dinner with a bunch of bad-ass Republicans. I had to laugh when our outstanding chef showed me a Biden t-shirt in which he says, "Impeach me! I won't even remember."  But later, someone replayed a Christmas Eve video in which  Joe Biden purportedly said, "I agree" in response to a fan with a "Let's go Brandon!" cheer. I thought this might be one of those deepfake videos, but that's what our President said.  It makes me wonder whether that T-shirt is closer to the truth than I would have guessed. 

Now it could be Biden is unaware this us a right-wing jab. If so, that would mean he's out of touch. It could also be that he misheard it, although I have some trouble with that explanation. It could be that Biden was agreeing with the caller who claimed he was joking, though I never find it funny when someone tells me to go f--- myself. '

Is Biden's response an indication he's losing it?  I voted for the guy, so I have no desire to see him fail.  


  1. Bernie how can you ignore his many failures just in this first year and there are too many to list?

  2. I didn’t vote for Biden, but I do want his term to be over as quickly as possible. It just isn’t working out, Bernie, and I highly doubt the VP would be any improvement. Yes, Biden is “losing it.”. But, so is America under his policies. I sometimes ask other posters to explain why our nation is stronger, why their family is more financially secure, etc., than it was BEFORE Biden. I have yet to read any convincing evidence.

    I’ll gladly accept those mean tweets over this.

    1. 9:29am: Simply put...that behavior, that misogyny, that lying, that fraud allows your children permission to act that way. Then again, perhaps you don't care.

      My children were teenagers during the 90's at the height of the OJ Simpson trial. My one son loved OJ and his "dream team" of deplorables. The grand lesson he learned, unfortunately, to this day is to lie, cheat and deny. That is trump's playbook, too. I'm content supporting the OJ prosecution team, despite their faults, the same way I'm supporting this administration.

      Choosing the right thing is not always a bed of roses.

      I'll pray for you...and your children.

  3. Biden was conveniently kept in the basement for the whole campign. He had no policy other than he was not Trump and a list of cash benefits for his supporters. Now we see the reality of the fake campign that was only possible with the media cooperation.

    It is doubtful that he is running the country. It seems that it is a collection of former Obama staff likely taking orders for Obama and Eric Holder.

    Biden is kept under control and everything is tightly choreographed, it is in effect a hollywood production.

    The problem is that the results will not be dictated or choreographed, but the result of this chaotic situation without any real leadership.

  4. Biden is aware of the corny-*ss "let's go brandon" boomer "joke" and he's co-opted it.

    1. Yup. Unfortunately, he doesn't have a quick wit and he stutters. Therefore, his "comeback" makes the deplorables believe even more that he demented and the fake news is at work. That's Trump's legacy...sowing doubt and misinformation.

  5. I didn't vote for him but I'm also not hoping for him to fail. The stakes are too high.

    I find this more sad and dangerous than I find it funny. If international politics was a football game, I'm afraid Biden would be at least a two touchdown underdog to Putin and Xi. Even more scary---Harris would be "off the board."

  6. Most likely President Biden knew exactly what he was being insulted with.
    The choice then is to slap the guy down--(on no Biden is a bully on xmas eve to a lovely family man),ignore it and get--(Biden is totally clueless and out of touch--the leading FOX attack)
    Then you go with it --(hey fat guy--yep i am a fat guy--where does it go from there?)
    President Biden has no time or inclination to get worked up over a stupid taunt.
    trumpie would spend a week whining about an insult as he is very thin skinned.
    President Biden simply has more class and acted as a President should.
    A better question is why a so called "christian" would toss an insult when his family was calling the NORAD christmas eve childrens line?
    Turns out he's a full maga hero who claims his free speech is being attacked.
    for a guy who hates President Biden i wonder if he returned the child care money he got under Biden and if the place he worked had a problem with a half million covid support it got?
    Biden is just fine he just does not swim in the maga crap swamp.

    1. Do you have any specific proof that he got child care money and/or that his employer got covid assistance?

  7. Yeah, and Trump is fully functional in the brain department.

  8. The slur caught him off guard, not sure if he is aware of what it is supposed to mean. I'm more disturbed by the ahole who said it and those that support the insurrectionists, liars, and opportunists.

