Local Government TV

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

NorCo Canvassing Should Wrap Up Today

Northampton County elections officials continued canvassing (the official count) the election results from November 2. When I checked things out yesterday afternoon, I noticed cameras set up in County Council chambers so members of the public like myself could see what's going on.  

After the canvass is complete, the Elections Comm'n will convene to resolve any disputes and certify the results.

As soon as I know when and where the Commission is meeting, I'll let you all know. 

Exec Lamont McClure now has 38,477 votes to 29,984 fort challenger Steve Lynch,

On his usual circadian Facebook Live post, which he broadcast while driving along Route 22, Lynch questioned how McClure could have 38,477 votes when he only had 22,000 in 2017.

That could be because Lynch is a much shittier candidate. 

Also, 68,500 people voted on November 2, compared to 46,000 in 2017. 

You can't fix stupid. 


  1. Well he can't be fixed then! .....LOL

  2. If the Elections Board puts anything out in XLS I could probably do some more analysis on it, but from what I saw...

    71,320 people voted in the county last week. There are 219,472 registered voters, so that gives us a 32.5% turnout - not too bad for an "off year" election.

    2,788 voters simply skipped the Executive race (4%). Another 71 folks wrote Ron Angle or their neighbor's dog name in. McClure had 56% to Lynch's 44% of those who voted in the race.

    I looked at prior year turnouts, and can happily report that the trend has shown increased participation in similar elections. This can probably be attributed to increased population, and maybe better maintenance of the voter rolls, but still good to see more and more people getting out to vote.

    Off year elections...
    2021 = 71,320 voted for 32.5% turnout.
    2019 = 58,400 // 28%
    2017 = 46,500 // 23%
    2015 = 41,300 // 21%

    2020 = 172,000 // 76%
    2016 = 146,000 // 70%
    2012 = 132,000 // 63%

    Mid Terms
    2018 = 118,000 //56%
    2014 = 75,000 // 38%
    2010 = Not available

  3. Lynch may want to move to Texas where Senator Cruz is threatening to secede from the Union. He and Rectum Cruz could start their own country. We could remove all our Military bases and remove any border security presently paid for from our national taxes and all government functions related to our national security. That would mean well over 250,000 jobs probably closer to a million jobs and we could create a nofly zone and a no trade rule with the isolated Texas. What an asshole. Lynch and Cruz belong together. Our national republicans and local republicans are out of touch with reality. When an idiot like Lynch can get approximately 45% of the vote what does it say for our population who vote for these people.

    1. Republicans out of touch with reality? You have to be joking right? Open borders with illegal immigrants drugs trafficking etc. Out of reach costs of supplies. Gas prices soaring. A potential Russian may be handling our countries finances. Climate control a new anxiety disorder. Fbi investigation of school board meetings. Spending trillions of dollars we don't have when Medicare running out of money. Giving million to immigrants separated. And you think republican s are nuts!!! Reality check.

  4. What are the chances Lynch actually accepts the results after today? Unless he can provide absolute undeniable proof of wide spread fraud him and his cronies needs to be banned from the courthouse for interfering with the process and just disappear into the life of endless FB live videos where they're driving down the highways of the Lehigh Valley still crying 6 months from now that the election was rigged. When do the Steve Lynch Demand a Recount flags go up for sale?

  5. On his Facebook page today, Lynch is actually requesting folks who have MIBs at home which they didn't return, to give them to him. Because he needs to inspect those Mail In Ballots. What a fuckn' neo nazi nut job.

  6. Lynch has the democrats crazy just like Trump

    1. Really? Lynch and his mob are the folks who are actually crazy apoplectic over his election loss.

  7. Something tells me Jacque Strap hasn't met a buffet he could refuse. Has this Call of Duty tough guy served his country or is he enjoying the role a little too much? Where does Lynch find these guys? As disturbed as people maybe over Lynch overall, I find his crew of lost souls that are constantly holding his pen!s up to be even more dangerous in terms of losing their sh!t once they've figured out there's no promised land awaiting them.......I'd keep my eye on them.

  8. @9:30 - Many of your points are valid of concern - to varying degrees, none of which I would consider top shelf at the moment. Our country has lots of problems to solve that is for sure. What you seem to either ignore or not understand, is that the current "brand" of Republicanism simply leans into embracing chaos and/or simple hatred of OVER half of the country which ultimately minimizes their ability to govern this country.

