Local Government TV

Monday, August 30, 2021

Updated: Lynch Goes to War Against Northampton School District Over Mask Mandate

Steve Lynch, the standard bearer for the GOP in Northampton County, has been busy the past few weeks demonstrating against health care providers who insist their staff wear masks. Now he's taking his jihad to the Northampton Area School District, too. The school board voted 8-0 (with one vacant seat) last week to make masks mandatory for students, staff and visitors  It made this decision in response to high case numbers in the school district and county, as well as advice from medical experts like the American Academy of Pediatrics. It will review its policy on October 1. 

"Northampton School board I'm coming for you and so are many other parents," announced Lynch from his Facebook pedestal. "You are going to be removed and I'm not going to stop fighting until you're removed," he declared to the "wannabe tyrants." 

At least one of the GOP County Council candidates - Kristin Lorah Soldridge - is with him on this issue. 


"Forget going onto these school boards with freakin' data. You go into these school boards to remove them. I'm going in with 20 strong men and I'm gonna; give them an aoption - they can leacve or they can be removed."

Lynch is inciting a mob to overthrow its elected government. Sound familiar?


  1. He sounds like Trump. Only problem is he isn't even in office yet. Nobody gives two effs what he is blathering about.

  2. I don’t know Mr. Lynch, but I suspect he hasn’t spent much time in schools His minimal use of commas wouldn’t get him past the 6th grade.

    1. That's normal nowadays. I don't believe they teach grammar any longer.

  3. Good. Im tired of having people tell me what I have to put on my kid's faces. This is not behavior we ever had to or ever should tolerate. Its unAmerican and unjustifiable. Just look at the studies with cloth masks. They do not work and to be perfectly honest, they cause more harm than good. Kids need to see faces to develop properly. Lets stop using them as sacrificial lambs and start using our common sense again.

  4. He's cray cray. But citing the AAP is equally cray cray. They're as nutty as Lynch these days. The answers are in the middle and it's lonely here.

  5. Lieutenant Dan (%3/Keystone Defender)August 30, 2021 at 7:19 AM

    Thank you Brother Steve, Uhuru!

  6. Lynch for County Executive! Because #NoLivesMatter!

  7. Looks like Lynch has gotten some national Twitter attention over the weekend for his faux tough guy language.

    All this anger over a piece of fabric. Who would ever vote for such a pussy?

  8. Lynch is a blowhard with a severe case of white fragility who’s searching for reasons to be oppressed. The schools board is doing its job Steve. They’ve reviewed the COVID data around the school districts and found that it’s probably a good idea to mask up for now. They’re not pulling these recommendations out their arse, Steve. It’s what the CDC and other agencies recommend. The board has the obligation to protect the children, even if the parents of these children are unvaccinated crackpots that are science illiterate. The decision will be revisited on Oct. 1st. What’s the EFFIN problem here, Steeeeeve?

  9. He sounds just like a trump wanna be in his post. Threats and bluster bordering on almost criminal.

    However he is entitle to his own mind and opinions. So are the people who support him.

    The problem becomes when the opinions go beyond that and turn into threats which he has been know to do. And when people like him push beyond normally and turn into a zealot or a bully, or a crazy person. And we as the public encourage and accept it without putting the person in their place.

    I think school districts are going about this the wrong way. COVID should be managed like speed limits. IN that it is open however if you/ your children shave it and are at school the parents go to jai for 2 months. If a parent knows that they were around someone who had it and send their kid to school the parent goes to jail. If the parent has it and send the kid to school they go to jail. If they send a kid to school that has it the parent goes to jail. It gives freedom of choice when things are ok and penalties of choice when you jeopardize others.

  10. "Don't give into bullying tactics". Oh my. He sounds like the biggest bully. And, he sounds like he's calling for a violent insurrection on The Northampton School District. I hope the law enforcement authorities have him under surveillance, if he hasn't been already.

  11. School Board members are resigning in droves across the nation. I don't blame them. I've been saying ever since the pandemic happened, that a school board member is probably one of the most thankless jobs. And, you're not going to please 1/2 of the public ever despite your best intentions. So much entitled people who believe they are always right. Too many emotional Karens and not enough sensible Sams.

  12. Bernie! Have you seen this:


  13. His could be a mute point in a few weeks if schools are forced to shutdown and go back to online learning. This has been the case in more then a few other schools around the country where classes already started a week ago. Hope he has some idea where to get the needed pediatric medicinal staff if this thing takes off like I suspect it will. Wonder if he will have anything to say then?

