Local Government TV

Friday, September 10, 2021

Biden's Latest Steps in War Against Covid-19

Yesterday, President Joe Biden announced a six-pronged national strategy designed to extricate ourselves from the pandemic that refuses to go away. Let's lay them out, one-by-one.

1) Vaccination Mandates. This applies to all employers with 100 or more employees; all federal workers and contractors; all health care workers at Medicare or Medicaid funded hospitals; and large entertainment venues. Any employee who declines a vaccine must be tested weekly. 

2) Booster shots for the vaccinated. These will start September 20.

3) Keep schools open, but safe. Some children are too young for a vaccine. Until then, President Biden is calling for universal indoor masking; social distancing;improved ventilation; and regular testing. 

4) Increase testing and masking. - This, combined with the vaccine, will reduce spread. 

5) Support our economy. - Instead of lockdowns, there will be forgivable small business loans. 

6) Enhancing Covid-19 care. - This will be accomplished by increasing monoclonal antibody treatments by 50%. 


  1. The power-hungry nanny-state despot has spoken. Biden's angrier at those Americans who choose not to be vaccinated, which should be their right, than he was towards the ISIS zealots who murdered 13 American soldiers. He is a stubborn old man.

  2. So unlike our last president, Biden actually wants to declare war on the virus. Instead of ignoring it, cowering in the corner and planning rallies to be re-elected where he can prattle aimlessly about "freedoms". What a concept.

  3. It is time to end this damn virus. With all thee unvaccinated people the variants continue to form. So far we have been lucky. It is time to stop the nonsense and do the right thing. Take the dam vaccine. This is not about liberty this is childish selfish behavior. Sadly the internet has made everyone a medical researcher and constitutional scholar in their own heads.

    The so-called defenders of personal freedom are just whiney me firsters that confuse liberty and freedom with inconvenience.

    Grow the Hell up and get the damn shot as an act of patriotism. This is the problem with Americans today we have it so good we have to invent outrage so we have something to pretend we are somehow being victimized.

    Go with your fearless leader to Putin's Russia and live your best life there. Please take faux warrior Lynch and his clown car county ticket team with you. Can you imagine of those lunatics are in charge.

  4. Biden is the worse president in our history and he did it in 8 months.

  5. Biden’s new plan will cause a great deal of disruption to the economy. His edicts will be too difficult to enforce. The public quickly recognized it is the EMPLOYED who are being squeezed. Many will actually quit, or reduce their productivity. Some will file lawsuits. This is just more government overreach that remains offensive to a big segment of Americans.

    1. The biggest overreach there ever was is when the unvaccinated decided against an effective vaccine and waged war against our elderly and children.

      Because based on your collective action, their lives don’t matter…

  6. According to a map provided on today’s Citizen Free Press, 21 state Governors will NOT comply with these new mandates. That’s a huge amount. When nearly half of American states resist, it is ridiculous to simply discount them by blaming as ‘too selfish,’ This is pre-Civil War kind of stuff.
    No, I don’t believe citizens will march across open fields with rifles. I can, however, envision a movement of states to secede and go their own way. Freedom is what each individual makes of it.

  7. Reading these comments is so interesting, but in all honesty, I don’t think I know of any adult who has not gotten a shot. I live in an organized society so I got a shot. I’ve got tons of personal freedom, so I got a shot. I’m a taxpayer, so I got a shot. I’m a registered Republican, so I got a shot. I like my neighbors (even the ones with the goofy political signs in their yards), so I got a shot. I’m educated, so I got a shot. I want to go to restaurants, so I got a shot. I want to do business, so I got a shot. I want to be around other people, so I got a shot. I can’t think of anyone I regularly interact with who has not had a shot. Who are these unvaccinated? Do they go to stores, restaurants, churches? I guess I like my life and the people in it, so I got a shot. If you want to call me a sheep for getting a shot and wearing a mask, go ahead, but I’ll bet I’m enjoying life a lot more than you are.

  8. They impeach Trump and let Biden ruin the country--on many and all issues

  9. 5:35 Biden has already disrupted the country--on every front.

  10. JFC, just get the vaccine!

  11. At 12:53AM
    So unlike our last president, Biden has actually declared war against those who do not agree with his agenda. Instead of working together, planning to persevere against the virus, and increasing his chances of re-election, he can prattle on endlessly because "Trump".
    What a concept.

    There. Fixed it for you.

  12. Anon 12:53 said: "So unlike our last president, Biden actually wants to declare war on the virus. Instead of ignoring it, cowering in the corner..."

