Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Osborne: S. Whitehall Candidate Questions Answered By Challengers, Spurned by Incumbents

Candidate Candidness: Kennedy, Hodges, Johns

Candidate Crickets: Morgan, Setton

Some readers predicted this would be the case in this consequential election . . . South Whitehall Commissioner candidates David Kennedy, Monica Hodges and Tom Johns responded to a comprehensive and defining citizen-generated questionnaire. The two sitting Commissioners, Tori Morgan and Joe Setton, decided to snub the citizens and avoid the opportunity to share their views on important topics in the township. South Whitehall is undergoing unprecedented development with the certainty of more to come. There are serious allegations of lack of transparency, including no financial audits being completed in the last 10 years. Taxpaying residents are forced to submit RTK requests to obtain even routine public information. Is this the time for incumbents to remain silent?

Perhaps their true feelings were best revealed in a Sunday Morning Call article where Tori Morgan is quoted as saying their opponents and the residents who may ultimately support them are a “small, vocal minority”. In other words, dismiss them. Not important. No need to answer questions and risk their own political fortunes by telling residents where they stand on issues that are important to the future of the township??

Beginning Wednesday, and continuing for the next 8 days, I will share with you the questions generated by the public, and the responses of the 3 Commissioner candidates who are working hard to earn your trust and your vote.

Blogger's Note: Brad Osborne, himself a former S. Whitehall and Lehigh County Comm'r, is covering South Whitehall.  


  1. Hasn’t Morgan been in office for over 8 years? She should be the first to answer your questions. She has a proven track record.
    Why doesn’t she want the voters to know how she stands ?
    Setton? What’s his reason not to answer?
    Sure makes ya wonder about the silence from both of them .
    I won’t vote for someone who won’t let me know where they stand.

  2. No financial audits in 10 years?

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Ben, why didn't she and Mr. Setton bother to submit answers to the voters questions? Do they not deserve answers?

    3. You all can calm down. I can assure you that is not my husband, Ben Long, commenting. It’s amazing how when someone feels threatened by another they stoop to impersonation. It’s a shame. Ben is the most honest man. You can call him yourself if you have questions for him and he will answer honestly every time. Don’t pretend to be someone you are not.

  3. Morgan has been there over 10 years


  4. Same local municipality that had an employee steal thousands of dollars in the sewer or water or tax fund? No audits in 10 years? Someone is hiding something for sure...

  5. How arrogant of Morgan the vocal minority. Well honey let me tell you were the vocal majority and we’re coming for ya on May 18 start packing your bags . #MorganGottaGo.

  6. Brad, if I may suggest a RTK request for all salaries of township employees.... Think you will find white collar versus blue collar monies vary wildly. Is ax payer money, show us the salaries!

  7. Interesting that the moby was stolen from the water sewer and trash bills that the township controlled but yet eliminated oversight by the Township water and sewer authority....now is all in house .....

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. The local media -- namely the Morning Call, which isn't worth the paper its printed on -- gives preferential treatment to Morgan, not sure why. This blog is digging into the real issues and not playing favorites. It's about time people hear the truth and facts about what's going on in South Whitehall. Thank you, Brad!!!

  11. 12:26, Do me a favor. Refrain from calling female candidates "honey."

  12. 100% can guarabtee Benny will not be on the ballot in Nivember. He quit as Republicwn ED to support a democrat

  13. I’m saddened to see people posting here under my name. I didn’t comment previously and I find it shameful someone would hide behind a fake account.

  14. Sorry Ben. It is pretty disgusting AND DISHONEST.

  15. I apologize to you, too, Nicole. I find it troubling that someone would deliberately impersonate your husband. It detracts from every valid criticism that may exist. I am sure Brad agrees as well. Be honest, people.

  16. I have deleted the comment posted by the impersonator as well as the comments responding to it.

  17. Ben & Nicole, thank you for alerting us to this. I apologize to you personally. That is not what this blog is supposed to be about.
    I see Bernie has taken appropriate steps to eliminate the wrongful thread, which I agree with. I will also work with Bernie to see how/if impersonation can be prevented in the future.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.