  14. That's some video. Good luck if he keeps threatening school board members should they leave along with teachers and staff. The man has something wrong with him as well as those people cheering. He speaks about people imposing their will on others. Yet shrieks and hollers with anger and threatens force against those who will not agree to his terms. The man has no ability to self reflect. Most dictators don't. This makes him and his kind dangerous. Seems to be a lot of rot like this going around the country right now.

  15. @9:03am. I should be shocked, but I'm not. And, clearly, that person has no idea what the definition of a man truly is.

  16. He is inciting a mob to overthrow its duly elected government. This is the opposite of what a patriot does.

  17. @ LVCI....Our children's education is not a bargaining chip. My kids WILL stay in school because my school WILL STAY OPEN or the wrath of hundreds of angry parents will be brought upon them. Stop blaming kids for this pandemic and punishing them by taking them out of school. The vaccine is out, people can make up their own minds about this! When did we lose our rights? To choose for ourselves and our kids!

    Im tired of unhealthy adults punishing young healthy children because THEY ARE AFRAID. Cowards everywhere. We are suppose to protect children and do whats in THEIR best interest, not yours. This genie isnt going back in the bottle and these kids are not going back to virtual. Refuse mandates. Do what you want and tell the dictators to pound sand.

  18. If you are a parent of school-age kids, do everything you can to keep them out of public schools! That atmosphere has been taken over by politics and wokeness. Homeschool is your best option right now. There are TONS of information sources out there on the internet for your use. Set-up a computer/laptop and YOU decide what’s best for your child. Possibly, team-up with 2-3 other neighbors to form small learning groups. This is NOT a good time to depend on government and special interest groups to guide you. Especially, not government and it’s enabling corporate news media spewing disinformation.

  19. You know you've lived way too long when a respiratory virus evokes more fear and a massive governmental response than cancer (s), AIDS, heart attacks, strokes, and hoodlums with guns running loose in democrat run urban cities.

  20. “Forget the data…” Willfully ignorant, dangerous and unhinged. This guy is unfit for public office. If Lee Snover and the Norco Republican Committee had any integrity, they should ask him to step down or withdraw their endorsement.

  21. I hope he is like President Trump because God knows this country needs him now more than ever--politicians are killing this country.

  22. I wonder if Steve Lynch would care as much if he wasn’t running for county executive. Does anyone have any record of Steve ever attending school board meetings in the past? Or how about when nurses were fighting for pay raises, did he show up to their rally’s asking for more money? You sheep are being played like the dolts that you are by a typical cookie-cutter politician who happens to be passionate about the wrong things. If he gets in, because anything is possible, he’ll be get his legs cut off by the county judges in no time. He will never be the threat he believes he can be.

  23. The crime of riot is defined in the Pa. Crimes Code as follows: § 5501. Riot.

    A person is guilty of riot, a felony of the third degree, if he participates with two or more others in a course of disorderly conduct:

    (1) with intent to commit or facilitate the commission of a felony or misdemeanor;

    (2) with intent to prevent or coerce official action; or

    (3) when the actor or any other participant to the knowledge of the actor uses or plans to use a firearm or other deadly weapon.

    Note the use of the disjunctive "or." He has just admitted an intent to prevent or coerce official action. He has also admitted an intent to commit a felony or misdemeanor. Any attempt by Lynch to interfere with our democratic government should be dealt with very severely. At this point, it is no longer about masks, but our form of government. I am sure police have been notified and will be there in force to prevent any disruption of our government. You don't overthrow the government you elected simply bc you disagree with them.

  24. "You know you've lived way too long when a respiratory virus evokes more fear and a massive governmental response than cancer "

    This is no longer about masks or your attempt to minimize the pandemic. Lynch has publicly advocated insurrection, breaking the law to physically remove school board members of he fails to get his way. No matter how you feel about masks or the virus, there is no room for interfering with our government by coercion or force. Government by mob is scary and leads to things like the guillotine. Lynch has just demonstrated, by his own words, that he is a danger to democracy. That is what this is about.

