Local Government TV

Monday, October 04, 2021

Does NorCo's Proposed Budget Include a Tax Cut?

Northampton County Executive Lamont McClure will be releasing his budget for next year at 11:30 am. Does it include a tax cut? He posted a flier on Facebook today that certainly hints at it. After noting that he's introduced three budgets in a row that has held the line on taxes, he claims he is now "fighting to cut taxes."

We'll know late this morning. 


  1. Of course he is. He is a stone cold politician. Despite your love for the guy, he will pull this election year BS move out of his ass. All the while Gracedale employee can't stay because their wage suck at all levels. Of course he and his regime and apologists in government can make the big bucks with zero accountability. Leets see the raises his six figure political hacks get in the budget while they work their half days.

  2. What is NorCo's ratio of net taxpayers to welfare recipients vs. Lehigh County's?

    Things like tax cuts strengthen a local economy and make it more competitive regionally. Constantly increasing taxes on net taxpayers to support a burgeoning population of tax consumers is a fiscal death spiral for any government entity -- city, county, state, or nation.


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