    Hey idiot, if you'd think a little you'd remember that it was our last President who led the development of a vaccine in record time that was over 90% effective against the strain of the virus HE was facing while in office. That was a gift to the world, courtesy of HIS leadership.

    It was our current president who cowered in his basement.

    If Biden wants more people to get a shot, how about developing a vaccine that's actually effective against the strain of the virus HE currently faces? Instead, senile Joe is pushing last year's vaccine on millions of his own people, knowing that it won't stop the spread of the current virus.

  13. Anon 5:35 said: "The public quickly [will] recognized it is the EMPLOYED who are being squeezed."

    BINGO! Remember when the democrats used to claim to be the party of the worker?

    That con is exposed once again.

  14. Just another ratchet up in the virus and mask war. Must be polling well.

  15. Would be nice to see the same effort made to protect our citizens from those crossing our open boarders who may be carrying the virus. I don’t recall seeing any mandate there.

  16. Nice planned diversion from the Afghanistan debacle.

  17. People have the right not to take the vaccine. People have the right to not work with people or let people into their shops and venues who have not taken the vaccine. Home health care companies for many years have required their workers to get the flu vaccine as to not endanger their customers. If the worker wishes to exercise their freedom to not get the flu vaccine they must find another occupation.
    If it comes down to "showing my papers" to go to shops and venues I don't have a problem with it. I show my license when asked for driving or using my credit card. I use an ID to get into work. I would prefer carrying another certified ID for the vax than let the virus endanger myself and loved ones because of the false beliefs of others.
    Sadly, intellectual Darwinism may win out eventually but will claim many innocent bystanders.

  18. #6 Monoclonal antibody treatments should only be given to children and those who have a legitimate medical reason not to get the vaccine. Those who just refused the vaccine should have to take animal de-wormer or just inject some bleach when they get sick.

  19. Everyone has to be vaccinated so the vaccinated are protected? This enslavement is exhausting. Your body, the governments choice.....unless it's abortion, then you can choose. The new narrative is vaccinated vs unvaccinated. Keep em divided and they will forever be enslaved to the ruling class.

  20. Funny if you work at the jail and get sick after you get the vaccine you get punished... now you have a government telling you that you have to get it... maybe you should know that you will lose 4 personal days if you get sick after the vaccine . Just something Lamont or chuck probably didn't tell you..

  21. 12:53 9/10/21 If it wasn't for Trump, you would not have a vaccine(s) you clown. Remember when the liberal haters stated they would have nothing to do with his vaccines or Trump's "Warp Speed " research, now luv what he got done for their fear propaganda ? Hypocrites. Biden has no plan, except to destroy our rights and freedoms. Worst idiot to ever getting put into the WH. Besides, we all know he is just the tv face of the party, not the true leader in the bunker. Just a puppet for the cameras. Keep drinking your kool aid.

  22. Constitutional rights:
    free speech
    keep & bear arms

    Not Constitutional rights:
    The right to shitpost on social media
    The right to force other people to get vaccines, no matter how dumb they are

    Am I missing something?

  23. Does this mean that Biden is President after all? Who knew?

  24. "This is not about freedom or personal choice."
    Joe Biden 9/9/21

    "The right of women to make decisions about their own bodies is not negotiable. The right of women to make decisions about their own bodies is their decision, it is their body."
    Kamala Harris 9/9/21

    Seems we have a disconnect. My body my choice, Joe. Just ask Kamala.

  25. It's all about politics, not science or logical policy.

    The vaccine mandates, as well as other parts of this program, go so far past legal means that the only logical conclusion is that they are pretty much designed to be found unconstitutional by the courts. The goal here is specifically for the Supreme Court to find them unconstitutional, in the hope that doing so causes support to rise for the Dems plans to pack the court. The planned endgame is that Joe and the Dems will get the credit from voters for doing something to address COVID, while the "Republican" courts gets the blame for blocking it.

    It's also a beautiful thing from the Dems standpoint to shift responsibility for forcing individuals to become immunized to "large" businesses with 100 or more employees. Why fight battles with people who resist vaccinations when you can force someone else to do it for you?

    Right from the beginning when vaccines were rolled out, scientists admitted that they didn't know what percentage of people needed to receive them to achieve herd immunity. It's become obvious from events around the world, not just the US, that this percentage is unattainable as long as vaccines are not available for the 12 and under population. Until then, the unvaccinated (which are largely a combination of stubborn idiots and those with legitimate reasons for not being vaccinated, such as antibodies from a previous infection or medical conditions) are easy scapegoats to be blamed for all of our current problems.

