Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Lynch Screws Up His One and Only Mailer

NorCo GOP Exec candidate Steve Lynch, you might get one today. Or tomorrow. Lynch has been critical of Democratic opponent Lamont McClure's "shock and awe" campaign.  McClure has sent at least 10 mailers, has had an email message nearly every week, has posted Youtube videos, used social media and has been running TV ads. Lynch scoffed that his campaign would be more targeted and efficient.  He's managed to screw it up. His one and only mailer was intended to reach 23,859 homes. Looks like most of them will start hitting mailboxes today. Election Day. The rest will arrive after the election. 

This should be no surprise. This is the guy who claimed he would have a matching donor every week. That came to nothing. This is the guy who said he'd be filing quarterly expense reports. That never happened, either. One of his expense reports came late. His most recent finance filing was done in pencil, and includes an illegal anonymous donation. 

He's unable to run a campaign, yet thinks he should be entrusted with a half billion dollar budget, 

What's most maddening his mailer mix-up is his refusal to take responsibility. Instead, on Facebook, he's spinning yet another conspiracy theory. "Corruption runs deep and infects everything!" he complains.  He's suggesting that the USPS deliberately held his mailer. "I'll be dealing legally with the #USPS after the election along with mcclure and a few others. No one is getting away with anything!" 

I don't know whether he's going to send 20 strong men or start waving Lynch flags, which will be on sale for a dime a piece on Wednesday. 

The person who failed to get away with anything is Steve Lynch. 

He'll find that out tonight and no doubt will claim election fraud. 


  1. From his name to his caricature persona to his unhinged rants and raves and deplorable behavior and communication skills, it's like Hollywood scripted and produced the Lynch Shit Show as a dark comedy of errors. It's been somewhat entertaining, but hopefully the shit show is finally canceled after today.

  2. Brother Lynch is true to the truth and the flag! He is warning us all of the corrupt US postal system. This hotbed of Islamosocialistic policy is against him and all real men like him. An idea by the French monarchy loving socialist Ben Franklin, the postal system is part of the worldwide web of deceit and corruption perpetuating the global conspiracy of hybrid human servitude.

    Brother Lynch will not be silenced. He is aware that even the teachings of the proud Jacobian Tom Jefferson were setting us all up for the socialist paradise of today.

    Whatever the outcome of this election we all know Brother Lynch won and he will be vindicated just like our President Donald J. Trump.

    Long live American heroes like Brother Lynch and his force of 20 Stong men.

    I stand shoulder to shoulder as another extemporaneous jocular thespian in this movement

  3. Got it. So apparently, McClure had enough out of area cash donations to bankroll 10 mailers and run TV ads. Also, Lynch is so stupid he did not know that under democratic leadership, to receive mail in the beginning of November. it must be sent in September. The only bright side is that your posts have turned a sure McClure win into a possible sneaker, or even a narrow loss. At least you haven't claimed there are too many white teachers in Northampton County school districts. Will Joe be calling McClure tonight?

  4. He's just not good at being a politician. He should wear that charge as a badge of honor. It's his most likeable trait, actually. Politicians who run on how well they ran their campaigns is the depth of political shitbaggery - R or D.

  5. Nice last minute campaign article to support McClure but he is hated just as much as Lynch!

  6. Lookin the mirror lynch, you're a loser! No go crawl back into the sewer where you came from...

  7. Hopefully Lynch wins better for the people.

  8. Bernie,

    Believe you but it's very sad to think how a person manages his life.

  9. Said it last week, and it bears repeating. The entire Lynch campaign (thankfully) has been an amateur hour clown show from the jump. Just like Bernie notes - if his run for office was this misguided and mistake prone, what happens when the real work would begin?

    Lee Snover should be removed from leading the Northampton GOP for nothing else but for allowing Steve Lynch to be our standard bearer. Like Lynch, she has FAILED both the party and the county.

  10. Some of his supporters are already claiming "issues" at the polls - they didn't ask for ID! The machines aren't working right!

    These people always need to be victims and they call us "snowflakes."

