Local Government TV

Friday, September 03, 2021

Strong Men (With Badges) Will Be at Next Few Northampton School Board Meetings

In the aftermath of Steve Lynch's threat to bring "20 strong men" to remove school directors at their next meeting, the district Superintendent has requested and Northampton County has agreed to provide security. Deputy Sheriffs will be at the next several meetings to keep the peace. Executive Lamont McClure advised County Council that the County will be reimbursed by the school district for the cost of security. Any arrest would be made by police, not deputies. 

Council member Ron Heckman, himself a graduate of Northampton Area High School, called Lynch's remarks "shameful and reprehensible. It should be condemned at every level."


  1. #Lynch4Executive

  2. “Any arrest would be made by police, not deputies”

    So why even have deputies there? From what I understand, Deputy Sheriffs have full arrest powers, so why limit them to the role of security guards? Sounds to me like political postering at the hands of McClure.

    Northampton County Police would have been glad to place a patrol officer at the meetings with minimal interruption to their community, but McClure decided to send a message to Lynch using county resources. Pretty shameful.

  3. Mr. Lynch apologized and said his worlds were misunderstood an taken out of context.

    1. Oh thank god, I feel so much better knowing he said oopsie-woopsies after going full mask-off

  4. By law aren't deputy Sheriff's allowed to make on scene arrests for breach od peace crimes. Which it sounds like they are using the sheriff department for. So why would they pass off any work that they can do to another department that may not even be at said meeting.

  5. And now the district has to waste money on security because of Lynch. Nice!

  6. The Northampton County sheriff's department is pathetic. They can't even arrest people? What's the point? Hey Northampton borough, hire a security firm and you'll probably save some money and have the same results. Let the sheriff's stand around the courthouse all day since they don't know how to do anything else.

  7. We need Lynch not a left wing radical--masks do not work

  8. Those darn republicans refused to defund the police, so this is what we get: Law Enforcement.

  9. I watch local school districts to be better informed in my job. It's surprising how little attention is usually given to them. Northampton always struck me as one of those districts where people actually care a lot and show up to meetings and sound off. Their longtime board president is a rather unassuming, but very serious guy who loves kids. I'm chuckling at what he likely thinks about any threat of intimidation during a meeting. Go ahead and make his day. He seems quite responsive to a rather conservative (old definition) electorate. Elections are held regularly and provide a civil process to remove or add people to the board. Worse than any unresponsive board is any threat to step on the democratic process. Thankfully, and unlike Capitol PD on 1/6, Northampton is reacting to a well publicized threat. I wouldn't mess with those guys outside of the established legal process. They don't take any shit.

  10. " Let the sheriff's stand around the courthouse all day since they don't know how to do anything else."

    They are highly trained, as well as any police officer. They can make arrests for offenses committed in front of them but will be there to keep the peace. They have multiple roles. They serve process in civil matters, are involved in the sale of foreclosed real estate, help guard inmates who are hospitalized, transport prisoners, provide security at the courthouse, process LTCFs, etc. They would like to do more, but state law would need to be expanded.

  11. Does the sheriff have a say or is he just a puppet for MCclure. Who is the sheriff anyways?

  12. The Sheriff is Rich Johnston. He was appointed by McClure, after consultation with the President Judge, and confirmed by County Council. In NorCo, the Sheriff is appointed. Nearly all counties appoint their Sheriff, but I think this is the better system. A Sheriff should be a professional, not a pol.

    1. Think you should check your facts on this appointments statement. And you think its better to have a person that has to be bossed around or get fired .....

  13. Must be a joke then since he won't allow his deputies to do their legal duties

  14. What "legal duties" are these? Making traffic stops? Law enforcement? Take that up with the state legislature, not the Sheriff or McClure.

  15. If they are law enforcement they have a legal obligation to act when a try is being committed. So if a crime is committed at said meeting they are not to react from what you are saying. So there fore they are not allowed to do their legal duties

  16. The sheriff's are allowed to make an arrest. McClure and Johnston want 0 liability is all. This is a political issue. Using the sheriff's to make lynch look like a monster. This is nothing more than a political commercial for McClure. Putting the sheriff's there and limiting their duties just puts them in danger.

