Local Government TV

Friday, October 01, 2021

Beware of Unsolicited Ballot Applications

Every election cycle, third parties send annoying mailers to voters. In some of them, their voter history is listed in an attempt to shame them into voting. In others, applications for Mail-in Ballots (MIBs) are including, along with envelopes listing the county voter registration office as the return addressee. These third parties might think they are increasing turnout, but what they are really doing is sowing seeds of distrust in our election system. 

Though these third party solicitations have finally been banned in some states, the Voter Participation Center (VPC) confusing and annoying Lehigh County voters with unsolicited MIB applications. This outfit is in no waqy affiliated with either Lehigh or Northampton County.  

Your local elections office is the best agency equipped for accurate voter registration information,.

Lehigh County - 610-782-3194.

Northampton County - 610-550-3055.


  1. Is it illegal in Northampton County?

  2. We start again--I wonder who does this --there is no cheating in our elections

  3. Who is behind the 3rd party voter soliciting?

  4. You are worried over nothing. There are no MIB issues. Only in your and Trump's mind. Stop scaring people.

  5. What are you talking about. Mail in ballots are perfectly safe. Could never be any fraud. Everything is on the up and up.

  6. If MIB are as safe as everyone states it is, then I guess you would not have an issue sending $1000 in cash through the mail.

  7. No problems? You mean like in CA where my brother’s signature on his gubernatorial recall MIB was questioned for the first time in 25 years of voting that way. Hhmmm?

  8. 8:14 sure no cheating by our people---I have a bridge you may like

  9. The reality is that both parties are behind things like this at one time or another. This is their jerrymandering under a different format. And until messing with an election by any means has quick and harsh penalties this crap will continue. Jere meandering should be illegal and considered messing with an election. Like passing out fictitious ballets should be illegal and dealt with harshly. A politician trying to influence the election board should be illegal and dealt with with harness and permanent penalties for them. Like when people ballet harvest they should also be dealt with harshly. And any time a person is tried for any of these their phone and technological communications as well as financials should be open for review. Accusing someone of something like this should just be as concerning as actually doing it. Too many people make accusations without justification nd they should receive an equal penalty as what they accused someone of if it was just a fraudulent accusation.

  10. Thirds parties doing this should be illegal and any and all involved with said third parties should be punished with immediate negative activity as they are meddling with the election process. All the people that helped fund those and assisted in those activities should be tried and convicted. These companies should have to have 100% accountability. And any and all of the people involved should never be allowed to vote in this country again nor should they ever be allowed to be involved in or party of any governmental or political activity for the rest of their lives. And if they are in a business executive position the companies they are associated with should also be ban similarly.

    The politicians will never go for this because they and they people are the ones that are the biggest cause for this.

  11. ya no cheating ha ha ha

  12. Bernie are them the kind of votes found in Arizona's forensic audit that are accounted for now that the audit is done?

  13. These are ballot applications not ballots.

  14. There's no use. But lets see

  15. Please do not post: Strictly FYI

    Sunday's Call has farewell essay by Justice Matos which leads into question regarding who will replace her?

    It seems the former police officer isn't campaigning. Did he decide to drop out of the race?


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.