Local Government TV

Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Lynch Vows "Phase 2"

In response to his election loss, fringe candidate Steve Lynch posted this comment on Facebook this morning: "The age of corruption will be coming to an end in Northampton County. They have no idea who they messed with! God's people are just beginning this march! I am invigorated to eviscerate the swamp creatures in our county and their evil deeds. Remember, God is at work! This administration and their minions miscalculated big time messing with me, my family, and We the People. Lions are now cirlcing and we have no care or concern to appease your desire to allow corruption to continue because you refuse to be informed of facts. Suit up Patriots... We are just getting started! Who's ready for phase 2?"

"We the People" just re-elected Lamont McClure according to unofficial election results showing a 32% turnout among registered voters, which is rare for a municipal race. "We the People" gave McClure 37,985 votes to 29,867 for Lynch. 

That's the way "We the People" works. 

The person who gets the most votes wins. 

Maybe he's gonna' march on the courthouse rotunda. Instead of "20 strong men," he's gonna' bring lions. He should consider sheep. 20 strong sheep.   



  1. There are still almost 30 thousand people in this county that did NOT support Mclure so.....

  2. so open threats to people and a call to action is not against the law in this state?

    This clearly is a threat to the whole current administration employees and what, he gets a pass, again? Just like the 20 strong men threat with nothing coming of it? If something were to happen to any administration person or NORCO worker and it can be traced to this post, he should rot in jail for a long long time

    1. White privilege at its finest, my friend. If he were black, the county detectives would be on his ass.

  3. Maybe phase two is actually learning about and participating in local government?

    I kid, I kid. I'm sure it mostly involves waving flags and yelling at school boards.

  4. As Bugs Bunny would say, "What a maroon."

  5. Freaking lunatic.

  6. (cue laugh track)

    Seriously, this dude brought every NorCo Republican down a notch yesterday. If I were him, I'd find a cave to hide in, ASAP.

  7. This is the way of today's f-ups , failures, and fools that we coddle, encourage , and reward for their own pathetic decisions and actions. The are turned into the hero's for the zeros in life instead of the villains they should be treated as.

    He personally should be held accountable for any crack pot thing that is done in the region. His full contact base and financial base should be completely laid bare multi levels deep if anything happens. We will not do that though.

    We instead will reward the f-ups , failures, and fools for their own pathetic decisions and actions as they threaten our people and society.

  8. But wait, "We The People" also elected 3 republicans to council giving them control of our county. Monty will be a lame duck! Lynch not getting elected is ok with me, but Monty also will be controlled as well by "We the People". NO M ORE RUBBER STAMPS.

  9. Maybe he can get 20 men with big strong fingers to recount the ballots

  10. LOL. That is funny Bernie!!!

  11. What is this guy? Acting like a roid raging millennial who didn't get his participation ribbon. Calm down and have a slice of humble pie. This snowflake is dangerous.

    1. 2:01

      Exactly... mostly...

      If you want to really examine and understand his mentality, you should look up his Dad's Facebook page. This conspirator dresses up in full Civil War regalia and stands at a podium reciting "his" own Constitution...in his living room...to no one. If that's not enough, you should see this imbecile's rhetoric the day after January 6th when he makes a personal plea to Trump that he didn't execute 1/6 the correct way.

      And, he posts several comments about how proud he is if his son who'll right every wrong in Northampton County.

      Steve Lynch: you and your family are the deplorable lunatics.

    2. Hahaha - thanks for making my day - this is rich and explains a lot.

    3. But, you're correct 2:01. If this lunatic calmed down, had. Moment of clarity, ate some pie and congratulated McClure on his victory, I would be hands off. But, that didn't happen.

  12. I actually believe had Lynch run a more balanced and controlled campaign he could have won the seat. It would have required only about 4000 vote changes to his side.

    1. I believe if my aunt were born with balls she'd be my uncle. About as likely Lynches ability to balance or control himself in any fashion.

  13. Seriously though, how does this potato support himself financially? What’s he doing with the money left over from his fundraising?

    His wife Amber must be tired of his off-the-wall BS by now.

    Listen Steve-O, only the uneducated, easily manipulated Qcumbers took you serious, you weren’t ever a serious contender.

    1. 2:36

      His wife is all in...hook, line and sinker.

      One can only hope that she doesn't allow her children to go down the same rabbit hole.

  14. My concern as well as other sane voters in the county..who are these nearly 30K people who voted for this lunatic fringe candidate? That is the truly scary part of this equation. I fear PA will remain a red state for the foreseeable future if people of Lynch's ilk succeed in getting elected to high office. Praying for some divine intervention.

  15. What does that mean? A courthouse insurrection? Cra-Cra.

    1. 2:51pm: I have no idea. That pussy (which Northampton County grabbed his) blocked me.

  16. If I were McClure, I would actually be concerned. That is bat shit crazy right there.

  17. The thing thats funny is, if you put any name like Mickey Mouse next to the "R" for Republican, Mickey would have received more votes than Lynch. He actually had a large number of Republicans NOT vote for him. Thats really embarrassing!

    1. I am one Republican who among many republicans voted for McClure Because he is doing and had done a good job. Both sides need to stop drinking the parties Kool Aid. Steve Lynch is our modern day Jim Jones and No Mr. Lynch your not a victim.

