Local Government TV

Friday, October 08, 2021

NorCo Council Candidates Condemn Lynch's Intimidation and Bully Tactics

Blogger's Note: Below is the last of five questions posed to the 10 candidates seeking five seats on County Council. The five GOP hopefuls refused to answer any of the questions posed, while the Democrats answered so you can cast an informed vote.  

Steve Lynch, the Republican candidate for Executive, attended and attempted coup of Congress on Jan. 6. He has claimed, falsely, that Covid-19 vaccines alter DNA. Steve Lynch promised an angry crowd to get rid of them. At an Aug. 29 Harrisburg rally, he vowed to physically remove Northampton Area School Directors over a mask mandate. “Forget going into these school boards with freakin’ data. You go into these school boards to remove them. I’m going in with 20 strong men and I’m gonna give them an option - they can leave or they can be removed”.

Do you support Lynch?

Ron Heckman. - No, I do not support Mr. Lynch’s candidacy. His statements about removing duly elected officials is anathema to our representative democracy. We are a nation of laws and there is no place for mob rule in America.

Tara Zrinski. I do not support Steve Lynch’s use of intimidation and implied threats of violence and proliferation of misinformation. I trust data. 

Lori Vargo-Heffner. - Absolutely not. People have the right to free speech, they also need to accept the consequences of that choice. Governing by threat is not acceptable.

Bill McGee. - I do not support Steve Lynch or any other candidate for office that uses bully tactics and threatens with physical harm.

Patti Bruno. - A leader does not need brute force or to intimidate in order to be heard. Unfortunately, Mr. Lynch missed that memo.

John Brown. - No response.

John Goffredo. - No response.

Nicole Romanishin. - No response.

Kristin Lorah Soldridge. - No response.

Annamarie Robertone. - No response.  


  1. This question is probably the reason you revised no responses from any of the republican council candidates. They won't denounce Lynch for fear of losing the Trumpkin cra-cra vote. That alone disqualifies any of them from holding office. Even john'bullshiter'Brown won't call out Lynch. They entire crowd know nothing of local county government, including Brown, and all they do is mouth the national angry conspiracy lines.

    While I cannot bring myself to vote for a phony fraud like Zirinski, can't vote for any of the republicans until they show some common sense.

  2. Zrinski trusts data? Black and white reports indicated she committed perjury yet she has always explained away this fact.

    Zrinski herself is a proliferation of misinformation better known as "plausible deniability" to suit whatever agenda suits her need and ego.

  3. This question is the reason none of the Republican candidates participated in your questionnaire. They know Lynch is crazy but they are to cowardly to step up and say anything. It's so sad that the Republicans have let people like Trump and Lynch hijack their party. As long as Republican candidates like these stay quiet they will continue to lose and never get it back. In the words of Lindsay Graham "we will get destroyed .. and we will deserve it."

  4. Asking candidates from either party to denounce the craziest among them, is a tired old tactic from campaign operatives. I'm glad the bait is not being taken. Both parties have crazies running. You're only asking about one side's nut. Boring and predictable and correctly being ignored.

  5. 12:01, who is the Lynch equivalent running as a Democrat? I dont recall any of them calling for the violent removal of elected officials like Lynch did?

  6. Zirinski will be the one with the most votes. She is an obedient lapdog for McClure. She does as she is told. She wants his money support when she abandons the county once again to run for the state house next year. She doesn't care about the county, just herself

    Sad that democrats hold her up as their standard bearer. Sher is part of the reason next year will be bad for Democrats at the polls.

  7. Don't be fooled by the Lynch county council republicans. They are part of the Lynch mob and hope to slip in under the radar with all the negative attention on Lynch. They did not respond to these questions because thy wouldn't go against Lynch.

    John Brown, was a terrible accidental county executive and is functionally unemployable. The others are ignorant of county operations and are more focused on spending money on forensic audits of elections and building a prison near Gracedale. Don't be fooled by these Alt-right candidates hand picked by Snover..

  8. How did the narrative of who likes this guy get generated.? Personally , think this is hypothetically repugnant. Don’t you think one has a right to run ? I don’t like a lot of candidates personally because they tend to be incompetent for public positions and determining policy. Bernie,you publish commendably the facts as you know them ,and let the voter determine the outcome. This question about who likes him was akin to “Russian interference “ it was to propagate his name,and his attitude in the public.


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