  26. Force and coercion are used by bullies and feeble-minded, failed leaders.

    Don't worry if you have the vaccine forced on you and something bad happens.

    Senile Joe will be there for you, just like he was for Americans and their allies in Afghanistan.

  27. How about if we make it simple and anyone not wearing a mask in a group of more then two gets put in jail or anyone that gets COVID that was not vaccinated does not get any medical treatments, Or anyone that was not vaccinated and not masked who passes covid along is arrested for premeditated attempted homicide.

    Stop playing the games and make it simple. You still get your choice but with your choice comes consequences.

  28. The problem with this is that there are so many self absorbed people that put one thing out there when in reality they do exactly the opposite when it comes to themselves. Treat those around you the way you would want to be treated is not a bad saying until those that lie to themselves and hide from their own reality

    Think of all the people that you know who have said they would never get the shot but have (Trump). They rail and fight against all the prevention to the virus but when they get it they beg for every method they can get to stop it. Think of all the people who might say they are ok but have not gotten a shot (probably some of your neighbors). I actually had a woman (wife) accidently tattle on her husband who to the public is anti-vax but in reality was one of the earlier groups to get the shot. Think of all the people who don't want to wear the mask but then complain and cry when they get sick. Or the people that complain others are not wearing a mask when someone coughs and sneezes but don't wear a mask themselves.

    If people were to live have to adhere to their choice all the way through with no give backs it might change some people opinions and actions. But no matter what there would be the smallest group on both ends that would never do anything different.

  29. I already had covid, so I am immune. Tell me why I need to get a shot that doesn't work anyway.

  30. Many hospitals throughout the country are at a place where, because of COVID patients, they cannot care for heart attack emergencies, cancer patients, etc. let alone elective surgeries to improve the quality of life. Perhaps it's time to turn away COVID patients that aren't vaccinated or create a significant surcharge for their care.

    It seems the people that do what they should do are now suffering because of the selfish 25% who do not understand the meaning of a "social compact." Anti-vaxxers, please Google Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau on legitimate, scholarly websites and you will understand the theory.

  31. 12:51 - I kind of hoped you were being sarcastic with your post, but doesn't appear so after a second read. It must be so easy to life a "simple" life and have "simple" opinions. Unfortunately, here in the grown up world everything is not so clear. Let's go item by item, only bringing up a tiny percentage of the items that could be brought up...

    - What does a "group of more than two" mean? An indoor arena with 10,000 people or three people standing outside in a park talking to each other from 20 feet away?

    - What does "not wearing a mask" mean? Simply what's said, or wearing a mask as a "chin diaper"? How about wearing it off the nose and just over the mouth? What about wearing a mask that's "not good enough" to someone else?

    - Does denying care for "anyone who gets COVID who is not vaccinated" include those with medical contra-indications for the vaccine? How about those who had it previously and were ineligible for the vaccine before they got it again? What about those who get it after a first dose, but before they are fully vaccinated? Are we letting them die too?

    - Are we charging those who wear their masks incorrectly with pre-meditated homicide? How about partially vaccinated individuals? Lock up all people wearing gaiters, as some don't like that.

    Some of the questions above are easier to answer, and most people will agree on the answers, but some of them get much more complex and pretty much have no answer. You keep living in your "simple" world and dealing with only the top layer of issues while the adults in the room deal with all the problems caused by people like you on both sides. Rigidly simplistic "COVID crazies" such as yourself are every bit the problem that mindless rigid anti-vaxxers on the opposite fringe are, and the Biden administration has gone a long way towards your simplistic position with these policies.

    The key thing to remember is that the mindless, rigid right-wing anti-vaxxers everyone likes to hold up as "strawmen" are only a portion of those not taking the vaccine, but are the ones that everyone talks about because they are easy, popular targets. Forgotten is the liberal, uneducated Black person who isn't taking the vaccine because of the history of medical testing on Black people. There are also a surprising number of very educated people in the Medical community who have legitimate and well-thought out concerns, based on their specific situations. Finally, there are also people in unclear situations such as those who have had a previous infection, those who have medical conditions, etc. who default to doing nothing in the face of too much medical information that they aren't equipped to understand. None of the decisions for any of these people is "simple".

    1. Oh please, give me a break. There are a very small amount of blacks that refuse the vaccine because of past experiments and even less people with contra-indications so don’t give me that crap. The MAJORITY of the asshats not getting vaccinated are the indoctrinated cult members that listen to Newsmax and are using their refusal to attract attention. For them, It’s as simple as doing the opposite of what liberals are doing, and that’s how they justify it in their heads.