  25. How can anyone not see this as FASCISM? He is the literal definition of a fascist. Forcibly remove school board members that were voted in and replace them with parents that will vote the way I want them too. C’mon Northampton county, you’re smarter than that…

  26. Wow, the young Republicans look up to this candidate? The peddler or protein shakes and conspiracy theories really needs help. Another big truck, little feelings type of guy. No wonder the FBI posted billboards just outside of Northampton wanting info on insurrectionist. Just the other week they were talking about feelings and cancel culture. Now they have mask feelings and want to cancel history under the name of CRT. What's next, banning Pandas from the zoo because they are China spys?

  27. Time to rethink education in general. Lets give vouchers and let the parents decide what schools they want to use.

  28. Bernie, this is serious. The FBI should be aware of his terroristic threats to local government.

  29. 18 USC 2385: "Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

    Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

    Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

    Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

    If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

    As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons."

    (emphasis added)

  30. Looks like Steve Lynch should be getting a visit by the FBI to help “clarify” his statements…

  31. Government schools do not work anymore --The school boards are politicians - see what they did to our schools. Administrators are no better, they are extensions of political people who run the schools. Teacher unions are also a major part of the problem. Must start over and let private schools take over. Taxes got out of control with these so called school leaders.

  32. Bernie, although that US Code is correct I think this one is a little bit more pertinent

    That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

    -The Declaration of Independence

    1. You shouldn’t listen to the Declaration of Independence because it was written by your older ancestors. You know, the same older ancestors that you choose to separate yourself from when speaking about slave reparations…

      I’m gonna need you to keep that same energy.

  33. 10:49, Noting in the Declaration of Independence justifies the overthrow of a democratically elected government over a mask mandate. Get real.

  34. Thomas Jefferson: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

    thomas Jefferson: "When the people fear the government, there is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is liberty"

    Unfortunately, people today have become dependent on the government and have maintained a learned helplessness (THIS IS FEAR). Standing to defend such liberty fails to be a cry for oppression or a disrespect of the democratic process. Especially when our democratic process is already corrupt (Federal Government down from both sides of the aisle).

  35. Oh my god. The anti-mask posters in this thread are idiot.

    1. You don't decide the public health of all students, the school board does.
    2. The school board members are unpaid. Like they give a shit about politics. This is more of a hassle for them.
    3. Your kids aren't special snowflakes. Kids under 12 are ALL unvaccinated. You have no right to infect someone else's kid because you are a Trumper moron.
    4. Whens the meeting because this asshole needs a wake up call.

  36. 9:43 GOOD luck with THAT! What a scene that would make, you, junior and an empty parking lot.. .
    I see all the medical experts are out in force this morning. Lynch might be the best at exercising, but rational thought, not so much.

  37. Bernie, you are smarter than that aren't you? I didn't know the declaration of independence had to specifically call out the infraction to justify what the founders laid out in black and white. Yall are on the wrong side of history by ignoring the science and FORCING by MANDATE (not law) ineffective masking of CHILDREN when all of the science clearly shows not only are masks ineffective at stoping the transmission of covid but it has numerous adverse effects. These adverse effects are increases of acute anxiety, depression, suicides, learning disabilities and speech disabilities, not learning nonverbal communication and facial expressions so on and so forth. Stop regurgitating things you don't understand that you heard on the news and argue the facts. Masks and lockdowns didn't work and our governement doesn't have the right to restrict the GOD GIVEN inalieable rights of the people. You have a problem with that, move to Australia. It's a perfect example of why we have the constitution and how quickly bad leadership mixed with panic leads to authoritarianism.

  38. There is nothing in the Declaration of Independence that uses language concerning the "blood of patriots and tyrants." Jefferson made that remark in response to the blood being spilled in France during its Revolution, in which everyone was killing everyone. There was chaos everywhere and it ultimately ended, not with "We, the people," but Napoleon. Jefferson did his best to undermine Washington and Adams because he supported slavery despite his hypocritical words to the contrary. This is the man who ran when the British invaded his capital. I do not subscribe to the violent overthrow of any government. I do not see any fear by the people of this government, not do I see any fear by this government of its own people. "We, the People," elected the school board that Lynch seeks to overthrow. You have no basis for asserting this school board was elected improperly. You just disagree with a decision. That is no basis for coercion. What you and Lynch propose is both undemocratic and anti-American.

  39. @9:43 - Who is blaming kids? "Punishing" really?

    Your children's schooling absolutely is important, as is their classmates. YOU need to do your part to protect them, their friends and the teachers, administrators, bus drivers, cafeteria and custodial staffs by making sure they all stay healthy.

