Local Government TV

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Lynch Lashes Out Over Stolen Valor

On Thursday, I reported that some right wing Internet host at The Exceptional Conservative Network interviewed NorCo GOP candidate Steve Lynch. At the end of the broadcast, the host thanked Lynch for his service as a Marine and as a father.

"I appreciate that," responded Lynch. 

Lynch never bothered to clarify that he has never served a second in the military in any capacity, let alone as a Marine. 

This is stolen valor.

Last night, this rather unexceptional conservative admitted that Lynch is no Marine, although his Daddy was. He was miffed that "some blogger [that would be me] took to the blogoverse with exaggerations that Steve Lynch made the statement that he was a Marine." 

This is yet another lie. You can review my post. At no time did I claim that Lynch himself ever claimed to be a Marine. That would be a crime. He merely thanked the host for falsely labeling him as such. 

This host also claims the remark was taken out of context. No it wasn't. Lynch was specifically thanked for his service as a Marine and for being a father and actually responded with "I appreciate that." 

The uninformed conservative network host, who is responsible for the initial blunder, is now claiming that Lynch himself failed to hear what was said. 

That's yet another lie. If Lynch failed to hear it, he would never have answered.   

Lynch claimed he will be back with the exceptional conservatives and "will be fully exposing this political hack and disbarred attorney [that would be me] for who he really is. Buckle up. ... You know I don't play around." 

Neither do I. 

I have already exposed Lynch as a fraud who has judgments coming out his ass; has falsely represented himself as some kind of "alternative medicine" expert; participated in the failed coup at the US Capitol;  and, most recently, threatened to bring "20 strong men" to toss the duly elected representatives of the people over a decision that bothered him.

He is actually a huckster, a bully and a demagogue. He should never be in government in any capacity. Except perhaps as a Defendant. 


  1. The last sentence in your post should actually read: "Except as a Democrat." Much closer to reality.

  2. Calling foul. There are elected local democrats with judgements coming out of their ...and you hide that. Also you worry about the election, You probably should. As you know there is a huge employee distraction in the election office that could only worsen the political discourse. You are hiding it for McClure but it will no doubt be exposed despite your covering for your candidate.

  3. I don't think McClure should be anywhere near elected office, either. I said many of these things about Lamont McClure when he refused to attend meetings he was elected to attend and was essentially stealing his pay - as well documented by you, here.


    They are all politicians. They are not good people. You expect too much.

  4. "Calling foul. There are elected local democrats with judgements coming out of their ...and you hide that. Also you worry about the election, You probably should. As you know there is a huge employee distraction in the election office that could only worsen the political discourse. You are hiding it for McClure but it will no doubt be exposed despite your covering for your candidate."

    I have never hesitated to point out multiple judgments against Democrats seeking office. I am also aware of no "huge employee distraction" in the elections office.

  5. "The last sentence in your post should actually read: "Except as a Democrat." Much closer to reality."

    In the past, I have supported as many Rs as Ds running for office. But I do not support thugs, no matter the party. And I certainly do not support thugs who allow themselves to be misrepresented as persons who served in the military.

  6. You are right Bernie. Every veteran should feel insulted for the host and Lynch misleading the public about his being a veteran. Many of us have given many years of our lives in service to our Country and many of us have made the supreme sacrifice while serving. Lynch ought to be hung by his gonads for trying to pass himself off as a veteran. His not correcting the moderator is further proof of this mans disrespect for our country and what she stands for. How anyone can even consider voting for this guy is just crazy.


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