  17. It’s funny because since McClure took office and appointed Rich Johnston as Sheriff, the department has lost 20 strong men and woman with badges. They’ve also almost ceased the service of all warrants and their work with the U.S Marshal Service.

  18. I heard Dertiger is having his out of state buddies show up and act like they're with Lynch to cause trouble. So if you see any NJ or NY plates, you'll know why

  19. Bernie , “Nearly all counties appointed their Sheriffs”,but ....... With all due respect,I think you mis typed your statement.

  20. Send the bill to Lynch. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Just a friendly PSA, HGH is not legal tender.

  21. Never seen such a demoralized department. From talking with Deputies sounds like Johnston rules by killing the spirit of his men. Nothing to look forward to there

  22. I would like to know why it is ok to send to a school board meeting but no security at Gracedale where the threats are frequent and no security to handle with hundreds of defenseless residents. Purely political move

  23. Yes. I do think an appointed professional is better than a political hack. I’d agree appointments should be for five year periods or longer to prevent an incumbent Exec from making a political change. I have seen what happens in counties tgat elect sheriffs. They are little fiefdoms with favoritism, nepotism and outright corruption. This is precisely why we moved away from elected row officers unlike most other counties. This is one thing we do right.

  24. All Sheriffs are elected EXCEPT for Northampton County.

  25. Thanks Lynch. Words are both tools and weapons.
    Not ready for prime time. Thanks for the tax increase.

  26. 9:12, you are correct. Nearly all counties elect their sheriff. By the way, the very people who think deputies should be law enforcement fail to recognize that you do not elect police chiefs. They are and should be professionals. I dislike the manner in which a sheriff is appointed but the position should be appointed, in my opinion. I know that deputies in particular feel differently, and they can push for a Charter Change. This would require an elected study commission bc we would be changing the form of government. We are a democratic government and the majority rules. The people spoke when they established the Charter. If you wish to change this, then you need to ask the people.

  27. The requirement for training of deputy sheriffs is specifically provided by stature, i.e., the Deputy Sheriffs’ Education and Training Act (1984 P.L. 3 No.2). However, based upon a Pennsylvania Supreme Court case, a deputy sheriff needs training similar to police officers to enable a deputy sheriff to enforce specific laws of Pennsylvania. A review of statutory law provides little guidance in addressing the issue of the duties, power, and authority of a sheriff. Case law provides that, although a sheriff’s primary responsibilities are to the courts, the sheriff retains all arrest powers he/she had at common investigation of crime. More importantly, since the sheriff retains all arrest powers he/she had at common law, he/she has the authority to enforce the criminal laws as well as the vehicle laws of Pennsylvania.

  28. Side note regarding thin staffing: the top LEO killer in 2020 was CoViD, although I know an LEO who left his job because he didn't want to get spit on or shot for simply wearing a badge.

  29. Why wasn't the State or Local Police contacted. That is not in the realm of the Sheriff's Department nor do they have ANY justification at a school board meeting.Pa State Statute is clear on jurisdiction. Great way to set the county up for a lawsuit.

  30. Sorry. My error. Til 8pm.

  31. I guess Lynch didn't really mean his very manly words.

  32. Sheriffs Deputy training falls under the PDCD ,Pennsylvanian Department of Crime and Delinquency. ,same as State Constables. The Sheriff is the. Chief Law Enforcement Officer of his territory . Known as Bailiwick sometimes. Pennsylvania is a. Commonwealth ,not as a “state” as some venues. Now , years ago , the deputies were almost all patronage jobs, so you had old men connected to political people that gave them jobs like our beloved TollBridge Commission. (Do people that are paid at toll bridge now in days of EZ -Pass go to a rubber room all day?)anyway - I would to say if you want a gun in our court house ,just take one from a deputy. I was a Nuclear Clearance Marine ,competitive shooter once. Well ,I know a couple of them having been a Constable for about 20 years , handcuffing , transporting bad guys , take it from me ! nobody ever got away, and this Sheriff as a couple of people,that Evan I wouldn’t want on my case. There are also several smart ass guys that work there to follow. There is no issues with this Sheriff. He’s has been fine as I see him. This is is my G2/report as I know it .