    So long as you've been vaccinated, and (if they're old enough) your children have been vaccinated, you've already gone a long way to preventing potential closures.

  40. Our system breeds school board members who know how to spend other peoples money in many foolish ways. These people who are breed by our system think they know it all--Yet look at the government schools in this country--they are failures in many ways NOw you going to leave it up to these people if your kid is to wear a mask on not. This must stop these people are nothing but a bunch of political hacks--unpaid for a reason--they destroyed the public schools of this country.

  41. Then elect a new school board. You don't resort to violence, which is undemocratic and anti-American.

  42. Washington, Hamilton and Adams were appalled by the violence and murder of innocents. accompanying the French revolution. Lafayette was languishing in a jail even though he supported democracy. The Constitution is full of safeguards against mob rule. That is what Lynch represents, not democracy.

  43. To the person demanding kids to get vaccinated, are you serious? Not only has the vaccine proven to be ineffective at stopping contracting and spreading covid but it is unknown what it will do to prepubecent kids in the long term. Especially when you will need to get a booster every 5 months now for ever.
    Kids can get covid, gain natural immunity (which is shown to be much more effective against covid AND its variants with the absolute minimal risk to the kids! Start using your common sense and stop peddling bad information.

    Bernie, you don't think the people are fearful of this government? Maybe because you align with their bad policies but I've never seen such bad policies and draconian measures in American politics.... ever.

    You also talk about these bodies being fairly elected. Nothing is fair about the media (you are a perfect small scale example of this) and corporate America stacking the deck in favor of leftist ideology. School board power has its limits. Parents are the primary educators and ultimate authority of our children and their bodies. No politician has the right to dictate what goes on their faces or in their bodies. This is the hill many of us are willing to die on.

    1. Lies. The covid vaccines has been proven overwhelmingly to create more antibodies and to significantly reduce transmission of the virus. STOP SPREADING LIES. You don’t have to die on your imaginary hill, you can just get vaccinated and have a fighting chance. But don’t worry, the hill has plenty of room for ya, we will all be happy that your dangerous message died alongside with you.

  44. While I abhor violence and think he needs a conversation with local law enforcement regarding his threatened tactics, it's about time people care about school boards. Their taxing authority has more influence on people's lives than many understand. Don't do it like this nutbag. But do it.

  45. Wow, you are all crazy, kids wont keep the masks in place anyway. Everyone needs to take a breath and just cool it.

  46. 11:39 and 11:44 - This is the War of Jenkin's Ear type bullshit. Get a grip and find another first world problem to bitch about and stop looking for a fight for your anger. How about you look into how the American education system failed you. BO was to the point, don't like your school board members elect new ones. Or better yet, allstar, show us how it should work in your world.
    Come off the ledge, have a nice glass of warm milk and go do something nice for a complete stranger. That should make you feel better.

  47. Unelecting a education establishment school board would be considered violent by them.

  48. Lynch is another nut destined for the Norristown State Hospital Mental Ward.

  49. As usual, you are trying to make something out of nothing. If you're truly concerned about Lynch, by all means take your "case" to the District Attorney. Try to get out of his office before he starts laughing.

    I am far more concerned about the mentally diminished idiot currently residing at the White House. He is far more dangerous, and has done actual damage to our country.

    If my memory serves me correctly, that person was your recommendation in the previous election. Given that record, I'm not sure you should be giving advice on any candidate.

  50. 12:59 the people elected that idiot over a non-politician who ran the country in a great way. Biden and his ivy league left wing people are very very dangerous--If this country is to thrive again Biden and the left wing must go--and that includes the media.

  51. @12:23 "corporate America stacking the deck in favor of leftist ideology."

    Here's the thing. American citizens and its corporations VOTED and currently prefer Democrats and "leftist ideology" after seeing what Republicans and "conservative ideology" had to offer... Demographic growth in this country is trending continuously towards urban and suburban locations and with increasing amounts of minority populations.

    Rural Caucasian Evangelical Christian ideology is on the way out slowly but surely and there is no way to stop it. Accept that reality, stop watching, reading and listening to angry opinion/entertainment posing as "news", don't have kids if you fear the future or look abroad for countries that better match your outlook in life - because its readily apparent that its no longer here.


