Local Government TV

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Dana Grubb Expected to Endorse John Kachmar in Bethlehem Mayoral Race

In the Spring primary for Bethlehem Mayor, Willie Reynolds defeated Dana Grubb for the Democratic nomination.  John Kachmar ran unopposed as the Republican candidate. 

In Lehigh County, Willie Reynolds garnered 1,271 votes. Kachmar (664) and Grubb (779) combined beat Willie.  

In Northampton County, Willie pulled in 2,692 votes compared to Kachmar (2,349) and Grubb (1,643). Combined, they beat Willie. 

If Grubb supporters vote for Kachmar instead of Reynolds, Kachmar wins. 

This morning, Dana Grubb will be announcing his support for Kachmar. 

This could be a game changer for a Republican in a Democratic City. As Grubb;s vote tally indicates, many Democrats are centrists or are sick and tired of perpetual tax increases accompanied by deteriorating city services. 

“Being Mayor of Bethlehem should be about managing a city, not about playing politics, particularly when it comes to development. It’s why I chose to run for Mayor in the Democratic primary election and why I am supportive of John Kachmar’s run for Mayor of Bethlehem,” Grubb said.

 “John’s life experiences as a U.S. Marine in Vietnam, Lehigh County administrator, Manpower executive director and in city and county governments elsewhere, lend themselves to the management skills that I’ve felt Bethlehem needed from the start.

“John’s family lived in the same northeast Bethlehem neighborhood that my family did when we were growing up. He graduated from Moravian College in my same class. His late father ran the City’s tax office at the same time I was hired by the city, and his father was a fair and honest man, just as John is.

“I believe it’s time to return Bethlehem’s city government to one of practicality, common sense, integrity and putting the taxpayers first without the favoritism both inside and outside of city hall that have become the norm. It should be about service and fairness, not political opportunism, and that is why I am supporting John Kachmar for Mayor,” Grubb said. 

Kachmar is not just a combat veteran of Vietnam, but is a wounded combat veteran. Unlike the flag wavers who prance around in bulletproof vests and pretend assault rifles, Kachmar is an honest-to-goodness patriot. He put his life on the line for his country. 

Now this little detail about John may mean little to you. It certainly meant nothing to The Morning Call. That paper omitted it from its profile of Kachmar.. But I can tell you it means something to veterans. It certainly meant something to my Dad. 

You see, my Dad was a wounded combat veteran of WWII. He was captured during the Battle of the Bulge and marched off to a POW camp in Dresden. After a beautiful city known as the Vienna of the East was firebombed by the Allies, American POWs were about as popular as bloggers.. That's when a goose-stepping Superman used his rifle to beat the shit out of my father. 

My Dad had company. He was captured with another "intelligence scout" by the name of Kurt Vonnegut. This was before he became the famous novelist. They became lifelong friends.  

My Dad never discussed the war with me or anyone in my family. When Kachmar was a college student doing a paper about my father and novelist Kurt Vonnegut, my Dad reluctantly met with him.  Kachmar began probing him about what it was like, and my Dad snapped at him for asking about something he could never understand. 

That's when Kachmar told him that he had seen action himself and had been wounded. 

Things changed after that. They became good friends. One night, Kachmar was invited to join my Dad for a few drinks. When he picked him up, Vonnegut was in the car. That trio visited more than a few drinking establishments, from what I've gleaned.    . 

In addition to being a wounded and decorated combat veteran, Kachmar is a graduate of Notre Dame Green Pond and Moravian College. He was a city manager and county administrator in several municipalities throughout the United States. During that time, he produced 28 budgets with one tax increase, 5 tax decreases and the remainder with no tax increases.

Tonight, at 7 pm, Kachmar and Reynolds will square off in a debate broadcast by PBS39 and WLVR 91.3. 

I believe Willie and his incoming City Council are completely out of touch with most Bethlehem residents, from the small businesses along Main Street to the blue collars and Latinos that make up most of the City. Who on earth pushes a tax hike in the middle of a pandemic? Willie Reynolds. I've actually lost count of the number of tax hikes he's supported.

Then he wonders why the city has an affordable housing crisis. 

