Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Liz Cheney Explains Why Attempted Coup Investigation Needed

What did Donald Trump knmow and when did he know it? What did House Speaker Pelosi know and when did she know it? What did administration officials and top congressional leaders know about the attempted coup on January 6 and what role did they play in fomenting this nearly successful attack on our constitutional republic? Conservative Liz Cheney would like to know. Here's her opening statement to the committee charged with finding the answer:

Thank you very much, Chairman Thompson. Thank you to all of my colleagues on this committee, and thank you to each of the witnesses appearing before us today. It is because of you -- you held the line, you defended all of us, you defended the Capitol, and you defended the Constitution and our Republic, and every American owes you our undying gratitude. Every American, I hope, will be able to hear your testimony today and will watch the videos. The videos show the unbelievable violence and the inexcusable and intolerable cruelty that you all faced, and people need to know the truth.
    I want to begin by reflecting briefly on the investigation that we are launching today. Every one of us here on the dais voted for and would have preferred that these matters be investigated by an independent non-partisan commission, composed of five prominent Americans selected by each party, and modeled on the 9/11 Commission. Although such a commission was opposed by my own leadership in the House, it overwhelmingly passed with the support of 35 Republican members, it was defeated by Republicans in the Senate. And that leaves us where we are today. 
    We cannot leave the violence of January 6th -- and its causes -- uninvestigated. The American people deserve the full and open testimony of every person with knowledge of the planning and preparation for January 6th. We must know what happened here at the Capitol. We must also know what happened every minute of that day in the White House -- every phone call, every conversation, every meeting leading up to, during, and after the attack. Honorable men and women have an obligation to step forward. If those responsible are not held accountable, and if Congress does not act responsibly, this will remain a cancer on our Constitutional Republic, undermining the peaceful transfer of power at the heart of our democratic system. We will face the threat of more violence in the months to come, and another January 6th every four years.
      I have been a conservative Republican since 1984 when I first voted for Ronald Reagan. I have disagreed sharply on policy and politics with almost every Democratic member of this committee. But, in the end, we are one nation under God. The Framers of our Constitution recognized the danger of the vicious factionalism of partisan politics -- and they knew that our daily arguments could become so fierce that we might lose track of our most important obligation -- to defend the rule of law and the freedom of all Americans. That is why our Framers compelled each of us to swear a solemn oath to preserve and protect the Constitution. When a threat to our constitutional order arises, as it has here, we are obligated to rise above politics. This investigation must be non-partisan.
      While we begin today by taking the public testimony of these four heroic men, we must also realize that the task of this committee will require persistence. We must issue and enforce subpoenas promptly. We must get to objective truth. We must overcome the many efforts we are already seeing to cover up and obscure the facts.
        On January 6th and in the days thereafter, almost all members of my party recognized the events of that day for what they actually were. One Republican, for example, said: "What is happening at the U.S. Capitol right now is unacceptable and un-American. Those participating in lawlessness and violence must be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law." No Member of Congress should now attempt to defend the indefensible, obstruct this investigation, or whitewash what happened that day. We must act with honor and duty, and in the interest of our nation.
          America is great because we preserve our democratic institutions at all costs. Until January 6th, we were proof positive for the world that a nation conceived in liberty could long endure. But now, January 6th threatens our most sacred legacy. The question for every one of us who serves in Congress, for every elected official across this great nation, indeed, for every American is this: Will we adhere to the rule of law? Will we respect the rulings of our courts? Will we preserve the peaceful transition of power? Or will we be so blinded by partisanship that we throw away the miracle of America? Do we hate our political adversaries more than we love our country and revere our Constitution? I pray that that is not the case. I pray that we all remember, our children are watching, as we carry out this solemn and sacred duty entrusted to us. Our children will know who stood for truth, and they will inherit the nation we hand to them -- a Republic, if we can keep it.
          Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I yield back.



          1. Lady from America's premier war-starter family sez wut? I'm a lifelong R who would hardly classify her gun control, open borders, and pro-abortion views as conservative. She's arguably left of the late Arlen Specter. There's a reason she was selected by the Democratic Party Speaker.

          2. The voters of Wyoming will get rid of Cheney in the next election.

          3. This should be simple. IF this were a public scenario they would have seized everyone's phone records, gathered call data, and text data connecting the dots between the people involved. They would have also would be pursuing phone email and text information records of the exchanges. We forget that within today's world much of this is easily obtainable.

            Because of phone systems if they really wanted to they could triangulate all phones that were on and in use in the capital that day. They can also track the users unless they were a burner phone.

            And if this were treated as a terrorist or drug enforcement scenario they could go after all bank records as well.

            So this should be simple although politician have set things that they are above the law and also they do not want to open the can of worms that they are not forced to adhere to common law. Both sides are afraid to open themselves up to that as they would have to be above board and responsible.

            I say the first thing is that all the senator and representatives must turn over there communications methods as they should be a matter of public record anyhow (but are allowed to not be). Then simply connect the dots.

            Anyone of them that does not including the past president should then be a direct point of investigation for coverup, possible insurrectionist, and possible homeland terrorist. And as in many of these types of cases the next thing they should dig into is finances of them, their associates, their companies, their families and out for several levels. All the PACS, campaign groups, and other money groups should also be forced to open their books as well.

            IF they are found guilty the first thin they should do is freeze all their assets and those associated with them for possible complete seizure if found guilty.

          4. "Our most important obligation -- to defend the rule of law and the freedom of all Americans."

            Good for Cheney, far too many Republicans are too busy covering their asses and kissing an ass to remember who they actually serve.