  32. If a mask is meant to catch the virus, wouldn't the mask be full of viruses by the end of the day, and need to be treated as hazardous waste? Shouldn't the county have a mask disposal location for all of these used hazardous masks?

  33. @7:37, do you have actual data to back up your claim, or is that just how you feel?

    1. You’re kidding right? The unvaccinated account for all the recent deaths! Just look around you!! There’s plenty of data that proves this vaccine works, keep that same energy and convince your stubborn clan members that it’s the only way out of this.

  34. @3:17

    Did you recommend the same draconian measures for junkies and promiscuous homosexuals when AIDS was raging?

    Moreover, can you demonstrate that any critical, non-elective surgical procedure was ever postponed because of COVID patients? Please cite sources...

  35. @7:37 FYI only 28% of New York City black males between the ages of 18-44 are vaccinated as of August 12th, that's according to the New York Times. So yes, there does appear to be resistance among that population. I'm vaccinated myself, but to me it's a personal choice.

  36. During Bidens speech he stated, and I quote verbatim......"we're going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated co-workers"

    Am I the only one that finds that statement a little strange? What does that tell us about the vaccine? In the next breath he tells us this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated? It's all a little confusing LOL.

  37. If the vaccine is safe why can't kids have it?

  38. So why are the anti-vaxers still going on about it? Trump had Covid-19 and he and his wife got the vaccine. Sounds like every stable-genius should get the vaccine.

  39. Only 28% of ALL New York city black residents are vaccinated, not just males.


  40. try
    "The family of a Cullman man who died of heart issues in Mississippi is asking people to get vaccinated for COVID after 43 hospitals across three states were unable to accept him because of full cardiac ICUs."

  41. Maybe not the biggest fan of Stern (Good friend of Trump), but sometimes he says what the majority is thinking without the political correctness:
    "As I remember, when I went to school, you had to get a measles vaccine. You had to get a mumps vaccine... When are we going to stop putting up with the idiots in this country?" he said on Tuesday's The Howard Stern Show. "F*** them. F*** their freedom. I want my freedom to live. I want to get out of the house already. I want to go next door and play chess. I want to go take some pictures. This is bulls***."

    The 67-year-old shock-jock added, "the other thing I hate is that all these people with COVID who won't get vaccinated are in the hospitals clogging it up."

    Stern suggested people who chose not to get the vaccine should be refused treatment.

    "Go f*** yourself," he said. "You had the cure, and you wouldn't take it."

    Stern also railed against his conservative peers who died from COVID-19.

    "It's really funny when these radio, the radio guys are the best... four of them died, four of them were like ranting on the air they will not get vaccinated. They were on fire, these guys. It was like day after day, they were all dying, and then their dying words are 'I wish I had been more into the vaccine. I wish I had taken it,'" he declared.

    Stern's longtime co-host, Robin Quivers, chimed in, saying she has "trouble drumming up compassion" for "people that stupid."

    "Me too," Stern agreed.

    "Where do I have that clip of that Marc Bernier, the guy who died?" Stern asked, referring to the right-wing radio host who called himself "Mr. Anti-Vax."

    "Yeah, he's dead," Stern said. "He no longer walks."

  42. This is the America I know. President George Bush spoke today. 9/11 .... everyone could benefit from listening to his speech.

  43. Support the police --mandate they get vaxxed.
    "COVID-19-related fatalities were the single highest cause of officer line-of-duty deaths in 2020."
    After all if they are not vaccinated they will only protect and serve the spreading of Covid

  44. @4:25 you bring up a good comment. Masks fall into basically 3 categories. In actuality all mask are supposed to be limited duration masks.
    True N95 masks are supposed to used for 4 to 8 hours of breathing depending you your level of activity and will stop 95% of the micro particulates. Some of them are able to be cleaned/washed/resanitized and reused while other are supposed to be tossed after each use.
    Disposable medical masks are supposed to only be utilized for 2 to 4 hours depending on your level of activity. Many of those will only block 80% of particle.
    Cloth masks come in many styles and levels but for the most part they are supposed to be washed and recleaned after every use. The usage can go from 1 hour to 8 hours depending. But regardless of the cloth material version when they become moist from breathe they should be changed out. Again depending on the version of cloth mask you have they will only block from 30% to 80% of particulates and they typically only block larger particles.

    And yes technically in a hospital masks are hazardous materials in a hospital. But that ones from home use by the public should actually be treated the same way however it has been ignored. Can you imagine the further chaos in society it would cause if it became a requirement.

  45. @ 3:02 you should get the shot as having COVID does not necessarily make you immune especially for variants that you did not have. And there have been over 12 variants identified already hence being to MU in the greek alphabet.