Landlords raise rents when taxes go up

I support John Kachmar in this race, and am looking forward to listening to tonight's debate. Willie will stand for the woke community. Kachmar will stand for common sense. 


  1. Kachmar gets my vote. Not because of Grubb's endorsement. Despite Grubb's endorsement.

  2. Wokes and common sense

    We have the same problem in the county race. Will voters of both parties puck their right-left extremes wokes over grounded common sense candidates. It will be interesting.

  3. Clearly a quality candidate. He'll make it closer than most mayoral races. But he'll be soundly defeated. No R is ever winning anything in Bethlehem for as far as the eye can see. This thing was resolved in the primary, as is always the case in one party towns.

  4. I know Reynolds. I have also met and have had several discussions with Kachmar. Reynolds is another 8 years of Donchez. Bethlehem can't afford that. The city is stagnant and can't have another Mayor who just wants to be play Mayor and get nothing done. Kachmar is level headed and sound. He has my vote as well.

  5. Can and will John clean house? Starting with the Mr & Mrs?

    1. This go back to a story about a gentleman who actually worked for the recreational department and was not offered the director position though he had the credentials? I am almost positive you did an article on this subject a while back.

    2. City hall is a mess. Time for change and new leadership. The entire work force is in horrible shape. Piss poor morale. Hurts the citizens just as much as raising taxes every year.

  6. Too little too late for Kachmar. With mail-in voting, this race has already been decided. Bethlehem was a huge mail-in vote electorate in the last 2 elections, I expect more of the same, especially from the Dems. Something like 70% of Dems voted by mail in the primary. It's the bottom of the ninth with 2 outs and Reynolds has a 6 run lead.

    Kachmar has spent little money on getting his name out, and Dems in Bethlehem may vote for another Dem in a primary, but they won't vote for a Republican over a Dem in the general.

    I also heard a rumor that Dane Grubb switched his party affiliation from Democrat to Independent after the primary. I am sure that will go over well with the Dems in Bethlehem.

  7. Reynolds is not out of touch with the voters. Bethlehem is a darker shade of blue than you imagine. If your theory was correct, Grubb would the Dem nominee now, Bryan Callahan would have won reelection, and guys like Steve Melnick and Dave Saltzer would be on City Council. Bethlehem is not electing guys like Leeson, Digi, Callahan, Rechutti, Belinski, and Schweder anymore. Bethlehem is more liberal now than ever!

  8. "Reynolds is not out of touch with the voters. Bethlehem is a darker shade of blue than you imagine. If your theory was correct, Grubb would the Dem nominee now, Bryan Callahan would have won reelection, and guys like Steve Melnick and Dave Saltzer would be on City Council. Bethlehem is not electing guys like Leeson, Digi, Callahan, Rechutti, Belinski, and Schweder anymore. Bethlehem is more liberal now than ever!"

    We'll see. Dana drew quite a few Democratic votes,and in the general, indies and Rs will be voting.

  9. Endorsements means nothing

  10. Unless there is a really good reason not to, my default is to vote for the vet in any race.

  11. Funny how you turned this into a story mostly about YOU.

  12. Funny how you completely misstate this story. It had NOTHING to do with me. It was about Kachmar and his relationship with my father. It personalizes him and casts some light on who John is as a person. It is a little more revealing than the usual campaign bio. You need to stop hating so much and take your pills.

  13. At the debate during the primary, Mr. Reynolds asked Mr. Grubb if he would support the Democratic candidate for mayor in November. Mr. Grubb stated unequivocally that he would do so; obviously he was still hoping for Democratic votes. It’s disappointing that a guy who tried to sell himself as Mr. Integrity was willing to fib.

  14. Dana did say this but tells me he changed his mind for two reasons. First, Willie was supposed to contact him and failed to do, even after Dana reached out. Second, Dana tells me he changed to independent and his pledge was made only if he remained a Dem. while his second reason is unacceptable, his first is. Why support a guy who won’t even sit down after promising to do so? If Dana broke his word, then so did Willie

  15. So Dana lied. No big surprise coming from the guy who lied about why he was fired and tried to slander and defame a dead man.

