Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Ce-Ce Gerlach Wants $100,000 for Legal Defense

Allentown City Council member Cecelia E (Ce-Ce) Gerlach is off in Florida, visiting family. But before leaving, she was sure to set up a GoFundMe page called "Help Ce Ce pay legal fees."  She's seeking $100,000. 

Prominent criminal defense attorney Ettore "Ed" Angelo was quick to condemn Gerlach's prosecution for child endangerment and failure to report suspected child abuse as politically motivated. But interestingly, his name has yet to appear as her attorney on the docket sheet. This means he's waiting for that all-important witness, Mr. Green. I doubt very much that he charges $100,000 to represent someone at a preliminary hearing on misdemeanor charges. That hearing is currently scheduled for August 6  

Methinks Gerlach is hoping to milk this for her own pocket. So far, she's raised $300. 

According to Gerlach, she's never, ever, ever, ever, ever, not ever committed a single crime in her entire life. Never mind that she admitted to this one. Never mind that her own paperwork shows she knew she was dropping a minor off at a tent city.

Gerlach complains that the prosecution "has been a very challenging time for me, but I remain committed to fighting for the people of Allentown." I would prefer that she be committed to fighting for the safety of a minor entrusted to her care, but that's me.  


  1. A fool and his/her money comes to mind.

  2. Will Grift For FoodJuly 14, 2021 at 7:04 AM

    I have no money to donate and can't afford to travel out of state. But I'm donating my tent and half an eightball of heroin. I also plan to split with her my "F**k The Police" bumper sticker. Her half will say "F**K." My half will now pay homage to one of my favorite bands. Don't stand so close to me. We all have to pull together for Cecelia. From each according to zees ability ...

  3. Gerlach Wants $100,000
    I hear Amazon is still hiring.

  4. the GoFundMe has been open for a day now, and $325 raised. Where are all of Gerlach's supporters now?

    I also wonder how much debt her campaign incurred that still needs to be repaid.

    LVCI hit it on the head - get a job Ms. Gerlach.

  5. I watched her on Facebook Live yesterday, where she was broadcasting from Florida. She stated that she did at one time work for Amazon. She added she is a Prime member but added the company is a horrible employer. She added tonight's meeting of City Council is uneventful, so she'll be phoning in. She said people should watch only if they want to learn about local government. She also said her family is more important than politics to justify her absence. Actually, participation in a city council meeting is called government, not politics.

  6. Actually, she set up the GoFundMe five days ago.

    1. Where is it? How did you find it, I don't see it on her FB page or Twitter.

  7. Does Ms Gerlach continue to get paid for being on council ? I would think She is entitled to a public defender.

  8. Bernie…I have a great idea why don’t we get Dave Harrington to represent Me-Me. Since Tom Harrington is making over 300,000 a yr. he will give Me-Me the 100,000 she needs and the Dave and Zanelli can vote on to give Tom a 400,000 salary !!! It’s win win situation…..Or why cant we request LV4ALL to cover Me-Me’s Attorney fees? Im sure they could come up with some corrupt money somewhere ! Or why don’t ask the family of the abused Juvenile that Me-Me dropped at tent city not following the protocol when dealing with a minor for the 100,000 she needs, because after the major lawsuit they will have more than enough to cover her legal fees !

  9. Bernie…I have a great idea why don’t we get Dave Harrington to represent Me-Me. Since Tom Harrington is making over 300,000 a yr. he will give Me-Me the 100,000 she needs and the Dave and Zanelli can vote on to give Tom a 400,000 salary !!! It’s win win situation…..Or why cant we request LV4ALL to cover Me-Me’s Attorney fees? Im sure they could come up with some corrupt money somewhere ! Or why don’t ask the family of the abused Juvenile that Me-Me dropped at tent city not following the protocol when dealing with a minor for the 100,000 she needs, because after the major lawsuit they will have more than enough to cover her legal fees !

  10. Her and Trump have a lot in common that they are losers, associate with questionable people/child abusers, think people owe them money, think they are not guilty, and are grifters trying to steal from their supporters or any one else willing to give them the keys to their fiefdom. And beyond that really don't give a crap for anyone other then themselves.