  11. Wonder how many will send a message today regardless of outcome?

  12. Lisa Scheller played a significant role in this debacle as well as Lee. She should apoogize to the voters of Northampton County, drop out of the Congressional race, save her money and support Kevin Dellicker next year.

  13. Tell Lynch to call his buddy Trump, and have him get Louis DeJoy to get his mail moving! Idiot Lynch probably does not even realize that Trump screwed the USPS last year!

  14. My wife and I voted this morning at Farmersville School in Bethlehem Township. My wife pushed on a democratic name and two republican names came on the screen as her selection. Hopefully corrected, but it is concerning

  15. Good grief, Charlie Brown

  16. Lynch is winning thank the Lord..

  17. "Brother Lynch is true to the truth and the flag! He is warning us all of the corrupt US postal system." - I thought Trump put Dejoy in there to screw up the mail system and disassemble sorting machines. The news even had pictures of the equipment in the parking lots. It was running on time before him! But let us forget that part. Those pictures were fake.

    "Whatever the outcome of this election we all know Brother Lynch won and he will be vindicated just like our President Donald J. Trump." When was trump vindicated? He was impeached TWICE and was never "not guilty" just split party lines with Republicans holding slight majority in the senate. They didnt want to hear evidence and had decided even before the hearing. Which is strange when they were the ones targeted by the Jan 6th rioters.

    Personally, Id be a little more pissed off if I thought there was any chance such upstanding citizens that stormed the capitol chanting death threats. The fact Lynch was part of that mob in any capacity should give anyone pause. He threatened the very foundation of our government and we have people calling him "Brother Lynch" like it is some sort of cult. Why not make up some flags to hug while they are at it?

    Republicans are the true Sheeples these days. They tend to hate for the sake of hating and are a bit of "snowflakes" themselves. There are so many republicans that just wont listen just because someone is democrat.

    Im a democrat on paper but I am very much in the center. If any other party had the slightest chance of ever winning I would probably change. Republicans seem to be for the rich, against the environment and try to blame Biden for everything.

    Biden is not the reason your bottle of marshmallow fluff is smaller. Get over yourself

  18. Channeling LaMont McClureNovember 2, 2021 at 11:59 AM

    Thank you, Bernie. Nobody (especially me) has worked harder for my re-election.

  19. @11:49 - C'mon, you know that's a troll post @3:07 right?

  20. @12:38 PM. Are you sure? I know people that speak just like this. The delusions of grandeur are terrifying. "He is the savior! He will fix everything. You'll see."

    I don't think this was a troll post at all.

  21. @1:39PM - I guess I could be wrong - it does have plenty of the standard FOXNews/AON nuggets embedded in it to lend some authenticity, but to me, the historical references, the grammar and vocabulary far exceed the IQ of the standard run of the mill Trump Humping Flag Boys, so I just assume its a parody post. I find it entertaining and look forward to more. Uhuru!

  22. Trump and Lynch will run the country and county like it should be run--no more politicians they are bad bad and worse

    1. Trump is not your president, and after tonight, McClure is still your county executive.

      That’s good good

  23. @ November 2, 2021 at 5:58 AM

    What planet are you living on? Trump's appointed head of the USPS screwed up the mail service, or are you conveniently forgetting the mail sorters he had removed in an attempt to thwart the Biden win?
    This County Exec race won't be close. There aren't enough Trump supporters so far gone as to vote for a clown like Lynch.

  24. You make an excellent point, Bernie, aside from all the partisan comments, about the significance of this.

    If Lynch screwed up a simple mailing exercise this badly, it is but one small sample of how poorly he would "run" the county. As someone commented earlier, Brownie could be his administrator if he isn't elected to Council, and Lynch would just be a figurehead. It is really an unfathomable a concept. Instead of moving to Canada, we simply would need to move to Lehigh County. Eckhart has 22 years of public service, and Armstrong is an incumbent who hasn't destroyed the county.

  25. @5:52PM I have to agree with you. I was at a polling location in a GOP stronghold today, and I didn't hear Lynch's name mentioned once. Bashing McClure? Yup. I can't see sane people voting for Lynch.


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