    1. Do you ever say anything else? I don't know who is a bigger wind bag you or Bernie? All you do is trash talk on people you don't know. It's seems to me that you are very jealous of the the Deputies and are completely fixated on them because they do a better job than you did do and will ever do

  33. I also believe present County Executive is doing a great job , Evan though I’m a hard R. And I post my name.

  34. The jokes on McClure considering the entire Sheriff’s Department all support Steve Lynch for county executive, just saying.

  35. It is bad the way it is. A so-called "professional" Sheriff changes with any new Executive. And that is not political? Please! Definitely need a charter change and this is just one area. Either elected Sheriff or President judge appoints and council approves. Now the Executive tells the Sheriff what he can do and Say. Deputies have been told to not talk to anyone including the councilpeople. That is nothing new as all employees and Department heads have been warned to not communicate with the council without permission. Some have communicated rt council the awful staffing problem and persecution in the department at their own risk of losing their jobs. Council has said there is nothing they can do ad McClure is in charge.

    Always a problem with Executives but this guy is the worst. Between he an Dertinger everyone must walk on eggs and keep their mouths shut. If Council only knew all the secrets. Yes look at the Charter. Time for some long overdue changes to the kingdom.

  36. "It is bad the way it is. A so-called "professional" Sheriff changes with any new Executive. And that is not political? "

    Agreed, and that is why I would change the way a sheriff is appointed to reduce the politics and enhance the professionalism.

    "Always a problem with Executives but this guy is the worst. Between he an Dertinger everyone must walk on eggs and keep their mouths shut. If Council only knew all the secrets."

    This statement is a flat out lie.

  37. "The jokes on McClure considering the entire Sheriff’s Department all support Steve Lynch for county executive, just saying."

    You are deeply mistaken. The deputies I speak to are fairly conservative, but they think Lynch is crazy, and they are right. Also, they see Lynch has people like Cubbage behind him and they know he is nutz, too. Most of the deputies keep their politics to themselves, incidentally. What you are suggesting is that they would look the other way if Lynch commits a crime and that is an insult to their integrity.

    I by no means am suggesting that deputies are McClure supporters but they stay away from the crazies.

  38. Steve, my brother! Thank you for fighting the nattering Nabobs and their heinous campaign to muzzle the youth of America.

    The Sheriff's should be paid for by Lamonts tainted asbestos war chest, Uhuru!

  39. Bet their State Rep. Mako will be one of the 20 strong men

  40. I was wondering when this wanna be law enforcement officer peterjcochran was gonna check in about his deputy hate.. no one is calling him and his constable cronies for help.

  41. Shouldn't all police officers, firefighters and first responders be mandated to be vaccinated? Protect and serve right? If they refuse, resign and perhaps a better person will be hired in their spot?

    1. What does this have to do with the article? You are a troll. That is nobody's business. If the vaccinated are still getting it and spreading it why does it matter to you? Mind your own business.

  42. Hey LT Dan Run Forrest Run. I am picturing you just like that LT Dan in the Movie who would fail at everything if it wasn't for others.

  43. Have any other county officials condemned the insurrection talk by Lynch. Would be good to know.

  44. https://archive.triblive.com/local/regional/bill-aims-to-restore-arrest-investigative-powers-to-pennsylvania-sheriffs-deputies/

  45. At the end of the day, county judges hold all the power. If Lynch gets elected and pushes too hard, they’ll create orders to box him in.


  46. Lynch is a floating turd in the shitter!

  47. Lynch has been treated so unfairly by the clowns who masquerade as journalists but would struggle to find work in any major news market , The only work Bernice can find is the odd bone Dana Grubb and his cronies at the Bethlehem weekly rag thats only suitable for hamster bedding!

    Uhuru Brothers!

  48. Badges, we don't need no stinkin' badges, except now we do and the taxpayers are on the hook for this lunatic.

  49. "Mr. Lynch apologized and said his worlds were misunderstood an taken out of context."

    Ha ha. So Mr. Lynch "apologized". Do you believe him? While apologizing is something that his idol and our former would-be dictator and disgraced president would never do, it is crystal clear Lynch is unfit to run a hot dog stand, let alone Northampton County. He apologized... what a knee slapper. Good one!


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