    Similar can be said of the vaccine though. The vaccines were developed for the Delta variant. Follow on variants may or may not be stopped by the vaccine. Each new variant requires further review.

  46. @12:51
    To put some clarity. More then two simply to start means 3 or more within 6 foot proximity of each other. So yes a 10,00s person arena definitely fits but people outside over 20 feet apart does not.
    You bring up a valid point. I should have said wearing a mask properly. A chin diaper is just as bad as not wearing a mask at all. Also off the nose is not properly wearing a mask so it does fit the penalty. A gater is not consider a mask as it is a single layer of material designed for breathability through it thereby it blocks almost nothing.
    Wearing a mask not good enough for someone else is another conversation. There at present are no standards for masks for the public to wear. I refer back to the original guidance of wearing an N95 or carbon filter masks. But mask today have not come to mean anything you can drape across your face.
    Statistic say there are very very very few who should not wear a mask. While standards set by state and local governments and private businesses vary, the CDC states that masks should not be worn by: -children younger than 2 years old - anyone who has trouble breathing (More directly COPD and not just because you are obese or out of shape) - anyone who is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.
    For people who are unvaccinated and get it is a loaded discussion. we know that anyone can get COVID-19 — the vaccinated and unvaccinated, those who have had it already and those who haven’t. In the same vein, anyone can get COVID-19 again.
    If you cannot get the vaccine because of a medical issue you probably should not have been out and about anyhow.
    The only statistic I have been able to find on getting COVID a second time is referencing a study that shows that unvaccinated people are 2.34 times more likely to be reinfected with COVID-19 than those who are fully vaccinated — which drives home the importance of being vaccinated, even if you’ve already had the virus.

    In all the clearer you make the rules and the clearer you make the penalties the easier it becomes for poeple to make the decisions.

    Or if you want to go real right wing you can deputize the public like Texas just did and allow everyone to sue everyone else for $10,000 regardless of actual personal impact, proximity, concern, or knowledge of violation of the policies.

    1. You have too much time on your hands.

  47. Congress and Staff are exempt, USPS exempt.

    All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”
    —George Orwell

  48. 2.41
    "U.S. Postal Service workers are subject to a rule to be developed by the Labor Department mandating coronavirus vaccinations for workers and weekly testing for non-vaccinated employees at companies with over 100 workers, a senior Biden administration official told CNN and the Washington Post."

  49. @2:41 can you please site the source for congress and staff being exempt. I want to be able to send it to my congressmen and tell him that he either get vaccinated or if he gets it I think he should be declared unable to do his job and removed because they are the pieces of crap that are causing most of the problems in this country. If we had some decent politician and not scum of the earth then maybe the rest of the country would be better off.

    The best way to control them is to make it mandatory that they show up for work, also that they have to read the entire bill and all the referenced information supporting it that they propose.

  50. "If the vaccine is safe why can't kids have it?"

    This is the typically dishonest argument from anti-vaxers. First, vaccines are in fact authorized for children over 12. Second, it would be medically unethical to administer to younger children until the appropriate dosage is known. That is being determined in testing right now and we should have a vaccine approved for emergency use by year's end.

    As anyone with half a brain should know, what is appropriate for adults might be inappropriate for children. That is why we have child doses of most medications.

  51. Biden has no control over the legislative branch. That is up to Congress. https://www.newsweek.com/members-congress-staff-exempt-biden-covid-vaccine-mandate-1627859

  52. I decline to publish disinformation contained in a speech from someone who has been wrong numerous times.

  53. @1:02 PM The vaccines were not developed for the delta variant.

  54. @8:00 am

    Junkies and AIDS patients never forced hospitals to turn away others. Junkies died at home or in the street. And, those suffering from AIDS generally went from home to hospice, if hospice at all.

    Need proof about those being turned away...


    The Google search is much longer. But, that is a sampling.

  55. If any of this so called expert advise works, we would have been over covid by now. Think about it, until we all get exposed to it like any other pandemic, its here to stay.

  56. 3.05
    "Need proof about those being turned away.."
    "The family of a man who died of heart issues in Mississippi is asking people to get vaccinated for COVID-19 after 43 hospitals across three states were unable to accept him because of full cardiac ICUs.
    "emergency staff at Cullman Regional Medical Center had to bring him to the nearest available bed, which was nearly 200 miles away at a Mississippi hospital."
    So Covid cases have caused deaths of others due to a lack of medical resources.

  57. While reading these comments I see that we haven't reached "Herd Intelligence" yet.


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