            They'll claim it to be nothing but a partisan attack, and in a way it will be, but when you don't take care of your own house a public shaming is needed.

          5. @6:40 - When you can't defend the actions of Trump supporters on 1/6, you attack one of your own for speaking up about it. The destruction of the GOP as a functional political party is happening in slow motion before our eyes. You don't win elections in this country appealing to 49% or less.

          6. Good for Cheney! Nothing is more conservative than preventing the violent overthrow of the Constitution.

          7. Why do Republicans protest so much?

            1. Because Republicans are actually the easily triggered snowflakes they claim liberals to be.

          8. How could any reasonable person attach one shred of credibility to anything this hand-picked sham of an “investigating body” puts forth?

          9. @8:39 - Republicans had a chance to have an independent committee and voted against it. I think most reasonable people can look at it and say what are Republicans afraid of or trying to hide?

            There is absolutely no way this was ever going to come out looking good for Republicans since it was their candidate and his voters that created the 1/6 mess. Independent, bipartisan or not, the picture painted is going to be ugly. Which is why Republican leaders chose the least politically damaging path they could by sitting it out so they could stand on the sidelines and cry that its just a partisan attack. Sadly for our country many of the brainwashed followers of Trump will follow that line of thinking.

            McCarthy screwed up by pulling all of his picks off the committee after trying to stick Jim Jordan in there. He's basically given Pelosi a sledgehammer to use for the next 12-18 months to parade witnesses, video and other damning evidence in front of the American public and he'll have nobody on the committee to provide any level of counter/alternative argument to stem any bleeding.

          10. 8:39 Easy, there were several attempts made to have an independent commission formed and Republicans shot it down. That is the sham if you're looking for one. They don't want an investigation bc they and their cult will come out stinking to high heaven. They decided to lay down with Trump, the constitution and democracy be damned. Did you have a problem with the multiple Benghazi hearings wherein HC sat for 11 hours of continuous questioning only to have them come up with nothing?? Talk about a sham! Digging for evidence that wasn't there. THAT was Republicans even BEFORE Trump. I hope all of the agencies cooperate willingly with this and don't try to protect their turf. Of course, they can always be subpoenaed. Let the investigation begin!

          11. Cheney knows that the only hope for the future of the Republican Party is to scrape off the Trumps, who have used the people as their pawns while they made money off the Presidency. Why didn’t Trump move to protect and support the Capitol Police on January 6? Because he would sacrifice the police if it meant disrupting the transfer of power in his favor. Republicans must be involved in investigating this insurrection and be involved in making it right. As a life long Republican I am proud than Cheyney has the guts and the brains to do this work and I’m ashamed of the Republicans who don’t.

          12. 8:39

            Reasonable Person said...

            I'm willing to give it a chance, and I'm a lifelong Republican.

          13. People like Cheney are not wanted or needed in the GOP

          14. She's participating in political theater, not fact finding. She won't survive her primary and will be gone at midterms, where the party out of the White House usually cleans up. With a very tight 49% at this stage, Rs will get the House and Senate and Cheney will be long gone. My bet is that she changes parties amd carpetbags to a friendlier state before 2024. Her war criminal dad notwithstanding, she's a darling of the left for some reason. Politics are really weird.

          15. 11:21 Why? I Don't have a problem with Liz. I believe she is exactly what we as Republicans need right now.

          16. @11:45
            I am so sorry that you are such a person that has no respect for your self or anyone else. I suggest you got to Cuba, Venezuela, Russia or China and understand the impacts of your statements. If you are so much against those that defend our country then I guess you should do like so many of your type suggest of others and leave.

          17. 11:21,

            And that is the reason today's GOP is no longer my party. Most within their ranks have forgotten to put the Constitution ahead of their self-interests. Cheney is among the few that honor the oath of office.

          18. Cheney is finished as a republican, It is likely she will be appointed to something by the biden administration. Maybe she will get a job at MSNBC to be the designated republican republican basher. Like the Bush's the cheneys are on their way out of national politics.

          19. Typical meathead response. Uh, if she doesn't get in line with trump, she must be a pink ol commie! Cheney is right of that little apple polisher that replaced her. In fact she is right of a few of my positions as a Republican.
            Maybe she can be replaced with a real Republican like yourself 1:20. You seem to have your finger on the pulse of the party. Just remain angry and yell stupid shit.

          20. The leadership of the GOP is so scared of Cheney because they know so many GOP women will stand by her, and vote their own minds.

          21. @11:45 - Yes historically the President's party sees losses in the midterms. It doesn't always happen though. What everyone needs to watch is the "Generic Ballot" polling #'s. Its far to early in the cycle to take much meaning right now but Dems currently hold a 9 point advantage which would actually see them gaining seats in both houses. Again its way too early to put any stock in that number - BUT - the Generic Ballot has been very favorable to Dems since 2016, so if you're a Republican you want to start seeing that # go down and soon.

            Trumpism saw the GOP badly bleed out suburban, college educated voters. Yes they picked up a lot of rural voters, but that hasn't been enough in 2018 or 2020. Secondly, the mid term bump usually is driven by independent and moderate swing voters, which again swung towards Dems in 2018/2020 in larger than average #'s. Republicans have a lot of work to do to claw them back.

          22. 4:02--Biden Harris Pelosi Schumer==Wow what a great group of leaders

          23. @11:22 Am better then the man that was in Putin's back pocket, under his thumb, and focused on the destruction of Democracy. A man that has been a loser for his life. HIs father and mother even thought so and never trusted him with a dime of their money until they died.


          You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.