  9. It's no secret that Joe Biden suffers from a youth problem that he is still very conscious about and will probably never conquer 100%. That is his speech. He stuttered as a child and it took years of concentration and a strong mental exercise to overcome. You can still see that in his speech today. In order to overcome his speech impediment, he must concentrate heavily on what he is saying and how he is saying it. Please don't let us confuse this issue with senility. He is far from losing it.

  10. I attribute some of his confused phrasing to his speech impediment. I saw no evidence of any speech impediment in his response to the caller, but I am far from an expert and believe your explanation is plausible.

  11. I will accept the President's childhood speech impediment may have contributed to his delayed response to LGB. Further, of the tens of thousands of things a president has on their mind at any given moment, doing a Santa call was probably a break from the grind that anyone could have welcomed, and allowed home to put most of those concerns on the back burner, so he probably didn't expect to hear anything confrontational or inflammatory. So I give him a pass on the response to the caller.

    What of all of the other flubs, misspeaks, and downright falsehoods. Case in point: saying the US wouldn't pay damages to illegal aliens, while his DoJ was discussing paying $450K? (Yes, yes, it's been walked back, but at the time, he was way off base).

    You are right to raise the issue, Bernie; perhaps not with this call, but the mounting evidence of his failing cognizance is hard to ignore.

  12. Losing it, as in his mental state of mind? Because he has definitely lost the country. Everything is out of control. No examples needed. Whether anyone voted for him or not, it is obvious that he is not in control and never was. Whether anyone voted for him or not, we should all be glad when his term is over. TIME FOR CHANGE. THIS ADMINISTRATION IS HORRIBLE. Happy Holidays!

  13. The physical decline is clearly evident however the mental situation is unclear. Sometimes he speaks very clearly. His "handlers" have done a horrible job. If he indeed has some cognitive issues shame on his wife for helping to put him out there. I am all for free speech. We certainly saw people rude to Trump. However he is the President and I am disappointed in the lack of respect for the position. It started with trump and continues with Biden and it is a poor reflection on the people of this country. I may not agree with what he is doing but the position demands respect especially when directly communicating with him like during this call. There are many people who just don't show respect for fellow Americans if they have different viewpoints. It is seen on this blog as well. But it is what makes our country free. We will all get old God willing and should show respect for our elders.

  14. @9:09 - Name one thing?

    1. Too many to name Afghanistan the failed green new deal and than there is pa's former health directors appointment.

  15. Speech impediment? Ok. Can anyone explain why he fell up the stairs not once, twice but 3 times? How about he claims was never told to hold 2,500 troops in Afghanistan but Gen.Milley said under oath he did. Biden Forget? How about Vanity Fair ran a story that he turned down tests to be purchased in October? he claims he doesn't remember. I didn't vote for this guy but if Trump did these things they would be impeaching him. Lets not mention how he repeatedly looked at his watch while our brave soldiers caskets were being brought home.

  16. Bernie if you hadn't voted for him would you want him to fail?

  17. Speech impediment? Ok. Can anyone explain why he fell up the stairs not once, twice but 3 times? How about he claims was never told to hold 2,500 troops in Afghanistan but Gen.Milley said under oath he did. Biden Forget? How about Vanity Fair ran a story that he turned down tests to be purchased in October? he claims he doesn't remember. I didn't vote for this guy but if Trump did these things they would be impeaching him. Lets not mention how he repeatedly looked at his watch while our brave soldiers caskets were being brought home.

  18. Hey BERNIE I believe you’re one of those bad-ass Republicans. Instead of joking about the ignorant tee shirt perhaps you should have explained the many ways Trump has hurt America and the American way. It quite disgusting that TRUMP believers still think of him as honorable and a possible presidential candidate in 2024. God bless P T Barnum, the first original huckster, TRUMP is trying hard to mimic him. After all it was PT Barnum who coined the adage "There's a sucker born every minute".
    Trump wants to to change the adage to"There's an American sucker born every minute". That’s what that tee shirt states.

  19. try
    "“At the end of the day, I have nothing against Mr. Biden, but I am frustrated because I think he can be doing a better job,”
    " “I mean no disrespect to him.”
    well that was bull
    "Despite telling The Oregonian/OregonLive on Saturday that he was not a “Trumper” and the comment was in jest, Jared Schmeck said Monday he’s “proud” of using the conservative dig against Biden at the end of a live streamed Santa tracker call and called the moment “pretty darn funny.”
    yup a class act from a classy guy.
    wonder if any of the right wing would have the stones to condemn such an act

  20. "Yeah, and Trump is fully functional in the brain department."

