Local Government TV

Monday, November 08, 2021

Forget 20 Strong Men, Lynch Wants a Lawyer

Forget 20 strong men.  In his quotidian remarks on Facebook, former GOP Exec candidate Steve Lynch is now looking for a lawyer.  "You have to be willing to go through the fire with me but we are going to bring justice to a corrupt administration here in Northampton County ... " At a speech before the LV Tea Party on Thursday night, he said he's investigating the 22,000 mail-in ballots that largely went against him. He called Exec Lamont McClure a "scumbag who is about as corrupt as they come. I will be going after him in whatever capacity necessary legally." He added that McClure had "slandered" him. He also complained about the USPS holding up his mailers. "I have to sue them as well."

Benjy Jacques, one of Lynch's four horsemen, and a horseman who actually received a $500 bonus, is claiming Lynch won the race. "LETS DEMAND A RECOUNT," he bellows, even though the first count (canvass) is still underway. 


  1. Sadly Dana Milbank, commenting on elections this past Tuesday, summarized well what too much of the GOP has become since it was Trumpified: "It's another sad reminder that the Republican Party isn't just campaigning against Democrats. It's campaigning against democracy. Reckless, irresponsible GOP leaders and candidates have convinced their voters that there are two possible outcomes in any election: a.) The Republican wins. b.) The Democrat stole the election. Heads I win, tails you cheated. A free society cannot function this way."

    1. That's the way every election is these days if there is a candidate running that is far left or right. Hilary running around saying Trump stole the election Democrats still to this day say Trump stole the election or Russia did it. Stacy Abrams in Georgia still run around saying she won. It's a world of if I lose you cheated. And some ppl do cheat. Sad but is what it is.

    2. Hillary conceded. Trump never did and has built an insidious conspiracy that still continues. Don't equate the 2.

  2. To be fair, McClure outspent Lynch by 100 to 1, so really. Also is it true one of the ten county council candidates spent more than all the other council candidates combined?

  3. Question, can mail in ballots be identified as to who cast them?

  4. Well, to his credit he got some things right. The scumbag remark is accurate and provable.

  5. Forget the lawyers, he needs a padded room

  6. Northampton county is very corrupt and Bernie you help them stay corrupt with your lies and fake news. Lynch will get to the bottom of it.

    1. Ah, that’s right. Phase 2 is amongst us…

  7. Lynch is a mini Trump. So this was expected. Jacques Strap's claim that Lynch actually won the election is a bit of a surprise. But taken right out of Trump's playbook. So it totally fits the narrative.

    1. lmao - Benji “Jacques” strap. What’s with that guy? He surely have a love affair with his white savior. Pathetic.

  8. Shame we did away with the Allentown mental hospital

  9. Any professional with two brain cells to rub together should steer clear of this narcissistic bag of HGH.

  10. I wouldn't know what's on his Facebook anymore, Mr. Transparency blocked me.

  11. is that the new strategy, then? every time someone loses, scream 'fraud"? because that's how democracies fail

  12. "Question, can mail in ballots be identified as to who cast them?"

    Np. The envelope identifies the voter and his address. The ballot itself is secret.

  13. "To be fair, McClure outspent Lynch by 100 to 1, so really. Also is it true one of the ten county council candidates spent more than all the other council candidates combined?"

    McClure did outspend Lynch, which was not hard to do. Very few were willing to back that extremists. As for county council, my guess is that McGee probably outspent everyone. I will be doping an analysis once the dust settles and the canvass is complete.

  14. There are rules for the envelopes. The envelopes are separated from the ballots and then the 2 envelopes are separated from each other. There is no proper way to check signatures or to see who dropped off envelopes. Ask the deputies at the courthouse how many handfuls and boxes of ballots were dripped off on camera. Sounds secure to me.

    1. There’s always claims of corruption when a Republican loses. I don’t hear a peep from the faketriots about Virginia. Hippocrates.

    2. When ONLY Republicans lose??? Hillary??? Stacy Abrams??? Al Gore??? Yeah only Republicans???

  15. @1:03AM Yes McClure outspent Lynch. But Lynch raised almost nothing. Like NOTHING. The few dollars he did spend couldn't even fill out a campaign finance form correctly. Where is the personal responsibility for that? Where is the acknowledgement that nobody would back this loon with their hard earned dollars? I'm a Republican but frankly I'm sick of the specter of these fringe candidates dragging the whole party down. If the party can't see the writing on the wall then it's time for a center right CONSERVATIVE party to be formed. Or better yet let these populist, nationalist, identity, conspiracy theory wedge hucksters start their own thing... they are so fond of threatening it constantly. DO IT. Get some balls and DO IT.

    I remember when the tea party was all about limiting the size of the federal government, reducing government spending and lowering the national debt. An important organization. A principled organization. Now? It's become a weird cult.

  16. I get confirmation from Lehigh County when they receive my MIB. So someone has checked.

  17. When will the canvas be done, and the fake lynch lawsuits can begin.

  18. Who is going to pay for this lawyer? Lynch? Northampton GOP? Sounds like a massive waste of time, resources and money.