    Republicans seem to love these fire breathing know nothings and put them on pedestals - it motivates their base, but alienates independents and moderates. In short, it loses Republicans elections, these are self inflicted loses in what could and should be winning environments. So while Republicans may not be nuts, they are behaving quite stupidly and frankly deserve these continued loses until they figure it out.

  9. 9:30 great post--the other side has mental issues

  10. Republicans out of touch--I got a bridge to sell the democrats--and they spend our money on anything..

  11. 38% 0f the people are crazy or they like paying higher prizes for everything.

  12. This is an all-star lineup--Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer

  13. 9:30 - So, you’ve noticed how juvenile some of these posts are! There is no question the Biden Administration will drive millions away from his political party. Posts so lacking in reality are the result of panic over next November’s election. A massive change in the Executive and Legislative Branch of Federal Government is sorely needed.

  14. Lynch is a good man not a phony two face politician

    1. Indeed he is. A good righteous pure of heart Christian fellow! Lol!

  15. Hey quick comment: I believe utilizing your cell phone adn the video feature may be illegal to utilize while in a moving vehicle. If it is someone should report him to his insurance company.

    Also perhaps one of his patriot supporters might want to do a citizen's arrest on Lynch for reckless endangerment of all he passed or was around on route 22.

  16. @ 9:30 you seem to be a trump ass licking and shit swallowing freak who couldn't make a decision on your own. Trump was in Russia pocket from getting his wife and her family, to getting his money from the Russian mob, to his Epstein sworays that were taped by Putin's minion. Trump and his family are the lowest skum bags in our country right now and the only thing lowere are the stupid followers he has because he will gladly walk on you steal your money and milk you till you go bankrupt or die.

  17. It is time to eliminate the political structure and remove all their finances to pay the debt and the fix more things.

  18. Hey 9:30 immigration has been a problem for the life of our country. Sound to me like you are more of a cry baby about it then someone with enough brains to resolve it. If you are German, Irish, Italian, Russian, Hispanic, Cuban, and any number of others you should follow your own and leave this country leaving everything that has ever been given to you as your family was most likely coming here illegally.

    As a republican you must thing the slavery country of Saudi Arabia where less then 1% owns everything must be the greatest place in the world. They have a monopoly and are a collation that fix prices and decide what they want to charge. They have been doing it since the 70's and none of our political hacks will ever do anything about it because the Saudis line their pockets.

    Medicare has been running out of money for 30 years. When they changed it from a shelter account that they could not touch to a piggie bank they could raid for any bullshit they wanted. And they utilize it for the stupid of brain as a whip so they can grab more under the guise of it but spend it elsewhere. Do yourself a favor and do a little investigation about it before you spout shit out of your pie hole.

  19. I received a comment concerning Lynch’s wife and children. They are civilians and comments about them are off limits

  20. Those who responded less than professionally to 930 post ...you have all proven my point.

  21. This is a fake blog---very dangerous to our country.

  22. Convert or be punished by 20 strong men or also be sued by slimy lawyers chasing false acqusations.

  23. Bernie it is time to retire you are terrible and a grumpy old man' who lies about good people and good leaders.

  24. Steve Lynch really wants his participation trophy, doesn't he. He just can't stand that he lost to a real man with a real gut. 🦅🦅🦅

  25. @4:23 that you a drank the koolaid is so true and that you are there to antagonize like your idyllic heros of ynch and rump not for the betterment of the region but for personal self gratification

  26. Lynch lied about being a marine....
    McClueless lied about being gracedale savior......
    County loses to liars no matter what

  27. "He just can't stand that he lost to a real man with a real gut."
    lol. McClure does have a real big gut aright.

  28. You don't know who 923 supported. But I know you are angry people who don't want open respectful discussion of thoughts for the future of this country. Don't make assumptions and categorize people into groups. That's why this country is where it is

  29. Lots of people make assumptions - lots of people are relatively predictable. Many people these days are unable to have a conversation, unable to listen to thoughts and ideas other than their own. Too many people are easily influenced by others and can't or won't self critique their own wants and beliefs.

    Neither party is worth the impassioned defense and attacks we see here with regularity.

    “One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” ― Carl Sagan


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.