    I'm a Democrat and no Trump supporter, but I have to disagree, Trump is unbelievably vigorous, energetic and sharp minded. As an opponent of his policies, I always marveled at this ability and wondered how he kept up his amazing mental and physical stamina during his relentless campaigning.

    I do have concerns about Biden's mental faculties. When he is speaking on TV, he looks confused/bufuddled often and it seems that just reading the teleprompter is a struggle.

    1. @2:35:

      I HATE Trump and everything that he stands for. But, like you, I'm amazed at his stamina, especially after almost dying from Covid. I can only give you my best guess...

      It's the Cocaine.

      Just say no.

  21. Face it in today's world any of us that would be in a position like Biden is would be made out to be a retard by the other side. It is the way of the world that shit bags post something and then it blows up across the internet being twisted and morphed. And no one has the balls to call out the crap or the pathetic loser that started the whole thing. There are so many who propagating the deterioration instead of thinking on their own and realizing the reality.

    The let's GO Brandon moron I would bet called and did exactly what he wanted when he said what he said. Now the only reason it is a big deal is that the poor SOB is crying the blues because he is being called out threatened and abused for his own decisions to say what he said. He needs to own it instead of weaseling out.

  22. I have personally seen Biden speak in a small venue. Less then 100 people present. He is slow and deliberate. When I first saw him I was like WTF he was a VP and wants to be Pres. Well my wife who is more informed told me about his history with speech problems. shuddering, etc. I rethought my position and watched him closer the next time I was around him when he spoke. It became ever apparent that much of what I had previously dismissed at a mental deterioration was more appropriately attribute to speech issues. I have other friends who I know stutter and have speech impediments and could correlate Biden's way to similar things I knew my other friends exhibited.

  23. The White House should have absolutely co-opted that failed slur and capitalized on it as soon as it happened. When your intended message is "Fuck you Biden!" and it comes off as "Let's go Brandon!", that's an epic fail! The WH should have immediately had Joe legally change his name to Brandon and run positive messaging everywhere on all platforms with "Let's go, Brandon!" Could have easily turned the imbecile Republican's failed juvenile attempt at disgracing their president into an ongoing campaign slogan for Biden.

  24. December 28, 2021 at 12:57 PM

    The excuses, excuses, ex.....

  25. No hidden slogans here, fuck tRump!

  26. so we should overlook biden's abysmal job performance because he is now both physically and mentally handicapped and america believes the handicapped deserve a job too.

  27. @2:35. Watch Trump sometime and actually write down the words he says. Do not insert anything like people assume to do when in a conversation. He cannot keep a thread of a thought in place for more then a few words then he move to something completely off topic then comes beck to something else then returns to another topic but uses the same words or over and over again repeats the same thing. He reminds me of my drunk uncle this past Christmas. The only difference between him and trump is that when he sobers up he goes back to fairly coherent flows of conversation.

  28. This is funny. Biden is so unaware that he does not realize the insult, and his defenders come up with every excuse under the sun. Classic!

  29. @4;33 get your facts straight. Afghanistan was a trump failure that set Biden up. It was a classic trump move dump and run and then cry. Him and Flynn did it to set Russia for the BS we are going through now. Trump protected Flynn for illegally taking money from Russia while being a sitting general.

  30. Fact of the matter is, even those that didn't vote for Biden such as myself want to see the country and Biden succeed. I'm one of over 80 million deplorable American patriots.

  31. President Biden may stumble sometimes in his speech. He may mislead us sometimes, whether purposfully or on purpose and his withdrawel from Afganistan was a mess. However, he alone doesn't raise gas prices, he alone didn't allow covid to run rampant last year until our supply chain broke down due to business shutdowns. He also hasn't had time to catch his breath with all the major issues he is facing. His own party is giving him grief and the GOP is totally unwilling to do anything to help the average citizen. So despite his misteps, his malappropisms he has never insulted american citizens for not agreeing with him, he has taken his criticisms with class and dignity and if given the chance,, will bring America out of the doldrums we are in right now.

  32. Actually Biden heard it correctly. He knows like I know that it is MAGA code for,
    My wife is my favorite cousin.
    That recently replaced
    I park my car on my front lawn.
    It also was said to mean
    I take livestock medicine.

    1. Its funny when you have ppl running around saying that the trumpers or the GOP is the ignorant party. Then you read this. Thanks for showing the true colors of the DNC and wounder why we leave...