  19. Mail in ballots never work in the favor of Republicans. The fix is in! Get ready for more protests, rallies, Lynch shirts, hats, and flags!! I, myself, can't wait for the new merch to hit the shelves. This is going to show the corrupt county politicians that no more games are being played. The people will have a voice!

  20. Lynch is asking his supporters to help fund the lawyer who will walk through the fire with him (AKA the person dumb enough to light their own career in flames)

  21. Hate to say it but I called this. Go back and read some of the posts in previous blogs. The bullshit of having an election then the loser declaring it a fraud. The laws should be changed that if a candidate declare fraud in an election if there is none found then should be ban for life from any political or governmental activities of any way. And all those who worked and voted for them should be permanently ban as well for supporting the bullshit.

    The problem with the current system is that these assholes can cry wolf all day wrong with no repercussions.

    Another thing that could happen is that if they declare fraud they have to put up their entire funds raised and all future funds for 5 years.. If no substantial fraud is found they forfeit it all to pay for debt.

  22. From another post in a blog a few days ago:

    If you have a problem with Mail in ballot counting then complain to the governmental officials about the process instead of complaining about them counting afterwards! IT is the way they want so all the politcian sacks of crap and the whiners need to quit bitching about the rules.

    Read this link and it will open your eyes:

    It appears per the rules a board of elections can do nothing until 7am the day of election and the close of election for other actions. See the excerpts below.

    (1.1) The county board of elections shall meet no earlier than seven o'clock A.M. on election day to pre-canvass all ballots received prior to the meeting.  A county board of elections shall provide at least forty-eight hours' notice of a pre-canvass meeting by publicly posting a notice of a pre-canvass meeting on its publicly accessible Internet website.  One authorized representative of each candidate in an election and one representative from each political party shall be permitted to remain in the room in which the absentee ballots and mail-in ballots are pre-canvassed.  No person observing, attending or participating in a pre-canvass meeting may disclose the results of any portion of any pre-canvass meeting prior to the close of the polls.

    (2) The county board of elections shall meet no earlier than the close of polls on the day of the election and no later than the third day following the election to begin canvassing absentee ballots and mail-in ballots not included in the pre-canvass meeting.  The meeting under this paragraph shall continue until all absentee ballots and mail-in ballots received prior to the close of the polls have been canvassed.  The county board of elections shall not record or publish any votes reflected on the ballots prior to the close of the polls.  The canvass process shall continue through the eighth day following the election for valid military-overseas ballots timely received under 25 Pa.C.S. § 3511 (relating to receipt of voted ballot).  A county board of elections shall provide at least forty-eight hours' notice of a canvass meeting by publicly posting a notice on its publicly accessible Internet website.  One authorized representative of each candidate in an election and one representative from each political party shall be permitted to remain in the room in which the absentee ballots and mail-in ballots are canvassed.

  23. Enemies real and perceived

  24. I'm glad Stacy Abrams was mentioned. Hillary still hasn't conceded 2016. She still claims 2000 was stolen. The Republican challengers in Lehigh County and NJ (governor) haven't conceded either. Lynch is wacky. But an unwillingness to concede runs across party lines. It's challenge flags and slo-mo replays from sports having come to politics. Everyone wants a replay or a do-over. Sore losers, all. We can't miss them unless they leave. It's time to leave.

  25. It is the everyone gets atrophy culture comes to politics.

  26. @12:52 - LOVE this idea/potential future law. It costs nothing for anyone to throw out unsubstantiated bullshit, there is nothing to lose and only money to gain. Lynch knows he got a foot planted in his ass, so does the local GOP, but suckers and their money will be soon parted as Lyin Lynch starts passing the collection basket around looking for dopes to give him some of their hard earned money.

    Plain and simple law - A candidate AND his/her party MUST concede within 7 days of the election being certified, or provide proof of fraud, illegalities, or substantial count error that would impact the results of the election. Failure to do so, or bringing forth claims that are proven false in court would result in the candidate AND the party being banned from running for the same office in the next election.

  27. "Hillary still hasn't conceded 2016"

    do you people never tire of lying?

    a simple google search proves that she did.



    1. 3:41 please don't confuse people with the facts.

  28. Sorry lynch they all work for McKinley McKinley and Gross LLP and you just ain't in the club.

  29. I know we live in a new world of "alternative facts" but many alternative facts can be proved, here's one:


  30. To all you fake patriots insinuating the great white wet dream of a civil war just be prepared to fight against the same veterans you speak so highly of.

    Our military will always have bigger guns than you and this fantasy of yours will not end the way you want it to.

    You will not be seen as heroes, but instead as radicalized domestic terrorist on the wrong side of history.

  31. Lynch campaign, to my understanding, was almost fully funded by Lisa Scheller. How is she getting a pass for remaining mute on her candidate's anti-American conduct??

  32. How long will this process play out? Will they demand a recount after a recount? I don't see Lynch going away anytime soon but not understand what the end game is. Eventually someone needs to step in and put an end to all this madness.

    1. It will end when Steve Lynch gets a job…

      Or he makes a mistake as an annoying gnat and gets arrested.

  33. Remember who the nut is who runs the Tea Party. He's crazier the Lynch.


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