  52. "Good. Im tired of having people tell me what I have to put on my kid's faces. This is not behavior we ever had to or ever should tolerate. Its unAmerican and unjustifiable. Just look at the studies with cloth masks. They do not work and to be perfectly honest, they cause more harm than good. Kids need to see faces to develop properly. Lets stop using them as sacrificial lambs and start using our common sense again."
    August 30, 2021 at 6:32 AM

    What's crazy is letting your kid breathe on my kid during a viral pandemic. What's so "American" about that?

  53. Bernie:

    What is your suggestion with handling "democracy" that is corrupt and looks to dismantle liberty and freedom for the people?

    1. Why do white men feel the need to create imaginary oppression? It’s a problem that exist no where else and is literally in your head. There are no freedoms or personal rights being violated here, cream puff. Governments and agencies are just literally reacting to a global pandemic that has killed millions and left thousands with long haul effects. No one is forcing you to wear your mask in your house, or outdoors, just indoors. Not for you, but to protect others you may come in contact with and their families. Do you believe in god? If you do, that’s a religion that was BUILT on sacrifice. Jesus Christ sacrificed himself for the greater good of the people. He was murdered on the cross. For you. And you can’t wear a cloth over your mouth to protect your brothers and sisters? C’mon, we have to do better.

  54. Did Lynch really say “Make men great again?…”

    WTF does that even mean? This guy is satirical, no way he’s for real. Thanks think he’s playing a joke on Northampton County. He has to be…

  55. Wingnuts gonna wingnut

  56. This guy appeals to the lowest common denominator of uneducated gullible losers!

  57. People like 9:47 actually believe what they believe and that is frightening.
    God help us.

  58. Oh my gosh, I am so stinking sick and tired of this mask and vaccination nonsense. It is boring and exhausting. For all of the dolts whining about their rights being violated due to a piece of cloth and/or a jab, grow up and think of the good of others. Passing yourselves off as some sort of freedom fighters shows your idiocy.

  59. Oh my gosh, I am so stinking sick and tired of this mask and vaccination nonsense. It is boring and exhausting. For all of the dolts whining about their rights being violated due to a piece of cloth and/or a jab, grow up and think of the good of others. Passing yourselves off as some sort of freedom fighters shows your idiocy.

  60. “The Northampton Putsch”. A reincarnated Nazi is going to muscle his way to power. Problem is that it doesn’t work that way. Republican Party, get rid of this candidate or you will not elect anyone this November or next. That’s how power works in America. The ballot box!!

  61. When the significance of today’s disturbing departure from Afghanistan sets hold in the minds of more Americans more of you will understand the reluctance of some to quickly embrace the decisions of our government in Washington. No matter if it’s Covid, the economy, national security, a growing number of people are hesitant to easily just go along with the plan.

  62. The Morning Call is a Trump hating liberal newspaper--you will not admit it.

  63. Can someone tell me when in history the people forcing others into compliance were the good guys?
    FDA gets test info from NIH, would be weird if the heads of divisions from those big pharma backed companies were married......

  64. 6:45 - glad to know you're batting a thousand on every life altering decision. It's funny how folks that think the govt is pure evil believe its the result of just one party.

  65. Express giving him ink and that may or may not be a good thing at this moment in time. Clearly he is a dangerous person that bears watching closely.

  66. 7.26
    "Can someone tell me when in history the people forcing others into compliance were the good guys?"
    plenty of them try WWII, Civil War, voting rights act,1792 Seaman's relief act.
    Clean water act.
    Or try
    Jacobson v. Massachusetts

  67. "Can someone tell me when in history the people forcing others into compliance were the good guys?"

    You obviously do not read much history. I suggest you start with a few grade school texts and read about the Civil War, where the good guys forced the south into compliance over the union and the end of slavery. Numerous other examples abound. You are simply an ignorant person, which is why these nuts appeal to you. Turn off the TV and start reading.

  68. Years ago when I frequented barrooms,there always these loud mouth know nothings.

  69. Can I get clarification on this morning call article? Who is this sheriff McClure spoke to?

    Northampton County Executive Lamont McClure, the Democrat Lynch is trying to unseat in November, has released online videos labeling Lynch a domestic terrorist by lifting comments straight from Lynch’s videos. On Monday, McClure said he asked Sheriff David Doughty to notify Northampton Area School District about Lynch’s comments.

  70. Tom Shortell, who wrote the story for The Morning Call, was referring to Sheriff Rich Johnston and got a little mixed up with the names. It happens. Hey, he got Lynch to speak to him. Lynch ignores most news outlets.


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