  33. LGB is a classy phrase from those ever-classy nascar fans. You guys really stretch. Can you identify a speech by tRump that contains any complete sentences and did not ramble from one topic to the next, I guess that could be FDT?

  34. Compare the country last December to this December--on aLL ISSUES EXCEPY COVID WHICH NOBODY CAN CONTROLL

  35. I feel like they keep Biden very insulated. They have him sit on that movie set LOL. He repeatedly says "they" as in "they aren't letting me take questions" or "I am going to get in trouble for talking with you guys". There has never been a president with less press exposure than Biden. It makes you wonder why? He's always been a gaffe machine, but this seems different. As for the Brandon thing, my guess is he had no idea what it meant because they didn't tell him.

  36. 4:53 AM -

    You understand the situation correctly! It’s all about (or should be) results that affect OUR life, and the life of OUR family. Doesn’t matter if you like the personalities involved, all that matters is, was YOUR present condition and YOUR future changed for the better under the Administration in charge.

    I don’t care if Biden stutters and drools all over the place. I don’t care if Biden and his team only have a high school education. I do care about positive results that help ME, and hopefully most Americans who live in my country.

    This Biden Administration has been an ABSOLUTE FAILURE to date. We’ve gone backward in many ways that actually matter. The examples of decline are many and we’ve fallen quickly. We‘ve had a serious setback and HONEST Democrats know this! They just don’t want to talk about it. They’re still hung-up on President Trump, false charges, and name-calling.

    It’s like that old question, “Are you better off than you were . . . . years ago? My answer, a resounding NO! So, convince others why it is wrong to have this opinion about the Biden Administration. His team deserves your praise, right? Go ahead.

  37. No hidden slogans here, fuck bIDEN!

    "Compare the country last December to this December--on aLL ISSUES EXCEPY COVID WHICH NOBODY CAN CONTROLL"

    Funny. Dims said covid was Trump's fault. And Dims said don't take the vax.
    But the economy and.... because of covid was Trump's fault. Hmm?

  38. I don’t care for Biden and, frankly, never have. He showed himself to be a liar many times, with the biggest trying to convince people the truck driver his wife hit (she caused the accident) had a “liquid lunch” and was therefore impaired. With that said, I want the Biden presidency to succeed because that means America succeeds. I loathe the “Brandon” signs that adorn lawns, the anti-Biden flags, etc., but what I hate most is the jokes about mental impairment. As someone who watched a loved one fall into the dementia abyss, I see no humor in a person who may/may not be headed in that direction. Civility seems dead in this country and the morons (on both sides) have hijacked politics.

  39. The actions/inactions/confusion and hard core oversight have doomed Biden and Harris. The fact that every Biden "event" is so scripted and controlled is evident. His handlers have their hands full. Not because of his stutter, but because he seems a bit clueless and unaware. As much as Trump was an idiot, I did vote for him twice. I did not see anything appealing (over Trump) in a 50 year career politician. That being said, I cannot imagine Biden facing the onslaught of questions from an open arena reporter gathering. He would be a mumbling "deer in the headlights". The fact that his handlers fear this says enough for me.

    I don't know exactly who his handlers (or Harris) are, but I can assure you, they are not doing a very good job, and will be handing over the 2024 election to the other team. Let's just hope the next person up gets everyone focused on moving this country forward, in a more united way.

  40. Biden already lost it when he was in the basement--too bad some of the American people did not see that

  41. 12:29 you idiot Biden policies have all the problems --no doubt about it.

  42. @9:39 - your words speak of your ignorance in voting 2x for a complete fool!

  43. Michelle Obama 2024!

  44. 3 more years of Biden---wow

  45. I think that no matter who got into office this time around would survive any better. Perhaps there is a theory in minimizing is a planned approach.

  46. I do not think the country will survive 3 more years of Biden and Harris plus all the fools he hired.

  47. 1:06 No way dopes president Trump think like Biden the life time politician.

  48. President Biden’s first year in office was one of the most productive years in history. Here’s a just some of his accomplishments:

    - A record-breaking 6 million new jobs
    - Unemployment down to 4.2%
    - The fastest economic growth in nearly 40 years
    - Wages are up

  49. How does that koolaid taste. 8:14?

  50. 6:33 be prepared to start saying COMRADE as that is who Trump has sold the country and set us up to become.


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