  11. 10:53 AM

    The only difference is the MCall is still infatuated with "reporting" on Trump. CeCe? Not so much

  12. She is a good example of our political class in our country

  13. How does she afford to visit Florida?

  14. Anon 1052, perhaps inadvertently, made a great point. Crime, malfeasance, selfish behavior, or just plain being an asshole knows no political party.

    There are assholes all across the spectrum.

  15. Someone needs to start a GoFundMe page to defund CC and her partner on city council. Just maybe that will stop them from trash talking the police.

  16. 9.26
    "so she'll be phoning in."
    Anyone else phone in or miss the meeting?
    Was the fate of Western Democracy being decided?
    Everyone else has perfect attendance?
    Why are molehills being elevated above Everest?
    guess a grudge goes a long way.

  17. Since Lehigh Valley For Some endorsed her, then took back the endorsement, then apologized about taking the endorsement back... they should pay for her legal fees!!! What a joke ! And she could have been Mayor of Allentown. LOL.
    Where was Lehigh Valley For Some on Zanelli, did they endorse her or did they stay out of it?

  18. Yeah, um good luck. After dumpy stiffed Rudy Colludy for his legal bills, he set up a legal defense fund looking to picket $5 million. I closed a couple weeks later after raising a little over $6 Thousand.


  19. https://www.wfmz.com/news/area/lehighvalley/former-political-consultant-serving-prison-time-for-tax-evasion-role-in-pay-to-play-schemes/article_d6a298b2-e4cd-11eb-aedd-2b6b56272746.html

  20. Give the beggar a tin cup...

  21. As a "leader" she lacks pride and shame. Maybe a slice of humble pie and a job would be a step in the right direction. I bet her mother is proud.

  22. Who would even have the audacity to think about opening a go fund me account to pay for attorney fees? Oh. Someone who would defund Police in a city that is marred by violence!

  23. Many politician have done similar from Trump to Guillani, to Gaetz, And I encourage other to add to this list as I know there are many on both sides of the aisle.

    The scary part is that these are only the ones that have become public. There are many within the regional all the way to the national front show have utilized campaign funds through nefarious adn direct means to pay for their legal battles.

    We as citizen's need to put an end to supporting an donating to the scum.

  24. @5:04 No...sadly (and, expectedly, given the relationship) LV4All backed Zanelli. Now, Van Scott, her opponent, the sane one in the race with integrity, needs to double down and work harder to keep Zanelli from winning a judicial seat for which she is in no way skilled for, entitled to, tempered for, etc. to hold. It will be tough as Scott is now the Republican candidate, as Dems backed Zanelli thanks to overwhelming and questionable support by the Harrington clan/LV4All. And, people generally don't care enough when voting and just vote straight ticket. So, Scott needs to doubledown and the mainstream press needs to do their job before the election not after like with Ce-Ce. They do look pretty silly now.

  25. I've got to find a way to screw up. Go on vacation and earn $1,660 (at the present time on gofundme) while I'm enjoying the sand and surf in Florida in just one week. Looks like I've been going about doing things all wrong most of my life. My knee hurts like hell. What's it worth?

  26. I am not one to kick someone when they're down, but Ce-Ce put herself in the position she is in. Be careful of the ladder you climb, because it’s the same one you come down when you fall.

    Unfortunately for Ce-Ce, all of her “friends” that were with her for her BLM protests and Defund the Police rallies, are nowhere to be found.

    Karma’s a bitch!

  27. @2:32
    What you actually need to do is read the rules/laws for politicians and then legal become a candidate for something above a township. Politicians have written rules and laws allowing themselves so many leeway's and get out of jail free cards that if you truly understand what is in place you can make money hand over fist.

    Heck on the national level they wrote laws to allow themselves to conduct insider trading, They do not hys to utilize money they raised during their campaigns for future expense as long as they can tie it into politics like some of our local politicians did when they went to the Caribbean for a post election conversation with their family, and friends. They do not have to pay taxes on many things especially what they raise as long as they set up a political entity with appropriate status. They can redirect much of what they raise to friends and family for consultancy services.
    Just look at all the stuff we know about that happened in Allentown. And to think only 1 or two really got penalized. Imagine those that were funding it like City Center Investment Corporation and other that dumped millions into these politician to get rewarded with things like the NIZ and other loop holes.

  28. Is her court date today as scheduled?

  29. I wouldn't give her a penny!!!


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