Local Government TV

Monday, October 04, 2021

NorCo GOP Council Candidates Spurn Questionnaire

Although I'm a registered Democrat, that's mostly so I can vote in primaries. If we had open primaries, I'd vote as an Independent. Over the years, at least until very recently, I've voted for nearly as many Republicans as Democrats. I have two main tests. Is the candidate transparent? Is he accountable? If a person passes that test, I will often vote for him (or her) even if I disagree with most of his (or her) positions. In this election cycle, all the Democratic Council candidates have been transparent and accountable. The Republican candidates have failed that test, and have, in fact, turned their noses up at a relatively simple questionnaire designed to educate all of us about their positions on key county issues. I had hoped to provide you with their answers right around the time that many of you are getting your mail-in ballots or voting early at the courthouse. The Republican candidates chose to ignore you. Thus I suggest you should ignore them when you cast your vote. 

Over the past four years, I've been highly critical of the four Democratic incumbents on NorCo Council seeking re-election. They've noticed, too. They've even disparaged me during Council meetings. I'm not exactly their pal. But they all responded to a questionnaire with just seven days notice.  This is because they are being transparent and accountable.  

One Republican Council candidate told me he had been warned to stay away from me. He was willing to sit down and talk, but not for a Q&A interview.  That defeats the purpose. Another candidate, former Exec John Brown, ignored emails from both me and even more reputable members of the media. He had secret plans to move the jail to Gracedale and paid an outside lawyer over $700,000 without County Council approval.  

You may disagree with where Democratic Council candidates stand, but at least you will know their positions. Unfortunately, the GOP candidates would rather keep you in the dark. 

Over the next few days, I will provide their answers to five questions. The Democratic candidates have been transparent and accountable, while the Republican candidates continue to be divisive. Considering that their standard bearer is an insurrectionist who even suggested overthrowing a democratically elected school board, that's no surprise.   


  1. Did you really expect anything from these candidates that the party put up to run?

  2. Well, you know, Bernie, you've censored a great many comments around COVID as suites your whim and supports your alarmist narrative.

    In fairness, why would any candidate trust you not to edit their comments (on any topic) by deletion in a way that could negatively affect what they're saying in context?

    When you stop playing censor, maybe you'll get more respect for your questionnaires...

  3. Blah, blah, blah, left wing blog, blah, blah, blah, radical socialist agenda, blah, blah, blah, we only want party purists who worship Trump and see no reason to inform voters outside of our bubble.

  4. Just because a questionnaire is answered fails to equate to being transparent. As much as people can speak anything to what others want to hear, they can just as well write to what people want to hear.

  5. 9:20, I decline to host comments that violate my comments policy or that contribute outright lies. As recently as this am, I received a comment falsely accusing me of doxing the GOP candidates. I also received a comment that commits the fallacy of condemning an entire party. I have made clear many times that I refuse to host such comments.

    The GOP candidates are a minority in NorCo. Their refusal to answer the questionnaire is not a slap across my face, but is instead a slap across the face of all voters.

  6. "Warrior," your comment makes zero sense, as usual. Answering a question is a sign of transparency and accountability. Refusing to answer is a sign that the candidate disdains the voters he supposedly wishes to serve.

  7. They're all afraid of your question about Steve Lynch. If they say they don't support him they loses their base. If they say they do support him they put themselves in the crazy category and risk losing moderate republicans and independents. At the end of the day they're just like the rest of the Republicans. Either they're crazy Q nut bags, or they're spineless cowards afraid of speaking up against the cazy in their party.

  8. Bernie:

    My statement is very clear but I make it much clearer for you.

    A person can verbally provide an answer and completely lie and therefore would not be transparent. The same person can lie in written form and again fail to be transparent. The mere fact of answering a question fails to demonstrate transparency. That is a fallacy.

  9. You're not a fair broker. You've essentially been an unpaid campaign spokesman for Lamont and this is another campaign tactic, seen for what it is.

  10. You are a registered democrat, and your "questionnaire" was a disguised hit piece designed to inflict damage on their campaign.

    They saw through it and didn't answer. That doesn't make them less transparent, it makes them intelligent enough to spot a setup when they see one.

    Their refusal to answer is not a "slap across the face of voters" it's an honest response to your partisanship.

    I get that you can't see that.

  11. Lots of politicians won’t go near CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post either.

  12. Partisanship? I believe in democracy. I detest people who try to undermine our democratic process. In the past, I have supported as many Rs as Ds. UI have been highly critical of the Ds on Council. I have been complimentary to Rs Jon Cusick and Peg Ferraro. Let's face it. The R candidates have demonstrated what they are by refusing to answer. They are secretive and nontransparent. This is not an insult to me, but to the voters.

  13. The modern GOP is too busy screaming about their imaginary persecution to answer legitimate questions.

  14. How can anyone vote for a democrat--look what they doing to our country--people must not care for their children or grandchildren. The policies of Biden and left wing people who are telling him what to do. Also on the local level the democrats are spending money just like Biden , Pelosi and Schumer. Cities, the border, foreign policy , economic policy, are all in total disorder to say the least. BERNIE TELL US WHER YOUR DEMOCRATS ARE DOING GOOD FOR THE COUNTRY>--you can't so you will not print this because you are just like your buddies on the left--trying to keep the truth from the American people.

  15. Your comment betrays a complete ignorance of county government combined with the divisiveness that has torn this country apart. The simple reality here is that GOP council candidates, in a county in which they are the minority, refuse to answer questions about county issues. They are insulting the very people they need to vote for them.

  16. They can stay away from you and still answer the questions for cripes sake! We now have email and other types of non face to face communication! Oh yea..R's still use rotary dial phones..and even those will get the job done! R's are neanderthals.

  17. 1:59 - I can say the same about most Republicans, which is my party. When I'm confronted by a true patriot as yourself, I yearn for the days that folks like you stuck to yelling at your favorite pro wrestler.
    Please don't assume I'm a democrat, because I detest trump republicans, as that is the usual response. I'm surrounded by zealots on the left and right. I'm a man with no country.

  18. @1:59 - you need professional mental help and do yourself a favor by changing your news channel, Faux noise.

  19. @ 9:20 and @ 9:28 and @10:51 does us all a favor and honor the Japanese way. Bring honor back one way or the other.

  20. Both side have continued to kick the can while things spiral not only on the federals level but also on the local level. As the shit gets deeper the candidate pool gets worse. Each step toward the bottom only gets all of closer to a problem few will survive from. We are only a few steps away from a catastrophic irrevocable destruction of our way of life. And I don't give a crap on which side you are on we are so close and may all the vakos pushing this crap be the first to succumb.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.