    And apparently, Dana just used the Democratic Party in Bethlehem to run for Mayor because it would be easier for him due to the registration advantage, but never really was a Democrat. His true colors are on display.

    Dana and Kachmar were made for each other. Both were fired or forced out of jobs for reckless behavior. https://www.appenmedia.com/news/kachmar-given-buy-out-to-resign-from-johns-creek/article_6a082c8a-eb66-55f3-9fa6-d001fcf1dc94.html

    "They referred to an incident after a September meeting in which Kachmar verbally assaulted two citizens..."

    "After verbally confronting her and calling her “a liar,” he then confronted a neighbor who spoke up in her defense, with whom Kachmar was even more verbally abusive"

    1. Guess they weren't woke enough. I just hope the great BPD does not get defunded! I hope our citizens get what our raised taxes pay for. City hall needs a shake up. For the good of the people.

  16. 3:11, A little late for ad hominems. They do not work at the end of a campaign and may even backfire. But if you want to go down that road, talk about the time Willie was escorted by police out of Freedom High School after he yelled at and menaced a female school director.

  17. After watching the debate it is so obvious how phony Willie is. Typical political answers. He sure brings up the north side a hell of a lot more than the south side.

  18. poor kachmar was lost. seemed so confused with those long pauses and stares to podium. rambling answers with no connection to the topic. read his closing statement? said he wanted to read it cause it was 'easier'. what an impressive close lol. no thank you to anyone or mention of any relationship of community partners. i bet he thought it would go a lot better in his head. wow

  19. The debate was a pretty good discussion of the issues until Mr. Reynolds decided it was time to go low, asking Mr. Kachmar if he voted for Trump. Cheap and sleazy political stunt with no bearing on the mayoral election. John Kachmar came across as honest and sincere about wanting to clean up the mess at City Hall. Mr. Reynolds was a little too slick and facile in his answers. He does know how to utilize the camera and pander to his base, however.

    1. Like most politicians. He will do 8 and skate.

  20. When I met John K he barely talked about his military experience. That often says something about an individual.

  21. Wahhhh willie didn’t call me waaaahhhhhh

    Grow up Dana

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    When I met John K he barely talked about his military experience. That often says something about an individual

    And exactly what would that “something” be?

  23. Bernie, I think that more important for Kachmar than the Grubb defectors is how many of the Trump voters show up to vote in a municipal election. The Dems have a clear advantage in the city of Bethlehem (i.e. the people in both counties who get to vote in the mayoral race), but only 35% of the city voters who showed up to vote for Clinton in 2016 showed up to vote for Donchez in 2017 (he got just over 7000 votes from all the wards that comprise the city from both counties). 35% of the city of Bethlehem voters who voted for Biden in 2020, would be just about 8,300 votes. So if there is a similar drop-off in the number of people voting in a non-Presidential election year, you might expect a minimum of 8,300 city voters who showed up to vote for Biden in 2020 to show up to vote for Reynolds in 2021. I'm guessing there will be more than 35% of Biden voters who show up to vote for Reynolds because it's a contested election, and you have Lynch on the ballot, so Dems will show up for McClure. But, I think the important point is that Kachmar needs a minimum of 8,300 votes to even be competitive. Trump got 12,000 city of Bethlehem voters to vote for him in 2020. If all those voters showed up to vote for Kachmar, Reynolds would have to generate an extremely high non-Presidential election year turnout to beat Kachmar. Kachmar should be mobilizing the Trump voters, not trying to get the small number of Grubb primary voters to defect. Maybe that's why Kachmar is sometimes using inflammatory language? He's a pretty level-headed dude, but he's going to need more than the Grubb voters to beat Reynolds in a general (vs. primary) election. And the problem with relying on Grubb voters is that Reynolds is the devil they know.

  24. He made many good points but he packaged it poorly and in a very angry type of performance. Neither he nor Dana made very compelling candidates. Frankly, they needed a better front person

  25. If he wants to advocate on behalf of vets, that is great, but being wounded in a war a half century ago isn't a qualification for mayor of a city. Kachmar has a demonstrated record of being terrible at jobs in local government, and has had assault charges filed against him by constituents on more than one occasion.


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