  18. Good bye Steve Lynch and take Stacy Soldo with you!

  19. More votes are being found from the graveyards of Northampton County !!!

  20. "Patriot" has a whole other, bastardized, meaning to radicals like Lynch. 46% of our neighboring voters voted for him. Let that sink in.

  21. @1:30 PM I would suggest you stay up to date on the election results. Did three Republicans actually get elected onto County Council?

  22. Maybe JFK, jr will be showing up next at the County building in Easton to endorse his "phase 2"?? I can almost see the Lynch/JFKjr 2021 flags.

  23. "As Bugs Bunny would say, "What a maroon.""

    We all know Bugs would kick this guys ass. He's a raided up version of Yosemite Sam

  24. What will happen to Stacy soldo now?

  25. Steroid Steve the Juice Monster just pulled down his threatening meltdown post today from his FB page. What a fucking Snowflake Pussy!

  26. Lynch didn't get 30k votes for - the Democrats got 30k votes against. Same way Biden won - he wasn't Trump.

    The anger is palpable and shows itself often these days. Ds go crazy, Rs show up and vote them out. Rs go crazy, Ds show up and vote them out.

    We need a 3rd party.

  27. Did he call McClure and offer up his congratulations?

  28. 2:54, 2:01 here, would you care to pass along daddy Lynch's name? I'd like to check that facebook rant out. Never got into watching the pimple popping thing, but I might have finally found a guilty pleasure.

    1. @5:51pm Richard Lynch

      You gotta scroll down for a while to get to the videos I mentioned, as he posts a lot of wacky things.

    2. 5:51pm. Here's his January 7th rant where he complains about the insurrection not being successful.


  29. Lynch should just join there corrupt club already!

  30. will someone lock this guy up already he's a danger to the country

  31. I remember the days when a candidate like Lynch wouldn't have received 20% of the vote. Too many Rs willing to vote for anyone who promotes violence and threatens others. God help this country and save us from the radical right. Perhaps the next generation will have more sense and can push back against the neanderthal Republicans.

  32. God help us from the radical left too. Once we all admit that the extremes of both republican and democrat are getting all of the attention when most people are not extreme. The issues are extreme on all sides. It will change once everyone republican and democrat admit we don't want either extreme. If you can't see the"neanderthal" Democrats you are part of the problem. You are playing into the fight with everyone so we remain divided. Then the only people who win are the politicians and our children will suffer for it

  33. He's nutty but makes a solid point. And the attacks were viciously personal. McClure is heartless and doesn't understand family love and loyalty. After Gracedale, that should surprise nobody. That's also why he went overboard with the viciousness. He doesn't know any better and can't be any better. McClure is still deeply hated by many. The next campaign is already on. #resist until then. But fight on every day. Ds did this well. No surprise that their solid tactic is being used by their opponents. Don't feign indignation. Have your victory lap while your opponents are already back at work. It's old time politics.

  34. He has no point. The attacks were negative, not personal. The judgments and foreclosures against Lynch are matter of public record and demonstrate fiscal irresponsibility. His threat to Northampton School Directors was made in a very public speech in harrisburg. He himself stated that he was visited by the FBI over his role in the January 6 attempted coup. There was no attack on his wife or children, but Lynch attempted to hide behind them.

  35. "McClure is still deeply hated by many." Correction - he is hated by a few. One of them visited the polling place I was at, supporting a candidate. This woman drove in with Lynch and Dumpster Fire stickers all over the back of her car, and proceeded to launch into an attack on McClure for 15 minutes, as the people like myself and a poll watcher had to listen to her diatribe. The Republicans present nodded as she droned on. Sucking down the tea.

  36. My bs detector works pretty well and it goes into full power whenever anyone describes themselves as “God’s people.”

  37. Family love and loyalty? Mr.Lynch can start by paying his mortgage? You know the roof over your old ladies and offsprings head. Ya think? What an embarrassment to his old lady and his spawn. Just saying. From a true patriot!

  38. This country is SCREAMING for a moderate/middle class focused party.

    Bernie - I know Lynch has admitted that the FBI has questioned him - but this is now at least the second time since Jan 6th that this pinhead has made not so subtly veiled threats of violence towards elected officials. He is clearly a moron who confuses his rhetoric with his intentions and desires. At what point does law enforcement need to get involved?

    ANYONE who gets this cranked up about politics, local, state or national needs to reexamine their lives and seriously remove themselves from the circle jerks that pass for national news outlets and internet sites these days. You are being manipulated and influenced and in a lot of cases counter to your own benefit.

    Government is not perfect, never was, never will be. There is always room for efficiency and improvements. That people would rather have chaos or some form of rigid order would be completely against what this country was founded on. Get over yourselves - America, love it or leave it.

  39. like Lamont, I am an R and I voted for him. A political party does not control my mind and how I should think. NO party should like Hitler did in WW2. I vote for the person and what they do and stand for. Another R that voted McClure. Lynch has way to few buttons to be popped before he goes off the rails. The man should seek mental help as politics are not for him.

  40. Meanwhile in Lehigh Township an elected supervisor allegedly spoke to this man above at the polls about throwing gasoline on Democrats. He remained silent. Un American. Un patriotic. No resemblance of a good Christian.


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