Local Government TV

Friday, August 20, 2021

NorCo Council Awards Another $624,000 to 48 Small Businesses

Approximately $624,000 in grants to small businesses negatively impacted by the pandemic were awarded unanimously by Northampton County Council at their meeting last night. Most of 48 small businesses in question will receive $15,000. This was the fourth and final round of grants for first-time applicants.

Executive Lamont McClure announced that there is "enough firepower" in federal funds to start a second round of $15,000 grants, starting September 1. Priority will be given to businesses who missed out on the first round of grants.

When all is said and done, Northampton County will have provided $25 million in grants to small business. 

Small businesses must have a business located within the county with fewer than 100 employees. 

NorCo Small Business Grants by BernieOHare

 $24,000 in grANTS



  1. I call bullshit! This is simply a money grab and some of these companies should be investigated for fraud!

  2. small businesses were hurt and could use help.
    socialism to the rescue

  3. The right calls give always to the poor BS and say it should be happening. This is nothing more then that except to and level of people. It is kind of like all the tax breaks and laws that allow businesses and business owners to walk away with pockets full of money while pleading they are in poverty.

    Stop all give away's to all Reset the base line to zero. And put a flat tax across all. And if you are caught cheating get penalized by losing 20 times what you get caught cheating on from everything you own or associated with including companies, family assets etc. And make it payable immediately ( NO Exceptions).

    If you are caught cheatings through the international accounts and investments then not only should you be penalized like above but you should have the potential terrorists' rules applied to you as you are in cahoots with foreign entities. And if you are found guilty you should have all your assets froze and potentially even confiscated like a terrorist would have done to them.

    People bitch about equality so lets make it equal in spite of most peoples want for it to be more equal in their favor.

  4. Its funny I remember county council asking Lamont if there was any left over money from the feds and his answer was all the money has been allocated and nothing left. But now there's money for round to. Its like a game show. You didn't get 15000 YOU GOT 30000 . Buying votes just in a different way.

  5. Guessing not any firepower for the county employees on the frontlines. Wait he did tell them something take this shot or get fired. But he keep tell the COs there is no threat. Why the two different statements.

  6. All the money received under the CARES Act that could be spent on small business has been spent. This is the money received under the American Rescue Plan. Almost every small business suffered a loss during the pandemic and have continued to struggle. This money is intended to give them a hand up so they can thrive again. Nice to see the Lynch mob is opposed to helping small business.

    1. First Lynch is an IDIOT!! And Lamont doesn't care about the employees, maybe correct myself Chuck doesn't care about employees. So as a county employee we have no one to vote for. And it was the ARP money Lamont said was all allocated and spent.

    2. Help small businesses. all for it. But the government was the one that shut them down. Can not get covid at lowes or Walmart Just the mom and pop stores. They can't afford the lawyers. Its like a doctor breaking your legs,then showing up to say he will put a cast on them.He cares so much. Lol.

  7. Looking at the comments, the stupid and ignorant sticks got loose and smacked some people up side of the head. "Let them die" comes to mind... the GOP solution to health care for the needy - but applied to businesses.


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